''freezing'' normal talk
''freezing'' thought
''freezing'' combo henshin and moves

OK, new guy writing his first story so don't hope too much but anyway enjoy the story




Those are the sounds being heard in a city in Norway, there stood a ten story high humanoid being hovering slightly above the ground using its blade like whip arms attacking a group of people jumping to dodge those arms. As they landed, there stood a group of girls wearing maroon colour uniform with white stripes and matching thigh high skirts.

''We have got to stop it before it reaches the next town'' said a dark skinned girl with short white hair.

''How? that thing took out our limiters and there is not an opening we can use to destroy it'' said a red hair ponytail girl while gripping her scythe

''Bickering like this won't help, if we can't stop it at least we can hold out till help arrives.'' a blonde hair girl told them

''Fine.'' both of them said together.

''Since you guys are done, how about we get back on the situation here.'' said a brown haired girl with a pair giant pair of gauntlets with claws on the fingers

As they ready themselves for an attack, ''SCANNING CHARGE'' was heard and then they look up and saw three rings above the giant and what look like something going through them before making contact with it and then the giant exploded leaving a small crater where it stood. the girls slowly and cautiously head towards the crater and there they saw a figure dressed in a black body-suit while its face is shaped like bird clad in red on top, its hands were yellow in colour with what look like claws on top of its hands with lines connecting it to a round chest plate while its legs were green in colour with lines connecting upwards to the chest plate while the chest plate correspond to the colours on the body with faces from the top, an eagle, a tiger and a grasshopper. On its waist lies a blue and black belt slanted to one side with coins inside three slots and on the right side is a circular shaped object.

As the figure approach's them, they readied their weapons and the red hair said ''who the heck are you supposed to be''
''OOO'' the figure said ''kamen rider OOO'' before a flash of light shine and there stood a teenage boy wearing the same belt as the figure and said ''well, looks like I am a long way from home, mind if I join you guys'' while the girls look at him weirdly.


Chapter1 The belt the arrival and the Pandora


''ughhhhhh... Why can't mornings be more pleasant.'' Yo the names Jason Namikaze, as the name suggest I am half American and half Japanese. I am 18 years old and living on my own since my home is further than the university I am in. I am 5'3 which is slightly short for a guy my age but I make up for it by having a lean and mean body shape, tight six pack and flexible despite that, I'm good in capoeria, muay thai, and a little of akido , an angular shaped face with blue eyes and a messy sun-kissed blonde hair which can never be tamed. I am somewhat of an otaku but it is mostly based on kamen rider where my favorite are kabuto and OOO, I collected all of OOO medals even the movie special with the sword and some cell medals for it and I even got the hyper zecter for my kabuto belt. Yeah life for me is just great but I feel like something is missing in my life but then again its not like something is going out of nowhere and drag me to another world just to screw with me.

As soon as i thought of that while walking towards my friend's house for a visit, a black portal appeared in front of me and then suddenly a hand came out and drags me into the portal and then my world suddenly went black.

''Hey, wake up'' I jump up as soon as I heard the voice, my eyes started to dart around the area then it lock onto the person there which was a small girl who is about 7 or 8 years old looking at me curiously said ''what are you doing in the middle of the field huh?'' while tilting her head cutely.

''Field, what is she talking about?'' I thought but then I realized that I really am in the middle of the field then a thought came into my head ''oh crap, how in the world did I even get here? That hand, it probably took me and drops me somewhere but where. hmm how this get here, I thought I left them at my house'' because there were both my rider belts and my medal book which still have my complete collection of my medals but my kabuto and hyper zecter aren't there but the belt is. then I heard a voice calling out towards my direction and I saw a woman coming towards us who I guess is the kids mother and she looked worried but didn't mind cause that's more or less normal when you see a stranger near your family so I played the kid who has amnesia and lied to them. Thankfully, they bought it then they told me I was near a city in Norway but I felt weird because I don't even know Norwegian and I am talking to them normally then I thought what else has been done to me in that portal.

As I was being led into their house, I check on my stuff which was only my belt and my medal book, I started fiddling with my coins then I realized that the coins felt like metal rather than plastic and same goes for the belt but my OOO only has the middle piece and not the strap so I tried something after I got settled in their house so I willed my kabuto zecter like in the show and surprisingly it came into my hand, after that little experiment I let it go and it flew out somewhere waiting for it to be called again. Later that night, the kids father came back and they explain my situation to him and he agreed to help me out with it, then we had a good dinner when suddenly a siren was heard then the family started to panic so did I because I don't know whats going on.

