A/N I have never been more bored in my entire life...so I'm attempting to rid myself of complete and utter boredom....I'm going 2 attempt Chapter 2 of 'The Feeling's Mutual' My disclaimer: Digimon is not mine and rumors which may most likely be facts is that Digimon's last season is the one currently showing...What a Christmas present that was....so, I'm going to keep on writing Digimon fanfics...even if it dies out...so, here I go....And whatever songs I use in here, I don't own. This will be a definite songfic. Oh, have a happy sun-shiny day!
Rika: All of us tamers are 18 except for Ryo...And I do not know which characters are going to be making an appearance here so just prepare yourselves!

Ryo: And all of us here hope everyone of you had a blessed and happy holiday and hope you have many more to come.

Takato: Also, be prepared for possible karaoke...it could be an ugly sight...**shudders**

Jeri: Are you saying we sing bad?

The Feeling's Mutual

Ryo opened his eyes, rubbed them and pushed the covers off his body. He went to the double window and pushed it open, letting sun stream into his dark room. He settled his chin onto his hands and yawned. He looked out onto the street, a few people were walking, jogging, running, etc. Kids were playing on the sidewalk.

"Pretty decent morning..."

~* Cool breeze and autumn leaves

Slow motion daylight

A lone pair of watchful eyes

Oversee the living *~

Ryo yawned again, and closed his window, pausing to stretch before changing into a pair of khaki pants and a dark blue t-shirt. (A/N That seems 2 B universal clothing...khakis and a t-shirt) He watched Monodramon roll over on the floor, mumbling something along the lines of "cake...sprinkles, and icing...and cupcakes falling from the sky."

"Must be some dream he's having.."

Ryo laughed to himself as he closed the door and went downstairs.


Rika woke up, after knocking her alarm's batteries out. She opened her eyes and yawned.

"Rika, someone's on the phone for you!"

Rika grumbled. Who would be the only one calling her at...12:00 AM? Rika squinted into the sun shining into her room. She must be going crazy. Sun shining at 12 at night....Maybe she was dreaming... Rika pulled the covers over her head.

"Rika Nonaka, it's 11:55 in the morning. Almost noon! You get your lazy self out of bed now!"

No matter how old Rika got, her mother always reminded her.

"As long as you're under my house, Rika Nonaka, you follow the rules of this house. That includes getting up before noon."

"Hello? This is Rika."

"Rika, I called two hours ago, were you out?"

"Out cold. That's where I was."

"Still sleeping? Gee, I can never sleep that late. You know how we were planning on meeting at the park this afternoon?"


"Well, I knew you couldn't come this afternoon and Kazu and Kenta wanted to do something besides the usual. So, they suggested we go to Jodie's place. The cafe is holding a karaoke thing tonight at 6. So, that cool for you?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. As long as you don't make me go and sing."

"Ah, c'mon, your voice is GOOD!!! You could make like a record or something if you wanted."

"But you know, my mom would be soo disappointed if "her little girl" didn't follow in her footsteps. Modeling damn sucks for me. As soon as I get to college..."

Jeri laughed.

"You're okay with the plans, right? Kenta and Kazu's girlfriends are gonna come along. That's cool too, right?"

"Yeah, I'm cool with those two. I'm still surprised Dumb and Dumber actually found girls that would have them. They've been with their girlfriends for like a year."

"You know, you're the only one who hasn't hooked up with someone. Any one I should know about?"

"So you can hook me up?! No way. The only guy I ever had the SLIGHTEST bit of feelings for were Ryo. And he's gone."

"There's plenty of other guys out there."

"Yeah, immature jerks."

"Remind me what they don't have the Ryo does-I mean, did?"

"Please, Ryo was just a hard-working guy. I guess cause he was a strategic fighter is what kind of attracted me to him. Not that he was better than me."

"Oh, I thought you were going to say his perfect hair, teeth, smile, and personality."

