Author's Note: I have a confession to make.  I don't know for sure if this is the last chapter of my pride and joy here or not.  I would like to think it is…but we shall see how far my muses will allow me to go before they go on strike against me.

Disclaimer:  I have nothing worth suing me over.  Unless you want my car, college loans or any outstanding library fines I might have at the university library…  But all the same, all I own is the plot and Mags.


All that kept echoing in Oliver's ears was, 'I have to leave, and I have no choice besides my DUTY!'  She was going to abandon what they had over some age-old duty?  She was going to leave him.  Had known she was going to have to leave him from the beginning.  Did she honestly think that he deserved to have the woman he loved leave him like that?  What had he ever done to deserve that?

Draco heard the roughness of emotion in Mag's voice but before he could run after Hermione and Mags he was rounded up by Snape and taken to a room off of the Great Hall to be sworn in as Aurors of the Elite.  Then he saw the white robes that were being issued and it all hit home for him.  This was it.  This is what was going to happen very soon.  There would be a battle and some of them might not come back from this. Then there was an odd popping noise and Mags was in the room quietly talking to Dumbledore and then her eyes met his.  Instead of the twinkle he was used to seeing in the spunky potions mistress they were cool, calm, and very weary.  They spoke of someone who had seen too much war and blood, but was resigned to it.

Then the noise came again and this time Mione was in the room.  She looked all over and then her warm brown eyes landed on him as he pulled on his new robe.  She smiled softly and came over to stand in front of him, "I new this would look better on you than Death-Eater black." She whispered in his ear as she straightened it out along his shoulders.

"Did you now?  Well, thank you for telling me that, now care to fill me in on what Mags' little tantrum was about earlier?" Draco said pulling her closer to him to savor her warmth as long as he could.  Her light airy spring day scent carried up to his nose and filled his senses with calm happy thoughts and feelings.

Mags stood up and cleared her throat and motioned everyone in closer.  Her demeanor changed, from one of weary acceptance to that one would associate with a general of an army.

"Hello again everyone.  Here is what is going to happen.  We will attack tonight at Midnight.  It is confirmed that Voldemort has Hinds blood in his possession.  This is a problem I had not foreseen.  You see Hinds Blood is the only thing that can kill Hermione and myself.  We do not know how much he has or how he intends to use it.  Hermione is now handing out packets with the spells and charms that we think you will most likely need.  If in doubt do not curse them or try and capture them.  Kill them.  I am not saying this to be cruel or sound cold.  But they will not show any mercy towards you if you are captured.  SO do not show them any." Mags said looking out over them.  Then something in her eyes changes.  It was if something in them broke.

Mione noticed this and stood up to finish what her cousin could not say, "Should that happen. Should the most unthinkable happen and you are captured.  We leave no one behind.  We will come and get you.  We will not leave you there to die at their hands.  On this we give you our word.  And if the even more unthinkable thing should happen and you fall tonight, you will be taken to the Valhalla and find the peace I know many of you can't find in this world."

Harold Conklin, a Seventh Year Hufflepuff, "Where are they located?"

"Down in the Dungeon system of the school.  They are roughly three miles below the school.  Now, we want to keep them there and keep them out of the school above them.  They are limited in movement and space down there and we want to keep it that way." Snape said allowing Mags and Mione time to control their emotions once again.

"You all will be given swords.  Hermione and I have special ones.  This is very important.  If you see a sword on the ground and it is glowing pale blue or celery green color – DO NOT TOUCH IT!  These are very…powerful swords and will cause you physical and mental pain should you try and use them." Mags said wiping tears from her cheeks.

"Taking that out of circle talk, they are weapons forged in the Valhalla and are not meant for mortals to touch." Hermione teased, trying to get a smile out of her cousin.

