(A/N: Last chapter folks. Sorry if you were hoping it would be longer, but I said from the beginning that it would be a short fic. With the truth finally revealed, it's now time for the final confrontation with Titan X. It's gonna be an epic fight.)

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 8: A Family Matter

They had set out for the third and last time. It would indeed be their last chance before Titan X reached Wall Rose. According to the radar, it was heading straight for the city. If they didn't kill it this time, they wouldn't have time to retreat and regroup again. And if Titan X did reach the Wall, it might transform and destroy it, then they would really be screwed.

But Eren was determined not to let that happen. Not just because of all the lives that would be lost if the city was breached, but because he wanted that wretched creature dead, and he wanted it dead as soon as possible. It never should have been born at all, but he intended to make sure there wasn't a trace of it left.

Both he and Mikasa had been filled in on what had been learned about Titan X after the two of them had stormed out of the facility. Mikasa had looked absolutely horrified when they had been told why Titan X had been attempting to stick Eren inside its womb. She could care less if it did it to Annie, the two of them had never been on the best of terms even before her betrayal, but she couldn't bare the thought of Titan X getting hold of Eren. It would be a fate worse than death; he wouldn't even be Eren anymore, he would truly become the thing he hated the most.

Eren himself felt like he was going to be sick. The thought of actually becoming a true Titan filled him with revulsion. Though very useful, it was sickening enough when he transformed and wore the Rogue Titan's body, but he would not, under any circumstances, allow himself to become just another one of those monsters, especially not for some freak science project that wanted its daddy, as Jean had so nicely put it.

They were close now, according to the radar. The area seemed to be an abandoned country land. There were a few farmhouses here and there where families had once lived, the homes now empty and covered in as much vegetation as the equally empty barns. Several steel windmills slowly turned as the wind blew, their purpose no longer useful with the people that built them no longer around, and what had once been acres of land where crops were once grown was now nothing more than endless fields of tall grass.

Crawling along this grassy field was Titan X, scurrying about on its hands and knees, sniffing the ground here and there like a dog. It was apparent that it was tracking Eren's scent, and it was on the right track; they had indeed come this way when making their previous escape attempt.

A few dozen other Titans were wandering around as well. The Scouts could deal with them, but it would be more difficult with the mostly open fields. The empty homes, barns, and windmills didn't come up high enough to reach the larger Titans' weak spots, but they had worked with a lot less.

Still sniffing at the ground, Titan X suddenly stopped. Eren froze and moved behind the tower silo he was hiding behind, afraid it may have picked up his scent. That didn't seem to be the case though as it rose to its feet and began roaring at the sky. Eren resisted the urge to cover his ears as his eyes drifted lower to the Titan's swollen abdomen. Its stomach was larger than the last time he saw it, and it was moving. That, coupled with the Titan's agonized roars, made it fairly obvious for him to figure out what was happening.

Still wanting confirmation, he looked to Armin beside him. "Is it…?"

Knowing what he meant, Armin nodded, and they watched as Titan X's stomach burst open and a newborn Titan came spilling out.

A few feet away, Sasha ended up puking, and Eren couldn't blame her, he too felt rather sickened by the sight. He may not have actually witnessed any humans, or even animals, give birth, but he was pretty sure it wasn't supposed to be like that. He also hoped that Titan X was in as much pain as it looked to be in.

As the hole in Titan X's stomach healed, the newborn Titan proceeded to grow to its full height, ending up in the seven-meter range. Eren's hands itched to grab his blades and carve out the back of its neck, but he left his weapons at his sides. This new Titan was not his target, its freak of a parent was, and he wanted it dead just as much as, maybe even more than, the Colossal, Armored, and Smiling Titans.

His eyes landed on the monster's now flat, well-toned gut. Already another Titan would have begun growing in there, but he knew that Titan X wanted nothing more than to shove him in there and somehow turn him into a Titan. Eren wasn't sure if he was more angered or disgusted by the thought of it. But it wouldn't matter. He would not become one of them, not anymore than he already was; he'd take his own life first. But with his regeneration, would he even be able to while trapped in the Titan's womb? He hoped he wouldn't have to find out.