"He doesn't have a perfect personality. I admit, his smile is kind of cute. In that annoying sort of way."

"You still like him...Don't ya?"

~* Feel the presence all around

A tortured soul

A wound unhealing

No regrets or promises

The past is gone

But you can still be free

If time will set you free *~

"Yeah, kind of. But no matter how hard I try, I can't forget the idiot Even after all these years."

"Oh, I see. Well, I'll talk to you later."

"But my car's in the shop. Guess I'll have to walk."

"No sweat. Call Henry. He and Kila will give you a ride."

"Good idea. I'll see you later. Tell everyone I'm sorry I couldn't make it."


The phone clicked and Rika hung it up. After about 2 hours, Rika changed into jeans and a t-shirt and headed for the door.

"I'm going out for awhile. Be back later."

Rika closed the door.

"Rika, where are you going?"

"For a walk, Renamon."

"You know you didn't have plans this afternoon. Why are you avoiding the others?"

"Rika looked at her partner, surprise going across her face.

"You think I'm avoiding them? I would never do that."

Rika walked ahead of Renamon to the gate.

"Rika, you're avoiding them because they've found their own significant other. You were okay with it until only a bit ago. When Henry found that girl."

"Renamon, are you serious? Me? Mad because everyone has a girlfriend or boyfriend?"

Renamon nodded.

"Admit it. You feel like a third wheel."

Rika looked down.

"Okay, so maybe I feel a TAD bit uncomfortable that Henry's dating. I mean, even KAZU has a girlfriend."

Renamon sighed.

"Well, would you like some company until you go out tonight?"

"I'll just be walking the town. Maybe I'll go to the park but avoid the usual hangout."

They walked for a short period of time. Then, Rika saw someone walking down the street. Boy with brown colored hair, kinda tall, who looked a lot like-



"I see him."

Rika ducked into an alley and watched him go past.

"I coulda swore I just saw Rika... Nah... And now I'm late."

The teen jogged past Rika's hiding place and Rika let out a sigh of relief.

"You are avoiding him."

Rika looked at Renamon in annoyance.

"Why would I avoid him?"

"You tell me because you just did."

Rika opened her mouth but didn't say anything.

"Number 1, maybe it wasn't even him."

Renamon rolled her eyes.

"You'll have to face him sooner or later..."

"Hey, Rika. Why are you standing in a dark alley?"

Renamon vanished into thin air and Kila approached. Rika looked around desperately.

"I-I-I-I was looking for something."

Kila stood, with a hand on her hip.



"What were you looking for?"

"Oh, you know, something..."

"Do you need help?"

Rika's eyes widened.

"H-H-Help? Me, help? Nope, don't need any help. It's not important anyway."

"Oh, okay. Wanna hang out? I know it's odd for me to ask but you don't seem to be doing anything. And I couldn't go hang out with everyone at the park. I had something but it got let out early. So, I'm walking till Henry comes home."

Rika nodded and they began walking towards the more deserted part of the park, opposite of where the others were was Rika's request.

"I think it's cool. How you and Henry got together."

Kila laughed.

"I guess. Well, when you have a long time crush on somebody who happens to be one of your best friends...Then you find a letter amongst your mail that just says 'To: Kila.' And you find it's from the guy you've been crushing on, telling you that he loves you...Not an everyday occurrence...Trust me... Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Well, no. And I kinda feel like...left out. I know, I know, that's stupid to feel left out because I don't have a boyfriend..."

"Well, maybe you shouldn't be so afraid of love. Sure, it hurts once it's over but I was taught to be glad it happened...You've gotta take the chance. I bet someone put their life on the line because of how much they care for you. You'll never know how much someone cares for you until you take your defenses down a notch and see what the world has to offer. You'll never know what it's like to be free of everything until you can forget about the past and present and look for the future. Fate and time work together with us to give up the best opportunity to live our lives to the fullest. Might as well seize the chance. But, if you're willing to go, you also must know it's a long road."

