Fanfic : Twilight Saga -Xover- Harry Potter

Author : KiraIqa

Title : The Cullen Twins

Warnings : AU, OOC, OOC-Harry, Master of Death, Reincarnation, Some Character Bashing, Slash, Het, possible Sexual Themes, possible Mature Content, possible Explicit Sexual Content and many more…

Pairings : (Bella x Edward), (Jacob x Harry/Casslie), (Seth x Renesmee), (Carlisle x Esme), (Rosalie x Emmett), (Alice x Jasper), (Charlie x Sue)...

Summary : Bella didn't expect to be having twins but loved them all the same. Renesmee and Casslie Cullen are hers and Edward's pride and joy. Now, if only she could figure out how to deal with her son being a reincarnated soul of the Master of Death. At least dealing with their shape-shifter mates for imprinting on them and giving them weird nicknames was more easier than this. What next, the Volturi fighting among themselves?

A/N : I just want to share a plot bunny that was just begging to be written. Also, I just want to warn you that it has been a long time since I've read the Twilight Series book (yes I own the whole series) and watched the Twilight Saga. So if there are any major mistakes, please forgive me and let me know so I can change it. Also, I'm following the movie series closely instead of the books since it is easier to re-watched the movie than read it (I've packed the books somewhere in a box and was lazy to unpack them. So sorry to disappoint).

That being said, I do not condone nor encourage anything violence and/or immoral tendencies that I may have written for this story. The things I've written here is purely fictional so please be forewarned if you read anything that offend you. Read the warnings above carefully before reading further. If you are okay with the warnings, they read on. Anyway, reviews are welcomed but no flamers please! That all for now! Enjoy!

Not Beta'd

Disclaimer : I don't make money from writing this. I own nothing of Harry Potter and its characters. All of Harry Potter and its characters belongs to JK Rowling, Bloomsbury and Warner Bros. Pictures. Also, I own nothing of Twilight Series/Saga and its characters. All of Twilight and its characters belongs to Stephenie Meyer, Little, Brown and Company and Summit Entertainment.

The Cullen Twins

~ Prologue - Death's Decision For His Master ~

Death stood over his dying master, waiting for the one soul that he couldn't take. It was not long after that Harry James Potter died of being poisoned by his wife and her lover. As the soul of Harry James Potter appeared before him, he bowed and greeted his master.

"Hello, Master."

"..." Harry stared at the cloaked being called Death with dead expressionless eyes. He then looked back at his dead body. "Why… After all I've done for her and our family…"

"She does not really love you Master, just the idea of being the wife of the Boy-Who-Lived, the one who defeated the Dark Lord Voldemort."

"Our children…"

"Are hers and her lovers children, illegally blood adopted into the Potter family with your stolen blood so that she could get the Potter and Black fortune."

"Then Andromeda and Teddy?"

"It was as you thought, they were murdered. But what you couldn't or won't see is that your wife was the one who hired the person who murdered them."

"..." Harry turned away from the sight of his dead body seating in his favourite drinking spot in his study. It seems that Ginny poisoned his firewhiskey after he confronted her about her affair.

He didn't know what to think. He and Ginny married right after she graduated from Hogwarts. Their marriage life was not perfect but there were moments where he felt content. But now he learned that everything in his marriage life were a lie, that even his children were not his in the first place.

"What do you want from me?" said Harry tiredly. He was tired of all this. From young, he had been beaten down, told that he was worthless. And just when he thought that there was another world that could accept him as he is, he was thrown again and again into dangerous situations that he should have never been exposed to in the first place.

Then, after he defeated Voldemort, the wizarding world was not satisfied with him just being a normal plain old Harry. They expect him to come to their rescue for everything little thing and blame him for everything that goes wrong. He is tired, so so tired.

"... You are the Master of Death."


"I'm sorry but cannot take away your soul to re-join your loved ones in the afterlife."

"Then what would you do to me?" said Harry. He was upset that even in death he could not find peace.

"I can give you another life, a chance to be with a new family who will love you. It's either that or I put your soul back into your body and you will have to live as Harry James Potter again."

"..." Harry silently thought of what he should do. There was no way he was going back into the life of Harry James Potter. Even though he would miss the kids, he knew that they would be fine without him. The Weasleys and Ron and Hermione would help them even if Ginny won't. So there was only one decision to choose. "I would choose the new life instead of return back to my old one."

