Summary: Blake Belladonna hates change; and now she transfers school in the middle of the school year. She meets new friends, has a loud-mouth roommate, and encounters all sorts of (un)pleasantries. And who's there to help her adjust to all this? None other than Sun Wukong.

Blake Belladonna sighed.

She stared blankly out the window of the moving vehicle as she saw they were approaching the school. She had to transfer schools in the middle of the year, much to her dismay. Everything passing by was a blur to her. She leaned back on the leather chair and massaged her temples a bit. This was becoming more and more of a bother to her.

Blake Belladonna had lived an orphan most of her life. As a child, no one wanted to take her in because she was a faunus. Humans and the faunus species never had a good history together; and even though the two were living in peace, there were still some issues going around. It was only when she was 12 when a faunus family took her in; the Taurus Family. She had gotten along with her adoptive parents; they seemed to understand her even though she barely spoke a word to them. She never got along well with their son, Adam, who also tends to keep things to himself.

Blake took a deep breath as the car came to a halt. She gripped her skirt, not too tight; she didn't want to show people how tense she was, or rather, how weak she could be. She hated anything new or anything that changed. It scared her because she never knew what was going to happen or how things would be. The car door opened and Blake stepped out. She looked at the towering building in front of her and sighed.

"Welcome to Beacon, Blake." she muttered to herself.

Weiss Schnee groaned as she looked over her notes.

Her blue eyes scanned each page quickly, taking in as much information as she can. The previous night, she had spent doing a project in one of her other subjects, completely forgetting that there was going to be a short test in another. If it wasn't for her seat mate, Ruby, she wouldn't even start to cram the information in her head. Weiss was a smart girl though. She had never taken the time to study and had learned everything by paying attention in class.

Weiss Schnee. No one really knew where to begin with her. She was above-than-average as most people would say. She had the trademark look of a Schnee, white hair and blue eyes. Weiss had a notable scar over her left eye; she had gotten it in an accident as a child and has served as a reminder to never ever touch her father's sword collection until she was old enough.

"Hey Weiss!" Ruby, the brunette who sat beside her in class, tapped her shoulder. Weiss sharply turned towards her direction, her eyes narrowed a bit. She didn't like to be disturbed in the middle of cramming studying.

"What is it now?" she groaned a bit. Weiss seriously didn't know how Ruby was in the same level as her, despite being two years younger than her. Ruby was the little sister of one of Weiss' friends, Yang Xiao Long. The reason why the sisters had different name origins still baffled the young heiress.

Ruby Rose was Weiss' seat mate. As far as Weiss could tell, she was one of the most innocent people she had ever met who was optimistic about almost anything. Ruby was a petite girl, almost the same height as Weiss. She had short brown hair and amazing gray eyes. Ruby was talented and smart, but being young brought naive-ness with her. Weiss knew Ruby still had a long way to mature.

"Sun was telling me about this party in downtown Vale this weekend." Ruby chirped, flashing a smile. "Sun was wondering if you'd like to drop by."

Oh great, Weiss rolled her eyes. A party thrown by the notorious Sun Wukong never ended on a low-note. You could say that he was literally a party-animal. Weiss had only attended those parties of his because well, she had her own intentions at his parties.

"Hmm," Weiss pretended to ponder a bit. IF Sun had asked Ruby to ask her, it only meant that Sun was aware that Weiss had a slight interest in one of his close friends. "... maybe I will go."

"Great!" Ruby cheered. "I'll go message Sun you're in." Ruby excitingly pulled out her phone (almost dropping it in the process). Weiss smiled a bit. Despite being a Schnee, it was nice when friends (she wasn't sure if she was going to consider Sun a 'friend') came around and asked her to go to parties.

Where was she? Ah.. page 34 of her notes.

"Great, Schnee is coming." Sun Wukong gleamed to his friend, leaning on the chair back a bit then putting his feet on the table. The blue-haired (he was trying to maintain the "cool" stereotype that was given to him) male sitting across him brushed his feet away.

"Sun," he whined. "Are you not going to do your homework?"

"I'm just going to copy off you as usual." Sun grinned. "Aren't you glad that Weiss Schnee actually said yes to coming?" Sun raised an eyebrow at his friend. Neptune Vasilias sighed. Of course he was happy. More than happy. Sun knew that Neptune had taken a liking towards the Schnee heiress, but never got the proper chance to talk to her, save for his cocky attitude that never did give a good impression to the heiress in public.

"I am happy." Neptune sighed. "It's just that,..." Neptune's words drifted off as the tried to think of the right words to describe what he was feeling.

"It's just that...?" Sun leaned in a bit. "... you're too scared to ask her out?" he whispered. Neptune's eyes narrowed and Sun backed off immediately.

Sun Wukong and Neptune Vasilias had been friends for as long as they could remember. Sun had always ben a troublemaker, and would've gotten a terrible record, save that his father always made ways for those juvenile records to be magically expunged. Growing up though, had given him a bit more refinement; but that had also given him more wild ideas and the habit to throw parties almost every weekend. It didn't really help that he was a faunus too. His parents were 98% out of town and Sun had the manor all to himself.