"Well if you want to make it simple for them to understand you could phrase it that way I suppose…" Mags replied with a hint of twinkle in her eyes, "Now here is what I am required by the ministry – fools that they are—to say … "You are going into a perilous fight within the next 24 hours you are required to fill out a will, write your next of kin and inform them of this and to defend the ministry."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Due to the fact the ministry doesn't believe us that Voldemort is beneath us as we speak – we will not be defending the ministry.  They can defend themselves.  Any questions?  No?  If you do think of any eel free to owl either Mags or myself at any point.  And sleep.  I know you feel like you can't but fall asleep in battle is a good way to get yourself killed.  That and Mags will have an eternity to tease you about it.  And she will."

"I have one, why did Mags say she had to leave when this is over.  I thought she was talking over for Snape next year?" Came Oliver's voice from the back.  Several others echoed his question.  Mags met his gave unflinchingly and sighed.

"I have a duty to the Valhalla.  My life energy is tied to it.  I have been down here, in the mortal world to the point where the Valhalla is suffering.  One this is over – I have to go home to the Valhalla.  I have no choice; I have a duty to all the souls that reside there.  So once I open the portal and Mione and I gather the spirits, she will be officially in charge down here.  I intend on returning, but I don't know when.  Or if it would be in any of your lifetimes." Mags said, her eyes growing dull again.


Voldemort paced impatiently.  That damn Valkryie had been spotted spying hours ago.  Where was the damn attack?  He had heard of their tactics but this was unheard of for them to put off a battle.  Especailly when she now knew they had Hinds blood.  He had pans for that hinds Blood…. very definite plans.  The bony iridescent hands rubbed together thoughtfully and the red eyes began to glow in a more sinister fashion.  After tonight there would be no more Valhalla or Valkryie's to protect the mortal world. Tonight the world was his.


Draco had no next of kin to write to.  Hell his father was probably down with Voldemort planning the fight strategy!  His will?  Everything, the money everything was split between his mother and his grandmother.  That had already been drawn up.  So now all he wanted was a few hours alone with his girlfriend before all hell broke lose in Hogwarts.  He smiled as she breezed into the Common Room. 

"Come with me Malfoy.  We have a test to take before the war begins.  I want to know who wins this part – don't you?" Hermione said motioning him to follow with a smirk on her lips. 

When they entered they saw Cho and Justin were already there and waiting.  Mags was there but she did not look pleased.  Her eyes were worried as she looked at the clock and then at Cho and Mione understood.  Cho had not been chosen and only had a limited time before she had to be back at Ravenclaw to be evacuated. 

"We have one hour before Ms. Chang must go.  This test is only 45 minutes long and Ms. Smythe over here had graciously offered to help me grade so that we know beforehand who the Heads are for next year." Snape said handing out the exams.  Mags rolled her eyes at his drama and once everyone was going on the tests, she had the map out and she and Snape were hard at work.

Time seemed to fly by and soon the prefects were chewing on their nails as Mags and Snape graded and evaluated the exams.  Then they went into his office and compared results.  Coming back out Mags had a blank face; even her eyes gave nothing away.  Snape had on his usual scowl.  Also giving nothing away.

"Congratulations Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Granger.  I am sure you will do very well as the Heads next year."

Mags winked and offered her hand to shake to the two of them then hugged Cho and Justin.  Then she waited while Cho said good-bye to everyone and escorted her back to the Ravenclaw dorms.

"Oh, Mione me love?  I will oversee the Evacuation.  Stay with Draco and rest okay?" Mags said right before she was about to exit the room.

"What about you?  Don't you need time with Oliver?" Mione asked afraid of the answer.

"No, he has made his feelings on my place in this clear.  Like I told you last night.  I don't care if he hates me at the end of this.  But he will live to se the end of it." And with that the portrait closed behind her and Cho with a kind of ironic finality.


Draco and Hermione lay on the couch in front of the fireplace in their common room.  Then holding hands they walked up and curled up together on her bed.  Like they had for so many nights.  And still not a word was spoken.  Even though they thought sleep would never find them, it did and soon they dozed together.