~* Time now to spread your wings

To take to flight

The life endeavor

Aim for the burning sun

You'll be trapped inside

But you can still be free

If time will set you free

But it's a long long way to go ~*

Rika stopped walking

"How can you be so sure? No one has ever put their own life on the line for me. Why should I do it? How do you know all this anyway? Why should I believe you or anything else you say? You've lived a happily ever after life. You never faced anything I did."

Kila looked away.

"You're probably right."

Kila then looked meaningfully in Rika's direction, her eyes locking with Rika's.

"I've never had to fight digimon and save the world from a mutated and corrupted computer program. I didn't have to worry about the weight of two worlds at the age of 13. What would I know about life?"

"Exactly. Your father never walked out on your family. I bet you never suffered a loss in your life or a thing wrong."

Kila laughed bitterly.

"If that was an actual bet, you'd lose."

Rika looked at Kila, trying to read her expression.

"What are you saying?"

Kila glared at her.

"You could never understand. To be shunned all your life. Every person you try and get close to, you either lose them or they leave you. Your father and younger sister die. The boy you loved for years breaks up with you. The one who 'never loved you in the first place.' You lose the only person you thought you could depend on, your mother. She forgets you even exist. Do you know what that's like? The only one you know you can depend on is yourself? Then, just about when you've hit rock bottom, hating your life, all of your friends have left you, betrayed you, or aren't really there, your mother barely remembers you around, and you're ready to die, you find that someone..."

Rika watched the tears come into Kila's eyes.

"The someone who seems not to care who you are, what's happened, they just want to be your friend. Your sunshine. They want to make you happy, make you smile, protect you from the world. They'd die if that would help you. They become your best friend. Then they become something more than a best friend."

Kila sat on a bench and Rika sat next to her.

"That's why I love Henry so much. He's MY someone. He brings the sun when it rains, he smiles and holds me when I need to be held. And when he kisses me, it doesn't matter what happened today or 5 years ago, it only matters that he loves me, Rika. You have to find that someone. Who you can depend on and be best friends with but love them at the same time because they love you for who you are."

The sunlight began to fade, slowly disappearing from the sky.

"But how can you be sure that nothing else matters? Love is so cheap...And when you do finally love someone, they leave you."

"The purest light, Rika, is love. Knowing that someone, the special person you're destined to be with, loves you and only you. It doesn't matter who you are, it matters who you are when you're with them."

"But what if he doesn't care about me the same way I care about him?"

~* Keep moving way up high

You see the light

It shines forever

Sail through the crimson skies

The purest light

The light that sets you free

If time will set you free *~

Kila peeked at her watch.

"Oh, jeez, it's late. Are you meeting with Jeri at the karaoke thing tonight? It starts in an hour. Here I am, blabbing the day away! Let's go."

Kila practically jumped off the bench and Rika stood up.

"See you in a bit, Rika."

Kila raced off, down the path and around the bend, out of sight. Rika smirked as Kila ran off.

"I wonder what it's like to be in love."

"It's a great thing."

Rika turned around fast and faced her blue-haired best friend.


"Sorry for over-hearing. Just couldn't help myself."

"Well, it's called eavesdropping, Henry. Call it whatever you want...How much did you hear?"

"Just from Kila talking about the special someone she found just about the time she hit rock-bottom."

Rika looked at him, her mouth open slightly.

"So, you heard about..."

"Rika, I knew about it. For 5 years now."

"So, you..."

"I knew that you liked him no matter what you said. Yup."

Rika's cheeks turned slightly pink as she began muttering under her breath.

"You can give me a ride tonight, right?"

"No problem."

Rika turned to leave but then she thought of something and she just couldn't resist.

"Henry, you never told me what it's like to be someone's sunshine."

Henry blushed red.

"Do you really want me to answer that?"

Rika nodded, a smirk sneaking up on her lips.

