Look who's back from the dead! I know I haven't updated in a while, and I'm sorry. Busy life and all. But I have a new chapter so it's okay! ( JK I know it isn't.

Kaia of Durin felt more than anything, completely and utterly useless. She walked past many dwarves and men lifting rubble from pathways, repairing walls, or doing what they could to repair their new homes. Meanwhile, she walked by without a thing in her hands. Of course, none of those around her blamed her for it; it was only over a month since the battle, but it didn't make her feel any less guilty as she trudged by. It was a slow and strange transition into the life of a princess. The title alone felt strange; it didn't suit her. All her life she knew only work for food; practice for reward; and now she was being waited on hand and foot. The time she had spent in the healing tents had seen a large improvement in Erebor. Some of the debris was gone, though they discovered new piles each day, and they were slowly cleaning away the dirt and grime on the stone ground.

The thing that made it all worse was their greetings as she walked by. Every single one of them gave her a smile, or nod, or thanked her for what she had done, even as they were the ones currently cleaning the grounds on their knees. She smiled as she passed, hiding the shame she felt.


She turned at the sound of her name, seeing Kili hurrying towards her. He was wearing hunting gear, and his boots had dirt on them, evidence that he had indeed been out looking for game. Fili was behind him, and he had the same appearance for the most part. Both of them wore clothes that were far superior to what they wore in the blue mountains, with copper or silver beads woven into the fabric, intricate designs across the material. Kaia's was similar, though hers was clean, as though brand new as she had yet to do anything other than walk around Erebor.

"Where have you been?" She asked, even though she already knew the answer.

"We'd been out hunting; we're running low on food, and it's getting harder to feed all the survivors so Thorin sent us out." Kili explained.

"Did you find anything?"

"If we did," Fili said, with a huff, "we would have brought it back."

"I thought you might've dropped it off with Bombur." She defended.

"Hm." Was Fili's only response, and she sighed as the three started for the throne hall where Thorin was, likely discussing how to distribute the remaining food evenly.

They passed many people in the halls, and Kaia did a double take when she saw a familiar face.

"Tauriel!" Kili called out before Kaia could say anything.

The elf turned at the sound of her name, smiling when she saw Kili.

"Nae saian luume'." She said as he kissed her hand.

"Gajut men, I had orders from Thorin." He replied.

"I understand." She said gracefully. She turned to see Kaia and Fili, and smiled again.

"Kaia, you look well." She said.

"Thanks to you." She replied, smiling back. "I mean no disrespect, but why are you here? Would you not go home? Kaia asked.

Tauriel looked at the ground, her smile faltering.

"Lord Thranduil has banished me, for reasons that are unimportant, but Thorin, kind as he is, gave me a home here, and offered me a position in his army." She explained.

"It is what you deserve after defending us." Fili said.

"It was a kind gift, one that i will not take for granted." Tauriel told him.

He nodded in understanding until Kili reminded his siblings where they were going.

"We have to go, we need to speak with Thorin again, but I will see you again soon." He promised, kissing her hand again.

"Amralime." He said.

"Amralime." She replied as she turned to leave.

The three began their way back down their path to Thorin, Kaia thinking about everyone's position in Erebor. Even Tauriel had a purpose there now, not that she didn't deserve it, but Kaia was truly the only one who didn't have anything to offer to help the Kingdom.

"What?" Kili asked, suddenly pulling Kaia out of her thoughts.

She gave him a questioning look, and he rolled his eyes.

"Something's wrong. I don't know what, but you're upset about something."

"Has Bain not come to see you today?" Fili teased.

"That is not what i am upset about." She replied quickly, her cheeks blushing.

"Well what is it then?" Kili asked, suppressing a chuckle.

She shrugged, preferring not to answer the question.

Kili sighed before stepping in front of her, cutting her off.

"What?" She asked, annoyed now.

"Tell me what's wrong." He said, a smug look hiding real concern.

"It's nothing." She insisted, trying to step around him, before he met her, refusing to let her pass.

"Kili, move." She said.

