Me: So… hello people and thanks for the people reading this.
Yukiho: Why are we here and if you were gonna do this why not last chapter?
Me: Um… I forgot and this is a co-written story remember.
Yukiho: Oh… well some people were kind enough to review this story.
Me: Yep… since I'm too lazy why don't you answer the reviews?
Arisa: I'll do it, to signbear, ummm the authors would like to thank you for reviewing, and ummm according to the author, he doesn't know who Deep Throat is also, and TriMinakami, thanks for reviewing also.
Kokoro: To Magasaurus the author's will try to update. And to Dash24zappshift, the author would like to say, "Astig mo pare!"
Me: Yep, and for the people guessing who killed Kokoro's family… you have to read MajorMikePowell III's original trailer you will be able to find out who did it.
Kokoro: So ummm… both authors don't own Love Live and enjoy the story.
Chapter 2: Family Reunion
The rain is pouring heavily on Kousaka Journalism; the company owned by Kousaka Yukiho.
The young woman was currently searching for ways to reveal the actions of Predacon Enterprises, though it seems to be failing, as all of her attempts thus far have failed.
With a sigh, pondering what to do, she stood up from her desk, where a picture stood next to her Muse-themed laptop: a picture that shows her and her beloved on the night that it all happened…and as she looked out into the ceiling-to-floor window before her, the thunderstorm looms over the city. She could do nothing but wonder what she could do to help her Private Security Provider reveal Predacon Enterprises' despicable actions to the public…both the tragedy nine years earlier and the PMC's crimes against humanity.
"Onee-chan…what do you think I should do…?" Yukiho asked to herself as she sighed, lifting her hand and resting the palm on the cold, bulletproof glass. "Onee-chan…I will make sure everyone knows what they did to you. One day…"
As if sensing her distress, a puppy let out an adorable, soft bark and trotted over to his master. The little Border Collie cuddled next to her legs, snapping her back to reality. She picked the little fella up and petted it between the ears, letting the dog cuddle close to her, his tail wagging behind him.
"Oh that's right, Skye-kun~ Of course Onee-chan would like you too," Yukiho smiled as she continued petting her fluffy, adorable dog, looking outside into the thunderstorm raging in the night.
However, her smile soon vanished, turning Yukiho's face into a confused frown. Skye the puppy caught on, as well, looking out into the rainy, windy night sky.
"What's that…?" Yukiho muttered softly…she saw a glimmer of something flying through the air…a glimmer of electric-blue…heading straight towards her window.
Skye immediately started barking in panic at the incoming object. Yukiho looked at her puppy in confusion, before there was a flash of lightning…and she saw it.
The sickly-yellow, fluorescent glow of the wasp insignia on the figure's right shoulder.
Yukiho's eyes widened when realization hit her: the assassin was coming straight for her.
"NO! It's them!" The auburn-haired woman screamed as she carried Skye and ran as far from the window as possible, so when the figure came crashing in, it didn't affect her much, although she was still sent reeling back due to the sound and shaking of glass shattering, followed immediately by the howling wind and copious rain rushing in from the shattered window.
The cyborg did a smooth three-point landing on the floor just a yard or so away from Yukiho and Skye, the water from the rain outside dripping off her sleek, black body with dark orange highlights on the legs, torso, arms and middle of her chest. A sharp faceguard covered the cyborg's features…but Yukiho saw ginger hair flowing behind that faceguard, in a style she was very familiar with…until that was taken from her nine years ago…
"Onee-chan…is…is that you?!" Yukiho asked the cyborg with disbelief in her eyes. Her mind raced as she tried to digest this sudden development.
'Oh my God! How could they do this...? My own sister! Those Predacon bastards sent me own sister to silence me?!'
The cyborg lifted her head and stared at Yukiho through her faceguard. Suddenly, there was the crackling sound of communications…and as the cyborg spoke, Yukiho's worst fears were confirmed.
"Muse 1 "Leader". Target located. TERRORIZE!" The cyborg said as she stood to her full height and reaching for a High Frequency blade from its sheath set horizontally behind her back. The smooth, silver blade crackled with electricity.
Yukiho screamed in fear, not only realizing that this is, indeed, her sister Honoka, but also because her very own flesh and blood would be the one to silence her.
