Hey guys, It is me again, NiteOwl18. Sorry It took so long to post this story, and no, it's not The Assassin. Yeah, I said that I will make it, but I didn't. This is one of the story that will be out very soon, but I decided to post this one instead. Ladies and Gentleman, I give you my new fan fiction story, Tale of the Gutless Fearless Ninja. I know what you all are thinking: "This is a Naruto fan fic." It's not; there are about a million fan fics of it. This one is different. Read it.

Tale of the Gutless Fearless Ninja

Chapter 1

In the deep forest of the unknown, on a bright sunny day in the afternoon, three shadows were moving in a flash on top of the tall trees. The three strangers were keep on moving. They were wearing grey Class A armor with sword on their backs. On their right arms stood a strange red symbol of three lines, forming like a paw. The three of them were considered to be armed and dangerous, but now they were running from something as it was written upon their faces. They were about medium strong for someone in their late thirties.

One of the strangers said "Is he following us?"

"Nah. We lost him back at the river. There's no way he could have escape on our trap."

Suddenly, the stranger on the right was hit on his back, triggering an explosion and sending him down to the forest. The other two stopped and dropped down on where he landed. After hitting the ground, the stranger got on his feet as his back was a bit charred from that sudden explosion. He saw something on the ground and pick it up; it was small kunai. The small blade was cover with black ashes. The second stranger rubbed the ash with his blue glove hands as he rubbed it up and down with his thumb.

"Bomb." He concluded.

Then the three of them hear a creak and, in alert, all of them turn their heads at the north. There was nothing except a few leaves being blown away. They waited to see if the person they were running from was here, or if there was someone else. The sound of silence was suspicious for the three strangers. They each took out their long tanto from their backs and held it with both of their hands. They waited more for their enemy, or, if possible, enemies, to come out.

The stranger in the middle hear a warning from the left and shouted "Duck!"

The other two hear his shouting and intensity went off as the stranger swing his blade on the coming object before being completely destroyed by an explosion.

The other two strangers landed on their feets and both stare at the mist before it disappears. The stranger was alive, but the armor that was protecting his right arm have been blown off from the impact, exposing his charred arm.

He cried as he touch his smoking arm with his left hand "D-Damn it!" He look down and saw another charred kinai on the ground.

As the two of them were looking at him, they didn't see another stranger dropping from the skies and lands on his feet.

"You!" The stranger growled as he was still feeling on his burned arm. The other two looked at his direction and pointed their blades in alert. "You'll pay for this!"

"You have something that you stolen; hand it over, and maybe I let you go. All of you."

The armed stranger on the left took something out from his pouch with his free hand and show it to their enemy. A goldish orb with a clear glass and a strange written language was surface around the orb.

"You think you're going to stop us by telling us to hand it over? We went though a lot of getting this thing without people like you following us."

The second stranger said "You may have took down our men, but there's no way you could have escape our trap."

The mysterious stranger that came from out of nowhere spoke in a calm and clear tone "Simple; when you're a second class thieves like yourselves, you don't always think carefully about your little traps. That illusion you pull might have treak me, but not entirely. You all need to think more carefully of how to set your illusion traps and less of your plans."

The thief with the second degree burned arm took a step forward and grab the orb from the other thief before showing it to the stranger. "You think you could stop us and take back this treasure? This treasure that we rightfully stolen from; we kill many people like you who stands in the way of treasure. Back then, they were reinforcements. You're just one man. What makes you think you can take all of us down and still take back our treasure?"

The mysterious stranger, with both of his arms cross, stood there for what seems to be like hours after the thief asked him of what he was planning to do. The thief continued with his statement.

"Tell you what; I bet you can't catch the treasure and still take all of us down in about...Oh, say...thirty seconds. How about it?"

The mysterious stranger then drop both of his arms and made a fighting stand against the three thieves.

"Ahhh." The thief smile, despite being injured of his burned arm. "So you have made your answer. Good. Now catch!"

The thief then throw the orb into the sky at a very high rate and the other two thieves, with their tantos out, ran at top speed against their enemy. Each of them rise their blades and bought it down on him before the sound of their swords clinged. The thief with the burned arm smile, before losing it when he saw something that made him drop it. The other two thieves look on with their blades cross at each other to see if they kill their enemy, but somehow he was on top of their blades.