Owls left and returned to Hogwarts.  Letters and wills left and replies and tearstained letters returned.  Mags watched it all from her perch on top of the tallest tower.  Her eyes dry of tears.  The evacuation was complete.  The terrified students were safely in a place no one could find them.  After all she had entrusted them to the man she considered a father in the spiritual sense.  And who would look for mortals in Valhalla?

Her thoughts turned to Oliver and pain filled her eyes.  She had hoped he would understand her point of view.  Understand why she had to distance herself from her emotions.  Why she had to be the way she was.  It was all so very painful.  This war that never should have happened.  The pain of loving and then losing him.  Not to death or someone else.  But losing him to her duty.  TO her birthright was horrid to swallow.  That was when the tears came.  They flowed down her cheeks like rivers of crystal.


Oliver flew like hell was at his heels.  He had to escape the thoughts in his mind.  But the damn things kept following him.  Her eyes, her kiss, the way her voice would break when she mentioned anyone not making it through the War to come.  The look in everyone's eyes when they realized she might never come back.  The look in Hermione's eyes when she said that.  They way his heart had shattered in that very instant.  The anger in her eyes when he had found her last night.  Damn it!  He wanted them gone!  And yet the memories returned again and again.  And so he flew faster and faster…


Time seemed to fly and soon it was ten o'clock at night.  Oliver awoke to hear someone in his room.  He opened his eyes to see Mags in there.  She was placing a letter next to his bed and then with an odd pop she was gone.  He went over and picked it up, tore open the envelope and read.

'Dear Oliver~ what can I say?  Falling in love was not in the cards for me.  I never meant to hurt or abandon you.  I never meant to make you hate me.  I just am doing what I have to do.  But remember this, I love you.  More than I should.  I would marry you tomorrow if I could.  I can only guess that is what the ring in your drawers with my name on it was for.  But as you can see now it would never work out.  I can't stay in this realm forever…it would slowly eat away at my soul.  Since you are my soul…I can't cause you more pain than I already have.  So I give you this on my honor.  You WILL live to see this finished Oliver Wood.  And then you will never have to see me again.  Unless you want to.  Hermione can tell you how to find me if something should happen and you actually do want to see me.  I adore you, you fool!  Remember that!

Yours Always ~ Margaret Michelle Granger-Smythe

With a growl Oliver crumpled up the paper and threw it against the wall.  Damn her to hell!


Hermione kissed a still sleeping Draco and went to stand by the window.  She looked out over the moonlit grounds and she prayed.  Prayed like she had never prayed before.  To Odin and to all the other gods she had ever heard of.  To let this work tonight.  Because otherwise she didn't know if she could go through this again.

Then she felt a pair of arms go around her waist and she smiled and leaned back into his embrace.  She let Draco comfort her.  And take some of the worry off of her shoulders.


Mags was sitting at the entrance to the Dungeons when everyone showed up.  She had a mildly annoyed look on her face, when they looked around to see Aurors there.  Adult trained Aurors.  Hermione rolled her eyes and looked at Mags.

"Guess what everyone!  The ministry pulled its head out of its nether regions and decided to send back up.  Wasn't that sweet?" Mags said with an edge to her voice and a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

With a motion of her hand she headed down the hallway.  The students and Aurors falling in behind her with Hermione taking up the final position.  Silence and tension grew as they filtered down deeper and deeper into Hogwarts itself.  TO the surprise of everyone except Mags they soon came to a balcony area that looked out over a deeper cavern.  Looking over the edge found about 45 death eaters.  Mags looked back over everyone and made a movement with her hand for them to spread out.  Then her eyes met Hermione's and they both began to smile.  But it was not a pleasant smile.  It was far from anything joyful.


Oliver went to kneel by her side and slipped a box into her robe pocket.  He whispered, "I have something to ask you when this is all over." Into her ear.

Mags' eyes flew to meet his and she nodded numbly, and then kissed him hard.  Mione raised her eyebrows and grinned.  Then, Mags raised her wand; "Avada Kedvra!" and the first casualty fell to the ground.


