Petra will live my heart! D,X

I wrote this fanfic because I am sorely disappointed on how little Levtra lemons there are out there. So I took matters into my own hands!

The fresh smell of coffee beans clung to the air in the room, a small hand spun the lever to the coffee grinder. Much too small to be that of a man's, the delicate hand crushed the brown beans and released the sweet caffeinated aroma into the atmosphere. Brushing a lock of ginger from her face, Petra began to boil water and poured the coffee grinds from the grinder. Any one who passed by the kitchen could smell her work, recognizing the normal morning routine.

The small clanking of the metallic spoon tapping against the ceramic mug as she mixed the brown powder with the steaming water echoed in the quiet room. After doing the same thing every morning for years, she knew just how to brew it to perfection. Well, according to his tastes at least. She added a few teaspoons of sugar and poured a bit of creamer in the pitch black liquid, adding a brighter appearance to the morbid ale. She raised the heated mug to her cherry red lips. Pressing said lips on the heated ceramic, she took a small sip and savored the flavor with her tongue.

"Perfect..."She muttered, wiping away whatever her lips left behind on the mug and placed the object on a small tray. In a humorous manner, she picked the tray up and held it close to her chest. Petra bolted out the door, careful not to spill her caffeinated masterpiece. The ginger female tried her best to look natural as she walked, her cute appearance catching the glances of a few men. Much to their dismay, they knew exactly to whom she was so eager to deliver the warm beverage to.


Levi rubbed his eyes at the aggravating light emitting through his window. His broad back rose from the mattress and a hand clasped on the back of his neck, rubbing the stiffness away. His usually neatly combed hair was in a knotted mess and his muscles lightly sore. His dark eyes wandered around the room and took in his surroundings. Eyeing the paperwork with a glare, the captain slowly crawled from his comfy nest and dragged himself to his bathroom. Wanting to wash away the morning and hoping to sooth his aching body. He was expecting a visitor this morning, as he always does every morning.

The water's warmth against his pale toned flesh woke him up blissfully. As did the feeling of cool water hitting his scalp. Exiting the tub with a warm vapor cloud, Levi felt refreshed and relieved at the feeling of cleanliness. Much a better mood than he was before as scrubbed his teeth with the minty paste. He spat the mouthful of water into the sink as he buttoned the last piece of his clothing. His sharp senses picked up on the light tapping erupting from the wood of his door.

"Come in." And sure enough that exactly what happened, the door creaked open and exposed the petite woman as she lightly walked into the room.

"Captain, I have your morning coffee." Levi nodded in thanks as Petra placed the warm mug on his wooden desk, taking a light bow as he sat down. Her cheeks deepened to a light shade of pink when he pressed his lips against the spot hers had been moments earlier. She pressed the tray against her young breasts and looked sheepishly to the side. Levi was pleased with the drink, as he always was. Though the first few weeks as part of the regiment, her brewed coffee was dreadful. But eventually she improved and picked up on his liking.

"Petra..." Her golden eyes turned and locked with his onyx ones when he spoke her name, more redness creeping into her cheeks.

"Yes, captain?"

"How is Eren doing?"

"Um..Fine. He and I seem to get along well, and he does hold you in high regard."

"Does he?"

"Yes." She watched as he placed the mug down and rested his chin on the palm of his lightly calloused hand. Petra nervously tucked more locks behind her ears, suddenly having the urge to avoid eye contact with her superior. "Well, I'll leave you to your business." Petra turned to face the door, pressing the tray harder against her chest.

Levi took another sip of the sweet coffee and watched the young woman take light steps to the door. When she let out a small yelp, he saw that her body lost balance and began heading for the ground. He bolted from his seat and dashed for her, knocking over his mug in the process. His hand grasped her and wrapped an arm around her waist before the rest of her body collided with the wooden floor.

"Careful" He muttered dully and pulled her back to her feet.

