A/N:Okay, this is a new fanfic I'm writin' up where Harry Potter is actually...Allen Walker! I know, I've read volumes 1-9 of D-gray man and only seen a few episodes, but I love the manga very much, it's unique, sad, and interesting. So I figured I could write a fic about it. Either that or else I work on it myself, despite the fact that I have over 9000 stories to work on. Warning in some bashing! Don't like it, don't read it. I really love writing shit, especially shit where Harry Potter would never be a pawn of the Wizarding World. Enjoy reading this, especially cos it's a speculative one. What if Harry Potter did survive Voldemort's thing, only his innocence sent him into another world and he became an exorcist known as Allen Walker! Wish me luck on this, my friends! I'm gonna try this. I'm headed to bed afterwards, so I want some feedback, okay? Also, Allen's hair was a bit like Lily's, a bit lighter black/brown, but became white as Allen.

Chapter One: Allen Walker, Exorcist and the Weird Letters from an old Fart

Albus Dumbledore smiled fondly as he brought young Harry to Petunia Dursley's doorstep, and set him down. This would be the perfect home for Harry, after all his aunt might still love her dead sister. From what he had seen, she definitely loved Dudley, hopefully she'd be able to pass on the same love to Harry.

Not that Dumbledore really noticed the oddities on young Harry Potter. For example, he hadn't noticed that Harry Potter's arm was, well...unusual. It was shriveled up for some reason, and Dumbledore could've sworn he'd seen a flash of odd light come out of the babe when he'd tried to examine the baby. He had been most surprised to discover that Harry didn't have any magic in him, and that saddened him.

The boy was supposed to be the savior of the Wizarding World, if he wasn't, then, that made him kinda useless, didn't it? Still, maybe if he had no magic, his life here would be easier, he thought as he set him down and left.

Yes, Albus Dumbledore truly was a caring leader of the light to anyone who was magical-to anyone who wasn't, well to hell with them. And sadly, Harry fell under this jurisdiction as well. He had no choice but to do that.

It was a windy morning when Petunia opened the door to find her sister's child out on the doorstep, only for some reason there was a bright shining glow emanating from his hand. She bent down to examine it and bit back a scream, for his hand was bright red and shriveled. It looked like it was deformed.

How dare they leave such a freak on her doorstep. But he didn't have any magic, she couldn't detect any magic coming from him. Despite his deformed arm, he appeared normal, but a part of her couldn't help but scream that he was a freak, and Petunia couldn't have anyone disrupting her precious Dinky-Duddydums.

Shaking her head, she proceeded to wake up her husband and tell him about the situation.

"Let's just drop the little freak off at the orphanage. That'll do."

And so they left poor Harry out on the doorstep of the orphanage, condemning him to a lonely life. Unfortunately for them, however, neither the Dursleys nor Dumbledore knew what would happen next. When young Harry was lying out there all alone, the bright shining light illuminated him and then the boy disappeared from the doorstep, only to reappear a hundred years ago, on the outskirts of a traveling circus.

The clowns were quite baffled to discover a sleeping infant with brownish-red hair outside their door. They had no choice but to take him and raise him. Though Mana Walker and his dog, 'Allen' were quite surprised to find a child with the same reddish-brown hair as his dog.

His own dog was named Allen, maybe the boy's name should be Red. And so young Red was brought up to be a circus clown, instead of being the joker of the Wizarding World. But then one day, a tragic accident happened. Allen the dog was killed, and Mana was overcome with grief, and perhaps because of this, he suddenly started calling Red Allen, in memory of his dog.

So Red decided to go along with it. And from the earliest days, Allen always noticed his arm was strange. Sometimes he would swear he saw a strange flash from inside it, but that couldn't be, as he had nothing magical about him. He was just an ordinary circus clown. It wasn't like he could really do anything.

And sometimes he swore his eyes were green, but he knew they were bluish-grey.

Albus cursed. Where on earth was the boy? It had been eleven years, and yet the Hogwarts letter had not come through!

"Mana, Mana, stay with me!" Allen Walker screamed at his adopted father, or whatever was left of him as the akuma came towards him.

"Allen, I curse you!" It screamed, and for some reason, Allen pictured a white thing with red eyes shouting the same thing as it shot out a beam of light towards him. Allen could feel blood dripping out of his eye as his eye was slashed, and he could feel a strange sensation in his arm, as it lit up and turned into a strange weapon.

This was the first time Allen had ever used his innocence, and the innocence had completely destroyed his scar and the evil thing inside it, deeming it to be too unworthy of an exorcist, and if it weren't for it, the scar would've indeed controlled him. And the Noah within didn't want anything more evil than itself controlling his body, both of which Allen was still unaware of.

And so, Allen Walker became an exorcist and his hair color became white. Allen was unaware of the fact that his hair had been black. His hair had gone white from shock, some said, and some called him an old man because of it.

One day, what Allen was not expecting was for a weird letter to make its way on Komui's desk.

"What is this?" Lenalee Lee asked, picking it up and studying it. "It says, to Harry Potter..." She said.

"There's no one here by that name," Allen said, looking at the letter in complete disbelief, as though it were something alien. For some reason, the letter fluttered and landed in Allen's hand.

"What the hell is this?" He remarked.

"I dunno," Lenalee said.

When he opened it, there was some fancy text inside it that said. Whoever the person that wrote it had the same fearsome aura as Cross Marian. Allen shuddered as he read it.

'Dear Mr. Potter, your letter for Hogwarts has come to your house yet you are not there. Therefore, I've written you this letter to inform you that you are to appear before me at once. I would like to meet with you and inform you of your duty to save our world. You have a place at Hogwarts to learn magic." -Signed, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

Allen's eyebrow rose and twitched ever so slightly.

"What is that, bean sprout?" Kanda said as he walked up to Allen, seizing his letter and reading it. "Huh, some crazy nut thinks you're someone else. So they want to kidnap you and make you part of their crazy cult? Well, not gonna happen. You're an exorcist, after all."

"Maybe they can drag you with it." Allen said, as dangerous auras formed around both Allen and Kanda as they glared at each other.

"All right, you two, stop it!" Lenalee cried. "Allen, it's obvious that you should write back to this person, informing them that they are mistaken."

Allen nodded his head. "Yes, I'll do that at once, Lenalee!"

Dumbledore blinked as he received a note back from somewhere titled: The black order.

"What the heck is that? Some sort of Death Eater hangout?" He mused.

The letter was written in an educated tone.

'Dear Mr. Albus Dumbledore, I received your letter by accident. I don't think you have the right person. You must've accidentally mailed it to the wrong person. My name isn't Harry Potter and there certainly is no such thing as magic. My name is Allen Walker, not Harry Potter. I think you'll find that I'm too busy to trouble myself with something I don't know, nor care about. I have to be an exorcist. Take your crazy akuma cult and shove it. I'm not interested.' -Signed, Allen Walker, exorcist.

"Who the hell is this?" Dumbledore said, "I sent it to the wrong boy?"