I do not, in any way, shape, or form, own Harry Potter.

Hey, everybody. I'm sorry to say that this story, after just one chapter, is already being discontinued. I know, I know; believe me when I say that I really don't want to do this, but I've given it a lot of thought, and this is the only logical decision I can make. I realised after a while that this just isn't the story I wanted to write: what I really wanted was to focus on a highly manipulative Harry making his way through Hogwarts, and the having all the crack elements in there wasn't doing the story any favours. So here's the deal: I'm not exactly putting this story up for adoption, since I want to take the concept and refine it, but if anyone is interested in doing so, I have no issues whatsoever with anyone taking the concept and writing their own fic with it. Hell, I don't mind if anyone copies what I have verbatim, although I'd appreciate it if anyone who did so let me know first; I'm always looking for new stuff to read.

So what exactly am I up to right now? Well, I have one (fairly short) fic planned that basically covers the Battle of Hogwarts at the end of Deathly Hallows with the difference that Harry fell for a fifth-year Slytherin in his sixth year, and the story mostly focuses on their relationship and how they deal with it in the middle of a massive battle. I thought it was kinda clever, anyways.

Also, mainly for the challenge of it, I'm doing a WBWL fic where Harry is placed with the Dursleys following his younger twin's defeat of Voldemort while said brother grows up at Hogwarts with James and Lily. Harry's twin gets super awesome training his whole life, and Harry himself meets a witch when they're both eight who explains about magic when she realises that he's a wizard. Harry and his twin secretly stay in touch from the time they start school onwards, but Harry does everything he can to avoid James and Lily out of resentment for his terrible childhood with the Dursleys. Voldemort is revived at the end of their sixth year, and Harry and said witch transfer to Hogwarts to help take him out. Loads of family drama and angst ensue.

And, of course, I haven't forgotten VTW. Not by a longshot (it's just starting to get good, and I've had elements of the climax planned since I came up with the concept for the story; I'm wicked excited to write that). Also, like I said, I'm interested in a fic starring a sociopathic and manipulative Harry, so that's on the back burner for now. Like, very low priority.

Not to mention that unnamed rewrite series that anyone who actually reads my stuff is probably sick and tired of reading vague mentions of. Must be pretty frustrating, huh?

Point is, there's a lot of cool and exiting stuff for me on the horizon, this fic just isn't one of them. Sorry to anyone who got invested in it, although I kind of doubt that anyone did since I only wrote one chapter that was, I'll readily admit, not stellar. At any rate, thanks for reading! Duke out!