It's the day before his daughter's first birthday and - if he's honest, - Sebastian's a little nervous.

The house smells delicious, which is surprising, seeing as Grell had insisted on baking the cake. Admittedly, allowing her to do that had been a gamble, but the house wasn't burnt down yet so Sebastian was counting that as a victory.

He straightens his tie, nods to himself in the mirror, and checks through all the presents again – neatly wrapped despite the fact that Olivia wasn't going to care.

The birthday girl was currently in her crib, clinging to a headless stuffed animal (made by the Funtom company, to Sebastian's disgust) and shrieking at the top of her lungs. Of course, it wasn't headless when Ciel had given it to them; Olivia had done that on her own.

Scooping her out of the crib and holding her, Sebastian muttered softly to her.

"It's your first birthday tomorrow, you know that? Mommy and I have made you a cake, and got you lots of presents to celebrate."

Olivia just glares at him and fiercely says, "Dada."

The doorbell rings suddenly, which is followed by the clattering of several pots and pans from the kitchen.

"Can you get that Sebastian?" Grell calls from the kitchen, followed by another loud bang and a string of muttered curses.

"Certainly," he answers, sitting Olivia on his hip and going to answer the door.

"Well if it isn't my favourite demon!" Ronald exclaims when Sebastian opens the door.

"What are you doing here Ronald?" Sebastian says frostily, as Olivia points at Ron and begins babbling.

"Easy tiger," says Ron, "I wasn't talking to you Seb, Olivia is my favourite demon, not your ugly mug."

He begins tickling Olivia, who giggles excitedly and holds up her headless stuffed animal to Ron proudly.

"That's a neat…decapitated rabbit you've got there Olly," says Ron uneasily, glancing at Sebastian.

"Anyway Ron, it's been nice having you but it's time for you to head out now. We're celebrating Olivia's birthday today." Sebastian begins to close the door, but Ron blocks it by suddenly stepping into the house.

"I almost forgot!" He declares, picking a gift bag off the floor, "I brought you a birthday present."

He's managing to both beam at Olivia and look smugly at Sebastian at the same time, which just bother's him further. He's about to kick Ron out once and for all when Grell comes prancing down the hallway in a lacy red apron and with flour on her nose.

"Ron!" She says excitedly, and Sebastian groans internally, knowing that there's no way Ron will be leaving now.

"Hi Grell, I just came round to celebrate Olivia's birthday." He holds out the gift to Grell, "I even brought a present!"

Grell ushers Ronald inside, rambling happily about the cake she's made while Sebastian glares daggers into Ron's back.

Despite pleading with Grell to let him put the icing on the cake, Sebastian ends up working with Ronald, putting fancy candies into little red and black lace pouches for guests to take home. Ronald is useless at this job, because he keeps stopping to play with Olivia. When Sebastian finally manages to scare him into helping, he keeps attempting to eat the candies when he thinks Sebastian isn't looking.

Ron talks happily the whole time, mostly to Olivia, but occasionally he throws an insult at Sebastian – having his mouth full of expensive chocolate doesn't stop him, Sebastian notes disgustedly. He resigns himself that Ron (foul habits and all) is probably not going to leave any time soon, and sighs as he assigns Ronald the job of cutting of vegetables for the dip.