Welcome to a story that I told myself I wouldn't even attempt to write up until I was done with Harry Cora Mills. However since I know it will take a long, long time to finish HCM I decided to do it now. This is as you can see a Harry Potter and Percy Jackson and the Olympians crossover. Harry will be gay and I will end up tearing apart canon couples. Also the Roman Storyline will be in this but Gaia will not be the villain, who will, well that's for me to know and you find out. Also note in this Hermione is not dating Ron at all! They never kissed at all and Ron only sees her as a sister in this story. Same goes for Ginny and Harry. Anyways let's begin this story!
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or the Percy Jackson Series they belong to J.K. Rowling and Rick Riordan respectively.
Death's Chosen Childe Chapter 1
The area surrounding him was a complete disaster and warzone. There were bodies strewn all over the place, some corpses missing body parts, others being turned into meat chunks. If the sight wasn't normal to Harry he'd figured he'd be puking right now but since it was he didn't. Though it could have been also the fact that he was paying more attention to the body in front of him. It was a pale snakelike man with barely any nose, red eyes, and a screaming stone like expression etched onto its face. This man was Tom Marvolo Riddle, also known as Lord Voldemort. While the battle with the man lasted only a few minutes it seemed like hours to Harry. Why shouldn't it have, considering the months he had spent hunting the Horcruxes with his friends Hermione and Ron had felt like an entire lifetime to him. But thankfully the war was over, Harry could rest easy now.
"I can't believe that it's finally over Harry." A feminine voice spoke from behind him.
Harry immediately turned around to see who it was and found that it was Hermione. Harry scuffed his foot forward, kicking a rock in the process, a smile forming on his face.
"Me neither, this whole battle is finally over and we can get on with our lives." Harry said with a chuckle.
"That is completely true young ones." A melodious voice suddenly spoke, prompting Harry and Hermione to quickly turn around.
The voice that spoke those words was a beautiful woman. She wore dark robes that seemed to flow into the shadows behind her. Her hair was a lovely dark blonde that was tied neatly into a ponytail and on her back were two torches that didn't seem to catch any of her clothing on fire. Harry was the first one to speak.
"W-who are you?" Harry said, the Elder Wand in his hand and aimed at the woman, who only chuckled in response.
"My, my you have a lot of spunk childe to directly ask me my name. Names have power little one." She started, as she slowly walked towards them with a smirk on her face.
The woman nonchalantly waved her arm and three chairs and a table appeared right in front of them with tea and crumpets on the table and then sat down. Harry and Hermione where utterly shocked at her display of wandless magic and the fact she conjured food, something that goes against the exception of Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration.
"How, how did you do that it's impossible to conjure food with magic." Hermione said, her mind going at a mile a minute.
"Oh, that? You mortals seem to think that magic has limits. Come on have a seat." She said, patting the chairs near her.
Hermione and Harry reluctantly complied and sat at the table and took a sip of the tea.
"Now my young ones, I have an offer for you. Though my offer should be better accepted if I tell you who I am. I am Hecate, Goddess of Magic, Crossroads, and the Mist that hides our world from the mundane." She announced.
"Wait! You want us to believe you're the Matron Goddess of the entire Magical society?" Hermione said, before Harry could even get a word in.
"The fact that I conjured food should be proof enough." Hecate said with smirk.
"So even if we believe you what is this offer you have for us?" Harry asked, an eyebrow raised.
Hecate clapped her hands together.
"Oh yes! Well you see, I have a minor title as well due to my title as the goddess of crossroads. I can see paths of things to be and from what I see, there is going to be dark times coming." She said with a frown etched on her face.
"Wait, your offer is another war!?" Harry yelled, before Hermione calmed him down.
"Yes, but let me explain. The King of The Gods' symbol of power, his lightning bolt, has been stolen. I feel as if this is part of a bigger plot. Don't fear however, this war will be nothing like the one you have been through. There will be deaths but not on the level your war had." Hecate explained as she conjured a packet of sugar out of nowhere.
"You humans always come up with the most interesting things, packaged sugar." She said mirthfully as she stirred it into her tea.
Hermione and Harry just stared at the Magic Goddess as she did this.
"So wait what will our job be in this war?" Harry asked.
"Oh, that. Well you see I needed two demigods that were unclaimed and under my domain. You two happened to be the strongest and the ones that deserved this freedom the most." She said with a shrug of her shoulders.
