Chapter 16
Amy's P.O.V
I woke up with sound of machines beeping in my ears. I feel dizzy and pain at the same time. I slowly open my eyelids and look around my surroundings.
White walls with nice borders decorating them.
A nice comfy looking couch.
A door that leads to the bathroom.
Machines around me and I.V attached to me.
Then Karma. Everything that happened came back rushing.
Karma. Karma.
I looked at where she was and she was sleeping peacefully. Her head on my stomach, facing me. Her hand holding mine. Her right arm draped over my thighs. I smiled at the view.
I ran my fingers through her auburn hair. She stirred then slowly opening her eyelids and smiled at me when I smiled back.
"You're awake." She said, slowly getting into a sitting position on the chair and smiling.
"Yeah," I smiled. "How long was I out for?" I asked her, intertwining our fingers.
"Two days. I was dying waiting for you to wake up." Karma said, coming closer so our nose were touching. If I move just a little I'd be able to kiss her.
" That's not so bad.." I said as she closed the gap between us. I kissed her passionately as her hand started rubbing my arm. I deepened the kiss and her grip tighten, pressing on my broken wrist which I completely forgot about. I let out a small whimper in pain. She moved back pulling her hand away while the other holding my shoulder.
"OH MY GOD. Amy. I'm so sorry. I completely forgot." She said. I giggled. She frowned.
"It's okay. I forgot about it too." I let out a small laugh. I hit me on my right arm.
"Oww," I rubbed my shoulder. "What was that for?"
"I could've seriously hurt you, you know."
"Well, you didn't." I smiled. She smiled back then gave me a peck on the lips.
"Where's Shane and Sebastian?" I asked, getting into a sitting position as Karma helped me.
"They're next door. They're fine. Shane just has a concussion and he's gonna be on crutches for a while due to the stabbing wound on his leg." Karma finished with a smile.
"Sebastian?" I asked, raising both my eyebrows.
"Concussion and a broken rib. But he'll be fine."
I nodded. That's good. Atleast I know they're fine.
"And you," She said, pointing at me." Missy, you have a broken wrist and bruises on your body. All of you have bruises on your body." Karma giggled.
"So, were you looking under my gown when I was asleep?" I raised my eyebrows. Karma started blushing and looked down.
"Maybe.." She smiled. I just laughed.
"So-" I was cut off by someone entering the room. I looked over to the door and see Shane and Sebastian. Shane was on crutches, like Karma said and Sebastian was on a wheelchair.
"Hey guys." I waved and smiled.
"Hey." They said at the same time.
"How you guys doing?"
"Still broken." Shane said as we all laugh then Sebastian stopped and grabbed his ribs.
"I can't laugh.." Sebastian said, putting a hand on his ribs, making all of us laugh.
"Where's the rest? Michael?" I asked.
"They're outside but I need to talk to you guys about something important." Sebastian said, seriously.
"What's it about?" Shane took a seat and putting the crutches aside.
Sebastian took a deep breath.
"I should wait outside." Karma said with a smile then got up but Sebastian stopped her by putting his hand up.
"No, it's okay. You can stay." Karma nodded then sat back down and intertwined out fingers again. I smiled.
"This is about Martin." Sebastian said, playing with his fingers then looked back up at us. I frowned. He's probably gonna tell us about what Martin was talking about 2 days ago.
"Um.. Martin, h-he's actually my brother.." Sebastian trailed off. My jaw was hanging. What the fuck. He was the brother this whole time and he didn't bother telling us?! What the hell is wrong with him. Why would his brother go after him? I look over at Shane whose eyes were wide and shot Sebastian a death glare.
I look at Shane and he didn't even look surprise. What the fuck? Does he know something too?
"Why is he even after his OWN brother?!" I jumped in, frowning.
Sebastian sigh. "Calm down, just let me explain okay? Maybe it would make sense once I did?" He said, sighing.
I just nodded and felt someone gripped my hand tighter. I look over to my right to see Karma. Then I remembered Karma was here. My mind went wondering back to what happened. That bastard is lucky he didn't hurt Karma or he would have been fucking dead. I don't care who he is. Even if he was Sebastian's brother I would've still killed him.
"Okay.." He took a deep breath.
Sebastian's P.O.V
"Where's Mary?" Martin asked, hands on his hips. Typical. I pointed towards the living room.
"She's in the living room." As soon as I finished the sentence he ran towards the living room. What's up with him today? I shook my head as I walked towards the kitchen to grab coffee.
Martin has been living with me ever since he got married with Mary. He's currently working right now as a business man. He said he would get a house and everything for him and Mary but that was like 2 years ago.
