A/N Greetings Ryuki fans! Tis I again, in my pitiful attempts to make a Ryuki! Yes, I hear my dear co-writers saying, "What the hell are you doing?!?! You're supposed to be working on our Chapter [Insert number here] and you are sitting around doing nothing...AGAIN!" Yes, dear friends, I hear your complaints and I have 4 words for you: I don't care....AGAIN!! J/K wit you all, you know I love you all.

I'd also like to dedicate this to every single soul who has read my Summer Vacation. I met some friends through the story and I'm really proud of it. Look at this as a thank you gift and my present while I'm gone. (I'll list all of you at the end.)

Well, there I go, going off the subject. So, let's cut straight to the point...**Note, I'm not good at that** and go with the *dis-* Claimer!!! Well, yes, I am the owner of digimon. And no, I am not willing to share. So, go bother another owner!! And I don't own Savage Garden's The Lover After Me. The song lyrics will be surrounded by ~* *~**Eh-hem eh-hem eh-hem** **tries to regain composure** Right, well, you all know my muses, the Tamers, my author friends who show up from time to time and they all wanna say....

Everyone: HELLO!

if you couldn't tell that I'm putting this off, you must be quite dense. j/p j/p. Well, as my trademark usually says: Onward, friends!

The Feeling's Mutual

(Note: I will be using the American dubbed version for it's not that I am unaware of the Japanese version...**does ne1 know where to find movie 6 as a download? or even better, somewhere in America?** but I am more familiar with American version. So, you've been warned. Let's continue...)

Rika Nonaka wandered down the unusually quiet streets of Shinjuku, Japan. The 18 year old senior in high school had changed from her time as a more carefree digimon tamer. Renamon was still with her which always surprised Rika for they had both been in countless battles and Rika was still amazed Renamon had survived it all. Her mind drifted to a certain someone.

~*Here I go again, I promised myself I wouldn't think of you today

It's been seven months and counting

You've moved on

I still feel exactly the same*~

Stop thinking about him. The jerk left 5 years ago. Why do you still think of him?!

Cause I love him.

But why? The jerk ditched you. He can't love you to do that.

"But I love him."

Rika glared angrily to the blue sky. In it's depth, she saw a memory arranging itself.

A boy with large, cerulean blue colored eyes, with gently tousled brown hair, smiled.

"Hey, Pumpkin."

Rika gasped, her heart beating furiously. The whisper of wind, circulating around her.

"Wildcat, need a hand?"

"Rika, don't go down there. You could be killed."

"I told you it would work."

"Ryo? Ryo? Is that you? Where are you, Ryo?"

Rika looked around wildly but quickly recollected herself and began to walk briskly.

I'm dreaming. I'm going crazy. I am NOT hearing Ryo's voice!

Rika stalked down the street, in mass confusion. She slowed after she was positive that she was done hallucinating. She looked up at the extremely elegant architecture on the old library.

~*It's just that everywhere I go all the buildings know your name

Like photographs and memories of love

Steel and granite reminders

The city calls your name and I can't move on*~

On the steps of the library, stood a familiar figure.

"Hey, Pumpkin. Long time, no see. Ready to hit the books?"

Rika shut her eyes and ran blindly.

He probably has a girlfriend....What is he? 19? He has every right to have a girlfriend. It's not like we ever actually had anything.

But you did. You cared about him like no other human on this planet. You lov-

"Why can't my conscious keep it's nasty little comments to itself?"

~*Ever since you've been gone

The lights go out the same

The only difference is

You call another name

To your love

To your lover now

To your love

The lover after me *~


"We are now landing in Shinjuku Airport. Thank you for using American Airlines and have a nice day."

Ryo Akiyama stood and stretched. The 19 year old felt so cramped in these airplanes. He yawned and grabbed his carry-on, a backpack and got off the plane and entered into the long hallway that connected to the airport building. He picked up his suitcase and headed out into the fresh air after checking through customs.

"Finally, back where I belong."

His father was waiting for him and drove Ryo home. After Ryo had all of his stuff unpacked, he told his dad he was gonna go and see how his old friends were.

"Just be back before the late hours of the morning."

Ryo winked, grabbed his light weight jacket and headed out into the crisp fall air. Leaves swirled, dancing with the wind, and the breeze blowing through Ryo's hair. He began his walk from his house towards where the Matsuki bakery had been. He passed a familiar gate. He paused and stared at it.

Could it be? Isn't that where Rika lived?

Ryo shook his head, clearing the red head from his mind before he continued briskly down the street.

That's why you moved away. So you wouldn't feel that hurt of not knowing you couldn't have her. You saw it that day...

((Flashback- 5 years ago))

I'm gonna tell her today. I'm gonna tell her how much I care about her.

Ryo turned the corner to Rika's school. It was one of those rich all girls school. If his dad would've wanted to send him to a private school... Ryo entered into the courtyard and scanned the girls for the familiar face. He spotted her near the side of the school with-

Henry Wong, what's he doing with Rika?

Ryo stopped in his tracks when he saw Rika hug him and give him a kiss on the cheek. He didn't even stay long enough for an explanation. He knew right then, his heart had torn itself in two pieces and then shattered. He took off from that school, pushing past girls.