"Kaia, if something's wrong, you need to tell us." Fili said.

"Nothing is wrong!"

"Then why is there a problem?"

"Because you are doing something!" She said, a little louder than before.

The brothers quieted, and she repeated herself.

"You're doing something; you're helping. And I'm wandering around the mountain like a child. I've done nothing to benefit Erebor, or Dale."

"Kaia-" Fili sarted

"Just leave it." She said, pushing past them and making for her quarters. Kili started to follow, before Fili stopped him.

"Let her."


"No, let her have time. She's just frustrated."

"What did we do?"

"Not with us, herself."

"Why would she be angry with herself?"

"It would seem she feels that she is not benefitting the kingdom."

The two turned to see their uncle coming up behind them.

"Kaia has been upset for some time now, and I've known. She's asked to leave the mountain to help find food, rebuild structures, but I just cannot take the risk of her overworking herself."

"But why not allow her out of the mountain? Let her get out of here so she's not stuck doing nothing."

"Fili, I understand why you want me to let her leave, but…" He sighed, "after the battle, It's just hard to allow her out there alone again after everything that has happened."

"She wouldn't be alone, Uncle. We could go with her." Kili suggested.

Thorin sighed, and the brothers could see that he was contemplating their idea before he finally relented.

"Be back well before sundown, and no running!"

"Uncle, we are not dwarflings anymore." Kili said.

"No running." He insisted. "Not for Kaia."

"Very well." Kili said.

"Now, I'll be busy working with Balin for the rest of the day, so the two of you will have to watch her."

The pair nodded.

"Go." He said with a chuckle, watching them run off to find their sister to let her know the good news.

Kaia sighed to herself as she lay on her bed. She stared at the canopy above her, tracing the designs in the fabric with her eyes. Her mind began to wander back to Dale, the survivors still rebuilding what once was a home, and the dwarves coming into Erebor every day.

A knock on the door pulled her out of her thoughts, and she closed her eyes, already knowing who it would be.

"Come in."

The door opened, and she looked to see Kili come in and close the door. "What do you want?" She asked.

"I have news."


"Fili and I need to go back to look for more game,"

Kaia remained quiet,

"And it's still light out, so we should be going as soon as possible."

"Go on then." She urged.

He smirked, "and Uncle said he would like you to come with us."

She turned to look at him after that, giving him a questioning look.

"Well, are you coming then?" He asked.

"Is this a trick?" She asked.

Kili chuckled, shaking his head.

"I would not lie to you about this, Kaia." He said.

She looked at him again, then to Fili who was now in her doorway.

"Are we going, then?" He asked pulling a glove on.

She looked back to Kili again, who nodded towards her cloak on her wardrobe.

She failed to hide her smile as she went to her cloak, clasping it across her shoulders.

An hour later, the three siblings were crouched behind a fallen branch, watching as a boar wandered closer and closer to them. They'd searched around for some time until they finally had found some game. Kaia stared at the boar dead on, her knives alive in her hand. Her brothers stood behind her, allowing her to take the shot. She didn't know why they let her, if she missed, they were going home empty handed. It wasn't worth the risk.

She flipped the blade around between her fingers before she locked her eyes on the boar's head. She lifted her hand above her head, realizing this was her first throw since the battle as she threw the knife straight out in front of her.

The wind flew past her, like it was chasing the knife, and the weapon thudded straight into the bore's head. She felt her heart swell with pride, but refused to let it show as she stood straight from her chrouched position as Kili came up behind her.

"Well done, I knew you still had it." He said as he clapped her on her shoulder. She winced slightly, her muscles still sore but she ignored it and instead focused on her prize in front of her. She didn't even try to put up an argument to try and carry the boar on her own, and let Fili collect the animal over his shoulders.

Kaia smiled, trying desperately to hide her excitement from her brothers as they walked back to her.

"Come on, we told Uncle we would be back before sundown." Kili said as he handed Kaia her knife from the animal. She ran it through the river as they passed it, rinsing it off before placing it back in it's pocket with the others.