What followed was two days of fighting.  Blood and pain.  Fire and ice.  Mags and Hermione battled and battled.  The elite proved the honor time and time again.  And none of them fell that first day.  Then Justin died when a cavern collapsed on him.  Harold Conklin was Avedaed not too long into the second day.  The Aurors sent by the ministry seemed to be in shock at how fast ther numbers dwindled.  Harry and Voldemort were avoiding each other.  Until Mags pulled Harry aside.

"Your wand is, shall we say, allergic to the Snake Guy right?  Here use this one instead." She pressed her wand into his hand with a smile at the look on his face, "This is the oldest wand in existence.  It is my wand.  You can hex the hell out him without any…. backlash shall we say?"

Harry gulped, "But won't this leave you…."

"Defenseless?  Not quite.  I can still use this in a pinch.  Besides, I still have to find that damn hinds blood.  Now go and kill that thing before he beats you to it and you die." With that she pushed him back out into the action and she darted back out in the opposite direction.


Oliver watched as Mags vanished into what seemed like thin air abut was really a cavern on the lowest level of the battle area.

Mags entered and muttered under her breathe about poor choice of evil lair as she searched the last area she could think of for the damned Hinds blood.  Then she saw Wormtail and the one thought going through her mind was – BINGO!

Mione was busy battling with a particularly good Death Eater when she looked down and saw Draco dueling with this father.  She knew he had been dreading this and decided enough was enough, "Finis!" and hers was gone and she went down to cover Draco's back.  After Mags had to be all right, didn't she?


Mags was currently far from all right.  She was dueling with Wormtail who – rightfully fearing for his life, was better than anticipated with his dueling skill.  Then the world went black.


Harry felt the wand in his hands and smiled.  He could feel the power in it and that made him feel safe.  That and Mags had trusted him to save everyone…at least from the really almost dead wizard with the inferiority complex.  He grinned as that last phrase went through his mind.  She had called him that during a training session.  He would not let her or anyone else down, now all he had to was find him.  Did they all have to wear the same color robes?


Pain filled her body as she felt the slow drip of something into open wounds.  She opened one eye to see thick red blood dripping into several wounds on her arms and at least on her leg.  Her mouth was dry and her body felt like it was on fire from the inside out.  Mags closed her eyes and will her sword to her hand.  Praying there still enough strength for that.


"Father I never wanted it to come to this.  I never wanted it to be this way between us.  But you chose this.  Not me." Draco said right before he leveled his wand at his father and said in a clear strong voice, "FINIS!" and then watched as his father fell lifelessly to the ground.  He felt a small hand on his shoulder.  He couldn't turn and look at her yet.  So he simply placed his hand on hers and squeezed as they paused for just a moment.


"I have been looking for you boy." Voldemort sneered as he finally appeared before Harry.

"Why?  TO make some caustic remark on how I ruined your life?  Haven't we done that bit already?  Now I have something new to show you…" and with that Harry whipped out the other wand, "See this wand can kill you with no backlash or anything bad happening to me.  Isn't that handy?"

Voldemort made a noise in the back of his throat and lunged at Harry with a wand at the ready.  Harry said the words he had wanted to say since he was 11 years old.  Since he had found out the truth.  Now he had the wand to do it with and he said clearly, "In vengeance for my parents and everyone else you have killed.  Avada Kedvra!" and Voldemort screamed a nonhuman scream as he fell for the last time.  Then Harry felt a whoosh of magic around him and saw that a sword was flying through the air to a cave in the back of the main floor level.


Hermione saw her sword flying towards the cave and her face went white.  Mags hated using it…she was in trouble and probably all alone if she knew her at all.  She ran towards the cave cursing what was left of the Death Eaters as she ran.  Draco and Oliver were hot on her heels.  When she got there it was something she had never thought to see. 

