The debate on whether Cryptor should remain online had gone on for about another month before the public came to a conclusion. Their decision was shocking to most. Of course Cyrus had to report to Cryptor shortly after receiving the news, having little time to react. He called Cryptor up to his office to let him know. When Cryptor arrived, Cyrus waved him over.

"I have news on your predicament," he said, sounding rather serious. Entering Cyrus' office, Cryptor frowned at Cyrus's immediate statement. Having a mix of emotions from, irritated, to worried, he carefully approached Cyrus.

"It's actual news and not just statistics right?"

"It's news. Like the answer to whether you'll be free or not," Cyrus said with a slow nod. The paraplegic steered himself over to Cryptor. He took Cryptor's hand and held it as he tried to find the right words. The other hand went into his jacket as if he were reaching for something. Having his hand held, Cryptor quickly shot his gaze at Cyrus' hand in his pocket before he ripped his hand out of Cyrus' grasp. Crossing his arms, he stepped back a couple of steps.

"You don't need to hold my hand, idiot." He growled. If the public had made the decision to power him down again, he would let it happen, even though he really didn't want to. He had never expected the public to allow him to stay online, so he was fully prepared to be powered off, even if he would do a little protesting. "Stop procrastinating and just say what it is already." Cyrus sighed and pulled out an opened envelope. Showing it to Cryptor, Cyrus grinned.

"This is a form you have to sign." He explained. "It says that you are free to go if you agree to never harm an innocent citizen and if the contract is breached, you will be tried in a court of law like anyone else." Cryptor blinked, staring at the envelope, not sure how he was supposed to react. The answer he had received was obviously not one he had been expecting at all. His arms now uncrossed, he tried to figure out some way to react to the news, but was really lost. Finally taking action, and taking the envelope from Cyrus, he inspected it over, holding it carefully like it might explode if touched the wrong way. Cyrus chuckled and shook his head as Cryptor cautiously inspected the envelope.

"Cryptor, you're free." Cyrus repeated, grinning from ear to ear. "All it takes is a signature and you're free. We should celebrate." Cryptor nodded slowly as he still inspected the envelope. Then a thought coming to mind, he frowned.

"…How do I sign something?"

"I'll show you." Cyrus said, waving for Cryptor to come with him over to the desk. Once at his desk, he took the envelope from Cryptor and pulled the forms out. He gave the contract a quick skim before pointing at a blank line. "You sign your name here. Then once more at the very bottom of the page and the date next to it." Cryptor looked at the paper, reading it through thoroughly to make sure he understood everything. He had to make sure he knew everything on it, because if he messed up on anything that would likely be the end of it for him. Having read it through, he looked at the blank line before standing up a little straighter, looking at the paper with an annoyed expression.

"What's even the point of signing something like this? Most of this seems like basic common knowledge, it seems pointless."

"Well, signing a legal document means you agree to what the contract is asking from you." Cyrus explained. "You're lucky that the conditions asked aren't outrageous considering how many people still aren't comfortable with you." Cryptor frowned, crossing his arms.

"But why sign? Why can't I just agree? How does writing my name agree to anything?" Cyrus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Cryptor, you're being very difficult for someone who's ticket to freedom is sitting right there in front of him." The inventor drawled. "But, to answer your questions, signing a legal document provides proof of agreement, is legally binding, and officiates an agreement."

"Fine." Cryptor huffed, searching the desk for a pen to use. Finding one and grabbing it up, he stared at the blank line for a couple of seconds before finally writing out his name rather carelessly. "There, I wrote my name." Cyrus shook his head and gave Cryptor's back a pat.

"I honestly can't believe that you were this difficult." He faked a chuckle, taking the papers and folding them neatly. "I'll get this sent back and you will probably be free to leave the tower tomorrow morning. Congratulations. If it weren't for your secretive heroism, this may have had a different outcome." Cryptor nodded slowly, still having a bit of trouble believing he would be able to leave the tower; that he wouldn't be deactivated again.

"I didn't like the secretive heroism." He answered. "It was annoying. I hated being called Gadgetman. The name is terrible."

"Yeah, I never cared for the name either. It was very clunky sounding," Cyrus chuckled, smiling fondly at his creation. "At least you get to be you now."

A/N: Well, that's it everyone. That's the end. Happy Ending hooray! I honestly don't really like how this ended, but you know. It's got to come to an end eventually and we weren't exactly sure on how to end it, so why not just a contract? Meh, not that great, I know. This sequel was more for fun, entertainment, and humor, and that's what it was, not really for story quality. Anyway, that's all! I do hope you enjoyed this, and I seriously apologize for how long it took to post, seriously. I feel terrible for making you all wait so long. Louis and I are making yet another sequel to this, but it's more for just for us, and don't expect it to ever just be posted. We just wanted to RP our OCs in this AU. Louis and I however have been conversing about making another AU than this one though, that may or may not happen. It will be very, very dark and not very nice, but keep an eye out for that if you're interested in our other works! Now, I must bid you farewell and hope you have a good day!