A/N: Now I know I'm supposed to update other stuff instead of attempting another multi-chapter series, but I think I'm going to write whatever is on my mind first, so I don't forget later. More Kuroko-centric AUs on the way, since this isn't going to be the last.

Besides, every fandom needs a zombie apocalypse AU.

Another note; this is an AU where there's no GoM and basketball. All of them have never met before. Just so you know.

/Also posted on AO3/

Chapter 1: Mournful Monday



Just a few weeks ago, everything was fine and normal. Tokyo was as busy as usual in the morning to evening, with all the shops opened to potential customers, the smell of food from street vendors, the air getting less colder as spring approaches, loud chatter and the occasional laughter with people walking on its streets. Schoolgirls, be they in middle or high school, walked together in groups, chatting away at the latest fashion trends, bragging about how cool or handsome their boyfriends were, while trudging along the familiar roads with an even, synchronized pace as their shoes tapped and tapped away. School boys were either hanging out at the dark alleyways or wasting their time at the local arcades while the more delinquent ones were vandalizing walls with spray paint, attempting to create modern day masterpieces or simply leaving a mark to gloat about later, no matter how inane it was. Working adults, like businessmen and businesswomen were strolling by cheap food places to eat whatever depending on the time or simply walking to the subway station to get wherever they needed to be.

Tokyo at night was loud and bright. The music from clubs and bars were bursting from their stereos, the giggling of prostitutes and the occasional beeping from cars contributed to the atmosphere, creating noise that was only familiar in this version of Tokyo. The neon signs and the blinking traffic lights were the stars of the main city, because people who lived in the city didn't need real stars to see beauty, because they did not care if beauty was real or not. There were women who only worked at night with nothing but a benign smile of lipstick and a short, skimpy dress, drunk businessmen who were enjoying their downtime and shady people who were looking for prey on the streets, as if those who are not of adult age did not exist when the moon rose. Night Tokyo was run by the wild nightlife. Compared to its counterpart, night Tokyo was boisterous, but equally dark where crime ran amok.

Back then, whichever version of Tokyo it was, was fine and normal. Ordinary and expected. A city everyone found conventional and accustomed to.

But that was a few weeks ago.

Now, Tokyo was overrun.

There were rotting corpses who hungered for living flesh everywhere and not one normal human in sight.



Kuroko Tetsuya was similar to how the city was.

From mornings to evenings, he was a boring high school student nearing his last year, working to the bone for good results to get into Tokyo University to get his teaching degree. He was someone who could count friends with both hand and still have a finger or two left. He was average, maintained his school ranking and was never an honor student. At night, he was one of the brave ones who wandered the Tokyo streets to get a peace of mind, observing the differences of peoples behavior and ventured into clubs unnoticed. Of course, he never did anything illegal, but it was beyond him why people pay to get deaf and gain chances of contracting sexual diseases because they've never heard of protection.

Either way, he was just tired and bored. There was no in-between and life never seemed so unappealing before.

Maybe it was just because his best friend decided to move back to America after being offered a sports scholarship, or that he never kept in contact with his childhood friend anymore. Maybe it was because the remaining friends he had were all his upperclassmen from clubs, who had already graduated a year ago and were busy with their college or work lives. Maybe it was because he had no one his age to talk to, because they were too absorbed in their own group of friends. Maybe it was because he didn't have friends anymore, because all of them were gone and he couldn't do anything about it. Maybe it was because he was constantly invisible to the human eye and could not be noticed enough to connect with others.

Maybe it was because he didn't have much will anymore to do anything.

He was tired and bored and he couldn't do anything about it.

Lonely was probably the right word for his current state, but it wasn't correct either. He still talked with his best friend online and he was used to the isolated the universe seemed bent on cursing him with. It wasn't right either, because there were so many people around him that it could never be counted as "lonely". Besides, he was okay with being alone. It isn't as bad as others like to say, because he wasn't the type to crave for socializing or for others.

Life was tired and boring, but it was okay. He would get into Tokyo University, make friends there, get his teaching degree for Japanese Literature, become a middle school teacher or a preschool teacher because he was good with children and have a good life. There, that was his solid plan after high school and it was better than his peers who were still scratching their heads in confusion when handed with their career applications.

Nothing could go wrong. Everything was planned to perfection. He would be okay and he would be fine. He wasn't going to give up on life.

Too bad everything went straight down to hell and him, including everyone in Japan, were all screwed over in more ways than one by the universe because they were all destined to die very, very soon at the claws and jaws of the dead.

It all started with a tearful reunion and an ear-splitting scream.



If you asked anyone about Kuroko Tetsuya, eighteen years of age and senior of Seirin High, a majority of them would say that they've never heard of him before or that he was a very unassuming fellow who blended into the background with no ability to stand out in a crowd, despite his hair color. If you asked those who have partnered with him in group assignments or cleaning duties, they would say he is a mild-mannered, polite and nice person. As said before, he was average, thus others had average opinions of him too, which were neither positive or negative.

