Fan Fiction – Alternate Universe

Elijah & Katherine

From: Lovely Vero

Since more than five hundred years, Elijah had tried to find "her"; but without luck, her being his romantic obsession, the young human girl, Katerina Petrova, now a vampire and renamed Katherine Pierce. When he had laid his eyes on Elena Gilbert, her doppelganger, he had thought for a split second that his "Katerina" was back in his life, only to be cheated by time and the perfidy of life, once more.

Obligated to present himself at Nicklaus slaves' auction, what a shock to him, when he raised his sight on the podium only to notice that one of the slaves is in fact Katerina! What could have put her in such bad predicament? No time for him to think, he would offer the highest sum to have her sold to him, and to have him become her master!

Writer's note (this message will be copied into all the new updates of my running stories in the next month): I want to take time to sincerely thank all of you for your patience and understanding of my absence the past few months, when I took time to be with my family. My father left us after a very hard battle to cancer. It has been hard for me to get back to writing, because you lose all sense of reality, life, and mostly of yourself, and pain takes all there is to take inside of you. I truly hope that I'll learn to heal my broken heart the next few months, and I hope that writing and my connection to my readers will help me. Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart.

Dedicating all my "comeback" new updates to my father; may he be my guardian angel from above now.

Lovely Vero

Warning: This chapter contains scenes of extreme sweetness and sexiness – You've been warned!

Previously on "SOLD!" …

They stared into each other for a few seconds; their doubts, sadness and mixed emotions filling the silence of the room.

"I can't… I'm sorry…" She shook her head, swallowing a lump in her throat, while lowering her sight to the floor.

"I'm not asking for anything." He turned, pouring himself a second glass, before gulping his entirety once more.

"I think it's time for me to leave." Katherine added, in a low whisper. "I'll … I'll get in touch with Viktor to know if … I mean, if Louisa will make it."

"I'm sure he'll be pleased to hear that you care." Elijah replied, truthfully.

"Of course, I care." Katherine commented. "My vampire life changed me; I had to survive, Elijah; but I'm still … Never mind." She grabbed her bedroom key left on the desktop; rushing toward the exit door of the suite.

"Katherine!" Elijah called.

She held her pace, closing her eyes to give herself courage; before turning on herself to face the Original, once more.

"What do you want, Elijah?" She asked, toneless.

"I … I've opened a bank account in your name; you'll find the papers in your bedroom suite." He explained, avoiding her stare.

"I don't want your money. I'll take the clothes and luggage you've provided to me. But, that's about what I'll take from you." She replied, uncompromisingly.

"Don't argue with me, Katerina!" Elijah ordered, slyly. "I owe you, it's the least I can do; and … And it will give you the chance to start over, somewhere."

"Fine." She finally agreed, a thin line closing her lips together. "That's all?"

"Yes." He nodded, turning his back at her. "Goodbye, Katherine."

"Goodbye, Elijah." The brunette replied, grabbing the door handle, before holding her momentum for a few seconds more. "You've saved all hundreds of women from slavery the past years." She presented her final words of argument. "You saved Louisa from a faith that was worse than death. You're not perfect, Elijah; but you're not evil… You're just a man who did a lot of mistakes in his long eternal life; but you also gave some good and decent blessings to others. You were good to me when I was a young human girl. Please, try to remember that." She concluded, closing the door behind her back.

Elijah startled at her sweet admission; turning on himself to face the female vampire… But, the love of his life has vanished for good, this time around…


"I know; you can't accept to become what you would see as a monster, I know …" He nodded; swallowing a lump in his throat.

"What? No, no … I've never thought or could never think such a thing … You're not a monster, neither is Mister Elijah nor Miss Katherine." Louisa shook her head; firmly standing on her ground.

"You're not upset by this?" Viktor asked, dumbfounded.

"Not per say… I'm just afraid that I'm too … Too much of myself to be considered a good one? Look at me; I'm small, I'm helpless, I need an army to defend myself… How can I be a vampire?" Louisa explained herself, shakily.

"Don't ever say these things about yourself, you hear me?" Viktor cupped Louisa' face with both hands. "You're fearless, you're strong, and you're the most amazing woman that I've come across in my entire pathetic life … It's me who's not worthy of you; not the other way around."

"I don't know how…" Louisa whispered, through her sudden sobbing; tears rolling fluently on her cheeks, down on her throat.

"You need to drink blood … You want to try? I'll be by your side, sweetness." Viktor suggested, tenderly.

"Ok." She nodded, apprehensively.

Viktor raised his left wrist to his mouth, tearing his flesh open before slowly bringing his dripping wound near the young maid's mouth.

"I can't …" She shook her head, a strong range of nauseas taking her by surprise.

"Yes, you can, Louisa!" They both heard the firm order coming from the threshold of the entrance door. "Katherine would want for you to fight."

"Mister Elijah." Louisa turned her head simultaneously with Viktor's; a shy smile spreading on her lips.

"Repeat after me, Louisa: Yes, you can!" Elijah repeated himself, taking a few steps inside the bedroom.

"Yes…" The young maid closed her eyes, giving herself strength. "… I can." She added, closing the space between her mouth and the red elixir; before gulping profusely.

Viktor sit on the right side of the bed, bringing the young apprentice in the comfort of his arm, while softly caressing her blond curls. When he finally turned his head the bedroom door had been closed on its arch… And their boss have left them both in their private moment.


Chapter 12

"I'll be home for Christmas"

Louisa's Wedding Edition

Song inspiration:

All I want for Christmas is you / Mariah Carey

Viktor Inanov could sense her absence even in his semi-state of consciousness. The lack of her unique scent and his own heatless body were enough indications that Louisa had left the bed.

"Come back to bed, baby." Viktor yawned, half-awaked; his right hand patting the empty space on his mattress.

"I can't … I need to take a shower; and make sure that I did not forget anything in my carry-on." Louisa replied, pacing back and forth on the right side of the bed; wearing one of her fiancé' white t-shirt, and a pair of white socks.

"When is your flight to Paris again?" The handsome bodyguard inquired, a smirk stretching his manly lips.

"In … In a short time." Louisa replied, evasively; a light shade of red reaching both of her cheeks.

"In a short time? Really? That sentence would mean?" Viktor arched an eyebrow in a comical way.

"O.K., fine in seven hours!" Louisa replied, stomping one of her feet on the wooden floor. "What can I say, I like to be prepared in case of an emergency."

"So it would take you seven all hours to take a shower, dress yourself, and verify if you did not forget to put your toothpaste in your small luggage?" He came to the conclusion, small laughter escaping his parted lips; his left upper arm tucked, on the pillow, underneath his head. "You're one of the kind, Miss Louisa Appletown soon to be Mrs. Inanov!"

"It's not funny, Viktor!" Louisa grabbed a pillow, before throwing it to his face.

"Hey! What's this for?" He managed to avoid the large projectile.

"You're making fun of my anxiety!" Louisa pointed a forbidden finger underneath his nose.

"Oh baby; I'm not making fun of such-a-thing." He promptly grabbed her right wrist, pulling her on top of him on the bed, under her burst of laughter.

"Let go of me, you jerk! I really need to get ready!" Louisa tried to free herself from his sudden imprisonment, under her nervous giggling.

"And we wouldn't want to keep you away from your seven hours shower, would we?" Viktor winked, before grabbing her chin to bless her parted lips of a passionate kiss. "Maybe I could join you? I mean, to make sure that you're fully clean, before taking your flight of course?" He suggested, sliding both hands in the small of her back to slowly raise the t-shirt' fabric to grab two hands full of her bare butt.

"Now, that wouldn't help me get ready in a reasonable time, would it?" She stretched herself like a cat, a moan of pleasure escaping her lips when his right hand caressed the inside of her thighs, in an upward sensual movement.

