Chapter 13 - Forever starts with you

"So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you.

I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me... everyday."
― Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

AN-Its the big one and it's long-ish!

His hands shook more now then they ever had in the field. This was more nerve wracking then being under enemy fire with your life hanging on the line. You didn't get married everyday and even though he had done it once before it had been less planned as much more rushed. This day is he wanted it to prefect for Molly but also for himself so didn't have to spend all hours of the night up trying to get Molly to stop worrying and go to sleep because if there was one thing he knew - Molly was definitely a worrier in fact she was probably the worse he had ever met but he guessed that was possibly something that made her an excellent medic.

"Charles,honey" His mother's voice broke through his rambling as she did up his tie "Are you sure you are okay I mean if you want a drink or maybe a bite to eat but don't eat something that could cause too many crumbs we wouldn't want to ruin that suit of yours- your dad would have a heart attack if that happened dear,I guess he did pay..."There went his mum on her own ramble always doting on him even on his wedding day.

"No Mum I think I'll be fine really. When do we leave anyway?"

"In five minutes dear"

They left 4 and a half minutes later- he didn't want to wait any longer no matter how nervous he was.

She fiddled nervously with the fabric of the dress before her mum batted her hand,

"Stop it now Molls- you'll ruin that lovely dress of your."

"Sorry mum just a tad nervous"

"That's perfectly normal hun,usually you only get married once and hopefully to Mr Right and I pretty sure you found Mr Right- he's the only one who seems to be able to stay up and watch doctor who with you through the night!" She smiled at the thought of the two of them with lounging over the sofa and Charles with his eyes just open even if he denied it every time.

"Anyway we are leaving in about 10 minutes so don't you dare touch your hair, I'll just get and pick up your flowers for you and remember Dad will be waiting outside for us in a bit." She smiled as her mum left the room. Sitting down she could feel the butterflies in her stomach good butterflies she thought to herself she loved him and he loved her and even though they seemed to have countless petty arguments they always got through it together. She fiddled with her ring before hearing the honk of the car from outside then after taking a deep breath she grabbed her flower that her mum had left on the side table and walked out into the mid morning sun to the car and hopefully the rest of her life.

He stood at the front of the church- 3 minutes.

He checked his watch three minutes it seems Molly was late- she was never late , cold feet then like in the Runaway Bride, no she wouldn't just as his thoughts managed to higher heights of stupidity the organ began playing - the bride had arrived and god did she look beautiful. Her hair tied back in a loose up-do with some flowers tugged in the back all of which was probably handy work of his mother. The dress was simple yet beautiful and since he had never been able to see the dress before he marveled at the beautifully stitched top half and the lovely flowing bottom which all together flattered her figure, he finally managed to turn his eyes away and face the front before Molly had walked up the aisle on the arms of both of her parents, her dad looked the proudest Charles had ever seen him and her mum looked like she would burst into tears at any moments. He could see there were tears in Molly's eyes when she came to face him but they were happy tears.

"Hi" was all she whispered just as the organ finished playing he smiled back at her in reply. Then the service began not too far after it was time for the vows.

"I, Charles, take you, Molly, to be my beloved wife, to have and to hold you, to honor you, to treasure you, to fight for,to be at your side in sorrow and in joy, in the good times, and in the bad, and to love and cherish you til death do us part. I promise you this from my soul, from this day forward and for the rest of my days." He squeezed her hand lightly before sliding the ring silently on her finger and with a small clink against her engagement ring it was on -perfect fit.

The tears glistened in Molly's eyes but she started "I, Molly, take you, Charles, to be my beloved husband, to have and to hold you, to honor you, to treasure you, to fight for, to be at your side in sorrow and in joy, in the good times, and in the bad, and to love and cherish you til death do us part. I promise you this from my heart, for all the days of my life." She slid his silver ring - a perfect match to her own rings in colour

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" said the vicar and he sure did, pulling her in wrapping one arm around her waist, his fingertips skimming the fabric, her hand grabbed the corner of his collar. The kiss was short and cheers erupted from around them with from wolf whistles from the back probably section 2 but he didn't turn around to look. When they pulled away he could swear there was a faint blush on Molly's cheeks

He pulled her in for a hug before whispering "You were late Molls" in her ear

"A bride always has to be late C it's tradition isn't it!" She chuckled lightly and he smiled on hopelessly. They interlocked hands with Molly's bouquet in the other hand and walked out of the church over a sea of confetti thrown by Sam and the other children invited.

"We need to say hello to one last person" Molly smiled sadly-Smurf the man who should be here by their side celebrating the day with them. They walked hand in hand over to Smurf's grave by the treeline Molly holding the drop of her dress slightly off the ground. The bright summer sun streamed through the trees casting a gold like hue on the grave. She smiled, placing her flowers by the side of his grave.

"What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas right mate !" She laughed through the few tears that spilled from her watering eyes before quickly wiping her face trying not to smudge her makeup. Charles pulled her up off the ground into his arms and after a few words from him they walked off back toward the group

Today was a day for celebrating but also for remembering.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. They took photos outside the church with both her parents & Sam, Charles and the grooms men which consisted on most of Section Two and his best friend from childhood Tommie, Molly with her bridesmaids, Jackie as her maid of honor, her sisters and two other young medics she had made friends with and of course Bashira and other members of the party with the happy couple and of course the couple themselves. The reception was held at a nearby restaurant with Jackie doing an very funny maid of honor speech that included the time Molly set her stuff down in the men's tent and Tommie who at this point had had a little to much to drink, an very embarrassing speech which include nearly all of the worse childhood stories about Charles which Molly would sure bring up in the future probably at the very worse moments knowing her.

After a few hours of eating and drinking they had their first dance. No funky dance (although there would be some later) just a sweet and simple slow dance in the middle of the dance floor

"I love you" She whispered in his ear over the music and for once it meant more then just it's eight single letters or three simple words,more then the late night kisses and early cuddles,more then both of their engagement put together because she was his wife, not just his crush,girlfriend,fiancee but his partner and his wife so he knew what ever they faced they would face together til death did them part and for once he was glad he had persuaded Molly to have the traditional vows not just because they were traditional but because they fitted them perfectly.

After a few more hours drinking they finally made it home; to the apartment,to their bed and their first night as husband and wife...

Charles woke to Molly drawing what felt like a circle on his back. He mumbled "What are you writing?"

"I love you in Gallifreyan"

He broke out in a smile "How did I get to marry such a dork"

"Because you love me" She kissed the top of his nose very cutely " and now I am your adorable dork forever" She said in a sing song voice wiggling her rings in his face.

"Yes you sure are and I planning on making the most of time"He replied with a wink.

"Oh what ever could you mean Captain James?" She feigned shock

"This Mrs James" He said with a smirk on his face pulling her back under the covers with him "I mean we had Better make the most of our time without Sam around" He mumbled ever so seductively against her neck.

"Why now you say so-it's not too early to get out of bed" She winked back, causing him to lightly chuckle then moan as she seductively kissed down his neck very slowly.

"You may be the death of me" He pulled her in for another spine tingleingly good kiss. He was sure today was going to be a good day after an even better morning...

AN-The big one is done and dusted what do you want next (if anything)?

Did you like the fact they went to the same church as the one where Smurf is buried? Hope you enjoyed it and please keep sending in prompts

Links to the wedding dress,flowers,cake and hair are on my profile. Charles just wore an ordinary grey suit. Until next time SS xx