All Characters Belong to Stephenie Meyers

So… have you forgotten about this beautiful story yet? I know it has been a few years between updates. Long story short I'm now a tattooist and these past 2 years have been hectic. However today I had a little spark of a scene for this story that I couldn't resist relaying into text for you all.

I wonder how many of the original reviewers are still keen to read ;)

Chapter 6

My cheeks are aching from the smile I just can't seem to wipe off my face. My hand is warm cradled under Edwards much larger hand and this is what brings me back to reality. I really did just meet this amazing specimen only hours ago, is it really that wise to throw caution to the wind and drive off with this handsome stranger? My eyes slowly roam his arm, broad shoulders and five o'clock shadow to finally rest upon his face. Wow, I think to myself. Edward sensing my unabashed staring briefly turns to gaze at me just long enough for a signature crooked grin to set my heart a flutter. My cheeks flush and if not for the safety of innocent civilians I would be vaulting the center console. I have answered my own question with a resounding thud from the approval stamp I have stamped all over this handsome body before me leaving any inhibitions at the door.

Alice's ringtone interrupts my viewing pleasure and as I take my phone out of my pocket Edward signals to turn into another street. "I'm thinking of accidentally leaving my cell in the car, you?" he asks. "Well I am known to be forgetful… "I say smirking and forwarding the call to voicemail. Could this day be any better? I make a note to remember today's date like a giddy school girl marking her diaries and calendars with love hearts. "We are almost home, I uh.. I mean my home" he laughs nervously, suddenly very focused as he makes the turn into Meadow Av. The houses are so beautiful with plenty of greenery, I feel so out of place knowing I reside in my cramped 2-bedroom apartment. As I'm admiring the houses to my right Edward turns to the left into the driveway of what I would call a dream home. His window goes down as he pins in a code at the gate. My jaw is still bouncing off my lap as my eyes peruse the white 2 story colonial home.

Edward parks right out the front of the house, lifting his sunglasses to the top of his head after running a hand through his hair. Nervous habit I bet. "So I should warn you that I obviously wasn't expecting any visitors and the house may not be very uh.. tidy." he pauses to gauge my reaction. "Edward, you saw me in my batgirl pj's…" I say lifting an eyebrow for affect. He seems to visibly relax and smile before firmly telling me to wait there. He glides out of the driver's seat and takes what seems like 2 steps and appears at my door opening it and reaching for my hand. "What a gentleman" I remark. He grins and it takes my breath away. The wind picks up my hair and I struggle to tame it without looking like a complete lunatic. Edwards hands gather my hair as his chest rests to my back, he leans down and softly kisses below my ear as his arms then caress my shoulders. I can't contain the little moan that escapes me and he softly groans " mmm could get used to this." I could too Edward.

At this point the only room that I want to see in this house is his room. However I put a leash on my urges and walk with Edward as he guides me to the front door. Opening the door and ushering me in I barley take in my surroundings before I hear thunderous steps and suddenly I'm down. I'm flooded with doggy kisses and the cold wet noses of his dogs as I hear Edward grouse "BEAR, LACEY OFF NOW!" They immediately disperse and Edward gathers me in his arms. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I should have put them outside before I left. I…" I stop him with my finger to his lips. "I'm absolutely fine Edward, you have got to stop apologizing, I'm just glad they like me" I laugh adjusting my hair. "How could they not love you?" he says capturing me with his emerald eyes. He gently takes my coat and his own laying them over a chair "Uh, so I suppose the Lady would like a tour of my humble abode?" he asks making a grand swooping gesture with his hand and holding his other hand out for me to take. "If the gentleman would be so kind" I counter doing what was probably the worst curtsy, all the while wishing I was gifted an ounce of grace.

