Alec Lightwood sat on Magnus Bane's lap, leaning back so his head rested on Magnus's shoulder, his shaggy black hair lying next to Magnus's check, tickling him. He smiled faintly. Today had been a very taxing day. He had gotten up at 5:00 Am and had to eat Isabelle's burnt-tasting-like-sulfur pancakes, than had go hunt a stray demon in the sewers. He groaned and flopped sideways and wriggled around a bit, so that his head rested on Magnus's lap and his feet were hanging off the edge of the couch, with his arms curled around Magnus's torso. Tucking his face next Magnus's abdomen, he closed his eyes and started to dream.
-He walked in the mist-shrouded forest, thinking nothing, just walking. Something felt a bit…off. The thought seemed to be whisked away with all of the mist. The cloudy forest faded into a white, pristine hall with images on the walls. The images were filled with demons and past horrors, like when Magnus left him. And when Clary confronted him about his sexuality, or memories of his father. And when he nearly died thanks to the greater demon that had attacked him when Jace, Clary, Isabelle and himself had went to retrieve the mortal cup. Magnus had saved him with magic, after that attack. A misty silhouette rose out of the ground, shedding white plumes of mist, revealing… Max. Alec cried out and felt tears threaten to spill over, " You-your… dead," He croaked, " Sebastian Killed you." his throat constricted in fear. An echoing voice spewed out of the figure of Max. "Magnus will never love you, he only fakes it, he feels disgust when ever he kisses you, Isabelle hates you, she feels contempt when she is forced to listen to you whine, Jace despises you for being gay..." Alec jumped in shock and scrambled backward, but the walls were shrinking, pulling at his body, squeezing his very essence out…-
With a jolt he woke up, covered in sweat and trembling slightly. He turned to look at the comforting presence next to him, Magnus. He was sitting next to him, smoothing his hair out of his eyes. His yellow-green cat eyes stared at him with concern and love, "Oh Alec." He murmured. "I couldn't wake you, it was dreadful," He looked down, his gorgeous eyes full of tears, "You were writhing, as if you were in pain." At this point he buried his head in Alec's hair, his sentence cut off. Alec reached around Magnus, hugging him, his own eyes brimming with his own tears. "It was horrible," Alec said softly, "I was all alone, and a figure made of mist…" At this his voice broke off, he couldn't manage to tell Magnus that his dead little brother was-haunting him? He dragged this thought to the back of his thoughts. " He was telling me you didn't love me and that Isabelle hated me and that Jace despised me because im gay…" He wept softly, clutching Magnus. They sat there for many hours, until they both drifted off to sleep, safe in each other's arms.
Alec awoke feeling relief, his dreams had been peaceful, no sign of the dreadful max-mist shrouded figure. He snuggled closer to Magnus, letting Chairman Meow curl up on top of his back. Alec than realized what position he was in. He blushed deeply and tried to move back, but his boyfriend's strong arms held him close to his chest. He was laying on top of Magnus, with Chairman Meow, the tiny white fluff ball cat on his shoulder. Alec buried his face into Magnus's strawberry smelling spikes, Well actually glittery, strawberry smelling softly spiked black hair, to be more specific. Magnus's eyes fluttered open, seemingly cheerful. "Well, what do we have here...Alec?" Magnus practically purred.
"Erm…" Alec blushed again, his pale face glowing pinkish red.
Magnus grinned, obviously enjoying his boyfriend's embarrassment. "So you just did it… instinctively?" Magnus said slowly, his grin spreading across his face as fast as spilled water on marble. He pulled Alec down so that their noses were touching. He turned his head and leaned forward a little bit, so that his mouth reached to Alec's ear. "Never forget I love you, Alexander..." Magnus murmured sweetly, sending shivers down Alec's back. Than Magnus kissed Alec hard, softly nibbling on his bottom lip, flicking his tongue between Alec's lips, Alec opened his mouth with a groan. Now they were messily kissing, with Alec sliding his hands up Magnus's shirt and Magnus twisting Alec's jet-black hair around his fingers. Alec pulled back; his face flushed and said huskily, "Should...should we take this to the bed?" He lowered his long, dark eyelashes o that they covered his beautiful blue eyes, hoping for a yes. Magnus smiled softly, "Of course, Alexander darling." Alec rolled off Magnus, landing on his knees and hands. Magnus sat up, stretched, and picked Alec up, getting rewarded with a soft gasp. He carried Alec to his bedroom, with the teal walls and king-sized four-poster bed. Setting Alec down gently, Magnus turned and leaning down, picked up Chairman Meow and carried him into the living room. Returning to his room, he saw Alec spread out on the bed, his hair spread out on the pillows, fast asleep. Magnus laughed softly, not laud enough to wake Alec. He sunk down on the mattress, curling around Alec and tugging the covers up. Alec frowned in his sleep, his mind falling asleep.
-He was walking in the white mists again, but this time Max was there first and there where also red plume of smoke. Max walked forward, a book clutched under his arm and his glasses slightly lopsided. Alec grinned, "ha! I knew it wasn't you, Max your dead, Sebastian Morgenstern killed you, and I know because I have your glasses, they are in my pocket." Alec turned away, but stopped, not of his own will, but of the demon that somehow held the guise of his little brother. The red plumes of mist had curled together so that they had formed a long, thin fiery red whip. It wrapped around Alec's feet, looping them together, before whipping him up and letting the whip uncurl in mid air, so that Alec fell. He landed on the ground with both feet underneath him, but his left foot was oddly twisted, and his face was pale, clearly in pain. Than, the dream faded, but Alec thought he heard a faint "No! The connection should be staying longer!" before lapsed into true unconsciousness. -