His teeth clenched together tightly and his nails dug into his palms as he glared at the Titan in hatred. If he had hated this monstrosity when Dr. Pacu had first revealed the truth about it, he utterly despised it when he found out what it wanted from him and Annie. Though aside from having one more Titan to deal with, he wouldn't have cared if Titan X did manage to get a hold of Annie. In fact, it would almost be fitting for her to truly join the Titan ranks since she was a traitor to humanity, but he would be damned if he became just another monster to be put down.

Mikasa took notice of Eren's fury and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, calm down. You need to be focused."

"I'll calm down when that thing is dead!" he unintentionally snapped at her.

"Eren," said Armin, "she's just concerned. We all are."

Eren's misdirected anger now shifted to him. "Well, you guys don't need to worry about me! Just worry about doing your jobs! Now stand back!"

He gave them time to retreat away from him before taking a painful bite out of his hand. If Titan X and the rest of its kind didn't know he was here before, they certainly knew now, and all their attention turned to the flash of light.

Eren stepped out from behind the silo; it wasn't as if it was big enough to hide him anymore anyway. Titan X roared at him, as did the other Titans, their poses hostile, but Titan X simply glanced in their direction, and they seemed to relax, going back to their random wandering.

That was when the Scouts came out from their hiding places, ready to go on the attack. The other Titans turned their attention to them, but Titan X's gaze was fixated on Eren.

"Well, come on then!" Eren roared from inside the Rogue Titan's body. "Isn't this what you wanted? You wanted to see your daddy, didn't you? Well, here he is! This is your father! Not me, not my real body! And I won't become what you want me to be! I'll never become a real Titan! Not now, not ever! I'll die first!"

Almost as if it had heard him, Titan X roared and charged forward, dropping to all fours and rushing towards him like a wild animal. Eren ran to meet it, but misjudged the monster's athletic abilities as it pounced from still a good distance away, latching onto him like it had the first time they met.

Wrapping its arms and legs around Eren's body, Titan X bit into his shoulder and began eating its way through his flesh. Eren roared, but his arms were pinned to his sides from Titan X's embrace. He struggled and thrashed about, but was unable to break the beast's solid hold.

Eren finally jumped forward, forcing all his weight down on Titan X as they crashed to the ground, crushing the monster beneath him. He attempted to pull away, but at this point, Titan X had eaten through enough of his shoulder that his entire arm was ripped from his body. Nevertheless, it allowed him to angle out of Titan X's hold enough to pull his other arm free from the monster's grip and punch it square in the nose, feeling it break beneath his knuckles.

Jumping away, Eren's bloody stump steamed as his Titan body began to regenerate the missing limb. But he didn't wait until he recovered before going on the attack. As Titan X began to get up, he delivered a well-placed kick to its jaw, knocking it back down. His kicks then shifted to the Titan's torso, repeatedly slamming his foot into its side.

He should have known better than to attack the same spot for too long. The area he had been kicking suddenly hardened, and Eren's ankle smashed against it, the bone breaking and his foot turning in an add angle. He grumbled and made the mistake of putting pressure on it, causing the bone to break further, and he toppled over, the broken bone sticking out of his ankle.

Titan X began to get up again, and Eren fell upon it. With his remaining arm, he grabbed the Titan around the throat and slammed its head back down. Focusing all his strength into his partly regenerated arm, he sped up the healing process, and a new arm fully formed, bursting from the stump. He then slammed his new fist into Titan X's mouth, knocking out several teeth.

He was more prepared for it this time as he continued to knock out more of the Titan's teeth and break more of its jaw, so that when the skin hardened around Titan X's mouth, he was able to pull his punch in time. He waited a few seconds for the hardening effect to wear off before resuming his assault.

When the last of Titan X's teeth were knocked clean out of its mouth, Eren made a fist and punched downward, directly into the monster's gaping mouth. He pushed down further, his fist going down into its throat, forcing his arm deeper into its mouth.

"Eat it!" he bellowed. "That's all you Titans want, isn't it, to eat us? Well go ahead and eat it! Consider it a last meal! Here, have some more!"

He shoved his arm in further, his elbow nearly touching the Titan's lips, if it had had any. Titan X's eyes began bugging out and its face turned beet red. It was just a shame that he couldn't simply choke it to death, but Titan's apparently didn't even need air in order to survive. Titan X continued to struggle and gum his arm as its fist repeatedly slammed into Eren's side, the blows made all the more painful by the four spikes on its knuckle. Eren grunted with each blow, but ignored the pain, even as he felt his ribs break, for he knew his regeneration would heal him.

