A/N: Hey! This is a story that literally just popped up out of nowhere XD. Alright, no need for a lengthy introduction, let the fic begin!

"Stupid Ash..." Gary grumbled lowly as he made his way through the woods neighboring Pallet Town, searching for his friend, no, rival. He was forced to, by the way, by his granddad because he was the one to make Ash red as a tomato before storming out of the lab. "All I said was for him to fucking grow a pair and ask that red-head out before I did. What's the big deal about that?"

He ducked under a low hanging branch, his dark eyes searching the trees for Ash's iconic red hat. Granted...It could have been what he said after that. "'Because if I did, she'll forget your pansy ass.' Tch, Ash is eighteen for crying out loud." Gary sighed as he traversed around tree trunks. "Only he would be-" The auburn-haired teen paused mid-step when he saw Ash a bit of a distance away, his back to him.

Shoving his hands in his pockets, Gary closed the distance between them two with a sneer on his face. "So you just run away, Ashy-boy? Is that what you...Holy shit." When Oak reached the raven, his eyes automatically zeroed in on the gaping hole in front of them that seemed to drop forever in a pitch-black abyss. Gary immediately took a step - more like a giant leap - backwards. "What in the hell is this?"

Ash, clearly over his little drama queen episode, shrugged as his brown eyes scanned the deformity. "I dunno..." He squatted down to get a closer look and Gary had to resist punching him in the back of his head. Because this guy had lost his goddamn mind. "Wait, I think I see a light down there!" Ash pointed into to the hole with one arm and waved Gary over with the other one.

"Yeah. Okay. That makes sense. I'm sure Gramps would love sending out a search party too."

Gary saw the hint of a grin on the other's face. Ash chuckled. "You're such a pussy."

Gary's glare should have made the surrounding trees combust. But after a second, he shrugged it off, "Hey, you are what you eat."

"Arceus..." Ash shook his head in exasperation. "Dude, just come over here." Then the grin was back. "Fucking grow a pair."

Gary scowled and muttered under his breath, "Using my own damn words..." Not thinking of a worthy enough comeback, the older teen made his way - carefully, mind you - to the edge of the hole where Ash was still squatting. "Hurry up and show me so we can then be like normal people and move away from the entrance to Hell."

Ash nudged Gary with his elbow and the latter nearly had an aneurysm. "Jeez, Gary, calm down! We're perfectly safe here!" The raven patted the ground underneath them with a smile on his face. "See? It's firm! No problem!"

"That's what she said."

"I hate you so much."

"The feeling's mutual."

"ANYWAY!" Ash turned his attention from Gary and back to the hole. "If you look closely, you can see some light. Do you see it?"

"Mhm, sure."

Ash glanced over to see Gary cleaning dirt from under his nails. What? He had clumsily tripped over a root on the way here. Thank goodness the fall didn't mess up his expensive clothes, but the grains under his nails were annoying as hell.

"Dammit Gary, you're not even looking!"

Said teen paused in what he was doing to raise a brown brow. "And?"

Ash fumed for a moment before a sly smile appeared on his face. Gary suddenly grew nervous. "And...if you don't, I'll tell Professor Oak that you were looking up things on his computer. Things not exactly G-rated, if you catch my drift."

"You. Wouldn't. Fucking. Dare." Gary growled out every word, but the intimidation wasn't effective because of the faint pink flush on his cheeks.

Ash smiled cheekily. "Try me," he nearly singsonged.

Muttering death threats, Gary leaned over the edge of the hole marginally and gazed down into the endless darkness. He pushed back his acrophobia and ignored how the world started to sway a bit. Wait a second...Ashy-boy was right. There was a tiny pinprick of light down there. Wonder what that could be. Could be an abandoned mineshaft or something like-

At that moment, Gary lost his balance.

Oak's stomach dropped and his heart jumped up to his throat as he felt himself leaning forward uncontrollably. He flailed his arms wildly, swearing to himself that he was going to haunt Ash even as the raven shat.

Gary shouted as he went over the edge until a hand grabbed his wrist, abruptly stopping his incredibly fatal drop. Glancing up, he saw Ash still squatting, but his other hand was wrapped around a hanging vine. Black irises glared up at browns.

Ash gritted his teeth, straining with Gary's weight. "You're welcome, asshole."

"If you can't see, I'm still dangling here."

"Just wait a sec," Ash panted. "This vine should be strong enough to-"

At that very moment, the vine snapped.

And Ash tumbled in not a second afterwards. The last words that echoed through the hole were:

"You fucking jinxed us dammit!"

"You shouldn't have leaned over the edge so much!"

"You shouldn't have came out here and found the hole in the first place!"

"You're the one who made me leave the lab, bastard!"

