Title – Lesson's Learned Part One

Summary- Hermoine and Draco are Prefects trying to win the Head positions for next year.  Will they make it through their sixth year?  Will Hermoine bring back Ferret boy out of desperation?  What happens when you see your worst enemy in a new way?  What happens when your world is turned upside down from this person?

Rating- PG-13 to R

Author's Note – I OWN NOTHING.  J.K. Rowling owns all.  Well everything you recognize.  I may throw in a few of my own characters to liven things up a bit.  Please do not sue me …it really isn't worth it.  Trust me.


It happened at Platform 9 3/4.  It was the beginning of their sixth year at Hogwarts.  It was the year Ron and Harry had gone back early because Voldemort was rising again and Hogwarts was one of the few places Harry was safe.  Thos was the year that Crabbe and Goyle had taken to travel and 'find themselves'.  No one really wanted to know what they found.  The year two old foes saw each other in a new light and their world's got tipped upside down.  The year that would determine they rest of their lives.  Too bad no one told them this.


Her once frizzy hair now lay in silky curls that tumbled down her back, and her chocolate colored eyes had the same twinkle in them.  Her overly large teeth from the past had either been straightened.  Being who she was she found on of the last empty compartments, snuggled in with her herbal tea and a good book.

The door to her compartment slammed open and her eyes flew up wide in shock.   They took in the tall young man….in Slytherin robes.  The warm sparkle in her eyes died and was replaced with a cool fire, " Malfoy.  Get.  Out.  I was here first and I do NOT want your company." She sneered and pointed to the door and sighed deeply. 

"Have a heart Granger this is the only compartment left with any room at all.  I will sit over here like a good little pure blood and read my Quidditch Quarterly and you can read your book and we do not even have to converse really…" Malfoy said with a smirk on his face.  The sunlight suddenly came in through the window and made his almost white blonde hair look golden for a moment.  His gray eyes were narrowed as he looked at her…taking in all the changes….

Hermoine rolled her eyes and settled back in with her tea and her book.  She was still very comfortable out of uniform.  In one of her oldest pairs of jeans that hugged her curves like a second skin.  Her long legs were outlined in fading denim; her upper body was in a blue t-shirt that declared 'No Angel'.  Se reached for a scrunchie and Draco watched amazed how she could control all that hair with a scrunchie and one hand

His eyes flowed over her body and they liked what they saw.  Who knew a Mudblood would grow up to so beautiful.  He lounged across from her and when she glanced up from feeling his eyes on her they dove back into his newspaper.  His lips quirked in a soft smirk.

Chocolate colored eyes flowed over him like water.  He was stunning.  All that Quidditch really must help more than she gave it credit for.  Broad shoulders, narrow hips, and strong features.  His blonde hair was minus the gel of earlier years and did it look better!  When he was not acting like an ass he was really very attractive.  Not that anyone would ever find out that she thought he was a hottie.  She smiled softly to herself as she went back to her book.

"Twenty minutes till we reach Hogwarts!!  Twenty minutes till we get to Hogwarts!!" called the conductor.

Hermoine gasped and yanked her wand out of her bag.  She muttered under her breath and suddenly she was in school uniform and robes.  Her Prefect badge sparkled on her shoulder.  That was when she noticed Malfoy also had one and her heart dropped.  Why him out of all of Slytherin could they not find another?

"You ready to play nice for a year Granger?  Seeing as we are both Prefects…" Draco said with a smirk.

"Ah hell and now I have to deal with you all year Malfoy?  Ugh to me…" Hermoine groaned with a deep sigh and with that statement she swept out of their compartment without a second glance.  She hopped off the train and was swooped up by two tornados one with dark brown hair and one with hair the color of fire.  There were hugs and words and smiles and tears on Hermoine's part….  Oh she had missed these two this summer!!

The three friends were so wrapped up in their reunion that they missed seeing someone slip off into his own solo coach as he tried to avoid Pansy.  Hagrid was heard calling to all the first years, and the three friends went off to find a way to school….

Once at Hogwarts all Prefects were told to go to the potions room before dinner there they found Snipe.  The only one who really dealt well with Snapew was Draco….  Hermoine, Cho and Justin just felt uneasy around the man.

"I am the Prefect supervisor this year.  You will all live in the prefect tower.  That has not changed.  However this has.  Not only will you be competing for the main house cup but also the tower is split in two halves.  Gryffindor and Slytherin on one side and Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff on the other.  Whichever side wins by points and grades is next years Head Boy and Head Girl.  Your goal this year is to promote inter-house harmony by planning a series of 12 events.  To conclude with the end of the year ball.  Now go and eat and after dinner I shall show you all to your tower."  Snape said and if you looked closey enough you could almost see an amused twinkle in his eyes when he saw the stunned disbelief on Draco and Hermoine's faces.

"B-B-but Professor Snape!! Draco and I can't LIVE together like that!  I will kill him!!  OR turn him into a ferret again….unless I am permitted to turn him into a ferret.  He was manageable as a ferret…." She looked at Snape hopefully with that last statement.

"Ms. Granger NO transfiguring your partner into an animal or ANYTHING for that matter." And with that he shooed them all up to dinner.