"What is making you so nervous, Miss Appletown? Is it the wedding – Maybe we should postpone it if you strongly feel it's not the right time to marry me at Christmas?" Viktor questioned; softly caressing the roundness of her bottom cheeks.

"What? No, no … It's not that, Viktor; please… You're everything to me, you're my life." She grabbed his scruff face with both hands, before blessing his lips of a long kiss. "I don't know what I would have done without you the past few months." She mouthed on top of his mouth; shaking her head with tears filling her eyes. "You saved me in so many ways."

"Did you take your blood bag this morning?" Viktor questioned, sliding one of her blonde strands behind her ears.

"Yes." She nodded, obedient.

"And were you able to get it down without throwing up this time?" He frowned, with much concerns; questioning his fiancée.

"Yes." She nodded, once more.

"Good girl!" He slapped her bottom; playfully, under her outraged look.

"Hey?" Louisa rose into a sitting position on her knees. "Not fair!" She added, rubbing her red skin.

"Tit for tat, sweet-sexy thing!" Viktor replied, the tip of his fingers following an invisible circle on her knees. "Louisa, talk to me?"

"You're going to be mad." She bit her bottom lip, both hands playing with the hem of the t-shirt.

"Why is that? Oh shit … No, you didn't!" Viktor stroke his eyelids, under clenched teeth; before jumping out of the bed. "I've told you to stay out of their business!"

"Miss Katherine is in Paris. Please, don't ask me how I know that for a fact, but I do – I thought… I mean … I thought that I would be there after all to pick-up my wedding dress; it wouldn't hurt to see her, right?" Louisa shrugged, apologetically.

"Louisa! You're putting your nose where it doesn't belong." Viktor commented, grabbing a pair of dark ripped jeans to slide it upward on both of his legs. "They're done! Their story is part of the past now."

"I refuse to believe that, Viktor!" Louisa exclaimed, vehemently. "They are two stubborn individuals, who are refusing to make the first step."

"Did she or did she not refuse to be your bridesmaid at our upcoming wedding?" Viktor questioned, both hands firmly placed on each side of his hips.

"Well… She did not exactly say "no", she … She …" Louisa stammered, rubbing her hands nervously.

"She sent us a set of crystal glasses with our names engraved on it; with a card wishing the both of us happiness on our wedding day." Viktor added, with a shrug. "What more proof do you wish to receive?"

"That could count for a wedding present, no?" Louisa tried to argue.

"She's not coming, Louisa. She simply don't want to come because she don't want to come face to face with "him"." Viktor added, with certainty. "Did she agreed to be your bridesmaid?"

"No, but …" Louisa tried to cut him off.

"There's no "but" … Miss Katherine put her past behind her, and for what we could know now, she's happy with her decision." He added, with a smoother tone of voice. "You need to let this go."

"Well, Mister Elijah is certainly not happy without her." She stubbornly responded, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Perhaps, but he never mentioned her since the day she left us." Viktor argued the last card he was holding as prove. "Baby…" He took a sitting place by her side on the bed, before taking both of her hands in his. "I know you have a good heart, and you want everybody around you to be happy, but there are some things that you can't fix, Louisa." He added, blessing her forehead of a kiss. "Promise me that you'll forget this ludicrous idea to bring Katherine back for the wedding?"

"Ok." Louisa finally nodded, in agreement; two fingers firmly crossed behind her back.

"Come in!" Elijah Mikaelson raised his head from the book he was holding in his hands, before seeing his bodyguard enter the study room. "Bright and early on a Saturday?" He saluted him of a single nod, and a smile.

"Louisa wanted to wake-up early; she's taking a flight to Paris today." Viktor closed the door behind his back; while approaching his employer.

"Oh right! She's picking up the wedding dress, if I'm not mistaking?" Elijah closed the book; signing to the vampire man to take a sitting position in front of his desk.

"I hope it's the only "thing" she'll pick up!" Viktor mumbled to himself, while taking his sitting position.

"Pardon me?" Elijah raised an eyebrow in interrogation.

"Nothing, really; I just hope the dress will fit her perfectly and she'll be quite happy with it." The bodyguard rephrase it; forbidding himself to raise any suspicion.

"Happiness is truly what I am wishing for you and Louisa." Elijah took his sitting positon, hands crossed on his desktop.

"Well, thank you, Boss… Once again… I mean for granting us the chance to have the wedding ceremony and the reception here." Viktor thanked him, an additional time.

"I wouldn't want it any other way." Elijah replied, truthfully. "And, call me Elijah. It's my birth name after all."

"I'm sorry?" Viktor asked, dumbfounded.

"Oh please, no more "boss" or "mister", we're friend Viktor; call me Elijah." The Original wished.

"It's a deal... Elijah." Viktor replied, with a single wink. "So? A new look?"

"I'm sorry?" Elijah arched both eyebrows.

"A beard, longer hair … Not that… Not that I'm against it!" Viktor stammered through his explanation. "Forget it, it's not even of my business."

"You don't like it?" Elijah raised his right hand to touch his facial hair; self-consciously. "I think it's called a scruff?"

"I don't think we should exchange on looks, being "male-friends" and all?" Viktor shrugged, uncomfortable. "Don't you agree?"

"It's that bad, hum?" Elijah concluded, with a long sigh.

"No, it's … Well, it's quite different from your usual "all-put-together" look." Viktor explained, in not so many words; while pointing his right hand toward the Original.

"My "all-put-together" look?" Elijah let a smirk appear on his lips.

"I mean if something or someone is giving rise to this change, you can … I mean, if you want to talk about the reasons behind this sudden change?" Viktor pulled on his collar; suddenly the concept of air was missing in the room.

"If someone is giving rise to this change?" Elijah narrowed his sight on his bodyguard-slash-friend; arms firmly crossed over his chest.

"Can we change the conversation?" Viktor begged him. Obviously Katherine Pierce couldn't even be mentioned in his presence – scruff or not!

"Gladly!" Elijah accepted, with a clap of his hands. "So tell me; everything is set for next Saturday?"

"I believe so." Viktor nodded. "Louisa checked the schedule with the wedding planner, and except for the dress she needed to pick-up today, and a few small additional details; we're getting married on Christmas Eve, next Saturday."

"Jitters?" Elijah questioned.

"Not a single one. She's an amazing woman who accepted to marry the jerk that I am." Viktor replied, sincerely.

"I'm sincerely happy for you." Elijah replied. "She's the best woman you could have find for yourself and have married."

"You did not reconsider being the one who will give Louisa away to me to marry her, did you?" Viktor questioned, worryingly.

"Absolutely not, I'll be there, I'll vouch as her father' figure, of course." Elijah reassured the young vampire; raising from his sitting position to place himself in front of the bay window; both hands buried in his trouser' front pockets. "Did Louisa find a bridesmaid, like she so desperately need it?" He questioned, with a single cough; his sight lost in the color blue of the sky.

"I thought …" Viktor coughed himself. "I mean, let me be frank here… I thought the "Katherine Pierce" part of this conversation was forbidden?"

"I conclude, that's a "no"." Elijah nodded, mostly to himself; before subtly changing the conversation. "Is Louisa able to get her blood bag down now?"

"Mostly." Viktor responded; understanding this sudden change of subject. "It was harder for her to control her need to bite people, but with time we got her to control herself."

"Well that is good, isn't it?" Elijah turned on himself, a small smile blessing his manly lips.

"Any new development on the shelter?" Viktor asked, curious.

"The exterior of the building is almost built." Elijah informed, taking a sitting position on the left edge of his desktop. "It should open around spring, perhaps?"

"It's something amazing that you did, boss… I mean, Elijah." Viktor commented. "Giving a chance to all sexual slaves and abused women to find a roof over their heads; a chance to rebuild their life."

