"Hi Nozomi-chan! Is now a good time?" Kotori could hear quick typing in the background; maybe Nozomi was still finishing up some schoolwork?
"Sure, we're both ready."
Kotori smiled to herself, not needing to ask what Nozomi meant by both.
Last month Eli and Nozomi had officially revealed that they were together and all the Muses were thrilled, it was about time. The former president and vice-president told everyone stories about their adventures that went back to when they were first years, which really baffled the others. Why had it taken so long for either of them to confess? It was clear to everyone how much they relied on and trusted one another so it was impossible to imagine them being with anyone else.
"Is everyone else already on?" Nozomi queried after noticing Kotori had been quiet for a little while.
Kotori decided she would need to get the full story about how they got together some other time. "Not yet, just Honoka, Umi and I. I'm connecting us now then I'll call the others."
"Okay, well we're ready when you are." Nozomi placed the phone on the table after pushing a button. "YOU'RE ON SPEAKER!"
Eli could be heard giggling in the background. "Nozomi, I'm sure they can hear your normal voice just fine."
"I just want to show them I'm excited, Elicchi." Nozomi said with a pout, though it changed into a grimace soon after.
"HI ELI-CHAN AND NOZOMI-CHAN!" Honoka's unmistakable voice rang through a bit too clearly.
Nozomi flinched and Eli had to cover her ears immediately.
Nozomi now regretted her earlier enthusiasm. "Ah, so that's how that feels...Okay, maybe I should hold back my excitement in the future."
"Honoka, please control your voice. Nobody needs to yell." A heavy sigh could be heard followed by Umi clearing her throat. "Good evening everyone," She continued, albeit more cheerfully and without the scolding tone. "Kotori do you need any help contacting the others?"
Apparently Kotori and Umi were in the same room as well, but using different phones since Kotori's voice could be heard slightly in the background though she was probably on the other line with her own phone.
"Thanks Umi-chan, but I think I have everyone now."
"Hi, nya!"
"S-sorry we were running a little late."
So Rin and Hanayo were sharing a phone, though nobody was really surprised. They often went to each other's house after school.
"Nico nico ni! The star has arrived to help you smile. Won't you smile for Nico?"
A groan was heard and everyone could tell it was a response from Maki. Normally more of them would've reacted like Maki, but they were getting used to Nico's antics. More importantly, were Nico and Maki sharing a phone? Now that's interesting.
"Hi everyone, let's just get this figured out before it gets late," Maki said. She seemed as unenthusiastic as ever.
"Maki are you and Nico sharing a phone? I hope we didn't interrupt anything~" Nozomi was quick to take the opportunity to investigate further.
"I-it's not like that! We were just talking about ideas." Maki was grateful the others couldn't see her flushed face, but was still agitated since her voice might have given her away.
"Yeah!" Nico followed, "We started coming up with ideas since we don't want stay on the phone all night."
"Okay everyone, It's time to get this event started! Operation 'Best Halloween Ever' is now underway!" Honoka managed to get everyone to focus. It seemed she was really excited about planning. "Has anyone come up with any ideas that would be fun?"
"I'm searching for some ideas now, just in case nobody has come up with anything." Eli stated, her typing was faint, but quick as ever. It seemed like she had no problem using the computer and paying attention to the call – as expected of the former student council president.
"I already told Elicchi that she doesn't need to keep searching, but she didn't listen. I already have the perfect plan in mind, let's go to a Haunted House!"
"Nozomi, you can't be serious…" Eli was speaking softly, but the others could still hear enough to know how much she disliked the plan.
"Why not? It'll be fun! There'll be all kinds of creepy things popping up and it'll be dark and suspenseful." Nozomi was definitely doing this on purpose, knowing how some of the girls, especially Eli, would react.
"I really can't…," Nozomi could clearly see Eli's apprehension. She always found this more childish side of the other girl adorable.
"Don't worry, I'll be there to protect you against all the scary ghosts and monsters! My spiritual power will keep them away so you just need to cling to me as tightly as you want." Nozomi responded with a devious smile, her intentions not so innocent as she took Eli's weakened state as an opportunity to leap at the girl and hold her tightly.