"Um......it feels....great...I never knew I meant that much to her, Rika. But what she said is true. It's like, whatever I can do to make her happy, I'd do it."

Rika gave a snicker.

"That's the Wong I know. Sappy blueboy. You never changed."

Henry punched her in the arm.

"And you're the fighter who can't admit her feelings."

"How long have we been like this?"

Henry grinned.

"About five or six years."

"We kinda developed crushes around the same time. Hm?"

"Yup, Rika. But, I found out mine worked. You never tried."

Rika looked away and began walking down the path that leads out of the park and towards her house.

"Pick you up in about an hour?"

Rika gave a nod of her head as she walked away. Terriermon jumped up onto Henry's shoulder.

"She could never break down in front of anyone, could she?"

"Like she said. We haven't changed..."

"But isn't that a good thing?"

"Not always. C'mon, let's go home."

"Lead the way, boss."


"I still don't know why I'm going to this thing. Jeri's going to try and get me to embarrass myself. I'm going to have a horrible time, and-"

"You're gonna stop complaining and paste your frown on and be bored to tears."

Henry laughed as Rika glared daggers into the front seat.

"Well, are you going up to embarrass yourself, Akihabara?"

"Of course, Rika. It's what I love to do."


After Jeri had gotten everyone to sign up to do a song, they sat at 3 of the round tables. Kila and Henry at one, Jeri, Takato, and Rika at the second, and Kenta, Kazu, and Lina at the 3rd table. Jodie dropped by, in her waitress uniform.

"What can I get you all?"

"How about I get you a break? How can we consider this a date if you're working?"

Jodie kissed Kazu's cheek after she had gotten drink orders from everyone.

"I'm not getting a break 'cept to do my own song but my dad said he'd let me watch you all do karaoke. So, the more of you that do it, the happier Kazu will be. Right, Kazu?"

Kazu flashed a grin before Jodie walked off, promising to bring them their drinks.

"Kila, you're first on the list."

"You signed me up first, Jeri?"

"Yeah. So, pick your song and go sing it!"

Kila's eyes widened.

"Am I supposed to sing in front of all these people?"

"No, Kila, you're singing just for me. Think about that and you won't be scared. I'm the only one in the audience, okay?"

Kila nodded and stood up, walking to the platform set up by the karaoke set.

"She trusts you so much. It's amazing, Henry."

Henry blushed slightly.

"I guess you could say that, Rika..."

"Welcome to KARAOKE NIGHT! And, the person who will be starting it off is Kila Akihabara with 'Happy' by Ashanti."

Kila gripped the mike in her hand. As the music started, she counted the beats off in her head and began to sing, her eyes never leaving Henry's.

"Boy you fill me with so much joy,

you give whatever it is I need

my love here to stay won't ever leave,

so glad that you fell in love with me.

My love is so good that I wouldn't be without you babe,

couldn't see me without you babe.

My love is so good that I wouldn't be without you

babe couldn't see me without you baby.

all my life I've been searching for you,

everyday. So glad that I found you boy,

all my life I've been feeling for you everyday.

I'm so happy baby.

Boy you got me feeling so good,

you take all my pain away from me..

without you around I couldn't be

and I know you fell in love with me.

My love is so good that I wouldn't be without you babe,

couldn't see me without you babe.

My love is so good that I wouldn't be without you

babe couldn't see me without you baby.

all my life I've been searching for you,

everyday. So glad that I found you boy,

all my life I've been feeling for you everyday.

I'm so happy baby.

I'm so happy that I fell in love,

I thank God he sent you from up above.

I'm so happy that I found someone,

and I thank God he sent you from above.

all my life I've been searching for you,

everyday. So glad that I found you boy,

all my life I've been feeling for you everyday.

I'm so happy baby.

all my life I've been searching for you,

everyday. So glad that I found you boy,

all my life I've been feeling for you everyday.

I'm so happy baby.