Unfortunately, Titan X's own regeneration had done its own work, and its teeth grew back, the sharp incisors burying into Eren's arm as they pushed through its gums. Titan X helped them along by biting down, its sharp teeth slicing through flesh and reaching bone.

Snarling, Eren pulled his arm back, deliberately scratching his fingernails along the inside of Titan X's esophagus and throat as the beast's teeth did their own damage to him by shredding the skin on his arm as he pulled it out of the Titan's mouth. With less weight pressing down on it, Titan X was able to lift itself up and throw a higher punch, this one hitting Eren in the face with one of its spikes stabbing into Eren's eye.

Eren stumbled back, his punctured eye and shredded arm steaming. Titan X rose to its feet, its broken jaw and nose finishing its regeneration process. It roared at Eren, and he roared back, feeling his own healing finishing up, then the two charged at each other again.

They came together, palms interlocked as they attempted to push the other back. But Eren had the benefit of knowing how to fight while Titan X was little more than a wild animal lashing out. And as it snapped at his face, he used a move he had learned during training and flipped the monster over onto its back.

Dropping to his knees, Eren grabbed the Titan by its hair. "Now give me your neck!" he growled at it, turning its head to expose its weak spot.

Titan X's hand shout out, its fingers also hardening, and wrecked its digits down Eren's body, tearing up strips of flesh. Eren snarled and pulled back on reflex, enable Titan X to flip onto its stomach and scurry away on all fours.

"Get back here!" he shouted at its retreating form.

He raced after it, pouncing when he caught up, and landed on its back. Titan X struggled beneath him while Eren attempted to hold it down so he could once again try to bite out a chunk of its neck.

He bit down and his teeth shattered as Titan X's skin hardened. He pulled back, snarling, and Titan X's elbow slammed into his stomach, knocking Eren off its back as it climbed to its feet. Eren stood up as well and quickly sidestepped as Titan X charged at him, sticking out his foot as he did so in a childish, yet affective, attempt to trip the Titan, causing it to stumble, but still remain standing.

As Titan X found its footing, Eren's gaze landed on the silo he had been hiding behind earlier. He went over to it and tore the tower structure out of the ground, sending a shower of grain raining out the bottom. As Titan X charged at him, he swung the silo, shattering it against the monster's body, knocking it of its feet. He snarled down at it and tossed the remains of the silo aside, then looked around for something else he could use.

He spotted the steel windmills, and made his way over to the nearest one. The fact that it was made of metal would come in handy, and he ripped down the entire rotator. Turning towards Titan X, who was climbing to its feet, he spun around and threw it. The rotator flew through the air like a deadly frisbee, but Titan X jumped up, and the spinning object flew underneath it.

It landed on all fours, snarling at Eren, whose shattered teeth had repaired themselves by now. Crawling like a spider, Titan X scurried towards him and pounced. Eren attempted to catch it, but underestimated the Titan's strength and was knocked off his feet.

They landed with Titan X on top of him, and Eren found himself pinned down as the monster crawled up his body and roared in his face. Eren's hands came up and grabbed Titan X's head. He squeezed tightly while digging his thumbs into its eyes. Titan X roared loudly as Eren gouged out its eyes, feeling them pop as if they were grapes. Further pressure on its head caused its skull to crack, and a stream of blood and steam squirted out of the top of its head.

Howling, Titan X pulled away, allowing Eren to throw it off him. He got to his feet and watched as Titan X staggered around blindly, lashing out with one hand while the other one covered its weak spot. Steam rose from the top of its head and bloody eye sockets as it healed, and Eren knew he didn't have much time before it completely recovered.

He took a moment to glance at the Scouts as they fought the other few Titans nearby. He spotted a three meter one a short distance away and went after it, grabbing it by the leg and lifting it up. Turning back to the still blinded Titan, he swung the smaller one held like a ragdoll, smacking it into Titan X's head, causing it to stumble back.

"How do you like that?" he snarled, using the Titan he held as a weapon. "Did you give birth to this one, you freak? Well, how do you like having it used against you like this?"

