(Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I haven't uploaded anything for a while, basically I turned 16 not long ago, I threw a party and I got alcohol poisoning, and had to get my stomach pumped and stuff, so I haven't been well at all. I'm feeling a bit better, so I decided that I would finally start writing again, but start writing fresh. This has NOTHING to do with my other stories, and this will have a separate story line. I've seen this "theme" in a few stories, and thought I should try it myself, so technically I am copying but I'm not at the same time;) anyway, I hope you all enjoy it, stay safe and here we go again! Enjoy!)

Four's POV

My name is Tobias Eaton. But you can call me Four. That's what everybody else calls me. I'm the son of self made millionaire and music producer Marcus Eaton, which is not something to be proud of, if I'm honest. From an early age I was pushed down the route of music, a guitar placed in my hands at 4 and singing lessons at 6, it's okay I guess. I don't get why so many people like my music, my father won't let me sing what I write myself as most of it is about him. It's a pile of generic shit that shouldn't be published, but I make him money so who cares, right?

I sip from a green bottle, filled to the brim with man's sweet secret. Beer. People busily rush backstage, after my recent performance. It's in my home-town, actually. Chicago, IL. I place the bottle down and stand up, knowing that I have fans to meet outside. The fan's don't bother me at all, in fact I enjoy it. Knowing that somebody out there appreciates me. I grab Zeke, my best mate come bodyguard, and we sneak out of the side entrance of the building. I pull my beanie on and swing the guitar over my shoulder, but to my surprise there is no crowd of screaming teenage girls outside, but a seemingly empty road.

"This is a change" I bluntly say to Zeke

"I had the security block of the access to this area, I wanted you to come to the store with me. I need food, dude." He says sheepishly. I forget that he's the same age as me, 19. I look up to him like a father, in turn he looks up to me like one. We walk and talk for a while, nodding at people who recognise me, and take a selfie with a gentleman who seemed far too old to follow my music. I don't have a specific target audience, but I cannot imagine it. I don't want to, the screaming girls over grown men any day. We enter a store called Colins, with an old lady inside, doing her daily shopping I presume. She slowly pushes the shopping cart with her frail arms, and I instantly spring to her side.

"Can I help you, ma'am?" I ask with urgency. I watch as her eyes light up.

"A strapping young man like yourself help me? Of course!" she says and I laugh, revealing a row of perfect white teeth. She smiles back with an equally straight row. We stroll around the store, and she points to groceries she needs, Zeke collects them as I push the cart.

"So what's your name, young man?" She asks, and coughs into her leather glove.

"My name is Four, and yours?" I ask

"Four? How unusual... Regardless, my name is Celia." she says. "What is your friends name?" She asks and turns to Zeke.

I laugh as I say "He's Zeke, my best friend and bodyguard." I say, shrugging it off like it was nothing.

"Bodyguard? Are you famous?" she asks, excited by the fact she might know me

"Not very famous, you don't know me." I say, with modesty. "But I'll get there someday" I say with a smile.

"What do you do, Four?" she asks

I point to the guitar on my back "I make music" I laugh, and pull it over. I sing her name, dragging out the vowels on the end in a harmonizing way. I see the store clerk look from behind her desk and gape wide eyed at me, as Celia claps her appreciation. We push the shopping cart to the checkout, and before Celia can pay I push in my card and pay it for her, much to her protest.

"Young people, you'll need to learn the value of money somebody!" she laughs, with the store clerk. I gaze up, and look at her.

I am taken back with awe, as I notice the messy strand of hair escaping her messy bun. The blonde mess on her head matches her big blue eyes, and her lips are a slight pink colour. I catch myself staring at her, and turn to give Celia a hug goodbye.

"It's been great meeting you, I'll see you around Celia. I promise." I bow my head in appreciation and play with my lip piercing. She leaves the store and I find myself alone with the clerk, as Zeke is now shopping for candy.

"So, you come here often?" I say, trying to play it cool.