Hmmm that I wouldn't be without you babe

couldn't see me without you babe and I wouldn't be

without you babe couldn't see me without you baby."

The song ended and the people clapped for Kila, who looked around bewildered and blushed. She returned to her seat, next to Henry.

"See, what were you so scared about?"

"Well, Jeri, number 1, the people. Number 2, the staring. Number 3, more people..."

"But you looked like a natural. What happened to your fears?"

Kila looked at Henry and smiled.

"I wasn't focusing on the people..."

Henry snaked his arms around her waist from behind, pulling her close and kissed her cheek, breathing softly into her hair.

"She was focused on giving me the best concert ever."

Kila blushed again.

"Wonder where Ryo is."

Kila looked at Henry, worry crossing her face.

"I hope he's alright."


Ryo had been headed to the karaoke night and one of his "brighter ideas" was to take a shortcut through the park. Well, it decided to pour down rain. And if Ryo wanted to get to the cafe soon, he'd be better off swimming there. Ryo looked around for some sort of shelter that he could stay at till the rain let up a little bit. His jacket was nearly soaked through and the rain was blurring his vision. Ryo squinted and saw a shadowy outline of a building hidden among bushes and trees. A light bulb went on in Ryo's head.

Guilmon's hideout!

Ryo rushed up the stairs, taking them two or three at a time. He reached to push the gate open but it didn't budge.

"Aw, c'mon, give me a break here!"


Ryo's widened with delight.

"Guilmon, open the gate. It's Ryo!"

"It is open. You have to pull the gate out."

Ryo's cheeks reddened. He almost always pushed the gate inward. Ryo pulled the gate open and went into the hideout Takato had found Guilmon when he had first came to the Real World and the tamers had used it as a hangout since then.

"Why are you out in the rain, Ryo? You and al the others planned to go to that cafe tonight, remember?"

"I know, Guilmon. But I had one of my brilliant ideas to cut through the park since I was running late."

Guilmon cocked his head to the side.

"But, how is that a brilliant idea?"

"Sarcasm, Guilmon..."

"Well, the rain will probably let up soon. Want some bread?"

"I'll pass on the bread. Hey, the rain's let up to a drizzle. I'll run for it now. Thanks for letting me use your hideout. Bye!"

Ryo headed out into the drizzle and sprinted out of the park, cutting through some of the streets, getting closer to the cafe.


"Now, up next with Kenta Kitawaga."

Kenta's eyes widened.

"You signed me up next, Jeri?"

"Yeah, Jeri, how could you do that? He might hurt someone with that voice of his."

"Lina, you're supposed to be on my side."

"Complete honesty. Isn't that what relationships are all about?"

"Shut up, Rika."

Rika smirked as Kenta went up and sang the song, 'The Painter' by O-Town. And with the last bit of the song...

"If I were a painter

Mixing my colors

How could I ever find the blue of your eyes

The canvas could never

Capture the light of your smile, of your smile

And girl if I were a sculptor

Working in marble

I couldn't hope to copy your perfect face

The curve of your body

The feel of your skin

My hands could never

Ever trace

So I try to find the melody as beautiful as you

Find the words to say your eyes are bluer than blue

Fill my voice with the emotion I'm feeling for you

And now when the beat is so strong

I'd give my heart and my soul

If I were an actor

I could be someone

Someone who'd always know the right things to say

But as soon as I'd see you

I'd forget all my lines

And you'd never know what I feel inside

So I try to find the melody as beautiful as you

Find the words to say your eyes are bluer than blue

Fill my voice with the emotion I'm feeling for you

And now when the beat is so strong

I'd give my heart and my soul

There's no other way

That I know to say

Baby how much I love you

And if only you'd give me a chance

So I'll try and find a melody as beautiful as you

Find the words to say your eyes are bluer than blue

Fill my voice with the emotion I'm feeling for you

And now when the beat is so strong

I'd give my heart in a song..."

