Hey guys. If you read the Author's Note at the end of last chapter then yes: this story is coming to an end.
When I first started GP Officer Son Gohan there was so much of the Tenchi Lore that I WASN'T aware of, specifically all the Light Novels. The True Tenchi Novels, which after years and years have FINALLY been released in the US; and of course there are the GXP Novels, something I didn't even know existed until this story was several chapters in. While those don't have official translations, a fan by the name by FapFapperson (Their actual username on the internet) have gone out of their way to translate not only those novels but the novels by Naoko Hasegawa, the Negishi novels, and various articles. The GXP Novels go way more into detail than the anime did (And a lack of details in the anime was my biggest problem when writing the story), I'm only a quarter of the way through Novel 2, but I've already learned a lot more about GXP than I had previously, such as Rajau's race, the Wau, actually being cat aliens rather than dogs which was my original guess. But if you have time, check out FapFapperson's blog, just Google Tenchi Muyo Translation Blog and the first link should take you there. I think it's well worth the time.
I've brought up Tenchi so far, but let's not forget about the Dragon Ball side of things. When I started GPSG, Resurrection F wasn't even in theaters yet, and the thought of there being a new Dragon Ball series was one that didn't even pop into the minds of the fandom yet. But fast forward 4 and a half years later, we had a 100+ episode anime series in Super and the manga's still ongoing. Let's not forget about DBS: Broly. Toriyama's reworking of one of DB's most divisive characters was perhaps the biggest catalyst in me ending GPSG as it sparked new ideas for this story, and gave me ideas for reworking old DB concepts into the modern timeline for this fic. On top of that, there's a lot more of the Dragon Ball franchise that I know now, than when I did when this story first started. Namely, the stuff involving Jaco The Galactic Patrolman and how that story's given me ideas into how to tie it and the Tenchi Lores together.
All this new info has new ideas popping in my head and it's made me reevaluate this story, and the more I reread it, the more I feel like I could add new different things to improve it; and it's also made it difficult to try and continue the story as it is.
It's all these reason why I am ending GP Officer Son Gohan and starting anew; and when I say anew I just don't mean the story itself, I'm also talking about the member of the Son Family we're sending to space as well. It'll be a while before this story gets "rebooted" but when it does come back, it'll come back in as GP Officer: Son Goten!
Why Goten, some of you may be asking? One: Because Modern Dragon Ball doesn't seem to want to do anything with him. Two: When it comes to DB Crossovers, it seems like a lot of writers only want to bother with Goten when Trunks is around. Three: End of Z Goten gives me a lot of room to play with in regards to him as a character. As I look back at in hindsight, in GPSG it felt like I was forcing Gohan's character more into something he's established to not be. Four: With a weaker Saiyan in Goten I can kind of reset the power scaling so later events aren't that ridiculous/OP.
And Five: it kind of goes with the original idea for how I wanted this story to end. The final scene would be of Gohan, his wife, and child/children watching Goten take off as he began his training for the GP.
Speaking of things for this story, while I won't reveal much because a lot of the ideas that were going into this fic will be carried over into the new one, what I CAN say is that Gohan and Ryoko Balta defintely would've been an item when all was said and done.
Thanks once again to everyone who followed this fic, favorited it, and reviewed; and I apologize. As someone who rad fics on this site long before he started writing them, I understand what it's like to wait years for your favorite story to either never update or when it does, there's a note like this one explaining why the story's being discontinued. I can only hope that when GP Officer Son Goten does eventually get underway, you'll all be there to read it with me.
But that's it for this giant final update, if you guys have any questions, just PM me where I'll answer or check the reviews to this story where I'll try to answer questions there.
One final thank you to the following reviewers whose reviews really lit up my day:
Okami Princess
Blake 2020
Hope you all enjoyed reading GP Officer Son Gohan!