Summarize: They are all sick of Izaya; they made a little secret group with Shizuo to try to break the informant and after concluding that no physical harm will bring Izaya down they all turn to count on Shizuo to make Izaya fall for him. They will record every move and breath; every secret and every vulnerable fiber of the informant in order to expose Izaya on the screens of Japan.

WARNING: Male x Male and its YAOI – If you don't like then don't read - Cursing and some sexual themes, the rating may change in the future.

RATE: T (May change in the future)

DISCLAIMER: I don't own any character from the series Durarara!








Grief has limits, whereas apprehension has none. For we grieve only for what we know has happened, but we feel anxious and apprehensive because we fear all the possibilities that could happen.





Shizuo's POV


"Is that supposed to be a stipulation? Are we going to work with Conditionals?" His sharp beam had the false inkling of a mannequin impressing something very much alive. "Is Shizu-chan conditioning our divine relationship?"

"Yes. And don't do that with your eyelashes."

Izaya laughed out loud, "This?" He batted his eyelashes once more, "Why, if we are speaking about our oh-so-glorious relationship, why not flirt bits?"

I grunted.

"I do remind you Shizu-chan; that albeit of what your protozoan-like brain understood from our prior little chat, you still asked first for this and due to evident reasons you shouldn't be placing conditions as if I forced you to-"

"Right, wanna listen to them?"

"Oh, are there more?"


"Do enlighten me."

"You have to answer whatever I ask-"

"I beg to differ."

"I meant; Orihara Izaya is going to answer, the observer and his job can go fuck himself"

"And why would I be so mild to endow you with precise information about myself?"

"You will."

"Foresee I would lie if I were to accept"

"You will not."

"Aye, we noticeable learned to know each other in these past 8 years. Yay, chasing the other to death might as well be the future's key to know and trust your partner by heart."


"Shall we sell our secret to therapists, Shizu-chan?"

"As for the third and last conditional; don't touch my things, unless I hypothetically gave you permission to do so; however I think I doubt I would let you touch my stuff."

"So muuuuch to steal and admire, Shizu-chan is such a sophisticated amoeba. I'm a kleptomaniac, be aware of my mental state."


"Let me get this straight," He grinned and used his fingers to dictate his numeric count "First rule, won't share stuff. Second, I'll tell everything you want to know and third as if Shizu-chan couldn't be more stupid, basically don't share stuff-again."

"There are notable differences-"

"Right," He smirked at me while he sipped on the coffee I formerly offered, "Oh Dear me, So seems like I will be interrogated by a beast, while trying to establish a relationship-"

"You are being so honest its starting to get awkward"

Izaya started to laugh as he slumped on the couch we were currently sharing-my first rule was now on the trash bin-"Why, I just want to the know the strict reason as to why would you be interested in my humble past-"

"Knowing each other."

"These interruptions are getting often and Oh! I'm privileged Shizu-chan! that means I'm allowed to ask as well."

"Don't see the inconvenience in that, so fine by me."

"I still haven't agreed Shizu-chan. One thing means wanting you as a whole, a different matter means trusting you and vice versa, I think we would both agree on that."


"Mind if I ask; would you sleep with me at night?"

"Whatever you mean with that,"

"I meant; would you stick yourself in a cliché situation, where we share a bed while you sleep on my legs as I fondle your hair?"

"I don't think so."

"Neither would I."

"I don't get you."

"What I mean is that we can not disclosure such a brittle state in obverse of the other; weather it's for shame or supremacy conscription."

He leaned a bit to put back the coffee cup on the table and turned his eyes into red aggressive slits, the color itself screeched danger; a danger I could easily cope.

"What the fuck."

"The intellectual power is never at rest; it is never satisfied with any comprehended truth, but ever proceeds on and on towards that truth which is not comprehended. So also the will, which follows the apprehension; we see that it is never satisfied with anything finite."

We have to distrust each other. It is our only defense against betrayal.

"…" I sighed, "And so you are incapable of trusting people."

He laughed indignantly and reached once more for the cup and I was starting to notice the cup was empty since two or three sentences ago.

"Pardon me, I have a blank space of the day we started to trust in the other. And my, my Shizu-chan… Trusting people? Wasn't it you the one who had those issues?"

"And now you are getting defensive, I agreed to your policies of this fucked up relationship, I agreed in getting away from the absurd delicacy but you also will agree with mines."

"And you will enlist them as some kind of requirements to follow so you feel I, Orihara Izaya, deserve your chance?"

"Not actually."

"Inculcate me otherwise."

"I like to trust in the people I have around, and you will be one of these people, I like them to trust in me and that's all I want."

"…" The scheme of the regular conversation was suddenly instable, as I perceived hesitation in his answer, "You are diminishing again in this senseless cozy and hypocrite speech. I don't believe you."

Izaya didn't even flinch when I punched as hard I could the coffee table; my frustration was riling up, "Hypocrite speech? That's the fucking reason we wouldn't even make sense, you don't fucking know me at all!"

He leered, "Oh, was I supposed to? Counsel me in how am I suppo-"

"By fucking trusting in me!"

"Heh, what the f-"

"I don't want to be lonely if we are going to be together."


"Yes. What loneliness is lonelier than distrust?"

And we lost eye-contact; the funny part was that the coffee table seemed to deserve his complete concern.

… To imagine I was starting to think that he didn't mind the destruction I left.

Apparently yes.



For the reasons on my profile (Sorry, I know I sound rude) I think I might be leaving the Shizaya fandom.

Have a great day.
