The Eye of the Beholder

Every day, she sits at that round table, watching nervously. She watches him. Watching him sit, and read the same book. Then why? Why is her heart beating so hard? If she doesn't even know his name? Little did she know, that the same guy, has his eyes on her. No matter what, he'll will always be next to her, because true beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder. Even, if one has no voice to speak through it.

Sometimes, you don't need memories, nor voice, to know, whom you really love.

Friendship and Romance, (Horror)

Chapter One: Strange Boy


Blood, All I can see is blood.

"Call the ambulance, now!" A strong male voice echoes. It was a deep voice, that seem to be very worried. Feeling his strong arms in circles around me, it made me feel safe.

'His voice, is gentle. I don't want to forget it, but who's that? Why can't I awake? I want to wake up. ' I fluster my eyes open, to see two blue eyes staring at me, with great worry. Then everything went dark.

"I'm sorry Mai, I shouldn't have taken this case…"


(Bum, Bum, Bum) my heart race rapidly, while I stare at my book, blankly. I couldn't concentrate on the words.

"Excuse me, but do you need some help?" I heard in front of me. Lifting my gaze from the book, a young man, with dark eyes, and long brown hair, hunched over, looking a bit concerned.

"No, thanks," my voice shook. The boy arched a brow in confusion, but nods gently. Straighten up, he moves towards the front desk.

'Oh, why am I so nervous? I mean, yeah, I can't remember my past, nor can I see from my right eye, but is no excuse for that, I shouldn't be freaking out for every little thing.' I thought, grinding my hands against the hard cover.

'Its been three months, three lonely months. I want to remember, what happen? Why did I end up like this?' while I batter against myself, the door squeaked open, causing me to glance up.

From my right eye, I only see is darkness. Darkness, that seem to shine at times. At times, that shine is the only hope I have. Doctors said, that I have a slim possibility to recover it.

My left eye, is weird, I could see, twenty-twenty vision. Not sure why though. Frowning, I lower my head in disappointment.

'Please God, send someone to help me. I'm drowning in loneliness.' I prayed. I heard the chair slide, on my right side. Lifting my head, as a normal human curiosity got to me, I turned my gaze towards the noise.

At first I couldn't see anything, but when I move my chair more towards my right, my eyes widen.

(Bum, Bum, Bum) once again, my heart jumps hard, as my breath caught.

'What a handsome guy.' My thoughts ran, in front of me, sat a tall guy, not much older than me. A little messy dark black hair, pale as snow. He has his face buried in the book. I couldn't make out the name of it. It seems like it's in Chinese.

'Why is my heart racing?' I thought. The guy lowers his book, and lifts his gaze at me. Now, I'm very shocked. His eyes, are blue, very blue, and cold. A sharp nose, and a little chubby cheeks. He stares at me, with no emotions attached.

Then he returns back to his book. I breathed out, turning back to my own book.

"That was very weird."I mumbled to myself.

'Its only for today. I won't see him again.'

The next day, after school, I sat at the same table, from the old coffee shop, which is two blocks away from my apartment.

"Now, concentrate, and don't let fear get to you. I can do this. You have finals in a few days." I pep talk myself.
"Want me to buy you some coffee?" I heard in front of me. I lifted my gaze, to see the same boy from before smile down at me.

"I don't drink coffee, thanks." I gave him a sincere smile, hearing the door open once again. The boy frowns at me.

"I have been watching you for a month now. You always come here, My name is Tome Hitaro, I'm a senior. I work here as well." He gave me a charming smile. I blushed, lowering my head.

"How cute. Come on, let me buy you something." He insisted. I shook my head.

"'Its okay. Can you please let me be? I need to study for exams." I pleaded the guy. He shrugs, waving his hand.

"I won't give up." And with that, he leaves. I rolled my eyes, rubbing my head.

'I don't like him at all. I need to recover my memories, before anything. I don't even know, if I had a boyfriend or not?' Now depress at the thought.

Then an eerie feeling seems to dawn on me. I shivered, feeling a dark aura surround me. So I turned my head, towards the aura which is coming from the chair that the strange boy I saw yesterday sat at. My eyes widen, to see him sitting on the same spot, reading the same book.

(Bum) My heart jumps once again.

'Oh no, did he watch?' for a reason, that bother me a lot.

'I don't think so. He has his face buried in that book. Why do I worry so much? I don't even know that guy.'

Shaking my head, I returned back towards my book.

'Its weird, very weird. This is the first time, my heart race for a guy. I never felt like this before? Or did I? I wish. I really wish, to know the answer…


Laying on my bed that night, I cover my eyes with my palm, breathing in deeply.

'I'm exhausted. I wish, I can see with my other eye. Its very painful for me.' I thought, feeling tears running down my cheeks.

'I want to be normal again, and remember my past.' With that final thought, I drifted to sleep.


'Drip, Drip, Drip,' I heard at a distance.

"Hello?" I called out, watching as the scenery started to become clear. I now stand in front of a pool of blood.

'Blood? Why is there blood here?' I mentally asked, looking around, to see if I can find anything. All of the sudden, my heart jump from fear, to see a tall black figure standing in front of me.

"You will never get your sight back. You made a deal, and you shall keep it. If not, all of your friends will die." The voice gave me shivers. It disappears in front of me, leaving me alone in the pool of blood.

"Friends? I don't have friends. Hello? Please someone HELP ME!"

"Mai, remember us, and you'll be fine. You shouldn't have sold your right eye for us. Come back to me." I heard behind me. A deep familiar voice, made my blood boil, and my heart skips. I think I heard it before. Turning around, a figure of a guy stood. I couldn't get his face, but he stood there, with a shadowy face. The only thing I could see is his lips. He smiles sadly at me.

"Then help me." I don't know why I said that, but he disappears in front of my eyes.

'Why? Why is this happening to me?'

A disclaimer: I don't own Ghost Hunt

Should I continue? This will be a short story.. Depends on how many reviews and request I get. Like always, let me know.. This is just because I have writer's block for Black Lagoon..