"I think it was the right thing to do for a man who had the power and the resources to constructively make it happen." Elijah concluded, rubbing his hands together. "I thought of naming it the "Louisa Appletown Woman Shelter."

"She's going to freak!" Viktor exclaimed, in shock. "I'm sorry, but … She'll be so thankful that she'll hug you from now to eternity."

"That's why we'll keep this little secret between us, from now to spring, if you don't mind?" Elijah winked, playfully.

"I'll let you take care of your urgent business." Viktor promptly raised himself on both legs. "And, Elijah?" He called, before reaching the door.

"Yes, Viktor?" Elijah turned on himself, at a mere second of taking his sitting position back at his desk.

"You do own a tuxedo or two in your wardrobe? For the wedding I mean?" Viktor asked, teasingly. "One can only wonder with this new look of yours?"

"Get out of here, Viktor!" Elijah pointed a forbidden finger toward his bodyguard.

"Yes, boss… I mean, Elijah." Viktor replied, under a burst of laughter.

"Oh my God, get off me!" Katherine pushed the poor lard at arm length; before standing in the middle of her very classy hotel bedroom, in her black, lace teddy.

"But I thought you wanted to, you know…" The tall, dark hair, business man, she had picked up on the Champs-Elysées, winked. "Boom, boom, boom", sweetheart?" And once again, this prospect of a one-night-stand had been a very bad idea!

Granted at first sight he was about "his" height, stature, with a dark strand that was always falling on his forehead; but that was about all this stranger had in common with Elijah Mikaelson!

Months of sexual frustration had been the hell Katherine Pierce had found herself trapped inside! Man after man, with not a single one of them reaching "his" sex dive, erotic prowess, and "his" sex-appeal, and this not even under compulsion. She was obviously doomed of becoming a nun!

The brunette slowly took a step forward, grabbing both of her victim's shoulders to pull him at a near proximity; before viciously entering her fangs in his jugular. She drank a few gulps, before pushing the poor lard back at distance; a disdainful expression plastered on her face.

"Oh God! Even your blood is disgusting!" She passed the back of her right hand on her parted lips. "You're useless to me!"

"What are you? "Tu es un monstre"?" He asked in French, with haggard eyes, both hands placed on his opened wound to stop the blood flow; while taking a few steps to reach the exit of the bedroom. He promptly grabbed his black blazer left on a nearby armchair, before turning on himself in a hurry to reach the door handle.

"What's the rush, sweet pea? I don't want you to unveil my presence to the French authority; therefore…" Katherine pushed the door close; before turning his male victim around to compel him. "After passing this threshold, you'll forget all about "me" and you'll forget everything related to this little "rendez-vous" we had this afternoon, understood?"

"Yes!" The man nodded, obedient. "I'll forget you and this "rendez-vous"."

"Good!" Katherine opened the door, before pushing her "date" outside; only to slam the door on its arch a second later. "Oh, thank God – This nightmare is over!" She raised her head and eyes to the ceiling, taking a deep breath into her lungs; both hands placed on each side of her hips.

The several knocks on the door startled her, her sight turned toward the wooden panel, once again.

"I just compelled him! He can't be back?" She grabbed the handle, before furiously opening the door. "Listen "whomever you are"; I'm done with this…"

"Surprise!" Louisa exclaimed, enthusiastically; a bottle of champagne raised in the air.

"Louisa! What are you … What are you doing here; I mean in Paris?" Katherine pulled the young female vampire inside her bedroom, before closing the door and turning on herself to grab a dressing gown.

"Oh … I … Maybe I'm catching you in a bad time? I saw a man leaving your bedroom and …" Louisa stammered, uncertain of her present deduction. "Was he your… your boyfriend?"

"Oh no, no … Forget about that, about him … Burgh!" Katherine begged Louisa to do, with a sour face. "What are you doing here?" Katherine asked once again, with wide opened arms this time around.

"Oh Miss Katherine; it's so nice to see you again!" Louisa hugged her female friend, with much enthusiasm.

"It's so nice to see you too, Louisa." Katherine replied, with much sincerity perceived in her voice. "But, wait a second? Aren't you getting married soon?"

"Yes, next Sunday – On Christmas eve, remember?" Louisa grabbed both of the brunette's hands.

"Did you receive my gift? Two engraved crystal glasses?" Katherine wondered, worryingly.

"Yes, yes … The gift in itself is wonderful, Miss Katherine; and we, Viktor and I, thank you for it, but …You never R.S.V.P. my invitation or my request to have you as a bridesmaid?" Louisa commented, with a shy smile plastered on her pink lips.

"Oh…That!" Katherine gently pushed Louisa' hands, before slowly turning on herself, taking a few steps to reach the window. "You know why I can't be there, Louisa." She politely and gently replied, while crossing both arms in front of her chest; her sight lost in the starry night.

"Miss Katherine, Mister Elijah wouldn't mind your presence at all. He would accept it as a blessing that I would be able to have you with me the day of my wedding." Louisa tried to explain. "He's giving me away, you know? And he's building this amazing shelter for sexually abused women…And… And… He since you've left, he grew a beard… Well, it's not exactly a beard, it's more of a scruff." The young maid explained, bringing both hands near her face. "It gives him a "bad boy" vibe, you know?" She added, to give weight to her say.

"Louisa, don't!" Katherine warned, while holding her breath.

"And he's way more handsome than this strange man who just left your bedroom." The petite woman continued her mission to win her over. "Can't you accept that Mister Elijah is the only man for you?"

"Stop it, Louisa; I know what you're doing and it won't work!" Katherine spat, with a single stumping of her right foot. "He's in my past for good this time!"

"I'm sorry." Louisa expressed her apologies, feeling her enthusiasm die in a matter of seconds. She suddenly lowered her head, sadness filling her eyes. "I know I'm pushing an issue that is not mine to push."

"Louisa, no, no, do not apologize … It's me! It's entirely me." Katherine turned on herself to face the young female vampire. "Let's just forget about this for a minute or two. Aside for this sweet attempt to win me over to join the wedding party; why are you in Paris?"

"Oh!" Louisa felt her enthusiasm came back. "I had to pick up my wedding dress. It's so beautiful, Miss Katherine; you wouldn't believe your eyes if you saw it! Which I truly hope you will." She expressed her joy with a clap of her hands. "The dress is light baby blue, 1950' style; with layers and layers of tulle."

"Oh baby girl; it's not the dress, it's you who's beautiful." Katherine caressed Louisa's left cheek; a smile spreading on her lustrous red lips. "I'm sure mister "muscles" will be impressed when he'll see you walk the aisle dressed of layers and layers of tulle." She rolled her eyes, with a wink.

"What if Viktor changes his mind at the last minute, Miss Katherine?" Louisa expressed her concerns. "What if he realizes that I'm not the woman for him?"

"Are you kidding me?" Katherine rolled her eyes to the ceiling. "The mere idea of your perfect love story makes me want to barf. Just tell your mister "muscles" that if he ever changes his mind, I will haunt him down until the end of time; if only to pull his heart out of his chest!"

"Oh Miss Katherine…" Louisa raised her right hand in front of her mouth to hold her laughter. "You wouldn't do that to him?"

"You bet?" Katherine arched an eyebrow, before winking playfully. "What do you say if I go change to more appropriate clothes and afterward I'll call room service to get some Chantilly strawberries to go with this bottle of champagne?" She suggested to Louisa; who nodded in approval while watching the brunette reach the bathroom of her bedroom suite.

Let's do that, Miss Katherine; and then I'll try my damn best to convince you to be present at my wedding!

One week later…

Louisa stood in front of the large doors of the ballroom; eyes closed, with her right shaking hand raised over her chest.

"Now it wouldn't be appropriate if the bride would suddenly fell unconscious on her way to the altar, would it?" Katherine whispered near the maid's left ear.