He continued to beat the larger Titan with the smaller one until Titan X's face hardened, and the three meter one splattered against it, ripping the leg Eren held out of its socket. Eren paid it no mind as he dropped the torn limb and relied on his fists to punch Titan X anywhere he could.

As he threw another punch, Titan X caught his arm. It growled at him, its eyes fully healed, and Eren kneed it between the legs, which would have been much more affective if the Titan actually had any equipment hanging there.

The blow still caused Titan X to release his arm and stumble back. Eren reached for it, wrapping his hands around its throat. He may not be able to strangle it to death, but he could still break its neck to buy some time for a killing blow.

So focused was he on the Titan's face that he didn't notice its leg harden and kick out, making contact with his kneecap, completely shattering it. He roared as his leg buckled under his weight, bending back in the wrong direction. But he refused to release his grip on Titan X's neck, and that was when the beast's entire hand hardened and punched forward, making contact with Eren's chest. Steaming bloody went flying as Titan X punched a hole straight through Eren's body where his heart was, its fist bursting out his back.

Even while killing Titans. Mikasa had kept an eye on Eren's battle in case he needed help. When she saw this barbaric act of violence, and watched as Eren's hands fell away from Titan X's neck as he slumped forward with only the Titan's arm sticking through his body to hold him up, she froze.

"Eren!" she shouted, and made her way over to him.

Titan X pulled its arm out of Eren's chest, the gore on it already beginning to evaporate. It held him to prevent him from falling and turned him around, exposing the back of its neck. Its jaws opened wide, and it moved forward and bit the area open to expose Eren's real body. With him seemingly unconscious, he made no move to defend himself.

"Leave him alone!" Mikasa shouted, making a go for the Titan's weak spot.

She may very well have succeeded in killing it had she not called out, thus gaining the Titan's attention. It saw her out of the corner of its eye, and its arm came up to block, the skin hardening. Mikasa's blade shattered against it, but she paid it no mind as she kicked off its arm and landed on Eren's shoulder.

"You can't have him!" she yelled at the beast. "You can't! He's… he's mine!"

Her own words didn't even seem to register to her, and if Titan X understood any of what she said, it ignored her. Paying her no further mind, its gaze shifted back to the nape of the Rogue Titan's neck, which had healed shut, and it moved to bite it open again.

Mikasa moved to stand on the back of Eren's neck, pulling out new blades as she did so, and swinging them at the monster threateningly.

"Eren, you have to wake up!" she shouted to him. "I know you must be hurting right now, I can't even imagine how painful it must be to have a hole punched through your chest, but if you don't wake up right now, you're going to end up worse than dead!"

Titan X snapped its jaws at her, and she jumped back while swinging her blade, striking it across the nose.

"Eren, wake up! If you don't, then you really will end up as one of them!"

Titan X released Eren's body with one hand, raising it high to swat her. Its skin hardened, and Mikasa knew her blades wouldn't save her, yet she refused to move from defending Eren.

"Mikasa!" Armin shouted from a distance. "Get out of there!"

"EREN!" Mikasa shouted.

Titan X's hardened hand came down to smash her. At the same time, Eren's hand came up, catching it. Slowly, he looked over his shoulder, his eyes glowing brightly with unrestrained fury. Pulling away, he turned to face Titan X again while Mikasa grabbed hold of his hair to prevent from falling.

"Kill!" Eren seethed. "Kill! Kill them all! I'LL KILL YOU ALL!"

He was going berserk again. They had last seen this when he fought the Female Titan. Mikasa barely had time to shoot out cables and leap off him before he went on the attack again.

Titan X roared at him, but it was cut off as Eren's fist slammed into its jaw. Another blow soon followed as Eren attacked like a vicious animal. Titan X stumbled back as a barrage of punches rained down over it. Even when its skin hardened and Eren smashed his fists to ruin against it, he kept up the assault, not even aware of the pain in his maddened state.

Another powerful blow knocked the Titan off its feet, and Eren was immediately upon it. When his fist came down, Titan X bit down on it, but Eren tore free and used the bloody stump to deliver another blow.

"He's gone ape shit again," Jean observed. "Hope he calms down before he turns on us."

Mikasa glared at him. "He wouldn't do that. He'll control himself."