However, before "Leader" could raise her blade, the doors to Yukiho's office burst open and a group of at least six Maverick Security troopers ran in and began to shower Honoka with automatic fire, forcing her to step back and literally block the hail of bullets with smooth, lightning-fast swipes of her high frequency blade.
Knowing that they could not hold the cyborg off for long, the head of the guards quickly took Yukiho's free hand, pulled her back up on her feet and then, out the door of her office, heading for the nearest elevator, with the sound of gunfire echoing behind them and Skye's panicked barking.
Back inside Yukiho's office, Maverick's security forces eventually ran out of bullets. A trio of soldiers dropped their guns and drew high frequency combat knives from sheathes on their tactical vests and charged at the cyborg while their comrades reloaded their guns.
The Predacon assassin quickly dispatched them, however; she blocked the first knife slice with her own blade using only one hand, before grabbing the hand of the other soldier, who charged at her from the side, snapped his wrist with no effort and then, guided that man's hand right into the side of the neck of the attacker whose knife she blocked in the first place.
She then kicked the dying man away, did a horizontal slice and sliced her other attacker right across the chest, killing him instantly.
And just as the other soldier tried to sneak up on her from her blind side, she heard the tell-tale sign of guns being reloaded and ready to fire…and she spun around, grabbed her would-be-attacker by the face with her hand and pulled him in front of her just as the bullets came flying at her.
Her victim screamed in agony as he was riddled with bullets from his panicked allies, and once the gunners realized that cyborg assassin had used their comrade as a meat shield, they quit firing. The cyborg then threw her dead human shield at the gunners, drawing something from a pocket in her armor as the body flew towards them.
After the body had landed, falling right into one of the gun-wielding guards and causing him to topple over after the impact, they saw the cyborg assassin aiming at them with what appeared to be…bread.
The time it took them to blink and stare in confusion at the food item in confusion was all it took for the bread to shift into a pistol-like weapon in a single, smooth motion…and then, she fired.
Every single Maverick Security enforcer fell to the ground, with blood stains on the wall behind them, gaping bullet wounds on their foreheads.
And then, the cyborg walked out of Yukiho's office in pursuit of her prey…putting a bullet in the last surviving enforcer's head while he was still pinned down by the heavy body of the comrade she used as a meat shield, as she walked by.
On the roof of the building, the elevator doors opened, and out into the storm Yukiho and the head of their security detail came, running to the helicopter where Arisa and Kokoro were currently waiting.
As soon as the young women saw Yukiho, they climbed out of the helicopter and rushed to her. Kokoro took Skye the puppy from Yukiho, getting a lick to the cheek from him afterwards, while Arisa hugged her beloved.
"Oh my goodness! Are you Ok?!" Arisa asked as she checked Yukiho for any injuries. Fortunately though, there was nothing severe, simply a few glass cuts here and there.
This short reunion was broke up, however, by Skye growling and barking at something behind them.
"Yukiho-sama, Arisa-sama, Kokoro-sama! Start the helicopter now! We have to get out of here!" The head security guard yelled as he readied his automatic shotgun, aiming down the sights and opening up on the cyborg assassin that was coming straight at them.
The young women immediately complied and ran back to the helipad, but just before they got a yard closer to the helicopter, the cyborg's HF blade zoomed above their heads and struck the helicopter near the rotors, and then, there was the tell-tale sound of an EMP disabling the chopper's systems.
The young ladies stopped dead in their tracks and turned around…only to see the Predacon cyborg break the guard's shotgun into pieces with her hand and then, grab the poor bastard by the face and snapping his neck.
Knowing they were completely cornered, the young women simply stood close to each other, huddling and shaking. Arisa buried her face in Yukiho's neck, crying so very softly while her auburn-haired beloved held her tight.
The cyborg calmly walked up to the helicopter and took her sword back, and then, standing before her victims, towering over them.
"Onee-chan..." Yukiho looked up, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I'm sorry...I could have done better..."
The cyborg simply looked at her through her emotionless faceguard and raised her sword high up in the air with both hands.
