A/N This is it, we've finally reached the end! I'm not sure who's still reading this story, but I'd just like to say thank you so much to anyone that's read it at all, and especially to the people who have stuck with it to the end. Not only is this the longest story I've ever written by far, it's also the first fanfiction I've attempted so to have so many views/follows/favorites/reviews on the first try is just insane and I am so overwhelmed and grateful for it. Seriously, thank you. That being said, this epilogue is beyond cliche and fluffy so I hope you all enjoy :)
"Henry let's go we're going to be late!" Emma yelled down the hallway, frantically trying to pull her shoes on. Reaching the kitchen she stumbled for a moment, before a pair of arms grabbed her from behind, steadying her.
"You should be watching where you're going," a voice murmured in her ear. "Wouldn't want you to have some sort of accident."
Emma smiled, leaning back into the embrace and turning her head to the side. She met Regina's eyes with a smirk and replied, "I can be a bit of a klutz," mirroring her original words from when they met five years prior.
Regina rolled her eyes and leaned forward a bit, giving Emma a quick kiss on the lips. "Happy anniversary, my love."
Emma beamed, happiness radiating from the tips of her toes, "I'm so happy you ran into me that day."
"I'm pretty sure you're the one who ran into me, dear," Regina scoffed.
"Mm-mm," Emma protested lightly, brushing her nose against Regina's before bringing their lips together for another kiss, lingering much longer this time.
"Ew, mommies!" a tiny voice interrupted from behind them. They turned around to see what looked to be the spitting image of a mini Regina—from her scolding but fiery brown eyes, attitude and hands on her hips. Her hair, however, was wild, just like the girl itself—her spirit had somehow been inherited from Emma; nature versus nurture, they always said.
"What, you don't like me kissing you mom?" Emma asked teasingly.
The little girl shook her head adamantly, "It's yucky!"
Emma and Regina made eye contact before slowly advancing towards the girl, "How about if we… kiss you instead?!" Regina said, before quickly running towards the girl and picking her up in her arms planting kisses all over her head, Emma quickly joining her.
"Henry! Henry save me!" the little girl shrieked, hardly able to get the words out through her furious giggles.
Louder footsteps came thundering down the hallway as Henry came to rescue his little sister, ever the gallant savior. He playfully ran at his mothers, tackling them down so they all fell into a giant pile on the floor.
"I've got you Lily," he said, wrapping his arms around her and jokingly glaring at his mothers. A burst of love filled Emma's heart at the sight—ever since Lily was born Henry had been more than willing to help out, and now that she was older he was always playing with her and teaching her new things. He genuinely loved his sister, even though they weren't technically biologically related.
That was a big point of discussion when Emma and Regina got married and eventually decided that if they wanted another child it should be sooner rather than later so the age gap wasn't too large. They weren't sure if Emma should have the baby so each child would have the same mother, or if they would have a child from each. Finally Ruby told them that either way the argument was stupid, because they would both be the child's mothers anyway and Emma and Regina had to agree.
"Alright, alright, enough of this," a sudden voice said from the front door.
"Aunt Ruby!" Lily screamed before running over to the woman… and bypassing him as soon as she saw the other visitor. "Uncle Graham!" she shouted even louder, giggling wildly as he picked her up and hoisted her onto his shoulders.
"Mommy, Mama, look how tall I am!" she called.
Emma gasped, "You're so tall I can hardly even see you, Lily-bear!"
Regina rolled her eyes at Emma's antics before gracefully getting up off of the floor and going to give Ruby a hug. "Sorry we're running a bit late, as I'm sure you can tell."
"It's fine, it's not my big night we're worrying about here," Ruby replied with a chuckle. "The guest of honor can be as late as she wants, and she is always late," she continued with a pointed look at Emma.
"Hey!" she protested, "I have two children to get ready as well!"
"I'm all ready Mama, Henry got my shoes for me and everything," Lily said, wiggling her feet dangerously in front of Graham's face.
Getting up not nearly as gracefully as Regina, Emma made her way over to the pair and held her arms out to take Lily from Graham as he gave her a grateful look. While him and Ruby had been dating just about three years and he loved the kids, she knew that Lily in particular could be a little rambunctious.
Smoothing her daughter's hair back, she glanced towards Henry and Regina, "Everybody ready then? We all have our coats?"
It was a bustle of movement as everybody got their winter gear on and then headed out of the apartment where a limo was idling at the curb.
"No," Emma groaned, looking towards Regina and Ruby, "Seriously?"
"It's your big night," Regina replied, giving Emma a quick kiss on the temple before murmuring in her ear, "Please just enjoy it."
Emma huffed and rolled her eyes a bit, before getting in the limo without further protest, everyone else following behind her. Since Henry and Lily had never been in a car so fancy before the ride was spent with them checking out all of the cool features the backseat had to offer, keeping everyone entertained.