"That's not even the problem," said Armin, looking frightened. "Don't you remember what happened the last time Titan X was up against the ropes like this? It suddenly-"

What he was about to say suddenly came to pass. There was the flash of light of a Titan Shifter transforming, and Eren was sent flying as the Super Colossal Titan materialized. It emerged from the wall of steam emitting from its body, just as ferocious as before.

"Damn you to Hell," Erwin muttered as he stared at the massive beast.

Eren roared, snarling like a maddened hound, and charged at the giant. Titan X glanced down at him and kicked out, its foot making contact with him. Eren soared through the air, his bones a shattered mess, and crashed into the ground, bouncing a few times before skidding to a halt.

"That's gotta hurt," Sasha muttered.

"Hey, look out!" Jean shouted to her.

He flew over to her and cut down the Titan that had been coming up behind her while she was distracted. The color drained from her face as she realized how close she had come to being eaten alive.

"T-Thanks…" she stuttered.

Jean just humphed. "Don't thank me, just keep you eyes peeled, potato girl."

As Sasha wondered if she would ever be free of that nickname, Eren struggled to get to his feet, ignoring the pain in his body as his bones repaired themselves. Though unbearably painful, the kick seemed to have knocked him back to his senses. His memories since he had passed out were rather sketchy, but he recalled having gained the upper hand on Titian X.

Currently, said Titan was marching over towards him. Eren waited, giving his body more time to heal further. At least in this form, he didn't need to be worried about being stuck into the monster's womb; it would have to leave the Super Colossal Titan's body in order to do that, but how the hell was he supposed to beat it now?

Retreat was not an option this time. It would simply follow his scent back to the city; it had already come this far since their last meeting. If it broke through Wall Rose, then that was it, game over. Humanity wouldn't survive. Not just because the Titans would kill them, but also due to the lack of resources the cities inside Wall Sina had. They may be able to support themselves for now, but if Wall Rose fell, all its food and resources would be lost as the people retreated behind Wall Sina. Eventually, the food supply will run out with all the new mouths to feed, and they would starve.

Eren would not let that happen. He had to stop this thing, for Mikasa, for Armin, for his friends, for all of humanity.

Titan X brought its hand down to smash him against the ground. Eren jumped up, avoiding the giant hand, and threw a punch against the monster's torso. Its armored shell protected it, and the bones in Eren's arm snapped, tearing through his flesh and protruding from his arm.

He landed on his feet, stumbling, and immediately leapt away again as Titan X swiped at him. To speed his regeneration along, he grabbed the protruding bone, and howled in pain as he shoved it back into his arm and set it.

As Titan X reached for him again, Eren ducked beneath the large hand and went for its leg. The top of his head barely reached up to the much larger Titan's knee, but his goal was lower. Opening his mouth, he bit down on the tendon of Titan X's ankle, tearing it out.

Titan X grumbled and collapsed. Eren retreated out from under the large body as the Titan fell to its knees. Titan X swiped at him, its large hand closing over Eren's arm, and lifted him up. Eren struggled, but knew he would never be able to escape the Titan's grasp.

Bracing himself for what he would have to do, he bit into his own arm. Titan X's other hand came up to grab him as Eren continued to chew off his own arm. The Super Colossal Titan's large hand closed over air as Eren's limb tore away from his body and he fell to the ground.

Landing on his feet, he hurried away before he could be grabbed again, willing his arm to regenerate faster. He wished he had some ODM Gear he could use in his Titan form; it would make fighting the giant Titan X so much easier. At the very least, he wished he had a blade to cut the real Titan X's body out of the much larger one.

The sun reflected off something shiny, and Eren squinted as it shined in his eyes. It was the rotator of the metal windmill he had thrown at Titan X earlier. And those edges on the blades, though rusted, still looked rather sharp. Size-wise, they would make nice weapons.

But the rotator lay off to the side, and directly between him and Titan X. It would be a race for him to get there before Titan X got to him. And from the look of it, the severed tendon in the larger Titan's ankle had finished healing.

Fortunately, for Eren, he was closer, and he quickly made a run for it. Titan X roared and began crawling towards him. The distance between them closed quickly, but Eren reached the rotator first. He grabbed one of the blades with his remaining arm and pulled. The blade bent towards him, but did not separate from the whole.