They began their walk back to Erebor, Kili seeming to trip often and seem anxious for something. He looked ahead of him, but he was focused on something else. When he tripped on the fifth branch, Kaia finally laughed.

"Kili, I know you've never been graceful, but that is the fifth branch you've tripped over." She said.

He scoffed, shoving her arm and she shoved him back.

"I mean it, where is your head?" She asked.

He seemed to hesitate to answer, "I know it's only been a short while since the battle, but…"

"Kili?" Fili asked.

"I've… been planing… I'm going to ask for Tauriel's hand." He said quickly.

The siblings stood still for a moment, and Kili shifted uncomfortably, like he was waiting for their response.

"Well?" He asked.

Kaia, being the ever present supportive sibling, gathered her brother in a hug.

"Kili, that's wonderful." She said.

"Aye," Fili agreed, clasping Kili on the shoulder when Kaia let go.

"Have you told Uncle?" Fili asked as the three began walking again.

"I told him this morning." He said.

"And what did he think?"

"He's already made her in charge of the soldiers; he thinks highly of her."

"Strange how he feels so kind to one elf and treats another like soil under his boots." Kaia noted.

"Thranduil has done nothing to earn respect, he only expects it. Tauriel expects nothing, but has earned what everything." Kili replied.

"When do you plan to ask her?" Fili asked.

"I have to find the right time, I haven't been able to be alone with her for more than five minutes yet today."

"There will be time, don't worry Kili, we'll get you wed yet." Kaia said with a laugh.

Kili shoved his sister in the arm, but couldn't help but smile at the comment.

The rest of the walk back was relaxed, with little conversation between the three. Upon arriving, they saw the sun just reaching the peak of the mountain as the moon rose in the distance.

Thorin stood at the front gate, speaking with Balin next to him as Fili brought their prize forward, and Balin nodded towards the three. Thorin looked up to see the siblings and smiled with a hint of disbelief in his expression.

"Well, you two only seem to come back with game when you take Kaia with you."

"Are you trying to say something, Uncle?" Kili asked as Nori came up behind Thorin and whistled.

"That's a nice one there." he said looking at the boar. "Here," he said as Fili passed him the animal.

"I'll take this one to Bombur." He told Thorin and headed off.

"Uncle, on our way in, we passed a group of survivors, and when I asked, they said they had more than enough to eat." She said.

He smiled, looking to the ground before looking up again.

"Well, you've caught me." He said with a chuckle.

"I needed the three of you out of the mountain for a while, so I could tell you."

"Tell us what?" Kili interjected.

"The coronations are tomorrow." Thorin said.

The information, while it was important seemed underwhelming to Kaia. After everything that had happened, the journey from the Blue mountains to Erebor, goblins, orcs, and the battle, a coronation seemed so small.

"Why so soon?" Kili asked.

"Well, it would have been sooner, but we had to put it off until Kaia was better." He said.

"Always making it about you, aren't you?" Fili teased his sister, to which Kaia shoved his shoulder in response.

Thorin shook his head, "No matter, it will be tomorrow, so long as that is okay with the three of you."

The siblings looked to each other as if to make sure they all were in agreement.

"I see no reason why not." Fili said.

Thorin nodded, "Very well then." He said, before joining Balin as they walked back into the mountain.

"Coronations." Kili murmured, pondering the word.

"It'll be different." Fili said.

"You'll be princes." Kaia said to them, nudging Kili's arm.

"And you a princess." He replied with a smirk.

"It sounds strange." She said, looking across the mountain.

"It will always sound strange to me." Fili added.

She nodded, humming as they watched the sun set.

"Well come on then, may as well eat supper so we can go to bed." Fili said.

"Only after sundown? Why so early?" Kaia asked.

"There isn't much else to do." He said, "and with the ceremony tomorrow, you need plenty of sleep."

Kaia rolled her eyes. "Fili, I'm-"

"Still healing." He interrupted. "Whether or not you want to admit it, you are still getting better. You need your rest." He said, pulling her with him and Kili as they made their way to the quarters.