He gently pulls me through the entry way and pauses at the door to his right. "The garage" he purrs continuing after seeing me nod in reply. "And if you look to your left you will see a modest Living Area with all the trimmings" he laughs "it's beautiful Edward" I reply. Its spacious and has a long grey couch with chaise, large screen tv. My legs jolt a little as Bear decides the best spot to sit is right against my leg, my hand rubs the top of his head and behind his ears "You are handsome too." I whisper. "I'm going to have to barricade the dogs outside if I ever want to be able to have you to myself." Edward mutters leading me further into the house.

Suddenly we are in his Kitchen and my eyes light up at the thought of cooking in it. Take it back a step Bella, you only met him today it's not like your boyfriend and girlfriend. "This kitchen with deep regret is the least used room in the house, I think it's important for you to know that I burn water." He sheepishly admits clapping his hands together. "Well I'm glad to hear there is something I'm good at and you're not" I remark. Laughing he then continues "Careful now, I may just have to test your abilities." he starts to close the gap between us. "And pray tell Edward what abilities of yours would you recommend I test?" I tease back leaning into him and biting my lip for added affect.

His eyes blaze and he hums with approval I can feel sparks as our skin connects and my senses are heightened. His hand caresses my jaw and his thumb gently pulls my lip out from its confines "I'm at your disposal Bella, wherever and whenever you see fit" he whispers in my ear as his hands snake underneath my coat and top cocooning me in his warmth. "I suppose I could test how thorough you are at giving tours" I reply peppering nips and kisses along his jaw and stubble. "oh you have no idea how thorough I can be" he grins into my neck and with one last heavenly kiss he lifts me into his arms and onto the bench "This marble bench-top is not only ideal for food preparation Bella.." he teases his breath fanning onto my collarbone as I feel his undeniable arousal grind into me where I need it most. I'm so lost in him that I only respond with a hum of approval as he gathers me in his arms once again and starts walking "Stay" he commands and his dogs don't follow as he breezes into the dining room. "Dining rooms are known to provide a nice… hard.. surface" he pauses as he rests me on top of the table before leaning into me, making me slowly lay back on the mahogany table "to enjoy many different cuisines and my personal favorite, deserts" he groans as his hand pulls my knee up allowing us both much needed pressure.

I feel like I'm going to com-bust, I've never felt such lust burning into me and I never want it to stop. "forget.. the. Tour.. Edward.." I whisper, moaning as he slowly moves his head lower towards my chest. "Tsk Tsk" he reprimands me "Why Bella I said I was thorough and I intend to show you every positive this house provides" he barters kissing just above each of my heaving breasts leaving my skin tingling from his stubble. Once again, I'm in his arms and my legs are secured around his waist, he moves back out by the kitchen into and entertaining area where soon enough I'm placed atop a pristine black grand piano. I begin to try to get off murmuring that I would damage it. But he stills me pushing my hair behind me ear as he murmurs "This is my second most prized possession, I have played so many a tune here Bella." He kisses me and it's so heated I almost pass out "You have no idea how much I want to play a tune on this with you" he groans and lifts me again. I make a mental note to initiate project piano at my earliest convenience.

He proceeds to the staircase as his hands explore every curve of my body. "And don't even get me started on the many uses of stairs Bella.." he emphasizes each word as he carries me up each step. I'm a hot mess by the time we reach the top, I need him so bad, and he knows it. I decide to play dirty and see if I can refine his tour to the room I need most right now. "Edward.." I murmur almost breathless as I feel his hands squeeze me in reply. My hands caress his chest and I allow one hand to graze the front of his pants. I feel his body vibrate as a deep groan emits from deep within his chest. My eyes lock with his. As I gently undo his belt and allow my hand to dip under the band of his pants. "I need you.." I mutter simply as I pass under his underwear and encircle him slowly stroking up, as his veins in his neck start showing through his restrain. I slowly stroke back and whisper "Now." I know I have won.

Please don't hate me haha I have to build to something! Again sorry for the massive gap between chapters and I hope this one has sufficed. Make sure to let me know your thoughts and look forward to the next installment
