"Mione, I love you." Sirius said.

"I love you too Sirius." I told him.

He brought me closer and we kissed again. Right then we heard a noise behind us. We separated and saw we had a crowd. All our friends were standing there. We went back to the school and headed to the library. I wanted to figure this out. I know I was close on finding out.

It has been a while since that day. Sirius and I have been connected even more. We made every moment special. I sat down in the library with my usual books. I opened one up and then heard a whisper. Something was calling me. I looked up and around but there was no one there.

I walked back to the restricted resection and went to put some books back and then another book fell right in front of me. I picked it up and looked at it. There was no title on it. I slowly opened it and saw that it was all about different spells that I did not know. I flipped through it and landed on something that looked interesting. Right there was the answer. I could not believe it was here all along.

I ran down the hall and hit into Harry. He helped me up and looked at me confused.

"Hermione where is the fire?" Harry asked.

"I found out how to send them back." I told them.

Harry could not believe it. We both ran into the common room and looked around. Everyone was by the fire. Sirius smiled up to me and grabbed me. He pulled me down to the couch. I tried to squirm out of his grip.

"What is it Mione?" Sirius asked concerned.

I looked at them excited but I could not tell them here. There was way too many people around. All I said was,

"I think this would be more appropriate in Dumbledore's office."

Everyone looked around and nodded. We walked out of the common room and up to his office. Right there Dumbledore smiled to us and asked,

"Miss Granger some good news, I hope?"

"Yes Professor." I told him. "But I think there should be a few more people here to hear the news." I shared with him.

He nodded and sent the letters out quickly. Right then Fred and George came in from the fireplace with Remus and Tonks. They looked us confused.

"Hermione what's wrong?" Fred asked worried.

"Don't worry about Fred. Nothing bad but good." I shared with them.

This was the moment that was going to change everything. I looked to Dumbledore and said,

"This is goodbye. I have found a way to get you all back to your time."

No one said a word. This was real now. This would be the last time to see them. This was going to be the last time to see most of them. I tried not to cry.

"But that means we must say goodbye." Lily spoke up.

"Yes, but this is not your time. You belong in 1977. That is your home. We have been grateful to have you here." Harry spoke up.

*Harry's POV*

I walked up to my parents and gave them each a hug. I could not believe I had a chance to see them. This was the best thing that could happen to me. I whipped the tears away from my mother's eyes.

"Mom please don't cry. I will be alright. I have some great people to look after me. You leave me in great hands." I told her.

"I know. But I wish I get to see you grow up. I am so proud of you Harry. You are going to be an amazing man when you are older. I will always be watching over you. I love you." My mother said to me.

I gave my father a hug and he said,

"Harry, I would not have asked for a better son. You are everything I want in a son. I know that my best friends have been keeping a good eye on you even with the situations that have happened. I am proud of you son. Promise to keep an eye on Claws for us Little Prongs."

*Ginny's POV*

I walked over to my best friends from the past. We did not get to spend a lot of time when they were here but it was worth seeing them one last time like this. It meant a lot to me. I ran to the guys and gave them a group hug.

"I can't believe that this is a goodbye again. I got to see my Marauders again." I told them.

"Hey this is never goodbye. You still have Little Prongs and myself. We will always be with you Claws. This is not goodbye, remember." Remus spoke up looking at his older self.

"Yeah, can you do me a favor Gins?" James asked.

"Of course Prongs. What is it?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"Will make sure that my son ends up with someone like you. He deserves to be happy." James asked me.

I looked over to Harry and nodded. This was one of the hardest things to me. I could not believe I was going through this again. But I would not have asked for anything different. I looked over to Sirius and saw that he was looking at Hermione. I smiled to him and said,

"Go, talk to her."

He nodded and walked over to her.

*Sirius's POV*

I was about to go talk to Hermione but stopped at Fred first. I needed to talk to him too before I left. He looked at me confused and then to Hermione. She was confused as well.

"I just want to thank you for stepping down for me. You are a great guy." I told him.

"Well, Hermione deserves everything in the world and more. So if I can make her happy by letter her have some time with you then that is what I will do. You deserve it too man." Fred said patting my back.

"Well, now I am going to be leaving her in good hands. Please don't mess it up. Alright? She is no witch to mess with." I warned him.

Fred laughed and said,

"I know. But I promise I will make her happy forever for the both of us."

I nodded and patted his back. I was glad that I was leaving with someone to care for Hermione. I knew that Fred would love her as much as I do.

*Hermione's POV*

I was in tears as I watched Fred talking to Sirius. I could not believe this was goodbye. Sirius came over to me and engulfed me in a huge hug. He whispered to me,

"My heart belongs to you. You have changed me to a better man and I don't regret anything. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

"Oh Sirius, I can't believe it's goodbye." I started to say.

"It is never goodbye. I will always be watching you. I am always with you Hermione." He told me.

"Sirius, I love you so much. You have captured my heart and I don't think I want it back. I will never forget any of our moments with each other. I will cherish them all. Promise me you will always be you and never change anything." I asked him.

"If you promise to keep you heart open for love again my dear. Please don't give up on love just yet. Also, never let anyone change you. You are perfect just by being you." He shared with me.

I nodded and we shared our last kiss together. I walked back to be by Fred and Harry. We were facing the Marauders and Lily. Dumbledore stepped forward and said,

"I am so sorry but I am going to have to alter your memories of this past few months."

"We understand Professor. It is for the greater good and we can't sacrifice the future for these kids. Just promise us that you will end it this time for good." Lily asked.

"Of course mum. We will make sure the future generation will never have to be afraid of their future." Harry stated.

I nodded and watched Dumbledore cast the spell and looked to me.

"Alright right when you get back to your time you will have the memories but they will be changed to your time. Now Miss Granger it's time." Dumbledore stated.

I looked scared. I did not know that I was going to cast the spell. I looked at everyone and Fred whispered in my ear,

"You can do this."

I nodded and stepped forward to our new friends. I raised my wand and casted the spell. Sirius looked at me and mouthed, 'I love you' as they disappeared. There was a pop and they were gone.

*The Past*

The Marauders and Lily looked around. They did not know what was going on. Right then Peter walked down and said,

"Hey are you guys ready for dinner?"

"Yeah sure. Are you coming Lily?" James asked.

"Sure, let's head down. Sirius, are you going to be alright?" Lily asked.

"Yeah she loves me but she had to go back home. I know one day we will see each other again in the future." Sirius explained.

Everyone nodded in agreement. James took Lily's hand and walked happily down to dinner. They will always remember their new friends and that will be part of their past and future.

*Present Time*

I looked at everyone and then to Remus and asked,

"So Remus, can you tell us if it worked?"

"It did. You all are amazing. Hermione, he always loved you and Claws we never forgot you." Remus explained smiling.

*A/N Hey readers this is the last chapter of Journey for the Past. I enjoyed writing it and reading all your comments and concerns about the story. This chapter was hard to write. It was emotion for me. I am not going to lie I did tear up a few times writing it. I hope you like the ending. I want to share with you that I have an idea to write another one to go with this series. But it might be a while until I write that story. Thanks again for reading.*