"Wait we're demigods?" Hermione asked, confused.
"Yeah how can we be demigods? I know my parents never cheated on each other." Harry said firmly.
"Really? Are you sure of that? Demigods come about also by prayers from couples who are infertile and worship the gods." Hecate said taking a sip of her tea.
Could one of his parents have been sterile? Harry wasn't sure but he figured probably should go along with the Goddess.
"So when would we leave?" Hermione, ever the on track one.
"Well, given that you would have to put your affairs into order, not that you'd be declared dead, probably a week.", was Hecate's response.
Harry and Hermione looked at each other and began to whisper amongst themselves. Now you see there was another reason that Hecate chose these two. They were her two favorite descendants so she wanted to do something for them, having given up everything in the war that she had demanded the Fates not to put them in. These thoughts were what Hecate was musing to herself about when they finally came to a decision.
"We'll do it. We'll meet you at Grimmauld Place a week from now, assuming that since you're a goddess you'd be able to get in regardless of the wards." Harry spoke, standing up with Hermione.
Hecate stood as well and nodded.
"So let it be, I'll explain more when it's time for you to leave." She explained before she disappeared with no sound and no trace that she was there.
It was the next day that Hermione and Harry explained that they were going on some much needed vacation. Surprisingly it wasn't hard for Ron to accept that they were going without them. Ron's reasoning was that he had spent months away from his family and with the death of one of the twins he needed to support his family. Now concerning Teddy, Tonks and Remus' son, Andromeda said she'd be perfectly glad to take care of him while Harry was gone. Of course when they had told everyone that they were going on this vacation everyone crowded them and gave them crushing hugs. After that however Hermione and Harry decided to head to Gringotts to see if they could set up a way to pay for things wherever they were going.
When they arrived in the bank they headed up to the nearest teller.
"What is your business in the bank? Oh Mr. Potter, Ms. Granger follow me Director Ragnarok has been waiting for you." The goblin said, stepping down before walking down a few hallways.
Harry and Hermione were a bit nervous as they had broken into the bank so they reluctantly followed the goblin. They were led into a small office that Harry assumed to be the Director's office. The Director was dressed in a fine pressed suit but he had the look of a warrior on him. This line of thought was further embellished by the armor on the wall.
"So these are two of the people who broke into our bank…. What do you have to say for yourself?" The Director said with his hands crossed on the desk.
"Sir, we had to retrieve a horcrux from the Lestrange vault in order to defeat Voldemort." Harry spoke.
Harry saw that the director's eyes widened for a slight second.
"Ah a horcrux you say? Well alright then." The Director said.
"Wait, what?! You believe us?" Hermione and Harry shouted out both at the same time.
The Director then decided to suddenly break into laughter.
"My boy, these offices are warded with a truth ward that's keyed into the owner of the office. I am able to tell if you're lying or not. Now anyways there is a certain will that needs to be read, one apparently from Tom Marvolo Riddle, Heir to Slytherin."
This shocked both of them, Voldemort had left Harry something? The Director brought out a piece of paper and began to read from it.
"I, Tom Marvolo Riddle, Heir of Slytherin, do leave all my assets to one Harry James Potter, under the condition that it was he who defeated me. I would not find a better person to uphold the Slytherin name than one who had bested me and with my death brought balance. Sincerely Tom Marvolo Riddle, Demigod of Nemesis"
Hermione and Harry were shocked. Voldemort was a demigod? Even more than that, he left everything to Harry?! They gave each other a look, saying they'd speak of it later after they settled down in their new task.
"Alright now that's done with what was your original business here?" Ragnarok asked.
"We wanted to know if there was a way for me to use my money when we're on… vacation without having to keep going to the bank." Harry said.
"Ah, your task for Lady Hecate, and before you say anything the Goddess let us… know of the fact you're doing a task for her. Now, you must understand that the Gods and Goddesses use a different currency than galleons." Ragnarok started.
"Wait so I can't use my money?" Harry asked causing Ragnarok to sigh and bring out a galleon.
"No, I just said the currency isn't called galleon." He said as he spun the galleon on the table.
Suddenly when the coin stopped spinning it felt as if a shroud was lifted off Harry and Hermione's eyes. The coin had a much different design now, it had etchings of various men and women on the coin.