"Wha-" Said a thief before he was send ten feet across the forest as the enemy hit him with a high kick in the chin. As soon as his tanto lands on the ground, their enemy land on his feet. The second thief swing his blade on him, but he caught it before sending a powerful right hook onto the thief's face, knocking him down. The stranger then launched himself high above the sky before seeing the golden orb in front of his eyes. He lands on the ground and face the last thief. The last thief swing his blade on him a couple of times, but, in an instant, the stranger move out of the way like a flash. In each dodge, he manage to land a couple of quick punches and kicks in the face. The thief swing his blade, but the stranger duck before swift kick both of the thief's legs and a powerful karate chop on the chest send him on the ground.

That powerful chop on the chest had broken the surface of the armor as large cracks was form from it. The thief cough heavily from that chop of his chest as he gets up. In shock and wide eyed, he was being stood by the stranger as he hold the golden orb in front of his eyes.

"Impossible." The thief said in shock. And that only took exactly thirty seconds to take down his men and catch the treasure. The only thing that came to mind was how in the world did his enemy did it?

The thief look at his enemy in detail; he stood five feet tall, strong, bold, wears a light gold jumpsuit and a headband. Then something from the details had stop him; from the left and right shoulders of his jumpsuit stood a red symbol in each position and the silver headband stood the two symbols. The Japanese symbol of his right translated into "flash" and the other in the left means "ninja."

With his question finally answer, he realizes of who he and his men was messing with. He lock eyes with his enemy and chuckle, in defeat and humiliation.

"So," He began. "from the look at your symbols in your suit and your headband, I say that the rumors about you are true."

The stranger kept on looking on him with his light blue eyes and determination face on the thief.

"The Flash Ninja." Ended the thief.

"That's right;" Said The Flash Ninja. "And as long that I'm around here, you, your team, and your boss will never harm anyone in my village or try to take this. I'am the hero of the village, the savior of mankind, the flash from within the forest, I...am…-"


Gumball then fell down from the toilet with a yelp. The book that he was holding was on the ground. The twelve year old cat look from right and left, not knowing of what he was doing in the bathroom.

"YOU'LL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" Shouted his mother.

"School?" Gumball said to himself. He check on the time on top of the bathroom wall and it was 8:48. Gumball suddenly remember knows as he yelled "School!"

He grab his book and ran out of the bathroom before entering his bedroom. He quickly open his drawers and throw out so many of dirty clothes and underpants that he was too lazy to throw out of the landry, in search for new ones.

Outside of the door stood his two siblings, ten year old Darwin Watterson and four year old Anais Watterson. The two of them have been waiting for him to come out of the bathroom since this morning to brush their teeths.

Anais asked "Hey Gumball, did you finish brushing your teeth?"

Gumball, not wanting to look at Darwin and instead of concentrating of finding fresh clothes, lied "Yep."

Darwin asked "Did you finished your creative assignment?"

"Yes, I done it since last night."

Gumball finally found clothes; a new light brown sweater and fresh blue pants. he discarded his pajama clothes before putting on his everyday clothes. After that, the three siblings went down the stairs with their backpacks.

Nicole called from the kitchen and asked "Gumball, have you eaten breakfast?"

Gumball lied again as he and his siblings were heading out to the door "Yep, I feel my mind expanded already."

Anais said "What? No you didn't-"

Richard asked "Hey Gumball, have you taken the trash last night?"

"Yes, dad, after I was finish with my creative writing assignment."

Anais spoke out "Now, wait-"

Gumball interrupted "Bye mom, bye dad. See you after school."

Gumball move out to the front door as Darwin follows him. Anais stay behind a bit with a questionable look on her face at her older brother's sudden answering before heading out. The school bus had parked outside of their house. As Gumball was the first one to enter the bus, Darwin stop at the sight of a flies swarming around a nearby bush. He went over there and uncover the bush, revealing a discarded trashbag.

Anais went up to her other brother and stared at the sight of the bag. Anais said to her "He hid the trash bag to read his martial arts book, right?"

Darwin answered "Oh, yeah."

Darwin left the sight, leaving only Anais as she rolled her eyes with a low growl before leaving. Anais climb to the bus before the doors closed and the bus rolled away.

I know that it was kinda short. Sorry, I haven't written that much for almost three months since I had started on the first two Elmore's Warriors series. If you want to know why I haven't post The Assassin, but instead posted this, go to my deviantart account. I have left you all a message on Monday. This will explain everything. See you all around and read my stories. NiteOwl18 out.