So, um, sorry about not updating. I have been pretty busy. First I had a play, then I went on a four day class trip with no internet, and now all three of us are graduating which has taken up a lot of time. Also, would any of you read any other fanfiction by us? Here's chapter 15. Enjoy! :)

-Co-Author B

Rachel walked over to where I was currently sitting on the grass in Central Park. Our phone call had gone something like this.

"If this is some sick joke, it's not funny," she snapped into the phone.

"No really, it's me, Percy," I said in disbelief. How can she not recognize my voice?

"Prove it," she stated.

"You wear footie pajamas with mini Apollos all over them," I said knowing that it would convince her of my identity.

"Those were a gift from Apollo and they are very comfortable! Oh my gods! Percy! We thought you were dead. I swear if I ever see you again, I'll kill you for putting us through that!" she yelled.

You get the idea. Let's just say Rachel continued with a couple choice words that I will NOT repeat. When she finally calmed down she agreed to come meet me. And here we are.

"What can I do for you, Percy Jackson?" she said in a playful tone.

"I need you to get me to Camp Half-Blood."

I climbed into the passenger's seat while she took the driver's side. The ride was filled with silence. She focused on driving, and I focused on anything outside the window. The silence couldn't last forever to my dismay.

"Where have you been?" she asked, her eyes still focused on the road in front of her.

"I was being imprisoned by the gods because apparently I am 'too risky'. I escaped and now I have to find my friends. I think they are somewhere in the mountains that our plane had crashed into, but I'm not sure exactly where," I explained.

"Where was that again?" she asked her face scrunched up in thought.

"I'm not really sure, I was unconscious for most of it," I told her, "Why?"

"Chiron had been keeping an eye on this old prison at Mount Odin. He believes that there are a few demigods being imprisoned there. He had sent a scouting group a few months ago to check out the place, but they haven't returned yet. Maybe that's where your friends are," she said.

Determined, I said, "We have to go there. We have to find them."

"Are you sure that's a good idea, with your powers and all. Maybe we can send someone else?" she questioned.

"I don't care. They might need our help. How fast can you get us there?"

She smiled, and I caught a glance of the rebellious Rachael that had helped me all those years ago. "Pretty fast."

We were going back to Canada.