It was the one part of the mountain Kaia absolutely loved. It was like someone had built the mountain and then added a house to it. The section had numerous bedrooms, a living area where the siblings often were, a kitchen and other various rooms. Rather than eating in the dining hall, which seemed too luxurious to the small family, they would eat in the living area.

Bombur was in the kitchen, as always. He was officially the Royal cook. Royal. The word still bothered her. He cheerfully put together four plates of boar, greens, and potatoes before placing a steaming roll on each one.

"Thank you, Bombur." Kaia said, taking a plate.

"Of course. Gotta get some meat back on you, lass." He said.

She chuckled as the three left, walking to their living quarters, settling in on the chairs around the small, simple table. Just as it should be. The three siblings ate slowly but merrily, enjoying their simple time together like it used to be. It truly felt like they were back in the Blue Mountains. They recalled the events of the day, trading stories and it was perfect. Before long, the door opened, and Thorin walked in, looking tired from the day. But upon looking up, he smiled seeing his niece and nephews.

"Well, the mountain hasn't crumbled. Seems I can leave you three alone for more than a few hours without supervision." He said, sitting down.

"You act like you've never left us alone in our lives." Kaia said.

"I am always afraid something will go wrong if I leave you alone for long. I wouldn't want to return one day to find Kaia stuck in a tree again."

The two brothers laughed, and Kaia couldn't help but snicker at the memory.

"It only happened once." She reminded them.

"Only because you refused to ever climb a tree again after that." Kili pointed out.

"Until we had to scout one day on a hunt. I'll never forget the look on your face when you managed to climb back down on your own." Fili said through laughs.

Thorin sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Aye. It was quite the story to tell."

"It still is, apparently." Kili added.

They continued to eat, resting in a comfortable silence for a while longer.

"Well then, I'll be off to bed." Kaia said, standing.

"Alright." Thorin replied.

"Don't run off to find Bain." Kili teased as she walked to her room.

"No promises." She told him, closing her door behind her.

She sighed happily, closing her eyes for a moment as she finally felt like she was home. She removed her waistcoat and boots before taking the braids out of her hair. She turned to her wardrobe, gasping at the girl reaching down to pick up the abandoned boots off the floor, who looked back up in shock.

"I was only picking them up." The girl said, "I am sorry if I startled you."

Kaia shook her head, "It's alright, Maera, my apologies, I forget that you are here more often than myself." She said.

Kaia had often forgotten of her handmaid, a kind young she-dwarf she had tried to politely deny when first offered. After Erebor was well on its way to being restored, many of the dwarves that returned from the Blue mountains had offered to work in the mountain, happy to have any job. Despite the royal family's' insistence, they were each given a servant, each one of them more than willing to serve the new rulers. Kaia had found it strange to have someone have to wait on her, but Thorin who also felt foreign to it assured her it was necessary for them now that they were in Erebor, having once lived a life like this.

"You may go, I can take care of the rest on my own." She said.

"Are you sure, my lady?" Maera asked.

"Call me Kaia, and yes, I'll be fine, thank you."

"Alright." The girl said hesitantly, leaving the boots by the wardrobe.

Kaia then turned to her washroom, taking her time to wash away the grime from her hunting. She thoughtlessly pulled on her nightclothes, finding that Maera had put out most of her candles before the left.

She walked towards the bed, finding a sheet of paper left on her pillow.

Curious, she picked it up, reading the letter.

Kaia, I heard that you'd gone hunting today and caught the first game the people have had in some time now. I told you you could get back to it.

She laughed at that, imagining his smirk as he thought of saying "I told you so."

I missed seeing you today and hope I'll be able to meet with you tomorrow.

Yours, Bain.

She sighed, folding the letter up and putting it in a drawer in the table next to her bed.

Yours. She thought.

She pulled the covers back, climbing into the bed as she curled up underneath them, burrowing down into their warmth. Her eyes closed happily as she almost immediately fell asleep.

Love y'all! Reviews are my favorite! ~CCWriter