Dean Winchester has learned many life lessons in his 29 years. One of the biggest being that when bad things happen to him, it's usually his own fault. He has issues with impulse control and a really bad habit of freaking the fuck out. The prime example of this, would be his sophomore year of college. Dean had been dating Chuck for almost three years, he cared about him but never really saw them as a forever thing. He was apparently the only one of the two who didn't. They were walking to a party when Chuck took his hand, kissed it lovingly, and asked Dean to move in with him. He was shocked, but what amazed him even further was when he heard the words "sure, why not" spew from his own mouth. If he had been an adult about it, he would have talked to his boyfriend and explained the situation. Maybe even ended it, but he wasn't mature enough for that. Instead what he did was really shitty, he knew that then, and he knows it now.

After more than enough shots at the very same party, Dean walked up to Becky Rosen and kissed her. It wasn't a chaste kiss either, he was full on making out with her in the middle of the room. Of course he was caught and broken up with immediately. To Dean's surprise, he was punched in the dick. Damn, he could hit hard for a scrawny dude. It wasn't the best way he could have dealt with things, but it worked out pretty well. Chuck and Becky are actually married now with three kids and he gets a Christmas card from them every year, signed "With Love, You're still an asshole.'

Another important thing he'd figured out, was that when good things happen to him, it was usually because he kept his mind and heart open. A couple of years after he graduated college, his neighbor, came running into his apartment screaming. He can still remember the look of excitement on his dorky friend's face. It was constantly something with Garth, almost always it wasn't anything that interested Dean, but the guy was like a newborn puppy. Thankfully he could never turn down that adorable face, despite some of the more crazy things that left his mouth. He could appreciate it much more now than he did even then, after all that is how he became Batman.

"I can't believe it! Can you believe it Dean?"

"Well Garth, since I have no idea what you are talking about, I'm gonna go with no."

"HBO is going to be doing a remake of the old Batman series and they are holding open auditions for the roles of Batman and Robin. They want unknown actors. Oh my God, I can't believe it. It has only been a dream my whole life to play Robin. I mean, sure I would love to be Batman, but look at me. I was made to be a sidekick. Robin is the ultimate!"

"That's great! I think you'd make an awesome Robin. When are you auditioning?"

"We are auditioning this Saturday."

"What do you mean we? I'm not an actor."

"Come on Dean, please go audition with me. If you audition for Batman it will make me less nervous when I audition. Please. Please. Please."

"Alright man, don't get your panties in a twist. I'll go, but don't expect me to get the part."

"Thanks Dean. Your generosity will be rewarded."

"Yea, whatever dude, now go away. I'm tryin' to watch Dr Sexy."

Dean was stunned when not only did Garth get the part of Robin, but he actually got the role of Batman. He'd accidentally become an actor, thoughts swirled in his mind on how it could have possibly happened, and he'd honestly drawn a complete blank. When he told the casting director, and the executives that he was an openly bisexual man and had no interest in going back into the closet, they shrugged their shoulders and advised him not to date his coworkers. This may have been the most astonishing thing of the entire day. He'd been in Los Angeles long enough to know there were more than just a couple gay, lesbian, and bi people in the industry. He also knew, however, that only a small fraction of those were out.

He took their advice to heart. Not only did he not date his coworkers, he didn't date within the industry, usually. He did make an exception with none other than Dr Sexy himself. It's funny how two years later, Dean still calls him that in his head. The very mention of his real name makes his skin crawl. After years of crushing on the actor, how could he turn down the object of his many fantasies? It was just after Batman 2.0 premiered. They were both guests on The Tonight Show, Dean was so nervous about meeting the other man, he threw up minutes before walking on stage. It was not a surprise when his sexuality became the main topic of discussion. It was cool though, anything to keep from looking over at Dr Sexy sitting on the couch next to him.

After the taping, there was a knock on Dean's dressing room door. He opened it, and the older actor lunged forward and kissed him as if their lives depended on it. They ended up dating for a year. The first six months were great, except that they had to keep their relationship a secret. Relationships are hard when only one person is open about who they are. The last six months were closer to hell. They had moved in together and Dean realized that he was involved with a self-absorbed asshole. The guy was derogatory and screamed constantly, it was degrading and incredibly stressful but he stayed, thinking things were bound to get good again.

It all came to a head one night when Sammy came over while they were fighting. Sam had stepped between the two men in order to protect his older brother, just to be pushed to the ground. A fire lit in Dean's veins and he was more angry than he thought he could ever be, his body automatically going into rage mode. It was one thing to be pushed around or yelled at himself, but for the massive douchebag to lay a hand on his little brother was too far.

"Oh hell no" the words spewed from his mouth as he punched his now, ex-boyfriend.

Sam pulled him out the front door before he could throw any more punches. That was the last time he saw the former idol, and it had been a struggle not to track him down and kick his ass every time the thought of it resurfaced. He still wasn't sure which was worse, finding out his favorite celebrity crush was an asshole, or never being able to watch his favorite show again. If he were being honest, there were still the occasional Dr Sexy fantasies, except now, the good doctor was usually getting his ass kicked, or flattened by a steamroller rather than anything remotely sexy.

"Dammit, man get ahold of yourself."' he thought as he shook his head. This was not the time to think about the past. The fans had paid too much for BatCon tickets for him to be anything except happy and charming. Just then, the door opened and Garth came rushing in, Dean never understood why but he was always in a hurry, the guy had no slow down button on him. In all the commotion caused by the gangly dork that was his best friend (outside of Sammy of course) he hadn't noticed that there were two men following in behind him.

"Hey Dean. I want you to meet my handler, Aaron" he paused to point to the one standing closest to him.

"And this is yours, his name is Castiel." It was then that Dean really looked at both men. For a minute, he thought about asking to switch. He had no idea how he would be able to concentrate on the convention events with such a beautiful man following him around. Castiel had dark brown hair, it was almost black. His skin was lightly tanned, which made his eyes really pop. If Dean were one to frequent the fan-fiction sites, he would say that they reminded him of cerulean waves crashing against the ocean shore. It was a good thing he didn't, well at least as far as anyone else knew. If he did any elective reading, that was between him and his IPad.

Scanning down further, Dean was even more impressed. Castiel was obviously in shape, his shirt was a bold choice, it was tightly wrapped around his muscled torso. On the front, there was a ship with the bat symbol on the side, but what made Dean chuckle was B.W. + D.G. within the famous logo. In larger print across the bottom of the tee were the words "I ship it." When he looked back up at Castiel's face, the man was blushing and he seemed fairly embarrassed.

"I...uh…didn't plan my clothing choice very well. Sorry. I can run and buy another from the vendor's room if you prefer."

"Nah, Cas. It's cool. No-ship shaming here, even if I don't understand it." his face shone brightly with the first genuine smile he'd been able to muster since his morning coffee.

"Thanks Mr. Winchester."

"Nah man, none of that it's just Dean."

"Okay, Just Dean. Would you like to go over the schedule for the day?" He said with a bright smirk.