Sonic's POV

It's been one month since Amy lost her memory. I've been doing everything I can do bring it back. But the doctor said it will come back on it's own. But I don't believe them. I've done everything I could! I took her places and on tons of dates! What else am I going to do?

"Come one, Sonic... You can't lose Amy again." I said pacing around my room.

I bit my bottom lip and thought hard. I went over to my dresser and looked at myself in the mirror. I brushed my quills out of my face. I put my hands on the dressed and looked down.

"Are you fucking kidding me!? It took me that long to figure it out!?" I yelled.

I grabbed my phone and called Amy. She didn't answer. She must be in the shower or with the girls. I ran downstairs and went to my calendar. Yea, it's been one month since Amy got hit... I heard my phone got off from upstairs. I ran into my room and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked laying on the floor.

"It's Amy. Did you call earlier?"

"Y-Yea! I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?"


"Wear something really nice. I have the perfect place to eat." I said.

"Alright. I'll come by your house at 7."

"Sounds great."

I hung up the phone and stood up. I ran into my closet and grabbed the same tux, tie, and shoes from one month ago. Everything had to be the same. I did my hair the same and everything! I looked myself in the mirror in front of my dresser. I looked down, and smiled at the little black box.

"You're coming with me tonight." I said.

I walked downstairs and waited for Amy. It was only 6:45pm. I held the black box in front of me and thought for a moment.

"Just think, if my shyness didn't take over, I would have been married to Amy right now." I said throwing the box in the air.

The box fell and I picked it up. Then, my door bell rang. I opened the door, and saw Amy. She had a red dress on with the same 3 inch heels. I let her in and she took off her heels for a second and rubbed her feet. I smiled and then remember something important!

"I forgot to put cologne on! Be right back!" I said running upstairs.

Amy smiled and began to put her heels back on. I walked back downstairs with his arms out.

"Smell." I said as I stood in front of Amy.

She sniffed my tux and smiled. It was the same cologne she gave him for my birthday. We locked arms and headed for my car. We drove to the same restaurant that I took Amy one month ago. I parked in the same spot, and everything!

"Can we have that table over there?" I asked the waiter pointing to the same table that we sat one month ago.

"But of course. Right this way." Said the waiter.

Amy sat in the same spot, and I sat across from her. I order the same thing, but Amy had a hard time finding what she wanted.

"I'll order this for you. You'll like it." I said pointing to her menu.

"How will you know I'll like it?"

"Because you ordered it a month ago when we came here."

Amy gave me half a smile. Her eyes gazed at the sight of the restaurant. This place was a fancy, but not too fancy. (I'm so fancy!)

After dinner, we went back to my house. I talked about the same things. It had to be perfect. But I knew if I asked for her stay over, she'd say no.

"Well, I better get going." Amy said opening the front door.

A breeze went by and Amy turned around and smiled at me. Her rested on her shoulders and her eyes sparkled. I couldn't focus for a moment.

"Do you want a ride?" I asked.

"No thanks, I'm good. Goodnight and thank you, Sonic."

Amy left and I could hear her heels walking away.

"Now's my chance!" I said going out the back door.

I saw Amy walking alone outside. I stayed in the bushes. I could tell Amy was thinking about something. I wonder if she was remembering me now! I knew this was hard for her, but-

"Wait, what is she doing?" I asked myself.

Amy stopped in the middle of her tracks. She looked both ways and crossed the street. Oh, she was jaywalking. She such a bad-ass.

"Amy, be careful." I whispered.

Amy stopped in the middle of the street and turn around. I think she heard my voice! Wait, did that happen one month ago too? She held her hands up to her chest, looking scared. There was no one behind her, beside me, but I was hiding in the bushes. Amy turned back around and there was a light coming towards her. It was car. I'm not letting the past repeat itself now!

"Amy!" I yelled running towards her.

I grabbed Amy and pushed her out of the way. The car honked its horn, and Amy and I were on the other side of the street now. I laid on top of Amy keeping her safe. I pushed myself off of her, and we both sat up. We both were breathing hard. That car wouldn't have stopped for Amy. I looked at the street thinking what happened one month ago.

"What's this?" Amy asked picking up a small black box.

I didn't hear Amy. I was to busy thinking about what just happened. What if I wasn't there for her again!? What if that hit killed her? What if I wasn't fast enough? What if-

"S-Sonic..." Amy said her hand shaking.

"You're safe... I have you now, Amy."

I wrapped my arms around Amy, and she rested her head on my chest. She smiled at the black box.

"You were going to propose to me one month ago... Weren't you, Sonic?" Amy asked holding up the black box.

I looked at Amy. I think she hit her head on something, because she was talking crazy now! Wait a second... How did she know!?

"I remember I saw this one month ago and..." Amy began.

Amy didn't finish her sentence. She opened the box and saw the ring inside. She started crying and she hugged me tight.

"And you were going to propose to me one month ago!" Amy yelled.

"You remember!" I yelled kissing Amy.

We kissed each other with passion. It's been a month since I felt her sweet lips. I missed this feeling. Amy and I stood up, and I took the box from Amy's hand. I smiled at the box, and opened it up again. I cleared my voice, and stood on one knee and Amy started to cry and she covered her mouth with her hands.

"Amy Rose. For the past month, I got the chance to relive the past with you. I got to fall in love you with for the second time which my love for you will never change or going away...But, I know this is a month late, but... Will you marry me?" I asked trying to keep my balance on one knee.

"Oh yes Sonic! YES!" Amy yelling jumping on me.

I grabbed her hand, and put the ring on her finger. I kissed her and she kissed me back.

"Come on. Let's head back to my house." I said.

Amy and I walked back to my house. I opened the front door and closed. I picked Amy up like she was a bride, well, soon-to-be bride. I walked up to my door and shut the door. There, we made love for the second time, making sure Amy will never forget it.

Yay! I loved making this story. I hoped everyone liked it! I know I did!