~*~ Disclaimer: I do not own the movie 'Pretty Woman' or DB/Z/GT. Please don't sue, I ain't making jack shit from this story. It is being writing only to pass time.

Hey all, this is LadyB! This here is my sad attempt to cross the movie "Pretty Woman" With DBZ. Scary thought? Oh it only gets scarier. R&R, you'll see what I mean. I hope you like it.


Pretty Onna. Chapter One

In a lovely mansion perched up top of a hill of the lovely plains of Vegetasei, the mighty prince Vegeta stood by the doorway of the party being held in his honor. That night was his 21st birthday and his father, King Vegeta Sr. and his guard, Napa, were throwing him a party. Vegeta, impassively looking stright, watched as a magician was entertaining his guests. Playing cards and coins appeared and disappeared in his nimble hands. Vegeta shook his head.

Vegeta glanced at his reflection on the opposite window; he was a handsome, well-groomed young man that was still in his prime. The fact that he was the prince of Vegetasei had nothing do to with the fact as to how attractive he was. For all any woman could know he could have been a bum on the streets of Vegetasei and still look as good as he did. Yet, there was something else to his perfect demeanor that was hidden to the untrained eye. He looked tired; the kind of fatigue that can't be cured by a night's sleep.

"Left pocket." Vegeta muttered mostly to himself as he watched the magician 'magically' begin to wave his hands before the very pretty lady he was entertaining.

And indeed, the magician pulled a large gold coin from the left pocket of the incredulous woman's silk blazer. There was more laughter and applause heard throughout the mansion.

Else where, on the other side of the room yet near Vegeta, stood many men conversing. One of them was tall and bald with a black mustache and bulging muscles. He was known to everyone around the mansion as Napa, the owner of the house and Vegeta's most trusted bodyguard. He stood before many other men from another planet who were attending the party for the mere reason to do business.

Finally one of the men spoke up. "Our planet certainly doesn't want to discourage Vegetasei from investing in other planets around us. We think this is a great new venue for you but you've got to understand the mergers and acquisitions around us are also changing. With the upswing in inflation we have to make these offerings tempting to offset the risk." He declared diplomatically.

Napa shook his head. "Look, we're talking about hard assets and a straight liquidation. We have over a thousand man hours in this deal." Napa was losing his patience with the men before him. This is a 'no brainer.' There's no risk for you and your people. No one has ever lost money or power or even men by joining alliances with Vegetasei.

The second man scoffed. "Not yet. But your dirty Saiyans only like one thing, and that's the blood of your enemies."

Napa cut the young man that couldn't have been older than his prince off. "Come on. You know we're not going to kill anyone. And besides, might I add that the prince looked into the fact that you're the ones with the troubled past!"

The third and final man took this turn to speak up. "Men, be reasonable. If you're really going to digest Vegetasei that quickly this should not be such a problem. Besides," He added mockingly. "I don't think there's anywhere else you can go for alliances you hope to find in the time you have.

"It's unacceptable." Vegeta said.

All the men turned, the prince was standing less than five feet from them not having missed a word of their conversation. Now all eyes were on the most powerful man, aside from the king himself, in the room.

Vegeta continued "The planet Draymen Heux has offered me their loyalty in exchange for personal. Unless you men wish trouble, you have until tomorrow morning to make me a better offer."

The men speechlessly stared at him.

Vegeta laughed inwardly at the look on their faces. "This meeting is over, gentlemen."

Vegeta turned away while the men in the room were shocked. They gathered their things, along with their shattered prides and left the room. Once the assuring sound of the slamming door was heard Napa erupted into a fit of laughter.

"Hah! Did you see the look on their faces?" He asked through his laughs. Suddenly a thought fell upon him and he grew silent. "You don't think we pushed too hard?"

"No way! They'll come back. They can't afford not to. My prince, that bluff was beautiful." One of the on looking men said to ease Napa.

Vegeta rolled his eyes. "Maybe I should have made it rhyme." He suggested sarcastically.

The others in the room at stared him, uncertain. Napa laughed and then the others followed suit.

Vegeta, looking down at his watch, walked towards the door as well. "Napa, it's late. We've been at this long enough." Vegeta said referring to the business matters at hand.

Napa walked behind the prince. Vegeta ushered two of the other men that were in the room helping him towards the door.

"Gentlemen, enjoy the party. The magician's wonderful." Napa called to the leaving men.

They exit the room and no sooner had they left that a butler entered the room.

"Phone call, my lord. It's Lady Charleston."

Napa looked at Vegeta curiously. "Kristine? Is she going to be joining you my prince?" Napa asked.

Vegeta huffed. "We're about to find out. Go on. Take care of your guests." Vegeta said motioning for Napa to leave the room.

Vegeta then took the phone into his hands. "Where are you, Kristine?"

There was a beat of silence.

"I see."

Vegeta suddenly paused, he was getting angry.

"No, I don't expect you to be at my beck-and-call, onna. Are you coming or not?"

Vegeta paused again and let his 'friend' answer. He was only enraged more when there was a sudden click at then end of the line.

Later that evening, Vegeta walked down one of the lengthiest hallways of the mansion, speaking to one of his 'note men'.

"Prepare the papers and have all of them ready by the middle of the week. I'll tell you when to submit them to my father." Vegeta said. "Is that understood?"

The man nodded.

The people that were talking and drinking in the hallway all gravitate toward Vegeta.

A nameless woman, to Vegeta, walked to him and bowed. "My prince."

Vegeta, turning on all of his charm, picked the lady's hand and kissed it. "Hai my good lady, how might I assist you?"

The woman sighed happily. Then she got to her point. "Will we see you at the arena for the fights, lets say Wednesday?"