Neptune on the other hand, didn't live much of a grand lifestyle that Sun did. His parents didn't have the money to send him to prestigious schools in Remnant, so he got himself in those schools with hard work and a scholarship. Of course, he later found out that the scholarship had come from the Wukong Family's program. Sun swore he didn't know about that the scholarship had come from his family's program.

"Hey, chill out man." Sun patted his friend on his shoulder. "Come on, let's go grab a bite."

"Alright, alright." Neptune replied, packing up his things. Sun groaned looking at all the books his friend was borrowing from the library. "What?" Neptune looked over, a slightly puzzled look on his face.


"Gegegege," Neptune waves his finger in front of his friend's face. "It's intellectual, okay?"

The whistle blew and a pair of hands shot up in the air with a yell of victory.

"Good fight Lark." a blonde reached her hand out to the young man who was on the ground. He reached up to her and stood up, scoffing towards her and walking off. "What?" the blonde shrugged.

"Maybe he's just feeling bad you beat him, again." a red-haired girl approached her. Yang Xiao Long chuckled and patted her friend on the back, snickering a bit as he watched the blue-haired boy approach his friends.

"Well Pyrrha," Yang spoke. "It was just for fun. No one really has to take is seriously." she smiled. Pyrrha Nikos nodded in agreement with Yang.

Yang Xiao Long was the older half-sister of Ruby. Unlike her sister, who was petite and had gray eyes and brown-reddish hair, Yang had long blonde hair that cascaded down to her lower back and light lavender eyes. Most people had told her that they reminded her of Goldilocks, especially when they would see Yang's bed which had a teddy bear; or three. Yang was also similar to Ruby, being interested in combat sports. Yang was in a totally different league than Ruby though.

Along with Yang was a friend she had made during her first year at Beacon. The fiery bombshell (as most students referred to her) was named Pyrrha Nikos. Many had a hard time either: a.) spelling or b.) pronouncing her name. Most of her teachers back in elementary when she had lived in Mistral always got her name wrong. Pyrrha grew used to it later on. She developed an interest in fighting since her father was a weapons master and taught her how to fight.

"So, are you going to the party?" Yang asked her friend. Pyrrha blinked. She wasn't familiar with the whole partying scene as she preferred to stay in her room and read books. Yang noticed Pyrrha's confused expression on her face. "You know, Sun's party."

"But Sun's always throwing a party." Pyrrha commented as they walked towards the lockers, unsure on why people were so excited for a party that was going on almost every weekend. It was actually suspicious if Sun didn't have a party going on.

"Yeah but," Yang removed her shirt. "... you're always studying. You should come and enjoy some time." she smiled.

"Enjoy myself?" Pyrrha repeated as she removed her shirt and slowly started stripping her clothes off, ready to hit the showers.

"You know," Yang grabbed her towel and a bottle of Samurai Shampoo. "... go out, have fun, meet people? I know you like to study, but it's also nice if you'd also come and enjoy with us from time to time." Yang told her from the other cubicle. "Can I borrow some soap?"

Pyrrha threw the bar of soap over the wall between them, hitting Yang on the head. "Ow!"

"Well Ms. Belladonna, the documents are all in order." a man adjusted his spectacles before looking at the cat-faunus in front of him. Blake nodded a bit. "But there is one concern I have." the man, named Ozpin, opened the folder and scanned her transfer documents once again.

"What is it sir?"

"It says here that you desire to live on campus in our dormitories, am I correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well," Ozpin leaned back. "You do know that our dormitories, although fully furnished and completely safe, does not live to that standards of what you're used to. And I know that your family has a place nearby." he took a sip of his coffee.

Blake nodded in response.

"If you are willing to stay in the dorms, you do know you will have to share a room with either 1 or 2 other girls." he explained.

"I understand." her voice almost cracked a bit. She had hoped that he didn't notice.

"Then it's settled. I'll have your bags sent to your room so you can settle in." Ozpin closed the folder. Blake took this as a sign that the conversation was over. She stood up and gave a bow before exiting the headmaster's office.

For Blake Belladonna, this was going to be a big step. She was surrounded by change; and she never did have a good experience with change. The only thing she prayed for now was that her roommate wasn't going to be some crazy girl.

"Ms. Xiao Long?" a woman approached Yang. The blonde turned around and smiled at one of her professors.

"Hey Mr. Port! Wassup?" Yang stopped and put a hand on her waist. Her stubby professor handed her an envelope. Yang wanted to groan then and there. It was never really a good sign when she got these envelopes. They were mostly warnings about her being too rough in gym class.

"I swear I didn't beat Sky Lark too bad." Yang complained, earning a laugh from her professor.

"No Ms. Xiao Long, this is a letter from Ozpin." he clarified. "About your new roommate."

And with that, the halls echoed with Yang's voice of excitement.

Author's Notes: So, this is something I threw together. Id really like to get some criticism on it, even though this chapter was more on introducing the characters and their backgrounds. Reviews are highly appreciated.