My darlings! I honestly have no idea how this little snippet came about! I have been working on some of your requests and I can't seem to stop writing them and they are getting huge! So I decided to post this little one as opposed to making you wait longer! Do enjoy, I think I was having a mommy moment when I wrote this and I wondered what Emma and Regina would name their child, if they ever had another(;

As well for all of you that have a burning request, I am taking them right now, do leave yours in the comments!

"Does this dress make me look fat?"

"Do you want the honest answer?"

Regina turned round to face the woman behind her, stunned, "Are you implying that it does Miss Swan?"

The blonde chuckled.

"I'm not implying anything," She said, standing up from where she sat on the bed and went to her lover, circling her arms around her tiny waist. "Don't twist my words, you know I would never say that your Majesty."

She ended with a nip to the brunettes ear as she spoke, running her hands soothingly over the woman's back.

"Well good, or you might find yourself without a tongue dear."

"Well we couldn't have that now," The blonde said. Regina barely bit back the moan that begged to escape as the woman continued her little nips and kisses down her neck. Stopping to suck at a pulse point, Regina's eyes screwed shut as she held her breath, letting the rush of heat roll over her from the woman's ever talented tongue. "Could we?"

"N-no, I don't think we could." She said breathless.

"Mmm, right." Emma hummed. "So do you want to hear my answer?"

"Huh." Was all Regina could make out.

"My answer."

"Oh," she said as a small sliver of cognizant thought made its way through her mind, "yes."

"I think it makes you look downright sinful, and utterly sexy."

Heat shot through her, straight to her the apex of her thighs at Emma's praise.


"Yes, no one would ever know you were the mother of two."

That stopped her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She pushed the blonde, currently stuck to neck, away.

She laughed, "That was a compliment Regina."

"But dear, no one should know that I am a mother to anyone but Henry yet, and two? I adopted Henry, so this would be our first born?"

"Actually, I talked to Whale."

Regina felt her face turn pale and her body turn cold as she looked into the blondes eyes.


"And he said again that he had never delt with this kind of magic before so his initial diagnosis's were based more in theory than fact. However he admits that he might have been wrong about a few things. Most important being, you're not carrying one child... It's two!"

The joy painted on the blondes cheeks was the only thing that was keeping the brunette tethered to this world at the moment.

2 children. 2 babies. 2 kids of there very own! She had been so excited when they had heard the news. First she had been scared, utterly afraid of what would happen. If she would be able to carry it, if her body had the ability to make it through the process. But when Doctor Whale had assured her that her body was in great health and that she would indeed be able to see their child to term, she had switched her anxiety to the great elephant in the room.


How did two women manage to conceive a child? And not just one, but two! It was the great unknown. Whale had been convinced it was to do with their magic. Since there was no biological way to explain the phenomenon they had stuck with that theory. It wasn't until Emma had reminded them that due to the timing, they must have conceived the child when the town had gone through the power storm. It had been an awful phenomenon, which had stripped them all of their powers for a week, and nearly frozen the town over due to the lack of heat. They had had to find many ways to keep warm during those cold nights and their baby was probably came out of then.

Regardless, because of the woman in front of her, she was carrying what was going to be the two most beautiful baby boys or girls for their son Henry to play with.

A small smile grew on her face as she started at the woman holding her.

"Well, I suppose we will have to update our name list." Regina spoke.

The blonde chuckled. "Yeah, but there is still no way you'll ever convince me that Richard is a good name."

"What?" Regina said, "Why not? It is a good name, it has strength to it."

"No, Regina, that kid would get bullied, kids at school would laugh and call him 'Dick."

Regina huffed, "Well just send them my way and I'll teach them a thing or two."

Emma laughed again seeing the fire that she loved so much rise in her wife's eyes.

"Calm down tiger. I'm just saying," Emma said, adjusting her hold on the woman, "But look on the bright side, we've still got time."

"Well what's your idea than?" Regina spoke, her eyes closing as the blondes hands rubbed soothing circular motions over her belly.

"I like Flynn."

Regina's eyes shot open, and she narrowed them at her wife, "As in Flynn Ryder?"

Emma looked away, hiding a guilty smile.


"I like it ok!"

Regina snorted, rolling her eyes, "You like that movie way too much dear."

Regina smiled at the childlike bashfulness on her beautiful wife face. She leaned in, kissing the blondes soft lips, chuckling as she did so. "Well," she said, kissing her way across the woman's face, and up to the sensitive spot behind her ear, "I think you've underestimate my powers of persuasion."

"Oh?" Was all Emma managed to say.

"Mmhmm." The brunette kissed the sensitive spot, before biting down lightly on her earlobe.

Emma's jaw dropped open as she sucked in a sharp breath.

"Well what if we have girls?" she spoke in little pants.

She immediately missed the warmth of the brunettes mouth on her ear, when the woman pulled away.

"I haven't thought of that."

"I have," Emma said.

"Well I'm all ears," Regina spoke, looking earnestly at her wife.

Emma cleared her throat, looking down for a moment, before speaking, "I like Bella."

Regina leaned back for a moment.

She wore a far off look, as she contemplated the name. "Bella," she said, the name sounding like honey as it rolled off of her tongue.

"Not like Bella from Twilight?" she said, her brow crinkling.

Emma blushed.

"Emma!" She said, whacking the blonde on the arm.

"What can I say! I like what I like, and I really like movies!"

"Really Miss Swan?" Regina laughed, raising her brow, "Why don't we just name the other one Edward and be done?"

"Ew, no, that would be incest." The blonde said, scrunching her nose in disgust.

Regina snorted, leaning in to kiss the other woman's pouting lips.

"All I know is all of my names will probably come from movies, because I really like them. But I like you more."

Regina grinned, as the blondes hands moved further down, tugging at the fabric of her dress. Emma nipped at the corner her lips, taking her breath away, leaving a warm trail of kisses down her neck and across her collar bone. Regina shifted, running her fingers through the blondes long hair, holding her close.

"Mmm." She hummed, "Nice save dear."

Emma smiled against her skin. "I thought so." And she kissed her again.

much love, leave your requests in the comments! x