Lina's eyes were filled with tears as Kenta came back from the stage and Lina threw her arms around him. He looked at Takato, utterly confused yet happy.

"Um, I'm guessing she figured out who the song was about?"

"Yeah, Dumber. Now, who's next on the list, Jeri?"


Jeri went up and picked her song.

"Just a day,

Just an ordinary day.

Just tryin to get by.

Just a boy,

Just an ordinary boy.

But he was looking towards the sky.

And as he asked if I would come along

I started to realize-

That everyday you find

Just what he's looking for,

Like a shooting star he shines.

He said take my hand,

Live while you can

Don't you see your dreams are right in the palm of your hand

And as he spoke, he spoke ordinary words

Although they did not feel

For I felt what I had not felt before

You'd swear those words could heal.

And I as looked up into those eyes

His vision borrows mine.

And to know he's no stranger,

For I feel I've held him for all of time.

And he said take my hand,

Live while you can

And if we walk now we will divide and conquer this land.

Don't you see your dreams are right in the palm of your hand

Right in the palm of your hand

Please come with me,

See what I see.

Touch the stars for time will not flee.

Time will not flee.

Can you be

Just a dream, just an ordinary dream.

As I wake in bed

And the boy, that boy, that ordinary boy.

Or was it all in my head?

Did he asked if I would come along

It all seemed so real.

But as I looked to the door,

I saw that boy standing there with a deal.

And he said he my take my hand,

Live while you can,

Don't you see your dreams are right in the palm of your hand

Right in the palm of your hand

Right in the palm of your hand

Just a day, just an ordinary day

Jus tryin to get by.

Just a boy,

Just an ordinary boy.

But he was looking to the sky."

After Jeri sat down, Henry asked who was up next.


"JERI! You signed me up? I can draw...I can't sing...."

"Well, I'll trade with you, Gogglehead. I just wanna get this over with as fast as possible."

Takato shrugged and Rika headed towards the stage set up. Ryo burst inside, breathing heavily. He quickly made his way to where the tamers were sitting. He sat across from Henry and Kila, whose chairs were right next to each other on the opposite side.

"Hi, guys."

Henry nodded in Ryo's direction and Kila smiled.

"If it isn't, Heroboy. And, here, I thought heroes were always so punctual."

Ryo glared at her and looked towards the stage. Rika had the mike in her hand and the song's first note began as Rika's eyes widened as her eyes locked with Ryo's. Rika just stared at him, and Ryo looked at her with just as much intensity. As her cue came, Rika opened her mouth but nothing came out. She took in some air and began the song she had chosen.

"When you get caught in the rain with no where to run

When you're distraught and in pain without anyone

When you keep crying out to be saved

But nobody comes and you feel so far away

That you just can't find your way home

You can get there alone

It's okay, what you say is

I can make it through the rain

I can stand up once again on my own

And I know that I'm strong enough to mend

And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith

And I live one more day and I make it through the rain

And if you keep falling down don't you dare give in

You will arise safe and sound, so keep pressing on steadfastly

And you'll find what you need to prevail

What you say is

I can make it through the rain

I can stand up once again on my own

And I know that I'm strong enough to mend

And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith

And I live one more day and I make it through the rain

And when the rain blows, as shadows grow close don't be afraid

There's nothing you can't face

And should they tell you you'll never pull through

Don't hesitate, stand tall and say

I can make it through the rain

I can stand up once again on my own

And I know that I'm strong enough to mend

And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith

And I live one more day and I make it through the rain

I can make it through the rain

And I live once again

And I live one more day

And I can make it through the rain

(Yes you can)

You will make it through the rain."

Rika didn't wait for the applause as she gave the mike to the DJ and walked briskly off the stage. Ryo stood up from his chair and went to go towards the exit Rika had just taken but Henry stopped him.

"Give her time, Ryo."