''It's a nova alarm, we have got to hurry and get out of here'' when suddenly two huge humanoid being appeared out of nowhere. One in the city in the distance and one right in front of us. They were hugging each other and waited for it to kill them but not on my watch, so I put on my zecter belt and willed kabuto zector in my hand and when it came I slid it into my belt and said



A robotic voice came from the belt and then hexagon like things covered my body and once it finished my body was wearing grey and bulky armour with a blue visor on it. This was kabuto cast on mode; the family look on in shocked as they saw my transformation. The giant being then did something weird and I saw we were in a dome like structure and then suddenly my body felt heavy and I saw that the family was the same as me. Thinking fast I shifted the horn of the beetle on my belt, the belt started to his and my armour disengage slowly then I pulled the horn facing the other side and called out.

''Cast off''



Soon as that happen, my armour came of and there my new armour came which was red in colour with a horn connecting onto my helmet and there I became kamen rider kabuto.

Then I said ''clock up''


Time slow down after I did that. I quickly grabbed the family and took them out of there, as soon as I took them away to a nearby area they were shocked to say the least where one moment they were looking at my armour and behind them was a giant being that was called a nova next they were a few miles away from the nova.

''Run and don't look back, I handle them and I find you guys later.'' I said to them and they took off, I look back to the being and then clock up back near it but staying away from the dome shaped area it was producing. It saw me and suddenly it attack me with its blade like whip arms and I dodge it with ease using clock up then I jumped on its arm and ran towards its chest and I use my kunai to attack it. I managed to scratch its armour but not enough to break it then it was healing its armour as soon as I cut the next part.
With my clock up running out soon and nothing I did could scratch it then an idea hit me and I pressed the button on my bet




The sound came out I shifted the horn back to the side then I yank it right back and I called out ''rider kick''


Electricity shimmer towards my horn and then back down to my leg, afterwards I jumped and kicked the armour on the giant and I managed to break it then I saw its core so I tried the rider kick one more time and aim for its core. As soon as it shattered, it started to shake and I jumped quickly and clock up to a nearby area, when I ended it exploded leaving behind a good sized crater. When I was about to go and help handle the next one, a group suddenly appeared in front of me which I saw consisted of girls wearing maroon coloured uniform which look liked school uniform and the guys wearing a grey suit with matching vest by the look of it.

The leader was wearing a brown coloured uniform that covered her body which look like a twenty something year old woman came out and said ''who are you and what are you doing here'' while she carefully eyed me.

I slowly moved my hand and pointed to the sky like how tendou souji did it in the series and said his famous catchphrase ''Ten no michi o iki, subete o tsukasadoru! orema namea kamen rider kabuto'' then I clock up and headed towards the next nova in the city leaving them dumbfounded.

I reached the outskirts of the city and saw that the nova was destroying buildings right and left, I saw a group of girls look like they need help so I dehenshin myself and wanted to take the belt off but then my belt suddenly disappear and I was shocked for a bit but then it hit me
"Maybe it did that so I didn't need to change between belts all the time" I thought then I put on the OOO buckle and the strap came out and locks onto my waist, I took out the Taka, Tora and Bata medals from my medal book and put them into the slots. I tilt the buckle to the side while taking out the OOO scanner and scan it like the show did and said






The song came out and holographic medals surround me then ended it with my TATOBA combo armour. If it weren't for the situation right now I would be screaming like a fan boy because I managed to transform into my favourite kamen rider but I focused back my attention to the nova in the city.

Lights shine into a line straight to my legs and they transform into the Bata legs, then I jumped onto the nearest building. After that, I took out the scanner and scan my buckle one more time. A voice came out of the belt and said


Power filled my entire body then I jumped right on top of the nova and three rings of light came below me as I descended onto the nova. I connected both my legs on top of the nova and went straight through it. The nova then exploded as I went through its core straight down to the ground but strangely no damage happen on my armour.

Dust and debris were all around me; once it settled down I look at the carnage around me when I noticed another group of girls wearing the same uniform like I encountered before.

A waist long ponytail red hair girl said to me "who the heck are you"

I chuckled and told them "OOO, kamen rider OOO"

"Kamen rider OOO?" a brown haired girl with both her eyes closed asks tilting her cutely

I looked at them as they tried to figure me out and sigh a little bit and told them this "well looks like I am a long way from home, mind if I join you guys?"

They look and me weirdly and I thought to myself "this is going to be a long day for me" as I look at the starry night sky.


And cut, so what you guys think. Review and comment but don't flame too much please.