"Wait, you mean?" Harry started, Ragnarok nodding in response.
"Yes, the currency the Gods and Goddesses use, the Drachma, is the same as the Galleon. Lady Hecate however wanted there to be no proof that the realm of the gods and goddesses existed so she placed the Mist, an illusion to whoever isn't in on the secret or isn't a Demigod or wizard, over our currency." He explained
"Oh Harry, think of the implications of this!" Hermione shouted.
"What implications?" Harry asked, his mind drawing a blank.
"Gah! I wish you'd use that brain of yours, it means that the Gods and Goddesses aren't fully aware of the Magic Community!" She said, the Director nodding in agreement.
"Yes, Hecate figured that Zeus would throw a tantrum if he found out so she weaved the Mist heavily over the community. It's also why there isn't a Magic Community or government in America as the Gods follow the flow of the power in the world." Ragnarok said.
"Now, onto how you'll deal with using your money. I have a pouch here that's connected to your vaults that will allow you to pull money straight from your vaults. Of course if you want to use muggle currency you'll have to specify that by speaking into the bag." Ragnarok said handing Harry and Hermione a bag.
They took it and then finalized some other things before saying their goodbyes as they went off.
It was now a week from when they had met Hecate and they were now waiting for her.
"Ah good, you're all packed and ready. First of all I have to de-age you two." Hecate said.
"Wait de-age us? Why?" Harry asked confused, Hermione sharing his feelings.
"Because, demigods that live past a certain age that haven't been to the place you're going to is extremely unheard of. They usually die by monsters. So I will be bringing you guys to the age of 12. That way you can interact and grow with the campers there and nobody will be suspicious." She explained.
"Alright then, do it." Hermione and Harry both said.
Hecate waved her hand and smoke enveloped the two. When it cleared Harry and Hermione were back at the age they were at their second year. Harry was grumbling a bit though because he was short again.
"Ah, stop complaining. Think of it like this you'll be able to actually grow taller this time! Now you'll be heading to a camp called Camp Half-blood. It's a camp for Demigods located in New York and I'll be opening a portal just outside the entrance. You'll be looking for Chiron a centaur. What I need you to tell him is that I found you being attacked by monsters and I gave you two three choices. You chose the choice that led there." She explained.
"Wait why would he believe that? Aren't gods not supposed to not interfere in mortal life?" Harry asked, making Hecate break into laughter.
"Ah young Harry, I needed that. How else would you have come to existence if they hadn't interfered? Anyways, he'll believe you because I am the Goddess of the Crossroads, which means I am the Goddess of Choices. I occasionally appear to mortals and give them a set of choices to get them out of a problem." She said, Hermione and Harry nodding in response.
"Okay events after that seem to be a bit fuzzy. Though that's mostly because the person it's focused around is probably still making their choice. Unlike Apollo who can see clear paths I can only see the possible choices. So it's up to you two to continue on from there got it?" Hecate asked.
"Got it." Harry and Hermione said in unison.
Hecate then snapped her fingers and a Door opened up in the middle of the room. Harry and Hermione looked through it and saw grass and trees in front of them. They walked straight through and the doors closed behind them. They quickly looked around and saw an arch that read 'Camp Half-Blood'.
"This must be it." Harry said, Hermione nodding, as they walked forward with their bags.
About roughly a minute after they entered the arch a centaur came running up to them, both of them figuring it was Chiron.
"Are you Chiron?" Hermione asked.
"Yes and you would be?" The Centaur asked.
"Harry Potter and Hermione Granger." Harry introduced themselves.
"We were in London, and were attacked by monsters all of a sudden. Then this woman saved us and told us her name was Hecate. She then gave us three choices; the first being continue on with our lives as if nothing happened, the second being continue knowing of this and stay in London and possibly die, and the third being go to a place that will explain all of this but never go back to a normal life. We chose the third choice and she took us here. She said you'd be able to help." Hermione said, making up the story on the spot, making Harry praise her mentally.
"Ah, very well, follow me then. Oh and welcome to Camp Half-blood." Chiron said, leading them away.
AND DONE! Okay well here we are! My new story! I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. I had to de-age the two because of the reason stated in the chapter and because it would have made it a bit creepy for Harry or Hermione to be dating someone who's 5 years younger than them and not even 18. So hopefully you'll follow me on this wonderful ride of Death's Chosen Childe!