Rika sat down on some of the wooden crates outside, the drizzle cooling her skin. All these feelings were really beginning to mess up her reputation. Rika listened to the rain slam onto the pavement with a soft yet strangely soothing sound.


Rika looked up to see Renamon appear in the alleyway.

"What, Renamon?"

"You're still avoiding him."

Rika shot up onto her feet.

"I'm not avoiding the guy for God's sake! He just isn't important to see or talk to on my priority list!"

"Then what is your reason for being out here in the rain. Besides the fact that the rain is soothing."

Rika shot up.

"I don't have feelings for him. Feelings are for spineless gogglehead losers!!!"

"I never said you did have feelings for him, Rika."


"I think you're afraid to talk to him. Afraid that something will slip."

Rika glared at Renamon, the bitterness and icy chill in her eyes and then turned away.

"I don't know why you think you know so much about this stuff. Digimon don't fall in love. So what would you know about feelings? How could you possibly understand?"

Renamon shook her head in hopelessness.

"You just don't understand, Rika. How can any one of your friends understand you if you don't understand yourself?"

Rika turned to look at Renamon but she had already vanished. Rika walked towards the exit she had come through and pushed open the door just in time to see Lina come off the stage, the last one to have signed up before Ryo arrived. Rika stepped inside, shutting the door silently and took the long way around to get to her seat. She slid into the seat across from Jeri and Takato with her back to Ryo. After about 7 other people, Ryo took in a deep breath and went towards the stage.

"I didn't know Akiyama could sing."

"Let's just watch and see."

Ryo took the mike and Rika looked at him, and this time, she couldn't tear herself away.

"I would like to visit you for a while

Get away and out of this city

Maybe I shouldn't have called but someone had to be the first to break

We can go sit on your back porch


Talk about anything

It don't matter

I'll be courageous if you can pretend that you've forgiven me

Because I don't know you anymore

I don't recognize this place

The picture frames have changed and so has your name

We don't talk much anymore

We keep running from the pain

But what I wouldn't give to see your face again

Springtime in the city

Always such relief from the winter freeze

The snow was more lonely than cold

If you know what I mean

Everyone's got an agenda, don't stop

Keep that chin up, you'll be all right

Can you believe what a year it's been

Are you still the same?

Has your opinion changed?

'Cause I don't know you anymore

I don't recognize this place

The picture frames have changed and so has your name

We don't talk much anymore

We keep running from these sentences

But what I wouldn't give to see your face again

I know I let you down

Again and again

I know I never really treated you right

I've paid the price

I'm still paying for it every day

So maybe I shouldn't have called

Was it too soon to tell?

Oh what the hell

It doesn't really matter

How do you redefine something that never really had a name?

Has your opinion changed?

Because I don't know you anymore

I don't recognize this place

The picture frames have changed and so has your name

We don't talk much anymore

We keep running from the pain

But what I wouldn't give to see your face again

I see your face

I see your face."

Ryo's eyes met with Rika's and Rika turned her face away as the crowd began to applaud. Jeri tapped Takato on the shoulder.

"I think it's time we leave."

"See you guys later. I'm going to wait till Jodie's shift is over."

"I'll call you tomorrow, Rika."

"Bye, Jeri."

Lina and Kenta said their goodbyes as well and left together with Jeri and Takato. Henry, Kila, Ryo, and Rika headed outside shortly after when they had said their good-byes to Kazu.

"Do you two want rides home?"

"Um, just until you get to your apartment building. I'll walk home."

"Me too."
Henry sighed.


Ryo and Rika got into the back seat of Henry's car and Kila went in the passenger side. After Kila had been dropped off, Henry dropped Rika and Ryo off a couple blocks from their own homes and drove off. Rika and Ryo walked together but yet, they weren't "together." Rika kept her distance and Ryo was silent.


"Yes, Ryo?"

"Hey, it's been awhile since you've called me by my first name."

Rika glared at him.

"It's been about 5 years since I even talked to you. And depending on how long you stick around, don't get used to being called Ryo."