Mags was bleeding from several wounds, but what scared her was the blood dripping INTO her.  She could smell the Hinds blood from here.  This was so not good.  But there was her sword.  Deeply imbedded into Wormtail.  Just then there was a violent shudder and the bonds fell off and Mags looked up with fire in her eyes.  Mione grinned through her tears.

"Too late for righteous anger Mags.  They are all in Azkaban or dead.  Even ol' Wormy over here."

Mags sluggishly rose to her feet only to fall to her knees, the Hinds blood was eating away at her from her veins out, "But they still might win, send me home Mione.  Before anyone sees me like this."

"But Oliver…"

"I will be back, I have to get home.  I will be back damn it!"

Even though it sounded like a bad idea, Hermione raised her hand and started to speak a long forgotten tongue, Mags began to glow a pale yellow and just as Oliver and Draco found them she faded from sight.


Oliver watched and then turned on Hermione, "What happened?  Where the hell did you just send her to?"

"I did wha she asked me to do.  She found the Hinds blood.  After being knocked out and secured to this wall where it dripped into her bloodstream slowly.   She needed to go home and she didn't want any of you seeing her like that.  So she made me send her before that happened.  Harry why do you have her wand?"

Harry looked at the wall and closed his eyes from the sight, "She gave it to me to use on Voldemort.  It worked wonderfully."

Mione smiled painfully and led them all out to the now empty cavern, "I need you all to go and wait for me up a few levels.  Snape, could you show them please?"

"Why?" was the demanded answer as they were herded up to a higher level.

"Because I have to guide the souls that earned it to Valhalla and then send word to Dumbledore it is safe to come back.  After being there for almost three days I am betting he is ready to come back."

"Where did you all send them anyway?" Ginny asked turning around slowly; she was supporting a Patil twin on each shoulder.

"TO the safest place we could think of – to the Valhalla of course."


Days and weeks past.  The dead were mourned and the living celebrated.  All involved were awarded Orders of Merlin First Class.  The school year closed and Mione packed up her cousin's things as no one had heard or seen her since that day.  Draco was going home with the Weasley's again.  His mother was off celebrating her freedom from his father and would not be coming back anytime soon.  Something about a second adolescence. 

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they watched everyone sing the school song before the final meal.  He knew she was worried about Mags.  His eyes fell on Justin's chair and he felt a twinge of loss…that guy had been a great prefect.

Oliver kept looking at her seat and thinking she was going to be there rolling her eyes at Snape and smirking at him.  He had not spoken to Hermione since that Day.  He blamed her for taking Mags away.  She kept her distance because she knew he blamed her.  And partially because she blamed herself – for going to Draco instead of hunting Mags down and making sure she was okay.

Dumbledore stood and raised his hands for silence, "I have one last announcement before the food.  We are having a change in the professors for next term.  Seventh Years this obviously does not matter to you.  But here we go.  Professor Severus Snape will not longer be teaching Potions or be in charge of Slytherin House.  He will instead be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts.  We have a new potions Professor, whom I believe has just arrived to sort out their office and whatnot for the next year.  This person will also be taking over as Head of Slytherin House."

Hermione was barely listening, that post should have gone to Mags.  She had wanted it so desperately.

Draco and everyone else in Slytherin were in shock.  TO have someone else in charge?  That was unnerving to say the least.

Gryffindor sat in almost palpable joy, maybe now they would get a fair short in that class!

Dumbledore raised his hands again for silence and waited till the hall was silent, "May I introduce your new potions Professor…Professor Margaret Michelle Smythe."

Hermione and Oliver's head shot to the Great Doors that were slowly opening.  And then there she was.  Walking down the main causeway as if nothing had happened. Until you looked at her forearms.  The scars remained from her wounds.  She smiled at the Professors and winked at Oliver and then turned around to face everyone, "What?  You all look like some just came back from the dead or something…"


AN:  And the first part is over.  Now you can all eagerly await the sequel.  I hope you all like the way it ended.  But if you think the evil is gone you all are in for a surprise.  I am already plot ling the next one…Hehe