The giant form of Titan X was upon him, another roar echoing through the land. As its shadow fell over him, Eren focused all his strength on his missing limb, and a new arm sprouted. With both hands, he ripped the blade off the rotator and whirled around, swinging it with all his might.

There hadn't been time to aim, and Titan X had been moments away from snatching Eren in its jaws. The blade swung into Titan X's open mouth, slicing straight through the back if its head between its upper and lower law.

It was a clean cut, and the upper portion of the Titan's head fell away, unleashing a massive cloud of steam. Titan X stopped moving, merely remaining on its hands and knees. The blade in Eren's hands was bent out of shape, now rendered useless, but had been good for one fine stroke.

It wasn't over yet though. The giant body of the Super Colossal Titan was just a suit of meat the real Titan X was wearing. Eren knew that he had to use this opportunity to rip the real Titan X out of the Super Colossal Titan's body before it regenerated and he was back to square one.

Tossing the broken windmill blade aside, he jumped up onto the back of the giant body. It was hard to see in all the steam, and his skin blistered and burned from the heat, but he was able to locate the back of the neck.

Burying his fingers into Titan X's hot flesh, he began to pull it back. The giant body suddenly sprang to its feet. Eren fell, but managed to keep his grip on the Titan's neck, leaving him dangling down its back.

The skin at the back of its neck suddenly tore open, and Titan X emerged. It pulled its arms free, but remained attached to the larger body from the waist down. Turning around, it looked down at Eren and roared. Its entire arm hardened, and it threw a punch down at him. The fist slammed into Eren's cheek, breaking his jaw and tearing his flesh. With his lower jaw hanging on by only the skin on his left side, Eren fell from all 80 meters of the Titan's body.

He landed hard on his back, breaking his spin. It would heal soon enough, but until then, it rendered him unable to move. The entire body of the Super Colossal Titan turned to him, Titan X still remaining attached at the top, controlling the entire form.

Lifting its giant foot, it stomped down on Eren's lower body, crushing him completely. As Eren roared, the two giant hands reached down and tore his arms out of their sockets. He was now left completely at the Titan's mercy.

"No, no, no!" Mikasa cried, and once again went to aid him as Titan X lifted its foot and picked up Eren's steaming body.

Up in the air, the giant hand brought Eren over to Titan X's real body protruding from the Super Colossal Titan's neck. His paralysis prevented him from struggling as he was turned around so the back of his own neck was exposed, and Titan X grasped his shoulders. Opening its mouth wide, it bit into the nape of his neck, tearing it open, and revealing Eren's real body once again. With a victorious roar, it reached down and ripped its own stomach open.

Mikasa's cables flew up and latched onto Titan X's shoulder, pulling her up the Super Colossal Titan's body until she reached Titan X at the top.

One of Titan X's hands flew out and grabbed her, trapping her arms to her sides in its grasp. In her desperation to get to Eren, she had lost her head and gotten careless. Now she was firmly caught, unable to get to him.

Titan X glanced at her uncaringly, snarling at her only once before turning its attention back to Eren. With Eren's useless body held in the Super Colossal Titan's right hand, and Mikasa held in Titan X's left, it reached for him with its other right hand.

Blood went flying as Eren launched into the air, cutting himself out of the Rogue Titan's body with his blades. Though his transformation into a Titan had destroyed his ODM Gear, rendering it useless, his blades were still perfectly useable. He came down over Titan X's head, the monster's weak spot in his sight.

"Time for you to die!" he shouted.

Titan X's free hand shot up, grabbing Eren. He was left hanging in the air, less than half a dozen feet over the Titan's head, directly over its weak spot. He had been so close.

"No way," he muttered in disbelief.

Titan X glanced up at him, and Eren could have sworn he saw a mocking glimmer in its eye, and its lipless mouth seeming to break out into a grin.

A pair of cables latched onto Titan X's wrist, just beneath Eren. In a blur of movement, Levi was there, swinging his blades, having followed Mikasa to aid Eren. The first cut severed the monster's tendons in its wrist. The second was aimed higher, cutting off Titan X's pinky, ring, middle, and index fingers.

Titan X roared as Eren dropped from its grip. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as he fell through the mess of blonde hair going down the Titan's back.