Rika was quiet again.

"Are you mad at me, Rika?"

"No. Just wondering why a person could be so jealous."

Ryo's eyes widened.

"You....saw that rose didn't ya?"

"Duh, Ryo. And then people tell me you're so intelligent. Yes, idiot, I saw the rose. Why did you just draw a conclusion and hop on a jet to America?"
"It wasn't a jet..."
"I know it was a plane, dumbass, but the fact that you got so jealous of something you didn't even understand!"

"Well, why did you kiss him then?"

"I was asking him about you. And, he told me you liked me. So, that's the actual story, gogglehead."

"Don't call me gogglehead. Makes me feel like you're comparing me to Takato."

"I'll call you whatever I want...-Gogglehead...."

"How about if I call you Princess? Hm? How about that, Princess?"

"How about I send you to the moon if you call me princess ever again? How about that, hot-shot?"

"Well, don't call me gogglehead."


They walked in silence again. This time, RIka broke the silence.

"Do you still like me, Ryo?"

Ryo stopped walking and RIka stopped too. Ryo didn't say anything.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

Ryo still said nothing, instead, he blushed.

"Oh, God, you do like me don't you...."

The rain started up again and Ryo still didn't say anything, instead, he began walking ahead of her.

"Hey, don't you walk away from me, Ryo Akiyama!"

But Rika had seen him give a nod before he had run off. Ryo stopped.

"No, Rika, I don't like you."

Rika was speechless. She had been wrong about him liking her.

"Don't look so happy. I don't like you....I....I just love you instead..."

Rika looked at him and went to open her mouth but all of her words were stuck in her mouth.

"Well, I can tell you don't like me the way I like you, so why don't we just let things be and I can just run home. Cause we are standing in front of your house."

Rika nodded and Ryo began walking away, his head down and his eyes stared at the ground ahead of him. Rika still stood by the gate, utterly speechless. Renamon appeared next to her.

"Are you just going to let that boy walk away from you? You've never let anyone get away from you before you finished talking. Besides, he just told you he does love you."

Rika sighed in defeat.


Ryo turned just after Renamon disappeared.


Rika walked towards him and stood on her tiptoes to whisper into his ear.

"I think I love you too."

Ryo's eyes widened as her words reached and registered in his brain. He faced her and she glared at him.
"But don't think that the way feel about you doesn't change the way I treat you, got it?!"

Ryo smirked.

"I wouldn't have it any other way...Pumpkin..."

"I can stand WIldcat but Pumpkin?!?!"

"Shut up let me give you a kiss."

Ryo leaned in and give Rika a kiss.

"Now, before I get completely soaked, I'm going home. Bye, Rika."

Ryo headed off towards his house, farther down the street than Rika's, walking briskly. Rika's mouth turned into a small smile.

"You did the right thing, Rika...For both of you."

"Hey, Renamon, I think you're right. Thanks."

With that, Rika headed inside, happy that she had gotten that off her chest.

~* Sail through the wind and rain tonight

You're free to fly tonight

And you can still be free

And going higher than mountain tops

And go high the wind don't stop

And go high

Free to fly tonight

Free to fly tonight *~

A/N This took me forever to write.....It might be awhile till I write again....school's getting busy and I might be forced to writing on weekends only. Love and peace! Plus, I'm kind of losing inspiration...But I'll keep at it.....Oh, by the way, songs that were used in karaoke were(not in this order):

Happy-Ashanti- Kila
The Painter- O-Town- Kenta
I Don't Know You Anymore- Savage Garden -Ryo

Through the Rain- Mariah Carey -Rika

Ordinary Day- Vanessa Carlton -Jeri

And I think that covers them....I had more....for everyone but this was getting too long so I dropped the rest.....and the song that was used throughout the story is

You Can Still Be Free- Savage Garden

Hope you enjoyed and I'll hopefully see you all in my other fic, Summer Vacation.....