"Thank you..." Petra mumbled her words, feeling embarrassed at such a clumsy display. She felt a tinge of fluster as she could feel the muscles underneath his neat long sleeved shirt. And even more so as it brushed against her flat stomach as he arm released her from its wrap. Turning back to his desk, Levi gave an annoyed grunt at the sight.

"Something wrong?" She too turned and saw what annoyed him, the warm caffeine oozing across his desk and soiling several papers that were neatly laying on his desk. Feeling even more ashamed of the mess made from her clumsiness, she immediately apologized and left the room to retrieve a rag. Levi didn't say anything, instead he pulled the soiled pages and laid them neatly in front of his open window. Seeing the brown fluid now drip onto the floor, the very sight aggravated him. Not only soiling his desk, but also and the floor. Petra returned with a few damp rags in her hands, immediately patting away at the wooden desk, letting the rag soak up all of the sticky beverage. He grabbed a rag and began to wipe away at his chair, a scent of sweet coffee sticking to the leather.

"I am really sorry.." Petra apologized again, Levi didn't respond. He never really did when she apologized for past mistakes. She felt mortified at the sight of all the once snow white sheets now looking like a milky brown stack. She pulled pages apart, and did her best to not rip them when they clung stubbornly together.

"Put them by the window to dry." He finally spoke. It didn't sound like an order, but she acted as though it was. After the words rolled off of his tongue, she took the damp pages an laid them neatly by the window and allowing the gentle breeze brush against them.

"Sorry..." She apologized for the third time. She turned over to look at him, expecting to meet his usual cold stare, but his face was nowhere to be found. Instead, she saw the silhouette of his body behind the desk and realized that he was hunched over. "Oh! There's no need for you to do that, captain! I'll clean that up!" Grasping the rag that lay next to her, she leaped to the desk and bent over. She began dabbing the damp floor with her small rag, doing it in a hurried manner so her captain won't need to get filthy doing so. She always knew how much of a neat freak he was.

"If you clean that quickly, you won't be very thorough." Levi said as he looked up at the young woman kneeling in front of him. She looked up at his words and much to her sheepishness, their noses were only inches apart. Her pale skin deepened to a light red and much to her surprise, Levi hadn't even back up and he maintained his posture near hers. In fact, he didn't even need to as she leaped backwards and causing her perky butt to thump against the wooden floor very roughly. The collision hurt, but she didn't show it.

"'re right..."

"You apologize too much." The captain muttered, continuing to dab away the wood, now only showing very little traces of the sweet coffee. Petra was about to apologize for apologizing too much, but then realized the contradiction and decided not too. She joined him and dabbed at the floor. The redness in her cheeks didn't dissipate, in fact deepened even more when she could smell the scent of his shampoo in those midnight locks. "What's with that face?"

She bit her bottom lip, not knowing how to respond. "Just a tad warm is all..." What a stupid answer, she told herself. She could tell by his unamused face that he didn't believe her, and wasn't surprised at all.

Instead he sighed "You're probably thinking of whatever girls your age do...boys and what not.."

Petra couldn't help but laugh, he did tend to speak as though he was an elder. And who knows, he might be the age for it. "No...Nothing of that sort. I have no interest in anyone my age."

"That so?"

"Mhm!" She affirmed.

"Shouldn't a normal girl your age be looking for a boyfriend or something?"

"In case you haven't noticed, Captain...most girls my age aren't killing titans."

Levi was so amused that he almost smiled...almost. Instead he rose to his feet and reached a hand out to her. She took it and he pulled her to her small feet. Her hand felt soft against his, and his lightly rough against hers from years of labor. Letting go of her hand, he strolled to a nearby sofa. Letting his body limp onto the cushion, he patted the seat next to him. Shyly, Petra walked over to the seated man and plumped her body next to his. His body was lax, a sight she was not accustomed to. They stared at each other for a few moments until he finally spoke.

"Let's kill some titans.."

Short, I know...But I wanna see what kind of reviews dis thing gets! Hehehe!

Anyways, I hope its not too bad so far. Expect more from meh! c: -Ryukki-chan~