Arthur Kirkland, age sixteen was the youngest of four brothers and, to his extreme displeasure, was the only omega amongst them. His three alpha older brothers were named Alistair, William, and Liam. Alistair had already moved out with his mate, a cute little French omega named Francine, who was pregnant with their first child. William and Liam both had yet to bond with their mates, but once they did they would move out to be with their said mates. William was to be mated with a sweet little British omega named Alison and Liam was to be mated with a loud Australian omega named Shelly. This would leave just omega Arthur in the care of their parents.

However, Arthur wasn't not an average omega. The only average omega in the Kirkland family was Arthur's omega mother, Anna Kirkland, who was kind, sweet, caring, submissive and, like all omegas, would never go against an Alpha. Well, like almost all omegas, that is, because like I said, Arthur wasn't a typical omega. He was snide, rude, aggressive, proud and never backed down against anyone, regardless of them being an alpha or not. Anyone who meet Arthur would looked at him and assumed "Alpha" despite his short height, a feature typically associated with being an omega. There was a reason this misconception spread so thoroughly, though. It was because Arthur's scent was often perceived as that of an alpha rather than of the omega he really was.

Arthur's beta father, Henry Kirkland, was a very well-known doctor who had saved many lives and also developed the suppressants many omegas used today, including the scent suppressants that helped Arthur maintain his ruse, and the heat suppressants that Arthur had started using immediately after the traumatizing incident of his first heat.

The young omega still trembles a little when he remembers the moment he realized that alphas were not to be trusted and that being recognized as an omega was hazardous for his health.

He had been in the middle of school when he first felt the tingly warmth start to spread from certain areas of his anatomy where such a feeling was as of then foreign to the boy. He ignored it for as long as he could, but the ringing of the bell found him rushing out of his classroom and into the omega's bathroom, where he flung himself into a stall, breathing harshly and trembling with a feeling he would soon come to recognize as a symbol of vulnerability. Somewhere in the back of his mind he had known that it was his first heat, and through his fuzzy disoriented mind he tried desperately to figure out what to do. He never got the opportunity to decide. When the bathroom door burst open Arthur's heat heightened senses immediately picked up the scents of three alphas. The part of his mind that wasn't completely overwhelmed managed to realize that there was only one reason three alphas would simultaneously burst into the omega's bathroom... him. He would learn later from one of them, the only one that had been apologetic, that the alphas had been on the way to lunch when the scent of an in heat omega had wafted out of the bathroom door and changed their course. In the moment, though, Arthur couldn't have cared less where they came from, only that they were there. By the time he realized he had been too panicked to lock his stall, the door was being flung open by a body attached to a pair of dilated eyes. He was too hypnotized by the smell of alphas as he had never experienced it before to do anything as he was pulled out of the stall and against a wall. However, fear started to override heat as his arm was pinned on one side, a leg lifted on the other, and a pair of hands grabbed his hips. Arthur used his free hand to try to punch one of them, but he was no match for one alpha, let alone three.

There were two things that saved him. One was that they started to fight each other over him as soon as one of them started to tug on the hem of his pants. The other was that he had so many alpha brothers. He had never been so relieved to see their red and blond heads as when they, attuned to his scent and recognizing the stench of heat and fear, burst into the bathroom and joined the fray. He distinctly remembers his weakest moment, when he curled into Allistor's arms after the other alpha's had been chased and beaten away.

Since that day Arthur had never trusted another alpha, besides his brothers- and even then only sometimes, again. It was also the reason Arthur did not just use normal scent suppressants, but special ones that his father created just for him. He never wanted to feel or be seen as weak again, so the suppressants he took covered up Arthur's omega scent and replaced it with an alpha scent.

Just because they would protect him, though, didn't mean that Arthur's brothers and Arthur always got along. William and Liam still lived at home and constantly picked on the Arthur because, well, he's an omega and omegas are at the bottom of the social ranking system. Arthur tries to fight back against them but despite scent he doesn't have the physical build or strength of an alpha. In the end their beta father would usually break them up and lecture William and Liam for not being true alphas by picking on Arthur, since omegas are very sensitive to emotional distress from alphas since alphas are suppose to protect omegas. It wasn't all bad, though, because whenever Arthur does goes into heat, as rare as that was, his brothers become just as protective of him as they were the first time, keeping other alphas away from their younger brother through any means necessary. For that, at least, Arthur was grateful, even if he wouldn't wish being an omega on his worst enemy.










A.N: hey so this is just a fix up for the first chapter, a few changes thanks to my wonderful Beta PhantomIce! so i hope this is better and look forward to more fix ups on the previous chapters and better new chapter :)