Vegeta smiled at the woman and dropped her hand. "Wouldn't miss it." he turned abruptly; to the man at his side. "I want this done fast and easy. No slip-ups. I want to be back in the palace by Saturday. Got it?"

Again the man at Vegeta's side nodded.

Vegeta dexterously kept making his way through the crowd. The night was, after all, still young.

Down the hall in the main room Napa sat, sipping champagne and talking to a beautiful woman in a tight sheath of an evening dress. An elegant woman, Napa's wife, approached from behind him. She taped Napa on the shoulder and he turned, startled.

"Napa?" She asked him curiously.

Napa was unexpectedly flustered at the sight of his wife. Napa decided to introduce them. "Oh...Hi, honey...Sara, uh, uh, Sara..." Napa stopped talking as he noticed his 'friend' was going to speak.

The woman corrected him. "Sandra!" She replied with all of the Saiyan anger rising in her voice.

"Sandra, right. This is my wife, Regina." Napa said.

Regina sneered at her and then turned to her husband again, ignoring Sandra. "Is the prince leaving?"

Napa looked up to see Vegeta moving quickly toward the door. Napa abruptly left the two woman together to follow Vegeta.

Vegeta came out the mansion getting read to get a ride back to the palace. There was a limo with waiting and two BMW's pack the circular driveway behind a black Ferrari. The limo driver leapt to attention at the sight of Vegeta. Vegeta stood, making an obvious effort to keep his impatience under control. Napa came out of the house and down the walk.

"What's up, where you going?" Napa asked his prince.

Vegeta held his hands out before his guard. "Give me your car keys, will you, I'm going back to the palace."

Napa was under the orders to keep Vegeta at the party as long as he could. Now the prince was leaving. "At least stay for a drink. This party is for you.

"Apologize to Regina for me." Vegeta said showing that he was leaving no matter what.

Napa groped uncertainly in his pocket for keys. "Listen, there're some major local talent inside just dying to meet you...

Vegeta acted for a moment as if he were interested. "Really Napa? Some high class gold digging wench who thinks that she is better than I am?" Vegeta turned away and faced the car. "No, thank you. I just got off of the phone with one."

Napa was confused. "Kristine isn't coming?"

Vegeta shook his head. "No."

Vegeta grabbed the keys out of Napa's hand. He crossed to a black Ferrari and gets in.

Napa hopped to his side. "Prince I must insist that you let your driver take you. We'll move the cars..."

Vegeta started the car.

Napa was worried not only for his prince but for his new car as well. "Can you drive a stick?"

The car lurched forward with a squeal of wheels and promptly stalled.

"Prince, give me a break!" He said loudly.

With a squeal of tires, the Ferrari bucks out of the driveway and, stalled again.

Vegeta was industriously pleased while driving the car. "Love this car! Is it new?" He asked. All his life he had been driven around in limos and so forth, it was like a deep drink of wine after crossing the deserts of Vegetasei.

"Yes! And you don't even know where you're going!" Napa said.

Vegeta started it again and headed uncertainly uphill. Napa, who was watching him, threw up his hands. "That's the wrong way! You're going to get lost in the dark! The palace is down the hill!"

But it was too late, Vegeta was already gone. The Ferrari, moving fast through Woolen Hills, passed large, beautiful homes. Vegeta sat in Napa's car, the prince shifted gears, grinding gears. The Ferrari came to a red light and pulled up next to a Dodge Colt. The woman in the Colt looked at Vegeta and his car admiringly. Vegeta, feeling confident now, revved the engine. The light turned green. Vegeta immediately stalled the Ferrari. Laughing, the girl in the Colt, left him in the dust. Vegeta shook his head. 'Can't win them all.'

Later that night Vegeta was still driving. He blinked; shaking his head as if trying to rid himself of his own tired thoughts. The Ferrari came to the intersection of Outpost and Franklin, it stopped. Vegeta got out of the car. He looked at the street signs. He had no idea where he was. He sighed. He got back in the car and took off on Franklin heading east.

Elsewhere, a crumbling old apartment building, there were many dark alleyways, along with a deserted parking lot.

The Ferrari--blink and you miss it--motored past the building, looking very out of place on the street. In a run-down hood the last thing anyone expected to see was a multi thousand-dollar car with the Prince of Vegetasei inside of it.

Within one of the buildings, along the facade of lit windows and metal fire escapes, there was one window in particular that was lit the brightest. A woman stood there in a short kimono, looking down.

Her long blue hair spilled over the soft silk material of the kimono she wore as she sat with her legs crossed on the window above the fire escape, her long blue tail hung tightly around her waist. The velvety fabric of the kimono that was draped over her faultless body shown in the synthetic illumination poring in from the window. She placed her slender hands on the table next to her and picked up a pile of papers.

In her hands were bills, many of them over due. She slammed them down on the table behind her once more. "Why won't anyone cut me a fucking brake!" She screamed at the window. Her question was being rhetorical.

And then she turned away, getting dressed for the night of work.

The woman turned and stared at herself in a grainy, cracked bedroom mirror. She was twenty years old and a prostitute, what a reputation to live by on the planet of Vegetasei. Lots of heavy make-up was applied to give her an older look, much to her disappointment doesn't quite succeed. She'd be innocently beautiful without it. She was now wearing a short blue skirt, a tight tube top, and thigh high boots. The skirt she wore was not enough to cover her tail, hence she was forced to wear it around her waist like most Saiyans did. The woman stared at herself through her own cerulean eyes blindly, not really liking what she saw. There was a moment of no motion or actions before she sighed violently. The woman turned off the light and walked out of the bedroom.

Little did she know that car had been destiny's odd way of cutting her a brake.