Eli's responding gasp and whimper could be heard through the phone. The poor girl was now a little frightened so she did find Nozomi's embrace comforting and chose not to fight it. Like Maki, she was very glad they decided to have this conversation over the phone and not in person.
"Now really wasn't a good time to talk, was it?" Kotori asked to no one specifically.
"This probably would've happened no matter when we called. Those two are always together lately, and Nozomi has no self-control." Nico said, mildly annoyed.
"We can hear you, you know-" Eli responded, though her voice was still somewhat meek.
"And that's not true!" Nozomi continued, "I have plenty of self-control. Eli just secretly likes being teased."
"N-Nozomi!" Eli's was completely red, so embarrassed that they were even discussing this right now.
Umi coughed into her hand to gain everyone's attention, "We should get back on track, there's still a lot to discuss."
"Yeah, and we can't do a haunted house, nya! It's too scary!" Rin replied, her voice shaking.
"I don't think Nozomi-chan could protect all of us either." Kotori also seemed pretty worried about the idea.
Nozomi pouted, though she wasn't really surprised. She'd really only brought up the haunted house for fun, but it would've been nice to actually go if everyone was comfortable. She didn't bother worrying about it though as she and Eli were still holding each other closely, though Eli had gone back to looking on the web for ideas. Nozomi rested her head on Eli's shoulder, making suggestions from time to time, thoroughly impressed by the speed Eli could work at.
"It really doesn't look like that plan will work, sorry Nozomi. I have another idea I wanted to bring up anyways," Maki, surprisingly, was next to speak up. "My family's clinic holds an event every year. It's kind of formal, but I thought you all might want to join."
"F-formal?" Hanayo questioned, not sure if she could handle that atmosphere.
"Mhmm," Maki elaborated, "it's mostly for the employees, but some outsiders, especially business associates, join as well. My parents already said you all would be welcome to come.
"It's probably not the ideal setting for a group of high school idols, but if we didn't come up with anything else then going might be fun." Nico supported. It seemed like she really had talked with Maki about this, and they realized it might be a little too stressful for the group.
"It does sound like we'll stick out…" Honoka confirmed, though everyone shared similar thoughts. "Thank you for asking your parents Maki! We'll keep it as a backup!" She decided.
"As long as we're all together I'm sure any event we choose will be fun," Nozomi said sincerely. Sounds of agreement came from the group, causing Nozomi to smile brightly. It seemed like her words managed to cheer everyone up again.
Eli, mesmerized by Nozomi's expression, gave her a quick peck on the cheek. The spiritual girl could be so much trouble, but so wonderful at the same time. Eli really couldn't imagine ever living without her anymore.
"Did anyone else have ideas?" Hanayo was unexpectedly the one to speak up when the line had gone silent.
"Nico has a plan that will touch your hearts," Nico said as her idol persona, but then continued more seriously, "my little sister mentioned her school holds a Halloween event for the kids and there are games and cute prizes. We could try that!"
Maki could see Nico's strained smile as she spoke. It seemed she wasn't really confident in the plan herself.
"I think that raises the same problem as Maki's plan." Umi stated.
Kotori followed, understanding what she meant. "We would stick out again."
A loud sign was heard from all the members of the group. This was hopeless, they were getting nowhere. Were there really so few events for people their age during Halloween?
Hanayo was about to bring up the plan that she was sure nobody was especially excited for. "Well we could always settle on Trick or Trea-"
"Wait." Honoka interrupted with an uncharacteristically serious tone. Nobody could see her at the moment, but Umi and Kotori could tell she was probably concentrating deeply. "I know what to do! Let's MAKE a party! We can make one for the whole school!"
"WHAT?" Nico's yelled in disbelief.
"Halloween's a week away, there isn't enough time to plan something that big." Maki stated matter-of-factly.
"So we can't?" The disappointment could be heard clearly in Honoka's voice. It seemed she really thought this plan was possible.
"Well, maybe it could work..." Kotori of all people was the one who spoke next.