Due to Kuroko's nature, there were quite a few who respected and acknowledged him. Iwasaki Kaho was one of the few and someone who had partnered with Kuroko before for cleaning duty because her friend ditched their shared obligation for the sake of a boyfriend. She gave him an invitation to her father's passing in an empty corridor connected to the library after school, after fruitless attempts of searching and had used what little information she knew of to find him. It may seem a little rude to her own family invite a near stranger to a loved one's funeral, but for Iwasaki, she looked up to Kuroko and saw him as a friend, even if he didn't know it. It meant everything for her for Kuroko to attend her father's funeral to give a few nice words, mourn and sit through the entire process.

It was wrong of her to doubt Kuroko's attendance to said occasion because it would go against Kuroko's nature to decline it. It was already rude of him to attend such a private affair, despite Iwasaki's insistence, and if it made Iwasaki happy, he would do everything he can to help her gain closure.

So on a late afternoon of Monday, he came to the Iwasaki residence in his formal black suit with a white shirt, a black tie and equally black shoes, knocked on the door and gave the elderly woman who answered his knocks his letter of invitation. She accepted him into their home and Kuroko tilted his head slightly at her polite gesture, while noting that her eyes were red-rimmed and glassy, her wrinkles were terribly pronounced and her stature was filled with stress. He would know her feeling of lost; he had lost his grandmother when he was a young child and lost his parents in a plane accident just a year ago.

Everything else was routine to him. The wake was first. The priest said his prayers, everyone mourned in silence and there were eulogies from close friends and family. He listened to everything solemnly, as everyone was still hurt, angry and sad from the sudden passing.

The last tribute were reserved for the dead man's closest family, which was his wife, his son and his daughter. His wife had said her tearful goodbyes and how terrible it was to be left alone, but she gave positive words of her husband when he was alive. His son, who was someone Kuroko recognized as the local clinic's doctor, gave his words as well, despite being brief and a little cold about it. It could be due to a father and son relationship that was distant at best or a coping mechanism, but that wasn't Kuroko's problem to dig into. The wounds were still fresh after all, no need to vigorously rub salt into it.

The last was his classmate, Iwasaki Kaho.

"H-he... was a good father. Loved okaa-san, nii-san and me fairly and never n-neglected to spend t-t... time with us." she sniffled and continuously wiped her eyes to keep the tears away. "He... o-otou-san was the best father anyone could ask for and there's s-still so, so much I want to do with him... and say to him..."

Then, his classmate's mother gasped. Kuroko couldn't tell if it was from shock, but nevertheless, turned his attention towards her. She was looking at the glass lid of the coffin with wide eyes and a gaping mouth, then proceeded to faint. Thankfully, her son caught her in time before she hit the floor and he looked slightly panicked.

There were murmurs all around him.

"Is the lost too hard to deal with?"

"Maybe she was too nervous and tired to drink? Dehydration?"

"She must've seen a ghost!"

Before it became a ruckus, other relatives came to take her to a bed to rest and the son stood up from his earlier position. He walked closer to the altar to peer into the coffin, coloring his expression with shock as well. It was getting rather... strange. What was so shocking about the coffin? Why did he look so afraid?

"... Tou-san?" the son said under his breath, his expression mimicking his mother's before she fainted. "W-what?"

The coffin moved slightly and there were scratching noises from the coffin. Not long after, the glass shattered and a hand peeked out, before an entire body neatly dressed in a traditional black kimono with the right front crossed over the left, crawled out of the coffin and fell to the floor. The funeral guests were confused and some looked ecstatic that the man wasn't actually dead at all.

Kuroko watched on, his eyes narrowing and his palms sweaty. He was shaking a little and there were shivers down his spine. It looked and felt surreal. What was suspicious was how a family could claim that their husband and father was dead, but wasn't actually dead at all on the day of his funeral.

"Otou-san... you're alive..." Kaho was on the verge of tears to see her father alright and not to be cremated, until something terrible and horrific happened, right before their eyes.

The man stood up and swayed slightly before gaining balance. He looked at his son in the eye, gave a low guttural growl akin to a wild dog and limped closer with his hands raised. He opened his mouth and showed a set of teeth, which immediately sunk into his son's shoulder. After they were hooked into his son's flesh, he ripped it off and chewed, while the warm blood from his son gushed out and splattered onto the front row's guests. The supposedly dead man finished chewing and proceeded to feast on the rest of the flesh in front of him.

None of it was a dream.

Everyone screamed.

Kuroko ran.



Wherever he went, there were monsters everywhere, followed by shrieks of terror. He saw corpses being eaten, someone who was slicing his way through with a knife before he was put down by a group of said monsters, a girl running for her life as she quickly dialed numbers to call for help, a few dead people reviving into monsters that promptly began to hunt the living and everywhere was just general chaos.

It scared him deeply. Those monsters; were they zombies?

What the hell happened?

But at this point, Kuroko never felt so alone in his life as he ran for safety.

A/N: Well, I'll keep this posted here for now. Does anyone want this to continue? I already have the general outline for it. xD