"Well, yeah... I do work here..." She says and laughs, adjusting the loose strange of hair.

"Oh... Oh yeah..." I nervously laugh and itch my forehead, covering my reddening face.

"I know this sounds so creepy, but can I get a photo with you? I know who you are, Four" she says, and I let out a loud laugh.

"Of-course you can, here, let me take your phone" I take it off her, sliding up to open the camera app. She leans over the counter, and I lean toward her,our cheeks collide. I focus on her phone screen, and watch as she starts laughing at my clumsiness. I snap the photo, and she lightly hits my arm.

"I looked so ugly! Let me get another..." She protests

"No!" I interupt. "I'll be seeing you again sometime, that I promise you." I say and she blushes, I take her hand and kiss it.

"You make a lot of promises for somebody so famous, Four." she playfully remarks

"Fine, give me your phone back, and unlock it this time!" I say and she hands me the phone.

I Find the contacts app, create a new one called "Some hot guy from the store;)" and save my number in it.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't hand my number out, and in return I'd like to take you out on a date" I say, playing with my hair.

I watch as her jaw drops, and she clasps her hand over her mouth.

"I'd love to, but I have a boyfriend..." She explains

"Say no more! It was my fault, I should have asked" I awkwardly say.

"I'm sorry, Four" she sighs

"Hell, at least you're loyal. I bet most girls would come springing into my arms. Respect... What was your name again?" I laugh

"Tris. Tris Prior." she kindly says, with a warm smile.

"Well you text me whenever you feel like it, and I'll be sure to drop you a reply when I can, 'kay?" I childishly say

"Deal" she says, with an equal amount of childishness. I stick my tongue out, as Zeke pays for his food. He strips a twinkie and violently stuffs it into his face.

"Pardon my handsome friend here, Tris." I say and sling my arm over his shoulders. She laughs and he nearly spits the twinkie out. "Anyway, looks like we'll be leaving now?" I turn to Zeke, as he gulps down Coke. He nods and he turns to leave.

"Wait!" I here Tris say. "Come here a sec?" She asks, and I nod. "Hand" She says and I give her my hand. She takes it, and rests it on the table. She holds my four fingers together with her hand, that is minuscule compared to mine. She grabs her pen, and writes something on my hand. "Done" She exclaims in a cute voice, trying to mimic my British accent but failing.

"Nice try kiddo." I say and look at my hand, it reads TrisTV-Youtube. I look up at her quizzically.

"Can you watch some of my video's? I sing too, and it would be so cool for you to check them out."she laughs, and I reply with my own

"Well of-course I will, I'll be seeing you around, Tris." I say, and drag Zeke out of the store.

"She was hot" he says, and I nod my approval.

Page break thing

We arrive back at the venue, where our crew are packing away. I check my phone, and have a text from Tris saying:


I reply with "I'll checkout your video's now".

She replies with "Omg, my heart is pounding. Next time you turn up at the store, warn me please."

"Haha, can't promise you that." I toss my phone into the couch and click on the you-tube app of Zeke's iPad. Uriah, Zeke's little brother and the rapper who accompanies me on stage, sits next to me on our tour bus. Zeke takes the seat behind, and I search her youtube channel.

"TrisTV- Cover of Titanium"

I click it, turning the volume up. I look at her subscriber count of 6073, and prepare myself for the worst.

"Hi guys, TrisTV here back with another cover of a song I am totally in love with, Titanium by David Guetta and Sia. I hope you all like it!" She smiles, and the camera cuts to her playing piano.

"You shout it Lou-oud

But all of your bullets


The entire bus falls silent, and the sound of her singing fills the bus. I pause the video, and call her.

"When does your shift end?"

"It ended, I'm on my way home"

"Go back to the store"


"You're a professional singer now darling, we're taking you to the recording rooms." I say and hang up.

(Hi guys, let me know If you enjoy the idea of this story. I'm going to start writing the next chapter as this goes up, as always. I hope you all enjoy this! You're all Titanium;)