this is my second fanfic so take it easy on me:) i own nothing added my own character though.
Issei's pov
Those ass holes! here i am getting chased by a bunch of girls for here is the fucked up bit...I wasn't the one peeking it was my moron friends matsuda and motohama,so basically what happened is that i was walking out of my last fucked up class of the day to see Matsuda and motohama both looking through some hole. Sooooo I called out to them asking what was up but I guess I said it a little too loudly because the next thing that i know I'm about to get my ass handed to me whilst matsuda and motohama get a lucky break and get the fuck out the way.
I soon get away from the mob of girls and go to meet up with my retarded friends at our chosen sort of thing happened a lot so we chose a place to meet up after one of our ass's gets kicked.I sigh as i see my friends, those two were laughing there heads off.I walked up to them, the old abandoned school house looming over I say its abandoned but I hear people in there all the time most of the time its some guy talking about swords or its some girl with a super sexy voice talking about stray devils or i guess its just a bunch of geeks or nerds that have gone in there to play video games or some shit like that,but then again it was better than getting labeled as a perv which i wasn't it was my friends i just got called one because i hung out with them.
I sat down in the middle of them two twats and rested my back against the brick wall that surrounded the old school i wanted to do was get a bit of piece and quiet before i had to go home and do all my course though the universe hated me so things rarely went my way and thats why the sound of those bastards in the old school house rang loud and clear in my what i was hearing was two people having a argument about what would be better to kill a stray devil with a sword or and matsuda couldn't hear this though as they were too busy talking about porn... when they noticed that i was no longer siting down they were confused.
"hey where you goin man" motohamas voice said behind me as i walked to stand in front of the old school house.I didn't know what i was doing i just remembered getting annoyed with the voices from inside the building and wanted to give them a piece of my mind which i was about to do right now.
"hey, ass holes do you mind shutting your fat fucking faces about your stupid little game some of us want some piece and quiet" there was a moment of silence before someone in the building said" ara are " and then before i though of what i was doing i said "damn, what is up with that voice"it was supposed to be a rhetorical question but matsuda decided to answer it "i know right that voice alone is enough to turn anybody on could you imagine what the chick looks like"I jumped down from the wall and punched him right in the face
"MORON,"i shouted"can't you see that the window is open they could hear you" after i finished saying that the voice giggled and the window was shut by a pair of elegant hands.I sighed in defeat feeling like an idiot releasing that they had heard us just as i had predicted.I grabbed my bag and started walking home before the other two invited me to another 'gentlemen's night'.
I walked strait out of kuoh academies gate and down to the bridge which i stopped at and rested myself against the rails looking down at my i heard footsteps approach me.I looked up to see a fit girl in a school uniform that i didn't had black hair, blue eyes and massive i might not be a perv but I'm still a guy and i notice these things.I looked closer at her face and i noticed that she was blushing deeply.
"hello, um I'm new to this place and I'm quite nervous so could you do me the favour of walking me home,my names raynare" she said to me. well at least she gets strait to the fucking point,but she seemed nice enough so why not!
"um sure but why me?"i asked her.
"well i saw you walking this way a couple of times and you go to school to so you seem like someone i could trust"she said,well it was a good enough answer so i gave her a warm smile and gestured to her to come smiled and her eyes started to shine brightly.I ran my hand through my long brown hair as she ran up to my side.I went to take a left turn but then she grabbed my hand.I turned around my face hot as she continued to hold my hand.
"um...can we go this way and go through the park"she said and pointed in the other direction.
I shrugged my shoulders.
"why not"she smiled at me and started to lead the way still holding my hand as if she was afraid i'd run did I know though this chick had the most evilest smile on her face,the smile of a psycho.
~ line break ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We soon arrived at the park, we walked in the entrance and the first thing I noticed was that this place was completely deserted. Raynare was still holding my hand and I was beginning to worry if she had noticed that my hands were really clammy and that she thought that i was some kind of nut job that got sweaty over all girls.
As we walked deeper into the park I noticed a water fountain up ahead and thats when raynare let go of my hand and ran ahead stopping just in front of the water fountain.I slowed my pace and eventually put her hands behind her back and walked up in front of me,so close that we almost touched.
"Ive decided that as you were so nice to me I'm going to give you a reward"she told me.
"what sort of reward"i said frowning trying not to give a way the quickening of my pulse.
"well i have something in mind but before i give it to you will you do me a favour"she said
"sure what is it"i said and then she started to grin, she reached her hand around my neck and pulled me onto her.I caught my breath as she started to whisper in my ear"will you die for me"she asked.
My expression must have been priceless,my eyes were wide and I blinked multiple times.
"Im sorry,what?"thinking that i had heard her wrong but I hadn't I suddenly felt a sharp and horrible pain in my stomach.I coughed and blood spewed from my faced was tight with pain and the next thing I knew I was being pushed to the ground the sky above looking down on me.I managed to move my hand towards my stomach and I felt something hot and runny I didn't have to look to know what it was,it was my bitch had stabbed me.
I could feel my heartbeat slowing down and my chest started to get tight.I could only lay there pathetically,wondering were the hell raynare had gone but then as if to answer my question I felt some weight sit onto of my waist.I used the rest of my energy to look down at myself and there sitting onto of me was raynare wearing a smile as if it were her birthday.
Although she still had her smile something was different about her, she was no longer wearing her school uniform but instead had on what looked like something you would see a stripper wearing,most of her skin was exposed not only that but she had these massive wings as well as a very powerful feeling about her but wait...wings?
My voice started to croak questionably"er..."
"do not worry,"she said running her hand over my face,her voice also sounded a lot more suducive,"now that you have done me my favour i will grant you your reward"she was telling if you ask me this bitch is crazy not only did she stab me but now she's rambling on about giving me some reward well if I die I'm not gonna receive any fucking reward now am I,that was all I could think of wishing I could shout it in her face.
The last thing I remember is a massive flash of red and blue and then everything went dark and I started to fall into a void of blackness wondering if i had just died.
hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this story please review and be awesome.