"Do it!" Levi shouted to him.

"Kill it!" Mikasa cried.

As he fell, it took Eren a second to realize that the nape of Titan X's neck was right in front of him. And a second was all he had as he continued to fall. There was no sign of hesitation as he spun himself around as he fell, swinging his blades.

He felt the first blade make contact with flesh, followed by the second one a little bit lower as he carved out a large chunk of flesh in the shape of an apple slice. The chunk of flesh wen flying, the skin hardening as it did so, but not fast enough to block the blow. Titan X had been a second too late in hardening its skin.

The roar emitting from the Titan's mouth was abruptly cut off. The life left its eyes, and its grip went slack, the large hand of the Super Colossal Titan dropping the evaporating body of the Rogue Titan, as did the smaller hand holding Mikasa. She leapt of the hand, sending out her cables, and quickly caught Eren as he fell past her.

As Eren, Mikasa, and Levi made it clear of the giant body, the massive form of the Super Colossal Titan fell to its knees with an earth shattering thud. An even louder one followed as it fell forward, the whiplash ripping Titan X's lower body from the Super Colossal Titan's neck. It fell lifeless in front of it, its eyes staring blankly up at the sky. Clouds of steam rose from the two bodies in abundance as they began to evaporate.

The three soldiers stared at the fallen Titan's body, Eren with a look of indifference on his face. He felt nothing staring at the steaming corpse, absolutely nothing. There was no sense of accomplishment, joy, or loss, he just felt completely empty, as if he were starring at a tree or a rock rather than the offspring of his Titan form. While before it had filled him with complete disgust and blinding rage, looking at it now, he felt less than nothing.

"Go to Hell," he whispered. "Go rot with the rest of your kind."

Mikasa glanced at him. "Eren, you ok?"

Eren sighed. "Yeah, I'm just glad it's over. Titan X is gone, and so is the threat it posed to everyone. Now I just want to put it out of mind and pretend it never happened."

She went to him and hugged him tightly. "Yes, it never happened."

As his adrenaline rush died down, the exhaustion and use of energy finally took its toll, and Eren's eyes closed as he collapsed against her, his strength depleted.

"Eren!" she gasped, catching him.

Levi moved to help support him. "He'll be fine; he's just exhausted, both physically and mentally. We'll get him back to the city where he can rest up."

Mikasa blinked back tears that threatened to creep up in her eyes. She hated seeing him like this. No one should have to go through so much; he shouldn't have to go through anymore.

"Damn them," she muttered. "Damn them all for doing this to him." She glanced at the evaporating skeletal remains of Titan X. "And especially that doctor for what he did."

Levi nonchalantly sheathed his blade as he spoke his mind, knowing what was really bothering her, even if she didn't. "If you don't want him to have children with anyone else besides you, then make a move already."

Mikasa blushed furiously. "I-It's… it's not like that…" she immediately denied. "He's… he's family…"

Levi resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Right, family, of course," he muttered sarcastically. He turned to the remaining soldiers as they continued to do battle with the last few Titans that were still alive. "Fall back! Leave them be! The mission has been accomplished! We return to the city!"

There was no argument, everyone was eager to get off the battlefield. Predictably, the few remaining Titans gave chase, and four more were killed off when they got too close while the rest were outrun.

With the threat of Titan X ended, the certainty of human extinction was gone. They may have been back to square when with the Titan problem, but at least the danger the Reproducing Titan presented was no more. Though the problem had been manmade, this was still a great victory for humanity over the Titan menace.

Yet the war was far from over. There was still much work that needed to be done. But as long as there were those that were still willing to fight, humanity still had a chance. Maybe not a good chance, but it was still a chance.


(A/N: That's the end folks. I hope you enjoyed it. I tried keeping things as canon as possible so it could actually fit in with the real story, and I think I pulled it off. Truthfully though, I'm a little dissatisfied with the very end after they killed Titan X, but I wasn't really sure how else to close it. I hope you at least thought the fight was good. Now all that's left to do is sit back and wait for the manga series to be completed. But I won't be sitting ideally. I've got another story in mind. It's not an Attack On Titan fic, but I hope you'll take a look at it and some of my other stories. Feel free to review, and have a good day.)