"Miss Katherine?" Louisa exclaimed in shock, suddenly reopening her eyes.

"Technically, vampires are not obligated to breathe… We only do it, because we used to do it as human… It's like a mechanism or something." Katherine explained, evasively and with a single shrug, to a mouth opened soon-to-be bride. "And obviously, my analogy is not helping you at all." She came to the conclusion, while placing the short bride's veil in front of Louisa's flushed face.

"You came." The petite woman excitedly expressed her gratitude; tears filling her eyes. "Oh my God, you came!"

"Of course I came; what else could I have done when I saw the gorgeous Dior bridesmaid dress you had bought for me." Katherine winked. "It is obviously showing my assets in a sublime way." She placed her right hand on her hip; before turning on herself several times to parade her glorious look in front of the maid. "How do I look?"

"Sexy as hell, Miss Katherine!" Louisa replied, honestly.

The darker shade of lace blue fabric fitted the brunette vampire's body like a glove. The low neckline reaching the small of her back, her hair gathered in a loose bun, the high slit showing her left leg up to her thigh; all that were sexy, yet of good taste.

"Well thank you!" Katherine blushed lightly; grabbing her bridesmaid bouquet.

"How do I look myself?" Louisa asked, nervously; sweeping invisible lint on her many layers of tulle.

"I hate you! You're way more beautiful that I could ever be on this day. How dare you stealing my entrance?" Katherine complimented, tears filling her own eyes. "One glimpse at you and you'll steal Viktor' heart for the eternity, Louisa." She confessed; grabbing the bride's hands in her.

"Look at us; we are both crying like babies!" Louisa exclaimed, before pulling a handkerchief from her small silk swage.

"You need to dry your tears and let me walk that aisle; or you won't be able to marry the love or your life." Katherine tapped the corners of her eyes with one handkerchief of her own. "You'll be ok?"

"Yes. Mister Elijah will bring me to the altar; I don't know what is keeping him?" Louisa turned on herself to scatter the empty corridor.

"Well, I prefer to walk this aisle in his absence, if you don't mind." Katherine expressed her concerns, before slowly walking on the red carpet; between the range of classy decorated chairs and banners of fresh flowers.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Viktor asked, speechless; when Katherine reached the altar, to place herself near him.

"It's so nice to see you too, Viktor!" Katherine mumbled, under clenched teeth.

"Does Louisa know you're here?" Viktor asked some more, in a low whisper.

"Of course she knows I'm here, who do you think gave me this bridesmaid bouquet?" Katherine raised the said bouquet in her hands. "Now lower your tone, people are starting to notice your nervousness."

"But, I am nervous, Miss Katherine!" Viktor confessed; rubbing both of his hands together. "What if … What if she changes her mind?"

"Well…" Katherine let a long sigh escape her lips. "I just saw her, and she is very eager to join you at this altar. That could only mean that she wants to marry you."

"This is nice of you to say." Viktor let a smirk appear on his manly lips.

"I have my moments." Katherine shrugged. "Take it when it passes, once every hundred years."

"I'll do that." The bodyguard added, hiding his laughter behind his right hand.

"Oh Mister Elijah!" Louisa exclaimed; noticing the running male silhouette approaching her standing position.

"Please forgive me for my late arrival, I had completely forgotten about this, Louisa." Elijah held his pace; before pulling a long black velvet box from his tuxedo inside pocket. "It was my mother's. I just … I thought that you could wear it while walking down the aisle? And it's not a loan; it's a gift."

"Oh, Mister Elijah; you shouldn't have!" Louisa tried to refuse the gesture; while gently pushing the jewelry box back into his hands.

"Please; it would give me such great pleasure if you would accept it and wear it as well." Elijah replied, truthfully.

Louisa took the box; addressing a shy smile to her boss; before lifting the cover, only to see the brightest sapphire necklace she ever saw in her entire life.

"Oh my god, it's simply magnificent!" She exclaimed, raising her right hand over her opened mouth.

Elijah gently pulled it out of the box, placing it around Louisa's neck, before closing the small lock.

"You look beautiful, Louisa; I'm honored to walk you down the aisle." Elijah expressed, under a discreet cough; tears filling his eyes.

"Mister Elijah, look!" She gently pushed him to take a quick glance at the altar. "She came! Miss Katherine is here. And I truly believe that she came not only for the wedding or for me, but to see you."

The Original froze, his sight narrowed on the female silhouette standing at the far end of the aisle, his chest lifting under the unexpected rising of his breath.

"You need to fight for her with all that you got in you, you hear me?" Louisa whispered, near his left ear.

"No… We agreed to ..." Elijah shook his head, in denial.

"Fuck what you've agreed or did not agreed to. Fight for her!" Louisa stomped her foot on the wooden floor. "Don't let her leave this Mansion for good this time!"

"I need to get you married to Viktor now; or he'll kick my ass later." Elijah winked, offering his arm to the young female vampire. "Don't worry about me or Katherine for the time being."

"I'm so nervous; I think I will throw up!" Louisa shared, while grabbing Elijah's arm.

"Please, I'm wearing Prada shoes." The Originals objected, vehemently; with a single wink.

"Oh Mister Elijah!" Louisa busted into laughter. "We wouldn't want to tarnish your designer shoes, would we?"

"Let's get you married, Miss Louisa Appletown." He suggested; both of them taking their first steps down the aisle.

"It is my great pleasure to introduce to you, in their very first husband and wife's dance, Mrs. And Mr. Inanov." The distinguished female singer introduced in her microphone, with a discreet clap of her manicured hands; soon followed by the general cheering of the crowd.

"Mrs. Inanov, will you grant me this dance?" Viktor handed his right hand to his wife Louisa.

"Go ahead." Elijah blessed the young maid of a sweet kiss on her forehead. "Be happy, Louisa!"

"Thank you for all the wonderful things you have done for us, Mister Elijah." Louisa raised herself on her tip toes; blessing the Original' right cheek of a kiss.

"You're like a daughter to me." Elijah confessed; gently pushing her toward Viktor. "Now, go dance with your husband."

Louisa turned on herself, before gently sliding her right hand in Viktor's; feeling his right arm encircling her waist, to bring her near his chest and up-to-beat with their first dancing steps.

"Your hand is trembling? Are you o.k.?" She inquired, worryingly; raising her sight in his.

"Oh yes; you're right!" Viktor noticed, with a nervous laughter.

"What is it Viktor?" Louisa inquired, with much worries perceived in her voice; the tip of her fingers caressing the manly line of his jaw. "Talk to me… Please?"

"I can't believe you agreed to marry me, Louisa. Me! Viktor Inanov. I'm a crook, a killer machine, who certainly did not deserve a woman like you." The bodyguard confessed, shamefully and humbly.

"I beg your pardon? You are certainly none of those!" She protested, vehemently; mostly outraged. "You're sweet, strong, kind, generous… You've been there for me more than I could count on two hands. And technically, I did way more than agreeing to marry you… I did married you, Viktor. For better or worse… Granted the "in sickness and in health" part is not really for us, considering we are both vampires now, and pretty much eternal. But, we could make our own vows; could we? We could promise to hold on to each other for the eternity; because … You're "it" for me, Viktor Inanov." She confessed herself; tears now rolling on both of her cheeks.

"Baby…" Viktor grabbed her face with both hands. "I love you so much." He mouthed, before capturing her salty lips in a passionate kiss; under the loud cheering of the guests.

Elijah who stood at a few feet of distance from the dance floor, nodded, a huge smile spreading on his lips; before raising his sight to capture the glimpse of a female silhouette, a beautiful brunette hiding behind the groups of invitees.