"Really, nya?"
"I'll need to speak with my mom first to see if she would let us…" Kotori explained.
"And based on the current budget we'd probably need to all work together to make it happen…" Umi continued.
"But we could totally make it work!" Honoka finished, as passionate as ever.
There was a brief silence before the rest of the group all started contributing ideas.
"Nozomi and I can help with the Student Council work for the event." Eli glanced at Nozomi to make sure that was okay, and Nozomi responded with a reassuring smile.
"There should also be some things at the shrine we can borrow for decoration!" Nozomi followed, completely delighted that they'd all be working on this together. This was definitely the best plan.
"Hanayo and I can bake cookies and bring juice, nyan!" Rin offered.
"I can figure out music for the event and my family has some lights from an previous party we hosted that the school can probably use." Maki already began making lists for the type of music she's need to look up. She planned to make a pretty big playlist with a good variety, but that was definitely going to take some time to do correctly.
"If my family can go then we can let you borrow our decorations too and I can help with setting up decorations and lights." Nico said.
"I'll check with my mom, but I'm sure she's fine with people bringing their family and dates." Kotori responded cheerfully. "I'll go ask her now and let her know we already have a bunch planned out so it should be no problem!"
"Oh, Kotori wait! Speaking of family, my family's shop could probably provide some sweets for the party as well." Honoka spoke quickly, afraid Kotori might miss what she offered.
Umi chimed in as well, "I can also ask the Archery Club members to help us with setup and clean up. I'm sure they wouldn't mind."
"Thank you so much, Honoka-chan, Umi-chan, and everyone!" Kotori said before stepping away from her phone to talk with her mom.
"It's amazing what we can do when we're all together." Eli mumbled, somewhat in disbelief in how they planned so quickly.
"I hope you're not just realizing this now Elicchi. We are planning to win Love Live too after all, and that will be much more challenging." Nozomi responded.
Eli laughed, realizing how silly her earlier statement was. "You're right, we really can accomplish anything with all of us. We just need to work hard enough."
Kotori rushed back and labored breathing could be heard over the phone. Umi looked at her somewhat concerned, and the rest of Muse carried similar expressions. "Everyone, she said yes! She even said we can use some of the available budget if we promise that the event will be perfect!"
Cheers and affirmation were heard through the phone. Everyone was in high spirits, certain that they could make this a great event.
"Oh! Also, as thanks for putting this all together and since you'll be working so hard you can leave everyone's costumes to me! Please don't let finding one distract you since we'll all be busy enough already." Kotori concluded.
Everyone thanked her immediately, and some wanted to suggest ideas, but Kotori insisted on leaving it all up to her. Looks like it'd be a surprise.
"Okay, last thing. Let's not forget that we should all chip in for the food and drinks Rin, Hanayo and Honoka will be bringing, at least for the amount the budget can't cover." Eli reminded, not wanting to burden anyone financially with this plan.
Everyone agreed without hesitation, it was fair that way.
"Looks like that settles everything." Honoka took a deep breath and announced, "Operation 'Best Halloween Ever' start!"
Author's Note:
Hi all! So next chapter we get to see the fruits of their labor. Will all their hard work pay off?
I definitely hope to get the chapter out before Halloween (fingers crossed!) so please be patient for the conclusion. I'm also working on a different fic currently that I received a request for (more NozoEli! Yay!) so expect that soon as well.
This fic was suggested by FFN user CharlotteValentine aka haruhikaru14 on tumblr (Maybe you can write about Halloween party? It's almost halloween! Haunted house is a little too mainstream. The muses want a non-mainstream party and they might be struggling to find out the non-mainstream party.)
Sorry CharlotteValentine for deviating from your initial prompt somewhat. I really hope you don't mind and enjoy the story anyway! Thank you so much for the idea!
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and are as excited about Part 2 as I am! As always, I'd really love and appreciate your feedback. Still trying to improve my writing and trying out different styles to see what audiences respond to best, and this one was especially hard for me since I'm not used to so many characters.
Thanks for reading! See you in Chapter 2!