Regina, however, knew better and could feel the tension and nerves radiating off of her wife. "It's going to be fine," she whispered, lacing her fingers through Emma's and giving a gentle squeeze. Emma sent her a grateful look in response, but didn't say anything else as they finally rolled to a stop in front of their destination.
The sign out front read in big letters, not too overdone but just enough to catch the attention of a passerby. Luckily Emma's business planner of sorts knew her family well enough and had already gotten the event started before they arrived. They got out of the car, Regina holding Emma's arm while she picked up Lily, and Ruby grabbed Henry's arm as they made their way in.
"Emma!" a voice called as soon as they stepped inside.
"Mary Margaret!" Emma said with a smile in her voice, quickly making her way over to her sister-in-law. "How are you?" she asked, giving her a hug as best as she could with Lily still situated on her hip. Mary Margaret and David had moved out of the city a few years ago so they could start a family of their own, and figuring that would be easier to do in the suburbs.
"We're wonderful," she said, her hand resting lightly on her prominent baby bump. "David is with James around here somewhere. And this can't be Miss Lily?"
"It is M&M!" Lily exclaimed, using her special name for her godmother since Mary Margaret was kind of a mouthful for a young child.
"But my Lily is only three years old, you must be at least six by now with how big you are!" Mary Margaret replied, holding her hands out to take Lily and give her a hug. Once Lily was situated, Mary Margaret gave Emma a nod signifying that she was okay to watch her for a little bit while Emma went off to greet people.
Spotting Regina and Henry talking to people across the room, Emma quickly got started, making her way from person to person to make as little small talk as she possibly could before moving on. While this was technically her night, that didn't mean she loved being the center of attention so prominently.
After about a half an hour a hand finally caught her arm and brought her off to the side, startling Emma a little before she saw who it was.
"Cora!" she said with a bit of relief. "I've been looking all over for you. Thank you for getting this started before, we had a bit of trouble getting everyone all together."
"Nonsense dear," her mother-in-law replied. "I know how hard it is getting that little one to do anything you ask of her," she replied, but it lacked any of her old malice.
After years of conflict, Regina and Cora had finally worked things out, and in turn she was now accepting of Emma as well. It mostly came around when Regina became pregnant with Lily, and Cora finally realized that she didn't want to miss her grandchild's life, and accepted that Henry was now her grandchild as well. She was a surprisingly fun grandma, taking great pleasure in spoiling the children much to their mother's chagrin.
Emma also had her to completely thank for tonight and finally helping her achieve her dream. While Emma had always wanted to own her own art gallery, Cora was able to provide her with the connections to do so without asking for anything in return, and even helped with all of the organization involving the business and grand opening.
"Now I think it's time for that big speech of yours," Cora told Emma, ignoring the groan she got in response and pushing her towards the front of the room where a microphone was situated.
"Um, excuse me," Emma said quietly, not gaining much attention. Cora rolled her eyes and strode forward, tapping on the microphone and getting everyone's attention quickly. "Thanks for that," Emma muttered.
"I'd like to thank everyone for coming tonight," she continued. "Ever since I was growing up, art has been the one constant thing in my life. No matter where I was, I was always able to find some medium to make art on and would go to different art museums whenever I could. It has also been the defining factor of so many important occasions of my life.
When I got pregnant, it was what helped me cope and when Ruby wanted to kill me for freaking out all of the time it was my way of distressing," she joked, earning a chuckle and a nod from her best friend.
"It also happened to be what got me to meet my beautiful wife Regina, the love of my life. Five years ago my clumsy self totally got run over by her because I wasn't able to see over one of my art projects," Regina scoffed at that, "It was what was almost taken away from me in an accident that same year, and with that I almost lost my whole family as well," Emma took a deep breath, trying to steady herself until she felt a familiar hand link with hers, signifying that her wife had now moved to her side in support.
"I am beyond grateful to be where I am today. If it weren't for Ruby and Regina, my wonderful son Henry, David, Mary Margaret… you too Graham!" she said, not intending to leave him out. "And so many other people. You all supported me through my worst days, and then supported me even more during my best days. And now I'm married and have another beautiful child and I've finally achieved my dream.
My dream was to own an art gallery, which is why you're all here tonight. But my other dream, my real dream, was to find true happiness. And I have that as well, and I would just like to thank everyone again for helping to get me here," from somewhere a champagne flute was pressed into her hand, briefly making her roll her eyes before raising her hand in the air. "To love!" she called, before turning to her wife, gaze filled with indescribable emotions.
"To love," Regina repeated softly, before kissing her wife on the lips and reveling in the true happiness that she had finally found as well, and the true happiness that would follow both of them for the rest of their lives.