The reception was also held in the left side of the ballroom: a female Jazz singer, accompanied by a piano player, who sang the classical Christmas songs; a gigantic Christmas tree, decorated with white dove ornaments, meters and meters of large white silk ribbons, and with a golden crystal star on top. The tables were dressed of silk white tablecloths as well, with small white porcelain vases filled with red roses, golden cutlery and crystal glasses; a huge champagne fountain with two dove sculptures were reminder of the general theme. In all, everything transpired of good taste, class and elegance… Everything transpired of Elijah Mikaelson! And that in itself was the problem for Katherine Pierce!

Her initial plan had been to leave the premises after the ceremony, but Louisa has begged her to stay for the reception … "After all, Miss Katherine you need to be present when we'll have our first dance", and damn it… She was still here!

But, for the most part she had managed to go unnoticed; by mingling from group to group, and mostly by avoiding the Master of ceremony at all cost.

"Wait, wait, wait … Let me try one of these!" Katherine summons the waiter, before grabbing a canape, or two... "Now you can go… Whoosh!" She waved her hand. "Mm… this is delightful!" She tasted the "petit-four" with much enjoyment.

"You always liked what was both… How may I say it? Hot and spicy?" She heard the implied comment; before promptly swirling on herself to face her interlocutor.

"Elijah!" She exclaimed, a lump being swallowed in her throat; while locking her sight with his.

"Katherine." He nodded, respectfully, hands buried in his tuxedo pants; his fiery sight slowly sliding on her dress and curvy silhouette.

They stared at each other for a few additional seconds; before he could finally take a step forward to unexpectedly bless her left cheek of a chaste kiss.

"You smell good." He whispered, barely caressing the base of her neck with the tip of his left thumb.

Sweet, unperceivable caress that left her breathless…

Katherine closed her eyes, inhaling his own male scent, realizing how much she had missed it, how much she had missed him; before promptly taking a step back.

"It's a lovely wedding." She commented, toneless; with a drier tone of voice she would have firstly intended. "It's nice what you did for Louisa."

"She deserves to be happy. It was nice of you to come; I'm sure she appreciated your change of heart." Elijah responded, with a discreet cough; before turning his head to scatter the ballroom. "You look lovely."

"Do I?" Katherine replied, pulling invisible folds on her dress; a light shade of pink appearing on her cheeks. "You look very handsome, yourself."

"I was summoned by Viktor to wear a tuxedo for this event." He informed her, a smirk spreading on his full lips.

"Do not tell me that he was worried that you wouldn't own one or a hundred of them in your wardrobe, for that matter?" Katherine raised an eyebrow, comically.

"He had expressed concerns." Elijah replied, shamefully; his right hand reaching his scruff chin. "Something about my new disposition to wear facial hair."

"I like it… I mean the…" Katherine raised her own right hand to touch her own face. "The scruff I mean, it suits you."

"You do?" The Original wondered, raising his sight in hers.

"I … I just need to go now." The brunette grabbed her silver clutch bag, turning on her high heels sandals to rush toward the exit of the ballroom.

Elijah promptly grabbed her left wrist, bringing her in a single pull in near proximity of his tensed body, her naked back crushing on his bulged chest a second later.

"Please, don't go?" He whispered, eyes closed, chin placed on top of her head; right arm and hand firmly placed around her waist. "I need you, Katherine, I need you to stay… If only for a minute."

"Elijah, we can't do this… Please?" Katherine begged; her head tilted toward his left shoulder. "I came back for Louisa, for the wedding; don't make it more than it truly is."

"It is way more, Katherine; and you know it." He replied, assertive. "You've been gone for so long; but our connection is still as strong as ever. A simple exchange between us is proof enough to me."

"There's a room full of people! This is not your bedroom when you can do whatever you please to me!" She spat, angrily.

"Can I?" He questioned, a smirk appearing on his lips; releasing his firm grip on her, before turning her body around to face her.

"Can you what?" Katherine questioned, her sight raised in his.

"Can I do anything and everything to you in my bedroom?" Elijah demanded; his eyes taking all of her at once. "Are your body and soul longing for my touch when you lay in your bed, alone at night?"

"I won't dignify this with an answer." Katherine lowered her flushed cheek.

"Then, dance with me, Katherine… One dance, and then I'll let you go?" He suggested, hopeful.

"One dance?" She turned her head to meet his fiery gaze.

"One dance." The Original nodded, truthfully; releasing his grip on her, before handing his left hand to her.

"Ok, one dance." She carefully grabbed his hand before following him on the dance floor. "And then, I'll give my regards and leave this Mansion for good!"

"Louisa?" Viktor tried to hold his wife' attention; waltzing on the dance floor.

"Mm?" Louisa responded, evasively; while stretching her neck to take a glance at the opposite side of the dance floor.

"What are you doing, baby?" Viktor questioned, with a loud sigh.

"I think Miss Katherine and Mister Elijah are dancing together." She commented, hopeful.

"Good! Let them dance together, let them fuck each other for what I care; all I want is my wife back?" Viktor begged.

"Viktor! Watch your mouth and wash it at the same time with soap! There are people in this reception; you know?" Louisa scolded her husband with wide eyes; knocking his muscular shoulder with her closed right fist.

"Or you could kiss this awful mouth of mine to shut it up?" Viktor suggested; lowering his head on his wife's lips. "I love you, Miss Louisa Appletown Inanov." He confessed, mouthing the sweet words; forehead against forehead. "You're the angel who fell from the sky to bright up my dark and lonely life."

"Oh Viktor!" Louisa sighed, tears filling her eyes; both arms crossed around the bodyguard's neck. "I love you too." She added, lips against lips.

"What do you say to the opportunity of skipping this wedding reception, Miss Inanov?" He winked, with much implies.

"I say: Let's do it!" She responded, smiling; before raising the many layers of blue tulle in her hands.

Elijah slowly brought Katherine's body in his arms; her right hand kept in his, while his right arm was firmly placed around her waist; his thumb subtly caressing the bare skin of her back.

"Was or is there anyone?" He questioned, out of the blue; his lips brushing her forehead.

"What? I don't fully understand your question?" She raised her head and sight in surprise.

"In your bed?" Elijah required an answer. "Is there a man in your bed?"

"There were many ones in my bed; Elijah!" Katherine replied, dryly; her sight kept on his tuxedo vest.

"Satisfying ones?" He inquired more. "Scream your lungs out of orgasms ones?"

"Yes! Are you happy? All of that – Very satisfying!" She spat to his face; in the biggest lie she had ever told to this day.

"You're lying though your teeth, Katherine!" He suddenly swirled her around; lowering her body in a dive to the floor; before raising her back up in his arms, his right hand kept at the base of her neck; under the enthusiastic applause coming from the crowd. "Then, if this is true, did you scream each time they make you come?" He questioned, reprising a slower rhythm to their dancing steps.

"Elijah, let me go, please?" Katherine suddenly loose her legendary self-control, tears filling her eyes; while squirming to free herself from his firm grip. Suddenly, all of this … "Him" … It was too much for her.

"Why are you crying?" He raised her chin to bury his dark eyes in hers.

"Why are you doing this to me?" She replied, tit for tat. "I've told you I wasn't able to forget the past."

"That's your last bargaining chip to keep me at arm length; isn't it? Away from you heart, soul, and body." He whispered, sliding his lips on her neck "You've never let me told you how good we could be together, Katherine." He softly kissed one cheek after the other. "How I am the only one that will ever make you feel that way. You came back to me, once again; don't think for second that I will let you go now so easily."

"You'll force yourself on me?" She raised her chin and eyebrows in a confrontational gesture. A burning fire setting its roots in the deepness of her core.

"We both know that I won't need to force you into anything." He responded, a devious smile spreading on his lips. "Come!" He ordered, grabbing her right hand; before pulling her behind his heels.

He forcefully dragged the brunette through a few corridors, before pushing her in a dark alcove, his muscular body leaning on top of hers; only to capture her lips in a passionate kiss.

