The lair was silent. Above them the wind was raging and rain was falling in big amounts. Floating the sewers slightly. The usual bright and loud lair was quiet. Like death was hanging over it. Clouding every happiness and driving it away.
Master Splinter was sitting in the infirmary. He hadn't left it since that fateful incident. His head was hanging low. He was ashamed of himself. So many times he had been scared for his sons. He had trained them all these years so they could protect themselves from the people above. But he was just too strong.
And it pained himself to think that he was the one hurting his family. The person they trusted, relied on. And just like that. He turned his back towards them. And injured them. The last thing he remembered was being in the dojo with April. He knew the Rat King was trying to get to him, to control him but he wasn't about to let him.
He would fight it off but his power kept growing stronger and stronger. Until the point it was too much, and then everything went black. The next thing he remembered was standing over his oldest son Leonardo. His eyes were wide with fear. His blue eyes were trembling and filled with hurt and betrayal.
Cuts and bruises covering his whole body. His swords shattered next to him. Broken and thrown away like trash. Small lines of blood were trailing down his body, staining the floor beneath him. And the same blood was on his blade. His leg had been bended in the wrong way. His right leg was perfectly normal, wounded, but normal.
His left one was another story. His whole leg had been bended in an unnatural angle. Dislocated.
He had no idea what has happened in between there, but he could fairly guess it. And the blood on his blade already told him enough. He had hurt his sons. Rocks had been fallen down. Donatello's bo-staff was snapped in half. Michelangelo's nun chucks were broken and Raph's sais were carelessly thrown into the wall. Breaking at the tip.
Day after day he would have nightmares about his sons. Ever since the Shredder showed up he had been scared. Scared for the lives of his sons. After the loss of his beloved Tang Shen and his little daughter Miwa he had been devastated, and once he had found his four new sons he had sworn he would protect them. He couldn't bare losing another child, and right now they were in danger. And it was all his fault.
So many night he had grounded his sons, forced them to do extra training. Making sure they would survive on the surface. Trained them so they could fight off the Shredder and his servants. But they weren't prepared for their own father. They had never thought they would've to fight against their own father, and neither did he.
But he knew, the moment he saw Leonardo laying beneath him, he had broken the promise he had made to himself long ago. That he would protect his sons no matter what, and he had vowed he would prevent his sons from getting hurt, and dying.
He had already broken the first one, but he hadn't broken the last one. And he hoped, he just hoped so deeply he would be able to keep that promise and prevent his sons from dying.
When Leo woke up he knew nothing had changed again. It was the third day right now and his body was still sore and hurting from the fight. His leg still heavily bandaged. Reaching his whole upper-leg and part of his hips. He was continuously under the effect of a calming tea. He refused to take sedatives since they would make his mind foggy and that was the least he wanted.
He had to stay strong now. For his brothers but even for his father. He couldn't slip away now. His brothers counted on him. And if he would give up his father would have nothing to fight for.
He groaned slightly as he pushed himself up. Ignoring his protesting limps and carefully flipped his legs over the side. He bit his lip, preventing him from making any sounds as he felt the familiar flaring pain again but he bit it away and quickly grabbed his crutches. He hated them. They prevented him from all fast movement but at least he could walk on his own right now.
The first day he could only sit and lie in bed. His body was covered with scrapes, bruises, cuts and blood. And his limps just refused to support his weight. Not that he could even stand on his bad leg. He closed his eyes slightly. The memory of Splinter setting his leg was still fresh on his mind and he could still recall the pain he had felt then and there.
But the most important was that he didn't blame his father. He had hurt him and his brothers. Beaten them without mercy but he knew his father would never do that willingly. And he knew it was the fault of the Rat King. That he was forcing his father to hurt them. And there was no way Splinter could disobey him.
At least that was what the Rat King thought. He had him under control. One of the best karate masters and he was under his control. But he didn't think of the possibility that Splinter's mind would be stronger than the spell. And that he would break out of it.
Leo was grateful he did. Just so grateful he managed to get out of the Rat kings grip. Otherwise he would now be lying there on the ground. His father's sword lunged deep inside of him. And his brothers would be there left to die. Slowly and painfully. But he just couldn't help himself but to think what would've been different if his father would be faster.
If he would've disconnected with the Rat King earlier. Before he could do all the damage to him and his brothers. They would never be in this mess. His three younger brothers wouldn't be out cold, lifeless in the infirmary and his father wouldn't be beating himself up every second of the day. Straining himself beyond his limits. Refusing to rest or sleep, continuously staying with his sons, and Leo's brothers.
Leo sighed shortly before making his way outside his room. The lair was still quiet. It had been quiet for over 3 days right now. The lair which would always be filled with laughter and joy. The familiar sound of the TV, him watching his favorite show. Mikey goofing around and laughing. Cheering everyone up.
The sound of Raph training. His usual growls and comments he would make towards his practice dummy. The sound of stuff crashing into each other and the yells of his father that would follow.
The lair which would always be filled with Donnie's explanations. Eagerly talking about a new experiment or something that was discovered. The familiar explosions in his lab, and the explosion of Raph afterwards.
He hadn't touched his swords after the incident. His father had offered him new swords but he couldn't muster the energy to train again. His old swords were ones he got from his father all those years ago. They were his swords. They had aided him all those years and he refuse to use any other swords.
The door to the infirmary was still open, the last 3 days it hadn't been closed and the beeping sound kept ringing through the lair. He hated that sound. It only remembered him that his brothers needed to be watched every hour of the day.
The continuous beeping of the heart monitor only remembered him that his brothers were still unconscious and that they could die any second. And that his father was to blame for it.
"Master Splinter?" Leo said in a soft tone when he limped inside the infirmary. Leo's face flashed with guilt. His father was sitting on an old chair Donnie always used in his lab. His elbows were resting on his knees and he was holding the bandanas of his brothers.
"Still no change?" Leo whispered. Slowly his father lifted his head. His eyes were swollen and red, filled with so much hurt and guilt. It was very rare they actually saw their father crying and right now he was just a sobbing mess.
"Not yet my son" Splinter spoke in a low tone and dropped his head again. His whole body was trembling from exhaustion and even after these few days you could see that he was getting sick. His fur wasn't as shiny as it always was and his aura had darkened. Filled with grief and guilt.
Leo sighed again and glanced around the infirmary. The room had changed so much these last few days. They had moved all the furniture in the lab to the sides and had settled three beds in the infirmary instead.
Splinter honestly hated to do so but he was forced to steal from a nearby hospital. It was the only way to keep his sons alive.
With a lot of effort they eventually had found some used curtains, like the ones they have in hospitals, to separate the guys. They would need their privacy once they had woken up. If they would even wake up again.
Leo glanced to his 3 brothers. Just lying motionless in their beds. Their eyes closed, breathing masks on their faces. Raph was even that bad that he had to be intubated. And Leo hated seeing him like this.
He was so lifeless and his face was so peaceful but Leo knew he wasn't. He knew his little brother had to be in pain, even in his unconscious state. Wires ran through his body, providing him with fluids to keep him alive
Donnie wasn't any better. A breathing mask was put over his face, several wires inside his body, feeding him all kinds of fluids to keep him alive. Just like Raph.
All the way on his right was Mikey. He too had a breathing mask on his face and wires to provide him with the necessary fluids. But just as his two other brothers he was completely lifeless. And the worst of all wasn't the fact his brothers were probably going to die.
No it was that they would probably die by the hand of their own father.
So here it is, my new story :D
This is another version of what could've happened in 'I monster' Where Splinter was controlled by the rat king. Here he didn't snap out of it in time, and this happened :)