A/N: OMG ITS BEEN 2 YEARS (more?) IDK but you all can hate me bc im a horrible human being that posted a story with only 2 chapters. But pls dont hate me :) So i got back into watching the 100 and got a little inspired with writing again. The worst part of Senior year just passed so now im just cruisin with so much time to spare SO IM WRITING AGAIN AHHH! ! Enjoy if I even have anymore readers lol

xx Mojo

*The 100 Selected POV*

The small group could see the drop ship a couple yards away with minutes to spare before sunset. Wren struggled in the back with Clarke, having to carry the Jaguar alone because Bellamy needed to "keep an eye out". Wren had rolled her eyes but didn't make a comment, not wanting to spoil the mood of having Jasper and a meal tonight. A meal that Wren was looking forward to as her stomach started to growl from having minimal food since the landing.

Clarke looked over and blew a piece of hair out of her face, "You hungry too?"

"Starved. I could seriously eat this Jaguar raw if it weren't for Bellamy's stink eyes," replied Wren.

"Stink eyes aren't the only thing you'd get from me if you touch that meat Wren. Besides, if you wanna eat, you have to take off that wristband."

Clarke and Wren shared an exasperated look before Clarke stopped and dropped her end of the Jaguar. Wren, not prepared to handle the whole weight, went straight down with the Jaguar and met face to face with the animals mouth. Her eyed widened in horror before she made a sound at the back of her throat and tried to push it off of her. A hand grabbed onto her arm and she was finally pulled up. A chill ran through her body and she had never wanted a shower so badly before. She wiped her hands on her pants and look up to see Wells staring at her with an expected smile.

"Thanks..." she replied with furrowed eyebrows, "but don't smile like that at me again."

His smile quickly disappeared and instead got busy with picking up the animal. Meanwhile Clarke and Bellamy were at each others throats.

"What the hell do you mean take off our wristbands? Is that what you've been doing back there, making them take it off?"

"Stop yelling. Its only a wristband and what did I say before? We can do whatever the hell we want," replied Bellamy while taking a step closer.

"Do you know what these bands are? They keep track of our vitals, our heartbeat. If we take them off, the Ark is going to think we are dying and won't come down here." Another step closer and Clarkes lips were tuned into a snarl.

"Don't you see Princess, we don't want them here. They put us down here with no idea about what is here, who is here, just to see us die." Their shoes were almost touching.

"Well what are we going to do when supplies run out, when we don't have a plan and we need them up there to survive? Do you really want the people you love up there to think you are dead?" She could feel his heavy breath and see every line on his face.

"That doesn't matter. The bottom line is we can take care of ourselves," Bellamy waved a hand towards the Jaguar.

"We almost died getting that Bellamy! Don't you see, there is no Mount Weather and there is no food!"

"GUYS! Jasper can barely stand and we are all hungry. Lets just get back to camp, please," yelled Monty who was struggling to keep Jasper upright.

"He's right, we'll talk about this later," said Clarke.

"There's nothing to talk about."

The group grabbed everything, this time Wells and Clarke taking the Jaguar while Wren walked with Bellamy. They reached the Camp to find a fire had already started and everyone was milling around.

"Hey is that them-"

"Ya! Wait did they get-"

"They have Jasper! Guys look-"

"He's alive! Monty, go put him inside. Wren, want to help me take care of Jasper?" pleaded Clarke.

Wren looked towards Bellamy presenting the Jaguar like he was king. He is the king now. Everyone started gathering around, yelling and screaming at the idea of eating tonight.

"Ya, sure but lets do it quick I'm hungry."

By the time Jasper was waking up, Clarke and Monty had left to go bring back food while Wren had stayed behind. Anything Jasper said was incoherent but Wren was just happy to see him alive and smiling. Laughing at Jasper trying to touch her face, Wren pushed his arm back and stood up. What was taking so long? My stomachs going to eat its self. Bending down towards Jasper height on the makeshift hospital bed/table, she whispered about coming back and left to go find them. Leaving the dropship, she looked around to see Monty nowhere to be found and Clarke standing behind Finn, both standing in front of Bellamy and his Jaguar. She watched as Finn said something, grabbing a slab of meat and walking away with Clarke doing the same. She also noticed their wristbands still intact. Taking a deep breath, she pushed aside her nerves and walked up to Bellamy and his gang. Once Bellamy noticed her, he held an amused smile on his face as if he knew she would try to do the same thing. Instead of heading straight towards the animal, she continued her way to Bellamy and stood before him. Bellamy, confused, looked left towards Murphy who just shrugged and went back to eating. They both looked at each other before Wren pulled her wrist from her side and towards Bellamy. Once they realized what she meant, Bellamy, Clarke, Finn and Murphy all looked at her in shock. Bellamy was the first to break and grabbed his knife laughing.

"You see, this is the attitude I need. Wasn't expecting this from you Wren, why the change of heart?"

"I never had a change of hear," she took a quick glance at Clarke who was looking at her in disappointment,"I just don't have anyone I love worth coming down here."

"Join the club," replied Murphy before giving her food.

Silently, Wren grabbed it and turned towards Clarke. They stood staring at each other before Wren walked away towards the dropship. She was planning on sharing her meat with Jasper anyways.

Unknown to all the teenagers on the ground, a group of adults stood watching multiple screens showing faces of the teens turn black. Looks of horror and worry filled the quiet room. The last face to disappear was a girl named Wren Matheson. A black man with arms clasped behind him approached a young women with brown hair tied in a ponytail. They both stood silently and watched the black screens with apprehension. Two faces, one blonde girl and one black boy, still stood before them.

The women turned towards the man, "I hope we did the right thing."