"Do you want to play with me tonight, Katherine? A simple yes or no?" Elijah mouthed explicitly; before slowly sliding the tips of his fingers on the soft curve of her chin, downward on her neck, to finally cup the roundness of her full breasts with both hands. "Answer me, Katherine?"

"I don't know… I don't know what you mean?" Katherine stammered, raising her burning face and chin in a confrontational gesture.

"You perfectly know what I'm implying, Katerina!" The Original objected, the warmth of his breath caressing her right cheek, before his lips could bite into her earlobe. "Stay with me one more night, please? I want you in my bed, I want to possess you all the ways that I can." He whispered; his lips reaching the tender skin of her neck, sending shiver in the deepness of her core, and a burning fire in her blood.

"Elijah, please…This is insane!" She begged and contradicted him at the same time; with her eyes closed, lips parted, head tilted toward the back to grant him a better access to her exposed skin. This need … This insatiable need to be his again was eating her alive, or sending her to her finale dead? She couldn't say anymore; if she would feel alive again after so many months of abstinence, or would gladly die under his erotic ministrations?

He travelled the deep valley of her neck with his lips, before raising them upward on her chin, only to invade her mouth with his tongue; while his hands raised the hem of her dress up on her thighs and hips, only to slide both hands underneath her lace panties to grab her buttocks.

"Say it?" He begged her; sensually rubbing the inside of her thighs, before reaching the dampness of her core. "Say you'll be mine; right here, right now… On my terms?"

"Elijah!" She let the loud cry escape her parted lips, while grabbing two hands full of his hair. "You're ruining the dress, it's a Dior!"

"I give a fucking crap about the dress; woman! Answer me?" He cupped her face with both hands, his dark eyes locked with hers.

"Fine! I'll be yours… But, only for tonight; Elijah Mikaelson!" Katherine exclaimed, both of her hands encircling his own wrists.

"On my sexual terms?" Elijah raised an eyebrow; a devious smirk appearing on his manly lips. "You'll give yourself entirely to me?"

"Yes, I'll be yours on your sexual terms." She agreed, with a single nod; fear and sexual arousal creating a range of shivers in her entire body.

"I'll be yours on yours terms, whom…Say it?" He grabbed her chin; softly nibbling on her bottom lip.

"Yes, I'll be yours on your terms… Master!" Katherine closed her eyes under the intense emotion of finally granting herself the permission to call him, what she has always knew in her heart he was … Her sexual Master!

"Well, it took you long enough; woman!" Elijah swept the vampire female off her feet, under her loud cry of protestation; before taking long stride to reach the stairs of the main entrance; climbing each one of them with much easiness to reach the Master Bedroom Suite.

Viktor Inanov splashed his burning face with cold water; before raising his head to grab a hand towel to dry his skin; when his sight suddenly deviated, into the mirror, toward the threshold of the bathroom suite.

"Fuck!" Viktor exclaimed in shock; turning on himself to face his wife.

"You don't like?" Louisa questioned, biting into her bottom lip, raising her right hand above her head, on the arch, in a seductive position; while her left hand was kept on her hip.

"What's not to like?" Viktor threw the towel over the marble sink; his fiery sight sliding on the very transparent, white lace teddy his wife was wearing.

"It's a gift from Katherine." Louisa informed, taking a few steps inside the bathroom suite.

"I figured that much." Viktor smirked, seductively. "Remind me to send her a thank you card."

"I'll do that." Louisa winked to her husband, placing herself in front of the four glass walls shower; slowly opening the ribbons placed on her neckline, to push the teddy at her feet. "I thought we could take a shower together?" She turned on herself, cupping her full breasts to play with her erected nipples.

"You … You thought that, mm?" Viktor stammered, salivating at the sight of his wife' naked body; his right hand reaching for his semi-erected cock, underneath his boxer.

"Do I have to beg?" Louisa arched an eyebrow, assertive; before pushing the door open to enter the small marble shower box.

God! She needed to keep her cool – She needed to follow Katherine's instructions to the letter… slowly, carefully, with precision! Getting out of her comfort sexual zone, while showing this new sexy, more assertive side of her to Viktor, was certainly easier said than done; but she could do it!

She opened the faucets, standing underneath the waterfall of the shower; eyes closed, while holding her breath.

"Who are you and what have you done to my wife?" She heard the threat, smiling; before her very naked and wet body would be pushed on the glass wall; her right leg suddenly elevated for a better access of his right hand, his fingers softly rubbing her engorged bottom lips and clit. "I'm going to fuck you so hard that you will forget you own name and tell me what you've done with my wife?"

"Oh…" Louisa moaned, eyes closed, head bent toward his chest. "Yes!" She finally cried from the top of her lungs; her left hand sliding down his stomach to grab his cock.

"Yes? Yes… You want me to fuck you hard?" Viktor asked; fingers thrusting deep inside of her contracted walls; warm water cascading on their naked bodies.

"Yes, Viktor… Fuck me, fuck me hard." Louisa begged, both palms now opened on the glass wall.

"Fuck!" Viktor pushed his hardness, deep inside of his wife; thrusting deeper and faster, under her loud moans of sexual pleasure. "Oh, you sweet, sexy woman … I hope you weren't planning of sleeping tonight?" He felt her first orgasm coming. "Because, fucking and loving you is all I'll be doing to you… All…Night…Long!"

Katherine stood in front of the King size bed; opened palms placed on each side of her hips and thighs.

"Nervous?" Elijah Mikaelson questioned, dropping his tuxedo vest on an armchair; slowly pulling his bow tie away from his silk shirt, before getting rid of his cufflinks.

"Yes... A little bit." Katherine admitted, in a low whisper.

"Yes, "whom"?" He, like a predator, circled her tensed body; sliding the tip of his fingers, on her bare back. From its base, down on its small; before gently pushing the dress' zipper down.

"Yes, Master." She managed to articulate, a nervous lump being swallowed in her dry throat.

"Drop your dress to your feet." He ordered some more, while getting rid of his own shirt.

Katherine pushed the fabric of the dress down on her arms; before wriggling herself out of it, by having the dress continue its descent on her thighs and finally around her ankles.

"Step out and away from it." He added, with much conviction in his voice.

Katherine stepped away from the dress, now only dressed of her set of lace black panties and bra; before bending her upper body to open the straps of her high heels silver sandals.

"Who gave you the permission to get rid of your sandals?" She heard the implied threat, under her own cry of surprise; being pulled backward by a strong arm placed around her waist, her back hitting his muscular chest a second later.

"No one. I'm sorry…" Katherine panted, loudly. "I'm sorry, Master."

"You have a lot to be sorry about, slave." Elijah whispered, softly nibbling on her right ear; while rubbing his hard bulge on her lower back. "Do you know why I want you to keep your sandals?"

"No… I'm … I'm clueless, Master." The female vampire replied, closing her eyes to let her six sense take all of him.

"I want to fuck you with your high heels sandals on because it makes me harder." He informed his intention; unceremoniously. "Would you like that? For me to fuck you hard, even if you don't deserve it? Would that be part of your punishment?"

Shit! Was this even real? Only he could make her heart skip a beat or two this way… Her shaking legs lose all reality of gravity… And a raging fire take roots in the deepness of her core.

"I'd like that, very much… Master." Katherine confessed, out of breath. "And … And if I deserve punishment, then you should punish me."

"What if I would make you come while standing in the middle of this room?" He suggested, raising his left hand to push the lace fabric of her bra, only to pinch her erected nipples between two of his fingers. "Would you like that?" He questioned; right hand playing with the elastic of her panties, before sliding his fingers underneath the sheer fabric to unexpectedly bury two of them in her folds, deep down inside her walls.

"Oh…" Katherine moaned loudly; her legs liquefying under his erotic ministrations.