A beat.

"...Point taken."

Their yells promptly resumed again.


Ugh...Why was Ash yelling? His voice was like if a whole room full of people were rubbing Styrofoam together.

His body was then very harshly kicked. "Wake up!"

Jerking out of his sleep-like state, Gary flew his eyes open and tackled the closest thing to him to the ground. "What in the hell was that for?" He scowled out, glaring down at the surprised Pikachu with slightly shaggy hair and a red...cap...

Gary blinked as he slowly backed up off the pokémon. He shook his head slightly. He had to have some mad drugs recently if he was seeing a Pikachu that looked very similar to Ash. When Gary lifted his arm to run a hand through his hair, he was in for a shock when his 'hand' was a brown paw. Shocked, Gary placed his paw back on the sandy ground before standing up, noticing that he stood on four legs, and had the feeling of an extra appendage sprouting from his ass. And unless he was tripping real hard right now, he definitely never had that before.

Gary walked in a slow circle, beady eyes wide as he saw himself move in a very familiar Eevee body. "What the actual-"

"Fuck?" He snapped his head up to see the Pikachu that had Ash's voice fiddling with his bolt-like tail. "That's exactly what I said when I woke up!"

"This isn't real..." Gary sat down on his haunches, looking unseeingly to the sand. "You can't be Ash...I can't be an Eevee!"

The Pikachu scratched the back of his head. "I don't really believe it either! But I'm really Ash. Just in a Pikachu body..."

Gary glanced up to see the Pika-Ash rubbing his red cheeks, creating the occasional spark. What in the world...Gary was more confused now than he was when he saw a Bagon try to take flight. Off a cliff. Multiple miles up.

With a troubled sigh, the former researcher/trainer shifted his focus from his rival to their surroundings. He was soon filled with awe when the colors of the sunset reflected off bubbles that were drifting with the wind. Looking behind him, Gary saw multiple Krabby up high on rocks blowing the translucent spheres. Gary wouldn't actually mind being here, you know, if he wasn't stuck in an Eevee's body! He wanted to change back, as soon as humanly possible. Well shit, now that phrase didn't make any freaking sense.

"Hey Gary, do you have any idea how to get back?"

He gave Ash a level stare. "Sure I do. Let's just find another hole a million miles deep and jump into that. Should be fucking easy, right?"

The former raven crossed his stubby arms and puffed his static filled cheeks. "Shut the hell up. It was just a simple question that-" Ash trailed off as he focused on something to the side. Gary followed his gaze to the edge of the shore to see a rock with white lines all over it. "Whoa..." He started to move somewhat awkwardly on two feet before switching to four, running over to the shallow water. Ash stood back up and peered at the broken piece of land. "What do you think this is, Gary?" Ash adjusted his slightly crooked hat between his yellow ears.

Oak trotted over to where Ash was, gotten used to being on four legs, and stood beside him, paws halfway submerged in the salty ocean. Gary stared at the fragmented rock, the white fur around his neck flowing in the sea breeze. "Looks like a lonely kid, with way too much time on his hands, got chalk happy." He was about to take a step forward to get a better look, but then something hit him hard from the behind, sending Gary flipping into slightly deeper water. Gah! He just swallowed a mouthful and it tasted like straight up piss.

"Well, I do beg your pardon, Miss." Coughing, Gary quickly got back on his feet and glared at both the Koffing that was smirking at him and the Zubat with its fangs holding onto the rock they found.

Hearing electricity, the Eevee gave the Pikachu a shifted glance as he glared at the two newcomers also. "Why in the hell did you do that?"

"Heh-heh-heh! Can't figure it out?" Goddammit. Now Gary was going to have to strain to even understand what the bat was saying. "We wanted to mess with you! Can't face up to us, can you?!"

Ash looked at Zubat oddly. "The fuck?"

"This is yours, ain't it?"

"Actually, we just found it-"

"Doesn't matter, kiddo. It's ours now!"

"Whoa-ho-ho! Not gonna make a move to get it back?" The Koffing bellowed.

The static grew louder. "Alright, bastards, I really didn't care at first if you two took it, because we just found the piece of junk. But now that you're rubbing it in our faces...Here's lightning in your FACE!" Ash sent a thundershock their way and they barely dodged it.

"Ack!" Zubat gasped.

"Let's get outta here!" Koffing suggested and the duo fled into the nearby cave in the rock face. "Try to get it back now, losers!" The poisonous duo disappeared inside. Ash and Gary stared after them until the latter smirked.

"I'm guessing we're going after them."

"Hell yeah!"

The Eevee waded out of the water until a sudden thought tensed his muscles and hit him like a ton of bricks.


Lol, should I continue?