~String 19~
A/N: So I checked after years and saw people were still reading this story. (I'm actually kinda shocked.) I went and looked at my document to find this last chapter I'd written. I thought I would post it since why not? I don't have anything else written, and I don't know when I will be able to write more since I don't remember the plot very well, however I hope I will eventually write another chapter. We will see...it's just been so long.
The cameras in this compound must be total shit if I can keep receiving letters from my father. I take a couple strides and snatch the letter before quickly shoving it into my pocket and heading back towards my room. No wait...I shouldn't read this in my room. Ghetsis had told me that N liked to watch me in my room. How he did that I have no clue, but if I don't want him to know I have this letter then I should probably go somewhere where he won't be able to see me reading it.
I steal down the hallway, glancing from side to side as I try to look as inconspicuous as possible. Which proves to be harder than I thought since I totally suck at acting like nothing is up when something is CLEARLY bulging out of my pocket.
Damn these clothes!
I cross my arms and stomp towards the secret library that I met Ghetsis in. I mean...that place is creepy but it's probably one place that N ISN'T so I'm happy with that prospect. Luckily I find the way easily and without any interruption.
Settling into a chair I retrieve the letter from my pocket and rip it open. It only has one sentence on it.
Kalos has been taken.
I blink, and turn it over in my hands, trying to find more to read, but there is nothing. Odd… With a shrug, I fold the paper and put it in my pocket.
So Kalos is now under N's control...that's just so weird. I've never been to Kalos, but from what I've heard, they are a powerful stronghold of trainers so I don't think it should've been that easy.
Plus there's thousands of people there! How on earth could N keep track of them all?
Putting a finger to my chin, I tap it methodically as I ponder. Well, whatever the reason that he can control thousands of people like some psychotic hive queen, I won't find out anytime soon. Besides, I have to leave this room before I puke. Ghetsis did die right outside after all.
Pushing my hair behind my ear, I step out of the room and round the corner, heading towards the stairs. I hear a thud, and jump, startled. Not realizing til it's too late that I'm just a little too close to the stairs. Teetering backwards, I fall down the stair spectacularly, bouncing like a Spoink.
"Ow, ow, ow, OWWWW FUUUUUCK!" I curse all the way down. There's a moment when I opens my eyes for a split second and I see N at the bottom of the stairs, staring at me with an expression I just can't place.
But, SHIT is this embarrassing.
Within seconds, I'm slamming into his chest, and knocking him to the ground. I whimper in pain as a few profanities escape from my lips. I push myself up a little and look at N's face. It's hard to read but I-
With one swift movement, he's switched our positions and shoves me to the floor. I am too shocked to react. He stares at me for a long moment and just as I notice his grip on my wrists tightening, I jerk free and punch him in the face. Scrambling to my feet, I run for the hills.
Well, of course not LITERALLY. But it's the same thing to me.
But why did I do that? I told myself I'd have to get closer to N to drag information out of him, but how can I get anywhere by PUNCHING him in the face?! That's not a typical way to befriend someone. Am I going to have to… My face burns and I lean against the wall of the hallway. I don't know much about...touchy-feely stuff.
Hugging myself I gulp. It appears that I am running out of options. I need to just make my decision. Yes. I should do that. Straightening, I turn around and crash directly into N's chest.
Well shit.
~Misty Ketchum