"You like that, don't you?" He realized and asked at the same time; while acceleration his rhythm – His free hand releasing her long curls from the bun placed on top of her head. "Ask me to make you come?"

"I think you're doing a fine job of it right now." Katherine managed to let the words escape her parted lips, between loud moaning and panting sounds. She suddenly cried under the surprise of his fingers reversing their sexual activity; before feeling the hardest slap reaching the tender skin of her butt.

"Behave, slave! You're being very ungrateful at the moment." Elijah warned, dryly. 'I want you to beg me to make you come?"

Katherine closed her fists, in anger. Asshole! He knew how close she has been to reach her pleasure.

"I'm waiting?" He whispered, his warm breath caressing her left cheek.

Shit! She was so wet at the moment that drops could literally fell on the wooden floor…And he knew it too well!

"Make me come." She begged, under clenched teeth.

"Make me come, "whom"?" He pushed it a scale higher.

"Make me come, Master." She added, with one single breath.

She stood half-naked in the middle of the bedroom suite, in silence, for a few seconds; before hearing the subtle sound of the zipper of his tuxedo pants being pushed down. He was now getting completely undressed.

"I want you naked, now." He finally gave his instructions.

Katherine urgently got rid of her bra, tossing it at a far distance on the floor; before sliding her soaked panties on the floor as well.

"Placed yourself in front of the mirror." He ordered some more.

She managed to drag her shaking legs in front of the body-length mirror; the room being illuminated by a single small lamp placed on a nearby table. She waited for a few additional minutes; before seeing his naked reflection in the mirror, approaching her own standing position.

"Where were we, slave?" He crushed his sweaty, muscular body on her back; his more than obvious erected cock, sliding in an upward-downward motion on the small of her back. "Yes, we were right here!" He smirked, burying two fingers back inside her burning core.

"Oh God!" Katherine cried; ridding his fingers like it was the last time that she would do that.

"Look at yourself in the mirror, slave." He suggested, keeping the pace of his hardness sliding on her back and fingers inside her walls perfectly synchronized. "Look at yourself coming in my arms."

And that is exactly what Katherine did while letting a loud cry escape her parted lips under her first orgasm of the night.

"Kneel on the bed, your butt raised in the air; legs widely parted, palms flat on the mattress." He ordered, walking toward a dresser; before opening a drawer.

"Yes, Master!" Katherine followed his instructions; her shaking legs evading her weak body after the first intense orgasm she just had experienced.

She heard his footstep approaching the bed, before she could feel his right hand partying her legs even more.

"Are you still wet for me?" He questioned; placing himself behind her, a knee on the mattress.

What kind of question was that? Exposed so vulnerably this way he could only verify it, as he may, after all! Never mind…

"Oh…" She moaned, loudly, arching her back; feeling his mouth sliding on her folds, tongue licking her juice avidly, striking her clit repeatedly.

"You taste good." He commented, raising back on his legs; while sliding his right hand on his engorged, erected cock. "But, you don't deserve oral satisfactions, slave." He informed her. "You've been a bad girl, all these past months. Leaving the Mansion; leaving me dry."

Shit! I guess he was about to take his revenge on her … And Katherine couldn't have felt more aroused if she wanted to be!

"I'm sorry; Master." Katherine played her cards, wisely. "Please, forgive me."

"Perhaps, after retribution." He commented; under her sudden cry of surprise and pain.

"What the fuck is that?" Katherine yelled, from the top of her lungs; before rubbing the sensitive skin of her butt.

"What the fuck is that … "whom"?" He repeated, amused.

"What the fuck is what you just used on me, Master?" Katherine turned her head to notice a sexual object in his hands.

"It's called a paddle – It's a sexual toy for grownups. It can easily get you wetter that you've ever been to this day, slave." He explained to her.

"Are you crazy? I won't subject myself to …" She was cut by another hit on her ass. "Oh…" Damn him! He was right! She was burning all over, and not only on her butt!

"You were a very bad girl to me; and you deserve to be punished, slave." He explained, smirking. "Now, ask me for more?"

"Mm…" Katherine bit her bottom lip, between two evils, which one would win? Pleasure versus pride – Pride versus pleasure? "I want more!" She finally admitted, breathless.

The paddle reached the tender skin of her butt and the inside of her thighs several additional times, under her strong groan of pleasure. He must have taken pity on her, when she finally felt his weight on the mattress; her head being raised upward with a gentle grab of her hair, his long, slick and tick cock sliding easily to the tilt of her core in one single thrust, before accelerating his pace.

"Oh Elijah!" She whispered his name; meeting each of his thrust with much vigor.

"Shush… Let me give you pleasure, Katherine." He suggested; his right hand reaching her erected clit.

In the late hours of the night, they both lied in silence and smiling in bed; the sudden quietness of the Mansion rocking them peacefully.

Katherine felt Elijah's body spooning her own. She let out a small cry at the friction made by his pelvic on the sensitive skin of her butt.

"You've asked for it." Elijah whispered, humor perceived in his tone of voice; his right hand sliding from her waist, down on her hip, to finally caress the sensitive skin of her buttocks. "You want me to put cream on your skin?" He finally asked, with much concerns. It was one thing to be two passionate individuals in bed, and live through their sexual fantasies. It was another to purposely hurt each other!

"No, I'm fine." She shook her head, turning her head to grab his chin; before blessing his parted lips of a kiss. "I like being reminded of your marks on me."

"I know you don't like being reminded of this … But…" Elijah lowered his head and sight; shamefully.

"I'm yours. I hate it and I love it at the same time. But, I'm yours; Elijah Mikaelson." She confessed for the both of them. "Just remember that I'll stay my own person outside this bedroom."

"Say it again, and again…Katerina." Elijah exclaimed, happily; his lips following the delicate curve of her neck, hands cupping her full breasts to stroke her hard nipples.

"I'm yours, I'm yours…I'm yours!" Katherine repeated; giggling sounds escaping her parted lips. "But…" She added, worryingly; suddenly losing her smile.

"No! No, Katherine…There's no "but"!" He turned her body around, down on its back; before opening her legs to set himself between them.

"You're stubborn, and I am probably more stubborn than you are… And, we also have this dark past between us, Elijah; I don't know how this could work…" She confessed, before being cut in her sentence by his lips capturing her own.

"Shush! We'll forgive and forget the past; you hear me, Katherine?" Elijah captured her face with both hands. "I love you; I won't let you go this time around."

"I don't want to leave." Katherine admitted, tears filling her eyes.

"Then, stay! Stay with me, be with me." Elijah suggested, before softly nibbling on her bottom lip; his cock pushing into her wet entrance, under her loud moans of pleasure.

"It's barely ten O'clock in the morning, Louisa?" Viktor Inanov commented, rubbing his eyelids to give life to his tired eyes. "We got married yesterday, I made love all night to my wife, and … Now, I'm standing with my boots in the snow, in front of the Mansion for what purpose exactly?" He opened both of his arms, dumbfounded.

"The carriage ride, remember? It was one of Mister Elijah gifts to us." Louisa (who had adorably dressed herself of a white winter coat, gloves and pompom wool cap) reminded her husband.

"Right? My boss has obviously reached a sexless period in his life, therefore he needs to make others suffer for it!" Viktor exclaimed, rancorous.

"Oh I don't believe he has a sexless life anymore." Louisa jumped on her joined foot, while clapping in her gloves' hands enthusiastically. "I'm almost certain that Miss Katherine stayed all night in the mansion, and I would bet my ass that she was in his bed."

"Pretty ass it is, really… And I would love for that pretty ass of yours to be naked in my bed right now… Pretty please?" Viktor grabbed Louisa's waist to pull the young female vampire back into the comfort of his arms.

"No! Behave yourself… We need to wait for Mister Elijah and Miss Katherine." Louisa scoffed; gently pushing the bodyguard in arm length.

