Hi everyone! i bet you though this story was never going to continue, w..well you're absolutly right, and my reason for that is because when i went to write the wedding scene i couldn't do it, so i started working on other stuff and left this one where it was. you amazing people have been messaging me asking if and when i was going to continue and i tried, but i just couldn't do it. Finally after 9 months i was able to come up with something and trust me i don't really care for this chapter. I hope i don't dissapoint you. you might want to go back and read the chapter from november before you read august update just so you can remeber what last happened.

Slowly Clementine's eyes opened and closed. She woke up to the sound of heavy rain hitting the top of the roof which reminded her of being a child. she use to open her window and listen to the rain or take naps. Or when she was a teenager her parents purchased her a small fountain which helped her fall asleep at night. Clementine started to sit up, but stopped since she was trapped in Luke's loving embrace. A warm smile curved onto her lips as she looked up at his face watching him sleep. He was such a handsome man, and she was very lucky to have him. Clementine didn't know how much longer they where going to survive. Even if this house was safe how long did they have until something went wrong? what if Carver had found them, or somehow walkers found their way into the house and cornered them? Slowly Clementine grabbed onto Luke's arm lifting it and slipped out of bed getting dressed. she walked over to the window to look and see the sun was barely rising. she left the room gently closing the door behind herself and tiptoed downstairs seeing Nick was awake biting down on his thumb as he stared out the window. "Nick?" Clementine spoke softly so she didn't startle him.

"yeah?" Nick said turning his gaze to Clementine.

"why are you up so early?" she asked taking a seat on one of the couches.

"Because you and Luke where kinda loud." he replied in a joking way smiling to himself as Clementine's cheeks lit up as red as a tomato. Quickly Clementine turned her head to the side.

"i'm sorry."

"I was kidding Clem, I'm awake because I had a dream about my mom. she use to stand at this window all the time and I never understood why until now. The view from here is amazing." Nick leaned against the wall crossing his arms. "can i ask you something?"

"go ahead Nick."

"how the fuck are we going to have a wedding in a apocalypse?" he asked. Clementine closed her eyes listening to the rain "I know having an actual wedding is out of the question, so Luke and I just said why not just make it extremely simple y'know and then have a celebratory granola bar?" she laughed standing to her feet.

"sounds good to me. uh in my moms room you will find all of her clothing in the closet on the right. you can take a look, just don't break anything." Nick left her alone in the room. She stood and made her way upstairs to the room walking over to the closet starting to look though his moms clothing there was a white sundress that she tried on as she checked herself out in the mirror she could hear the others talking.

"Clem?" Sarah called out as she opened the door.


"its time for you super tiny wedding!" Sarah said excitedly and stepped aside letting Kenny into the room.

"Hey Darlin, you look beautiful." he walked over to her a warm smile was on his face. "while you spend time up here we all discussed how this wedding going to go. I'm going to walk you down the staircase to Luke you two are going to say a few words kiss you're married."

"sounds good to me." Clementine replied linking her arm with Kenny Sarah threw a few flower petals on the stairs while she walked and hurried over to her father Clementine made her way down the staircase with Kenny, for some strange reason she felt nervous. This wasn't a real official wedding, but it sure did feel strange. She smiled wide staring into Luke's eyes and let go of Kenny's arm once they made it to the bottom of the stairs and grabbed onto Luke's hands.

"Alright everyone, as you may or may not know this wedding is going to take about two seconds, let me start it off by saying no matter what happens in this chaotic world we live in. I will always be by your side Clementine. if we get separated I will find you. If I somehow end up dead my spirit will live on and continue to be by your side." Luke said to her she nodded her head wanting to speak but stopped and turned to see Rebecca frowning.

"are you alright?" Clementine asked

"yeah sweetie, I'm fine please continue." Rebecca responded holding tightly onto Alvin's hand. Clementine turned to Luke and spoke.

"can we just kiss and make it official?" she asked him and he nodded. she closed her eyes leaning toward Luke's face Luke shrugged and wrapped his arms around her waist the moment their lips touched there where a few claps Rebecca spoke up.

"okay, I hate to ruin the moment, but my water just broke." Rebecca said as calm as possible. Clementine and the others looked down on the floor to see a small puddle.

"alright everyone, we practiced how to do this in the cabin. remain calm and get Rebecca upstairs. Clementine, Kenny, Carlos, Sarita, Bonnie Mike i'm going to need for you to stand guard in case walkers show up. If they do please let us know." Carlos said to them and everyone started to scatter about. Kenny spoke to his small group.

"They pretty much have everything covered up there, but I want to help them with this baby. All of you keep an eye out and if you see walkers take care of them. if you need a hand outside send someone to come get us." Kenny rushed upstairs. Clementine hurried upstairs to change back into her normal clothing. she grabbed her backpack and gun she rushed downstairs to meet the small group.

"what do we do now?" Bonnie asked earning a shrug from the ladies.

"we need to go outside and keep an eye out on the area if you see movement try to use something sharp to kill the walkers, but if you see more than you can handle just call for help. do not fire you gun unless you have to." Mike finished telling the 3 ladies what to do and left outside into the rain. Clementine sucked in air though her teeth as the cold rain poured down onto her. she hurried over to the front half of the gate trying to look out as far as possible. her hand gripped down onto her knife ready for anything. Rebecca could be heard occasionally though the rain that only seemed to grow more intense. Clementine walked along the fence a walker made its way toward the gate. she pulled her knife waiting for it to get close quickly stabbing her knife though the side of its head, and around to see the other 3 where clear from walkers. some time had passed before they where able to head back inside. Clementine shivered as she went inside going into her room to change clothing once again. this time Luke allowed her to wear his sweater. it was large but comfortable. she put on a pair of Nicks' moms pants which fit nicely and sat with Luke resting her head on his chest.

"don't you want to see the baby?" Luke asked her while he towel dried her hair.

"I will later, I just want for Rebecca to rest. I will see the baby later."

"alright." Luke whispered holding her close to him. "I'm so glad we are safe here."

"me too." Clementine mumbled before going back to sleep. Hours later Clementine woke up in bed "Luke?" she said his name looking from side to side tossing the blankets off of her body and slowly got out of bed. seeing a note on the door. [everyone has left out to catch some fish down at the stream. its just you sarah, Rebacca and bonnie, if something happens do your best to protect everyone] she set the note on the dresser and walked toward the staircase and stopped seeing Bonnie at the front door talking to someone she stood by the wall and listened in on her conversation.

"yes, they plan on staying at this house thinking they are safe from you." Bonnie said placing her hand on her hip."

"what is she talking about?" Clementine whispered peeking around the corner her eyes widened seeing Bill on the other half of the door."

-end of chapter 16

oh my gosh so I have so many things to say! first I really hate this chapter but the ending! can you believe it!? Bonnie is talking to Carver, Carver is at their front door. you realize that since the others are out Bill could easily come in and take Rebecca? or kill clem and the others? I wonder whats going to happen next.