I heard footsteps entering the kitchen as I turned around I found Martin smiling like an idiot.
"What the hell are you so happy about?" I raised my eyebrows.
"I have good news." He said, grabbing coffee and sipping on it then placing it on the counter to clasp his hand together.
"Okay, go ahead." I took another sip of my coffee.
"I finally bought a house for me and Mary!" He jumped. I almost choked on my coffee. " We're moving out today! I have it all arranged already."
Oh thank god!
"That's great, Martin!" I went over to give him a hug. He pat my back.
"Hey, thanks for letting both of us stay here. If I didn't have anywhere to stay I don't know if I would've been able to actually get a house for me and Mary. " He smiled, rubbing my back.
I pat him on the back. "Anytime buddy."
"Alright. I'm gonna go pack. See ya later." He said then disappeared behind the wall and up the stairs.
9 Months Later
"Mary, does Martin knows?" I asked her softly.
She shook her head.
"You have to tell Martin, Mary." I put both hands on her shoulder. She shook her head, her eye widen.
"No. No. No. I can't. You can't. I know Martin. I know what he's gonna do once he finds out. If he finds out that I have these powers just like you," She looked into my eyes. "He's gonna kill both of us. You know how he is now. He's so into it at the point that he would kill he's loved once even if it was his own blood." He gave me a death stare.
She's right. We can't do anything. Just stay away from him or keep quiet about these things that we can do.
I nodded. "Okay. This is just between the both of us. Got it?"
"Got it."
"We should get out of here now." I led her outside only to find 2 guys with guns.
"Shit." I pushed Mary behind me.
"You two. Come with is now." One of them said, sternly. I knew them. They were gonna kill us and use us as experiment. Like hell.
"Mary. Do it now."
We both teleported out and into a huge field somewhere. Then I saw a figure. Straight posture. A guy. Tall. He turned around and I immediately recognize him. Shane.
"Shane? What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him, sternly. This boy. Can't he listen?!
"Martin. He knows." He said, panicking.
"Knows about what, Shane." I knew what he was gonna say. I'm jsut hoping it was something else.
"Me and the things I can do." Great.
I ran fingers through my hair.
"I think he knows about me and Sebastian too, Shane." Mary told Shane.
"How?" Shane questioned.
"There were 2 guys infront of my house when Mary came to my house to tell me. Knowing what Martin would do, he came to me first." I said.
"You think Martin sent them?" Shane ask, raising both eyebrows.
"Yes. I don't think he's a business man anymore, Mary," I paused. "I think he knows about all these people with these powers. Maybe that's why he came after all of them."
"Great. My own husband is gonna fucking kill me." Mary said, throwing her hand in the air.
I laughed at her comment and so did Shane.
"It's not funny, guys." She smiled.
"Sorry." I smiled.
"STOP WHERE YOU ARE!" We heard someone shouted. Shane and I was the only one who was facing the two guys. How the fuck did they find us?
"YOU! Turn around, slowly." He was talking to Mary.
"Don't do anything stupid, Mary." I warned her. She turned around slowly and tried to use her powers to push them but it didn't work. One of the guys shot her.
"NO!" I ran and kneel towards Mary and applied pressure on her stomach where she was shot.
"Mary, stay with me. Okay?" I told her. She was having a hard time breathing.
"I SAID DON'T MOVE! GET AWAY FROM HER!" One of them shouted but I didn't budge.
"Shane." He nodded and teleported behind both of the guys and taking both of them out.
"S-Sebastian." Mary said.
"Becareful with Martin please."
"No, stay with me, Mary. Please. You're gonna be okay." I saw Shane running towards us.
"We have to take her to the hospital." Shane said.
"N-no. Don't. I-I'm already dying, guys. T-there's no point." Her voice breaking at the end. I let my tears fall.
"Don't, Mary."
"Just go ahead and shoot me. Put me out of this misery." She said, softly. "And then you're gonna lock up Martin and make sure that son of a bitch stays in till his l-last fucking breath. And you two care take of yourself." She smiled. Shane grabbed a gun off one of the guys and gave it to me. I nodded.
She closed her eyes. I pointed the gun at her head and looked away. So did Shane.
"STOP!" I heard Martin's voice. But it was too late
I pulled the trigger.
A/N : Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for so long! I'm really really sorry. School has been crazy since it started and I'm having an exam coming up so don't expect a new chapter soon but I will be writing the next chapter when I have the time. This chapter took me 2-3 days to finish cause I had to study. I hope you guys liked this chapter. If you have any suggestion or ideas, please leave a review. :D