So this idea came to me when I was reading another fanfiction that involves Naruto getting kidnapped. This story, however, is gonna have a few... ah... twists. So sit back and enjoy the ride! Please review! Thanks!

Chapter 1: The Boy

Minato POV

I look around the room, I see a blonde, blue eyed boy sitting and playing with his new birthday presents, a crimson race car and a lightning blue water-blaster. I smile and walk up to him, holding my arms out, ready to hug him. He turns around to look at me. I am faced with a teary-eyed child instead of a happy one.

"Daddy. Help me."

I run up to the boy, only to see his fragile body roughly being held by a masked man. His scar patterned mask reveals one eye-hole and a Sharingan that then shift to a Mangekyo Sharingan, one that looks similar to Kakashi's. Suddenly I find myself hanging on a small, wooden wall. I try to break my hands from the rope's grip, but I fail. I watch endlessly as the scene played over and over again, stuck in an infinite loop. The boy playing with his toys, the tears in his eyes, his cry for help, the masked man, the Sharingan, and then it starts again. I watch for what seems like centuries until the masked man appears in front on me.

"This prophecy I deliver you:

The successor of the mighty flash

When he be found

He may be lost again

Until the wound in his heart heal

He'll stay in darkness till light reveals."

I burst my eyes open and take a look around. I'm in my room? I'm in my room! I see turn to the other side to see strands of Crimson red leaking through the blanket. The clock above her reads: Five A.M. I hear birds chirping outside, time to get up. I slowly move out of bed, careful not to make a noise or sudden movement to wake my sleeping wife. I immediately go to the kitchen and grab a cup, filling it with cold water. I quickly devour the drink and instantly feel the results. My senses became sharper, my sight improved tenfold from my 'still-asleep' eyes, my nose picking up the faintest of scents and my ears able to pick up the slightest of noise. I walk to the bathroom to begin my daily routine, the prophecy said by the masked man, still ringing in my head. Jiraiya-sensei said the Great Toad Elder proclaimed the same prophecy a couple of days before Naruto disappeared.

'The successor of the mighty flash

When he be found

He may be lost again

Until the wound in his heart heal

He'll stay in darkness till light reveals'

Soon, Kushina wakes up and cooks breakfast while I read through a file given to me by an ANBU.

"Do you know what today is?" Kushina shifts the food from the pan, then places it on our two plates.

"Why would I forget? It's been five years since Naruto was..." I decided to stop it there.

I looked back into my files. The ANBU retrieval team I sent had found this. The file was about a prison, in Taki, said to have held children as prisoners. The ANBU team was able to get a file before they were almost discovered. The file consisted of children, only children.

'Kuhasi Kurama: age 14, captured- 8, reason of capture- parents creates genjutsu to help prisoners escape'

'Mika Shinjua: age 9, captured- 6, reason of capture- family killed the leader's children'

I stare in disbelief at these people. Imprisoning children because of the actions of their parents, despicable. I put the file down and start eating breakfast. I catch Kushina eyeing the file from time to time, her sister was killed by the same man who now leads the prison, Kisahi Kusanagi. Once I finish, I get up to put my plate in the sink and walk to the door. I open the closet and up on my jonin vest. I move to the hanger and put on my signature cloak, decorated with red flames and 'Yondaime Hokage' written in the back. As I leave Kushina walks up to me and leans on the doorframe.

"Have a good day, honey." She said as she smiled.

"You too." I'm halfway out the door when I turn my head and say "Oh, and be careful, would ya?"

She raises an eyebrow. "Why?"

"I just have a bad feeling, that's all. I'll see you later." I walk out the door and close it behind me.

I walk around Konoha, most streets empty. Not many people are up at this time. I walk up the stairs leading to my office as the sun rises, revealing itself to Konoha once again. I sit down at my desk and start the paperwork that I had to finish from last night. After two stacks of paperwork, I gave up. So much work for only one person. What does this village expect from me? Sure I'm the best in the village but even I have limits. I hesitantly look at the paperwork, three more stacks. Okay three. That's it. The door to my office opens as I see my assistant bringing five more stacks of paperwork, each stack making her go another trip. I stare at the paperwork like it was threatening to destroy the village. A Kage's greatest enemy, paperwork, and once again, I will prevail. Watch me beat you paperwork, watch me. I was staring so hard at the paperwork I barely noticed my assistant standing there.

"Umm... Hokage-sama? Are you okay?"

I look away from the paperwork and turned to her.

"I'm fine, just thinking of how I'm gonna beat this one today."

She sighed and walked out with a puzzled look mumbling something like 'like predecessor, like successor'.

I continued my paperwork then stopped. Wait. Is that...? My eyes widen as I grab my custom kunai and hold it in front of me, standing in an attacking position. Some ANBU jump down from the trap door in the ceiling and surround me in a protective circle. A distant explosion rattles the whole village. I tensed at the familiar chakra signature. I was right, it was him.

Ooo! A cliffhanger! (; ̄ェ ̄) Stay tuned for next time folks! Is it just me or does this look like an Akimichi?

- (@⌒ー⌒@) ?