From captain to mother

Hello little one

Rainbow and Soarin were just over joy to hear, Twister's new change of heart. Solar was of course trilled to be an aunt at the age of 17, Rainbow and Soarin made a major decision has well. They both decided that their time in the Wonderbolts was over, they wanted to spend time together and with their future grandfoal.

"Hey! Congrats captain!" said Rapidfire with a big smile

"Thank you" smiled Twister while the rest of her team congratulated her

"This is so awesome" said Surprise as she hug her

"Now! Now! we still have a big show to prepare" said Twister as she blushed at all this attention

"Yeah in like eight or nine months" said High Winds

"Alright enough with the chit chat! Let's train!" shouted Twister as she leapt into the air

Months pass and the time came when, the doctor ordered Twister to stop training in fear she would hurt the foal. Twister hated it but she knew it was for good reasons, even tho she would like to fly with her team then sitting on the side lines.

"So cap? Who's going to led us?" ask High Winds

"Neon Lights will be you're temporary captain" said Twister as she smiled at him

"What? Why me?" ask Neon while he nervously look at his teammates

"Because I think you'll do fine" said Twister

"Maybe you should choice somepony else" said Neon

"Captain's orders" smirk Twister, Neon just glance at his teammates and nervously smiled

"Uh…we should….get start….." smiled Neon as he nervously opened his wings

Later that night

"Are you sure, you made the right choice?" ask Neon while he help Twister sit on the sofa

"You don't trust my judgement?" ask Twister as she rub her stomach

"I never said that" said Neon while he went towards the kitchen to prepare diner

Three months later after a vigorous training, the Wonderbolts were ready for the big show. Twister help guide the team from the ground, has Neon preformed her orders from the sky.

"Today's the day" said Twister while she finished her breakfast

"I never thought it would come" said Neon while he zip his uniform

"You have to lead the team" said Twister as she lay down

"Me?! I still can't believe you choice me" said Neon

"Well I can't do it for obvious reasons" said Twister as she glance at her ten month stomach

"Why me? Why not somepony else in the team?!" ask Neon with nervous tone

"I want you because I know you can do it" smiled Twister

"I'll try to do my best" said Neon

"You'll do just fine" said Twister as she nuzzled him on the cheek

"I'll be back" smiled Neon as he gave a kiss on Twister's lips

"We'll be here, waiting for your return" said Twister

Neon smiled at his wife before he left to the arena, Neon feared that he would be late but was just in time for the show.

"Let's do this!" shouted Neon as he pulled his goggles on his eyes

"Yeah!" shouted everypony

"We can't mess this up, the entire royal family is here this is the most important show ever" said Neon as he opened his wings

"Let's blow them away!" shouted Silver Lining

Meanwhile at home, Twister was bored as she could be, she had nothing to do. She wanted to see the show but it was just too much for her, but luckily Solar came by to keep her company.

"How's it going sis!" shouted Solar as she burst through the door

"Well I'm extremely bored, I missing the most important show, my hooves are killing me and… water just broke" said Twister as she smiled at her sister

"That's nice…..wait…what was the last part?!" ask Solar with a slight nervous tone

"The foal's coming" said Twister in a calm voice

"Oh! That's nice…..WHAT!" shouted Solar as she rush towards her sister "HOSPITAL! HOSPITAL!"

"Oh ponyfeathers" Twister just place her hoof on her head, and just watch her sister overreact

Neon and his team were finally ready, they were ready to perform the greatest show ever seen in Equestria.

"Come on!" shouted Neon as he leapt into the air, one by one, the rest of the team followed him.

"NEON!" Neon turned around and saw a light pink pegasus, with a light blue mane, flying towards him.

"What is it?" ask Neon

"Rainbow Twister sent me! She went in labour!" shouted the messenger while she caught her breath

"What!" Neon looks back at his team

"Go!" shouted Lightning Streak

"But the show?!" Neon couldn't leave the show, especially not this one

"We can handle it" smiled Wave Chill

"Just go" said Surprise

"Thanks you guys" shouted Neon as he smiled at his teammates "Hold on Twister"

Neon immediately left his team and headed towards Cloudsdale's hospital, Neon ran into the waiting room and caught a quick glance of their families.

"Neon wait!" Neon ignored Rainbow's voice and just continue to run through the hospital

"You can't enter here!" shouted a nurse while Neon entered the maternity ward

"I'M HERE! I'M HERE!" shouted Neon while he burst into Twister's room

"Hello slowpoke" smiled Twister while she held a bundle

"Is that..." smiled Neon as he slowly approached her bedside

"Your son is waiting for you" said Twister as she gave their son to him

"Look at you" said Neon as he smiled at his son, and took him in his hooves

"He looks like you" said Twister

"More like you" said Neon has he gave their son back to Twister

"He's perfect" smiled Twister as she held him closer to her chest

"What's his name?" ask Neon while he waved at his son

"Firefly Flash, he will be a great flyer one day" said Twister as she nuzzled him

(Just wanted to let you know that, the story Be Brave which continues with the story of Solstice, Serene and Emerald. Has been published, so don't forget to check it out and Love in Banishment will be published in February or sooner!)
