Undying Love

Dear heart, why him?

"You really should stop looking at him like that, Sousuke."

Sousuke turned his head away slowly and saw a big grin playing on his friend's face. He raised his eyebrow and muttered, "What."

"Him." Kisumi pointed towards a maroon head who had sat in the first row. "You really should stop looking at Rin with that kind of gaze."

Sousuke's eyes narrowed. "What."

Kisumi rolled his eyes. "Well, maybe you don't realize this, but you're always looking at Rin with a loving gaze, you know."

The raven haired man stared at his childhood friend sternly without saying anything.

"Your deadly glares won't work on me, Sousuke." The pinkette chuckled softly. "Anyway, you really should stop looking at Rin with your loving gaze or someone else—or worse, Rin himself—are going to find out about your feelings."

Sousuke continued to stare at Kisumi for a while until he turned away and fixed his gaze on the redhead who sat far, far away from him. "… I'll take note of that."

Again, the other chuckled softly. "Are you really that afraid if Rin find out about your feelings?"

A tiny smile appeared on Sousuke's face for a moment as he watched Rin struggled to take notes of the Professor's rambling while Haru, who sat beside him, kept poking his side with a blank look.

"You won't understand."

Kisumi watched his friend's face for a while as he muttered a quiet, "Really…" He glanced at the students who sat on the first row, and his eyes drew into Makoto's brunette hair almost immediately.

'I understand, Sousuke. I perfectly understand.'


It was exactly a week after Kisumi pointed out the way Sousuke looks affectionately at his best friend when the black haired man noticed the way Kisumi looked at Makoto.

"You love him, don't you?"

"Hm?" Kisumi averted his gaze from the brunette and stared into Sousuke's teal eyes. "What did you say?"

"You love him. That Tachibana guy."

Kisumi blinked once, twice, and then a small smile appeared on his lips. "Ah, I have been found out, huh?"

Sousuke grinned. "You should stop looking at him with a loving gaze like that or else that guy will find out about your feelings. He's sharp, you know."

A forced chuckle came out from the pinkette's lips. "Well, I've survived this long without him noticing." He paused for a while. "Besides, even though he's sharp, he got another person in his mind most of the time. He won't notice my feelings."

Sousuke couldn't bring himself to retort at that. He could only watch as the pain painted Kisumi's face slowly.

'Do I also look like that whenever I realize that Rin will never find out about my feelings?'

He glanced at his best friend, now seated on the second row—clearly avoiding Haru, as a painful thought crossed his mind.

'Then again, I don't want him to find out.'

Little did he know that he was wearing the same hurtful expression as the one he saw on Kisumi's face earlier on.

'I don't want Rin to hate me. He's my whole world. I can't ever let him know this feeling of mine.'


A/N: This is my first Free! fic, and it's short, and it's clearly angst. Should I continue this fic? I don't really like bad ending, but then again, I still have other fic (yep, Taisetsu na Hito) to work on. I'm still stuck with the story. What should I do? LOL.

But really, this fic is really short. Well… anyone still want me to continue?