"As you wish, Master."

There was a whoosh of darkness and he felt himself being swept away by it before he fell into unconsciousness.

Death pondered on where to put the soul of his master. Looking at the different worlds and alternate universes, he found one family that was acceptable to be his master new family. As it is, the family was a coven of vegetarian vampires and the new addition was already pregnant with one of the vampire's child.

'I could change it so that this Isabella Swan girl is pregnant with twins instead, and add Master's soul into one of the twin. Yes, this family would do just fine for Master.'

And so, Death created changes that would change the lives of the Cullen family forever.



~ Part 01 - Bella's Pregnancy ~

When Bella first found out that she was pregnant with Edward's child, she was shocked. She didn't know it was possible for Edward to impregnate her, with him being a vampire and all, but here she was pregnant, the living proof that the impossible happened. Even Edward was shocked still, at the news. Then she found out that Edward wanted to kill the child, but she just couldn't. It was their child he wanted dead, hers and Edwards both.

So she did the only thing she knew, she called Rosalie for help. She wanted her baby to survive. To live, even if it was sucking the life out of her to survive and grow. As she grows weaker, her child grows stronger and faster than a human child. It was just two weeks but already she looks like she was six months pregnant. The Cullens tried to research on this but things were not as easy as it seems. Carlisle said that even ultrasound won't work. So they only had rumours and old legends to go by for information.

One day, Jacob came by. When he found out about the baby, he was pissed. Bella managed to convince him that she wanted the baby even if it kills her in the process. She knew that Jacob and Edward had a talk with each other but didn't know about what. Thankfully, they didn't kill each other but she got a bad feeling that whatever they agreed on, she won't like it.

Anyway, a few days later, she found out that Jacob broke off from Sam Uley's pack and made his own pack with him as the Alpha. His pack consists of a mouthy Leah Clearwater and her brother, a cheerful and talkative Seth. The problem is Sam found out about her pregnancy and wanted her and her baby dead. So everyone is preparing for an attack from Sam's pack.

The one bright spot was when the baby mind spoke to Edward. Saying that he or she likes hearing the sound of their voice. Bella was so happy that Edward was finally able to love their child like she does. So next, she decided to focus on naming her child. If her child was a girl, she would name her Renesmee Carlie Cullen, after both Renee and Esme. And if her child was a boy, she would name him Casslie Edward Cullen after Carlisle and Charlie. Both names were sounds unique for her unique half-vampire child but Rosalie was not impressed by her naming skills.

But it seems that all good things will come to an end eventually. Something just broke in her and she felt an excruciating amount of pain from her stomach down. She knew it was time for the baby to come out, that there was not enough room inside of her for the baby anymore and that he or she wanted out.

After Bella was moved to the operating table, things moved pretty fast for her. Jacob panicking, Alice contacting Carlisle, Edward and Rosalie arguing about what to do. She could also feel the baby panicking inside of her, punching and kicking her as if to tell her that he or she wanted out now. And she was fading in and out of consciousness because of the pain.

Finally, Edward moved to bite the impenetrable sac to free the baby. There was a pause before he moved to take the baby out. When she saw him take out two babies, she was just as surprised as him. It seems that there were two babies inside of her instead of one. But soon, everything went blurry after Edward let her hold one of the babies.

I hoped that everything will be alright, she thought just before blackness claims her.



+++ T.B.C +++

Authors Note:

I've been reading Harry Potter Crossover over the past few weeks when break time and thought, what the hell, I should try writing it instead of just reading them.

Moving on, I know that Bella is supposed to call her baby E.J for Edward Jacob if it's a boy but come on, do you see Harry Potter as E.J? I surely don't! And it would be weird for me to have him named Edward Jacob when I wanna pair him with Jacob. So I made him a new one that is unique like Renesmee. I was drawn to the name Cass and thought that Casslie would sound unique. For those who want to know where I get Harry's new name, go search ' sheknows(d.o.t)c.o.m(slash)baby-names' under cass, casey or cassie.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this new story while waiting for the new chapter of Change My Own Fate. I still working on the next chapter of that story so hopefully this new story will help tide you over. 'The Cullen Twins' will be a fast paced story so updates will be hopefully much faster but unfortunately short in length. Drop me a review to let me know what you think of this story. I've got a Harry Potter and Naruto Crossover story to put up next so look forward to it! Bye for now!