The young women shut their eyes tight, waiting for the end…before there was a crash of thunder, the blinding flash of lightning…the sound of thousands of volts of electricity tearing through bio-cybernetic tissue.
The scream of a woman echoing in the storm.
Almost a full minute passed after that, and it then dawned on Yukiho, Arisa and Kokoro: they were still alive. They opened their eyes, looked at each other in absolute confusion, and then, turned to look at their would-be killer.
She was flat on her back on the wet cobblestone rooftop, displayed like a puppet whose strings were simply snapped off. Her cybernetic body was cracked in several places, sparks flying here and there, her legs and arms twitching every so often. Her sword was imbedded on the ground next to her, the blade still crackling with electricity.
"Onee-chan..." Yukiho said as she approached the cyborg, eyes wide in shock and confusion, both at still being alive and seeing her sister. She saw the cyborg's faceguard was completely cracked and smoking, hints of blue eyes beneath those cracks. Yukiho gulped and then, reached her hands out to grasp the faceguard, immediately cursing and gritting her teeth in pain upon touching the searing-hot material.
With great will power, Yukiho never shouted or even yelped in pain, and she soon had completely removed the cyborg's faceguard, or what was left of it, anyway.
Wide-open, baby-blue, unseeing eyes stared back at Yukiho. The auburn-haired journalist smiled sadly and draped herself over her big sister's torso, which was now cold, hugging the cyborg tightly.
"Yukiho-chan?" Arisa asked as she prepared to pull Yukiho back from the cyborg. Kokoro stopped her, however, putting her hand on the quarter-Russian's shoulder, motioning her to look at who the cyborg was. Arisa's eyes flew wide open and she stifled a gasp with a hand to her mouth.
Skye the puppy, meanwhile, sniffed Yukiho and then, sniffed Honoka's twitching hand…and then, licked the back of it, whimpering softly.
"How could they…?" Kokoro wondered in disgust, clenching her fist tightly.
As Arisa joined Yukiho in watching over Honoka, Kokoro turned away and walked towards the helicopter. They were not yet out of danger.
She climbed into the helicopter's cockpit, reaching for the communications. Thankfully, the EMP effect had worn off. She sighed in relief as she opened the connection line to Maverick HQ.
"Maverick HQ, can anyone hear me on this channel?" Kokoro asked into the microphone. Panic gripped her as static met her message. Thankfully, however…
"Kokoro-san, we have you on the clear!" Came a woman's voice on the other side.
"Courtney-san! We were attacked again! Predacon sent a cyborg to kill us. Our entire security detail is down, and we need a team prepared to receive a cyborg!"
"Wait, a cyborg?!" Courtney exclaimed in disbelief. "Why?!"
"…because..." Kokoro tried to say, before a hand reached for her shoulder. She turned to look at Yukiho, and handed the headset to her.
"Courtney-san...the cyborg they sent to kill us…it's a girl...she's Kousaka Honoka, my sister. Please. I need her brought to your HQ so we can cure her." Yukiho spoke with determination, her gaze hard. She handed Kokoro the headset back.
"Your HQ has the equipment I need, but we have to move fast! She was struck by lightning. I CAN save her, but I need all the equipment and tools ready the second we touch down." Kokoro said to the radio.
Radio silence immediately enveloped the ears of the girls as a sigh was suddenly heard, and then, a new voice came.
"Roger that comrade, comrade Kokoro! I will have everything prepared. Get here ASAP!" Soft smiles appeared on Yukiho and Kokoro's faces.
"Thank you Boris-san! Come on, let's go!" Kokoro replied before ending the call. She and Yukiho then got off the helicopter and headed back to Honoka, who had Arisa and Skye watching over her.
Together, the trio managed to get Honoka's inert body into the helicopter and soon, the sound of rotor blades and the barking of an excited Border Collie traveled through the night air, now calm after the raging storm had faded away after a single, final stroke of lightning.
End of Chapter
Me: Whew… that took a lot out of us.
Yukiho: No kidding anywho… what happens now, now that Onee-chan is back.
Me: Wait for the following chapters ok.
Yukiho: Fine…
Arisa: It's ok, Yukiho-chan, I'll keep you company.
Yukiho: (Blushes) ARISA!
Me: See you next chapter people and please review.