"Listen baby, in the small chance that Miss Katherine stayed in the Mansion for the night, and … In the even smaller chance she was in Mister Elijah's bed; I'm sure they are wiser than us; they won't come out and freeze their asses in this damn cold and snowy weather!" Viktor brought his last argument.

"They'll come you'll see!" Louisa reassured him. "I can feel it in my heart."

"I hate snow, and I hate cold!" Katherine argued her case; arms firmly crossed in front of her winter jacket. "You brutalized me all night…And now this!"

"Did I?" Elijah narrowed his eyes on her, a smirk spreading on his scruff face; while wrapping her neck of a large blue scarf. "In what way? Was it the numerous orgasms I gave you that have brutalized you?"

"Go to hell!" She spat to his face, pouting adorably.

"If you do this for me, Katerina Petrova; we'll come back inside afterward and I'll promise to make this favor worth a lot to you." Elijah smirked; putting set of large blue pompom on her ears. "I'll keep your body warm all day, lying next to mine, in my bed; and if you are nice enough; I'll make you come oftentimes." He promised in a low and sensual whisper, near her left ear; before grabbing her chin to bless her pink lips of a kiss.

"Highly argumentative, I would say." The female vampire mouthed her response on his parted lips; a light redness coloring her cheeks.

"Let's go, woman!" Elijah turned her body around, slapping her butt, playfully; before gently pushing her toward the backdoor of the kitchen.

"Hey! I'm still injured from you slapping my ass all night." Katherine warned, half-submissively, while rubbing her sensitive skin.

"Is this an implied invitation for tonight, Katerina?" Elijah raised an eyebrow, questioning; his seductive smile kept on his lips.

"Maybe… I don't know… If I take a bath later, maybe my skin will heal faster?" She shrugged, falsely indifferent by his sexual proposal. She rapidly glanced in his direction, only to notice the remaining wide smile on his face; while following his long strides in the snow.

"That is music to my ears, Katerina Petrova Pierce." Elijah turned his head to wink at her playfully; before grabbing her left hand to walk by her side in silence.

"Oh my God! Look Viktor … What did I told you?" Louisa exclaimed, enthusiastically; while jumping on both feet.

"Here we go!" Viktor rolled his eyes to the blue winter sky. "You won't let this go, will you?"

"No! I'm way too happy!" Louisa replied, with the biggest smile plastered on her face. "Miss Katherine, Mister Elijah!" She waved in their directions. "Please, tell me you're back together?"

"We were never together to start with!" Katherine shrugged; lowering her head to hide her red cheeks; before feeling the loudest slap hit her buttocks. "Ouch! What is this for?"

"Behave!" Elijah pointed a forbidden finger underneath her nose; glimpse of amusement sparkling in his eyes.

"Miss Katherine." Viktor saluted, perniciously; both hands joined in front of his bulged chest. "Mister E…. I mean, Elijah." He added, with a single nod.

"Mister Inanov." She replied, arms crossed over her chest; sight narrowed on the bodyguard, in a clear an obvious message: If you go after me, I'll kick your ass later!

"So, it's true then, Miss Katherine; you're back with us?" Viktor plunged the dagger further down her uneasiness; a smirk raising the right side of his lips.

"I'm considering the possibility of ..." Katherine mumbled under clenched teeth.

"Yes, she's staying!" Elijah cut her off, narrowing his fiery sight on her.

"Am I?" Katherine turned to face the Original.

It was more than obvious that if she would argue Elijah's say now; her ass would pay for it later!

"Oh, I'm so happy for you both!" Louisa jumped into their arms, alternately. "Did you already set a date for the marriage?"

"The "what"?" Elijah Mikaelson and Katherine Pierce both replied, with wide opened mouth and expressions of shock plastered over their faces.

"OK, maybe it's too early in the day to talk about it." Louisa nodded, understandably.

"Well, I guess our ride just arrived!" Viktor nodded toward the carriage pulled by several horses. "After you, my sweet princess?" He helped Louisa get aboard the vehicle.

Elijah pulled Katherine in a setback position; encircling her waist of his strong arms.

"I love you, Katerina Petrova or Katherine Pierce; whatever your name is… I've loved you for more than five hundred years; and I intend to love you for thousands and thousands more." He softly confessed, before grabbing her chin to bless her cold lips of a kiss.

"I … I love you too." She finally admitted to herself, to him … To the world; before raising on her tip toes to return his kiss. "I love both of you."

"Both of us?" Elijah wondered in surprise, with wide opened eyes. "Do I have strong competition that I should worry about?"

"Well, in the days I love the Original, Elijah Mikaelson – The fearless Original; but when the nights set its dark curtains in the sky, I'm also in love my Master." She confessed, honestly; biting her bottom lip.

"And your Master will gladly show you how much he loves you … Later on!" He slapped her sore ass, an additional time, under her cry of protestation and his own loud burst of laughter.

"I never thought my brother would find this end because of a woman." A dark, alluring man commented.

"He was … I mean, he was obsess with her. He wanted to own Louisa Appletown, once again." The shorter, but still imposing man, replied.

"He had plenty of sexual slaves, why her?" The argumentative man stroke his eyelids.

"I truly couldn't say." The right arm man shrugged, apologetically.

"Is it him, Aron?" The Polish man inquired; his sight narrowed on the picture he was holding in his hand. "Is it the man who's managed to kill my beloved brother?"

"Yes, he and Viktor Inanov, his bodyguard, are the ones who killed Bartosz." Aaron replied, with a single nod.

"What is he?" The man asked more; closely studying the picture.

"An Original Vampire… From the "Original" family." Aron informed the bearded man.

"Mm… Interesting." He commented, crumpling the photo in his strong hand. "Does our friend, Elijah Mikaelson, have any weakness?"

"A major one." Aron replied, a wicked smile spreading on his lips. "Her name is Katherine Pierce, a female vampire herself."

"And where is this Miss Katherine Pierce at the moment?" The man raised an eyebrow, questioning.

"I believe she is back at his mansion." Aron informed; a devious smile plastered on his face.

"Well…" The tall, imposing man rose on his legs. "We'll let them have their honeymoon period; before crashing their wedding party, would you say; Aaron?"

"Certainly, Master." Aaron replied, with an additional nod. "I'll do as you wish."

"And then … I'll simply kill them all." The bearded man announced, unceremoniously; before leaving the parlor room.

Thank you my dear Kalijah readers for reading this last update titled: "I'll be home for Christmas" from the "SOLD!" Fiction.

I know that I took quite a long time to write this last update, due to unfortunate circumstances in my private life. But, I truly hope that I gave good justice of the story with this last chapter. This is the end of a thrilling ride for me, with this particular story; where and when I was able to explore an avenue of a new genre-erotic-fiction. And yes, I am leaving the door wide-opened "if ever" I want to reprise it, and write a sequel one day.

To all my Kalijah readers, I wish you all the best for the New Year 2016, with much happiness, good health, and tone of love.

Hugs guys – Be happy!

Lovely Vero

Thank you for all the anonymous reviews received, guys!

My answers are below.

ScarletRose: I'm so beyond happy that this story is your favorite one, sweetie. And thank you from the bottom of my heart for following my updates all those past years. I do understand what you mean in relation of the personal perspective of people who are writing on this site. It's a very personal journey and sometimes it is quite ok that it won't fit everybody' cup of tea. I'll rekindle TPOL in the next days and get my head fully back into it. Sending hugs and kisses, and all my best wishes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016, sweetheart!

Guest who thought Kalijah was sweet: Thank you, sweetie – It's nice to know that you've enjoyed it so much!

Guest who loves the idea of Sade' songs: That is truly music to my ears! I thought it was the perfect fit for this erotic story to be truthful. Thanks a bunch!

If I have forgotten someone in the responses to the anonymous reviews, it was not intentional, and I thank you for it!