Rika looked up just in time to see Ryo leave. She rushed over to where he had stood. On the ground lay a beautiful white rose. Rika picked it up, getting stuck by some of the thorns. She picked up the crumpled card next to it.

'With all the love in my heart, I give this rose to you as a token of my love for you, Rika. You've been with me for all times, and for that, I love you.'

Rika allowed one tear to slosh it's way from her pale purple eyes. The tear ran its course along her cheek, landing softly on the flower. She realized what had just happened.

"He thought I was with...but..."

Rika could do nothing. The next morning, Henry had told her that Ryo had left that morning. On a plane to the United States to live with his mother, an international reporter.

((End Flashback- returning to the present 5 years later))

~* Am I all alone in the universe?

There's no love on these streets

I have given mine away to a world that didn't want it anyway*~

Ryo wandered through the fairly remote and abandoned streets. He even saw the slow flow of traffic and pondered why everything was so quiet. He turned onto the familiar corner near the Matsuki' bakery. He entered into the bakery.

"Hello, welcome to the Matsuki' bakery! How may I help you?"

Ryo raised an eyebrow.


"Yes, that's the name on the name tag, sir. What can I get you?"

"Um, Takato, it's me. Ryo Akiyama."

"Haha, funny. But, that was a friend of mine who moved on into America so you couldn't possibly be him."

"Takato, it's me."

The boy with the messy brown hair, minus the yellow and blue goggles, stared at him and blinked.

"Ryo? You're back?"

"Why, I am back, Takato. Although no one has recognized me yet, I am indeed the one and only Ryo Akiyama."

"Well, it's been so long...What is it, 5 years?"


Takato's eyes fell on him.

"The decent thing to do would have been to give us a call to know you were still living!"

Ryo flinched at the last comment and Takato's annoyance.

"It was just too painful for me to call back here..."

"Ryo, we thought you disappeared to America cause you didn't care about your friendships you have here and R- er, the rest of the gang.. That was painful."

Ryo sighed.

"Look, Takato, I didn't come to argue with you. I just came to look the rest of the gang. I came to tell you I'm back for good and I'm staying with my dad till I find an apartment. So how are you? You're a senior now, right?"

"Yeah, I'm a senior. I'll be graduating next year."

"Well, know where I can find anyone else from our old gang? How's Jeri?"


Takato's cheeks deepened with crimson.

"Yeah. Hey, you're blushing like crazy. You ever get over that childhood crush?"
"Um, well, yeah."

"That's good. You're still friends though, right?"
"Well, yeah. We are dating now. We've been going steady for 2 1/2 years."

Ryo looked at Takato in surprise.

"Seriously? And I thought it was a little junior high crush... Well, I better go on. Where's Jeri? I wanna go and say hi."

"She should be working at her dad's restaurant."

"Thanks, Takato. I'll see you later."

Ryo left the bakery and headed back onto the streets.

~*So this is my new freedom

It's funny I don't remember being chained

But nothing seems to make sense anymore

Without you I'm always twenty minutes late*~

Ryo walked down the streets, passing the flurry of activity as the steet lights began to light the streets growing dark so quickly. Everywhere he looked, there seemed to be a happy couple, giggling or walking solemnly hand in hand along the streets. And every time he saw another couple, he saw Rika's face, either scowling at him or smirking at him in satisfaction.

~*Ever since you've been gone

The lights go out the same

The only difference is

You call another name

To your love

To your lover now

To your love

The lover after me*~

Rika walked down the deserted streets to her home with her mother and grandmother. She entered into the gate leading to her home. Everything was so dark, having one stupid streetlight about every mile around here. Rika shivered involuntarily and felt a slight breeze rush past. She could see a boy next to her, offering a jacket to her.

"Is this your, miss? I'm Ryo."

Rika's light violet colored eyes opened wide with horror.

Why can't I forget him? It would be so much easier on my broken heart. Maybe I might be able to piece those parts together...if his memory didn't keep shattering the pieces till I can't find them in the sands of time. Or maybe my poor heart is broken beyond time...

~*And as time goes by so slowly

The nights are cold and lonely

I shouldn't be holding on

But I'm still holding on for you~*

"Rika, are you going to just stand there with those groceries or are you going to get out of that chilly air? I would like to make dinner sometime before breakfast."

Rika's head shot up. Her grandmother stood on the porch, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Coming, Grandma."

If I don't forget him soon, I'll keep daydreaming like some romantic sap. Which I'm not. And I'm not being a help to anyone if I just stand here.


Ryo waved good-bye to Kenta and Kazu who had been helping Jeri at her father's restaurant. It seemed like all of them needed money.

"So, you'll call Takato so all of us can meet at the park?"

"Yeah, no problem, Ryo. See you tomorrow!"

Ryo grinned and headed off for his last stop, Henry Wong's apartment building. He did owe his best friend from 5 years ago some type of explanation of why he left. Ryo walked to the door of room 3011. He knocked politely.

"Just a second."

A teen with dark blue hair opened the door. He cocked his head to the side.


"In the flesh, Henry. How are you?"
"I should be asking you the same thing."

"Can I come in?"


"Who's at the door, Henry?"

Henry blushed as Ryo looked into the apartment.

"Why, hello."

"Hi there. What's your name?"


He blushed under the warm black eyes and the girl smiled.

"I'm Kila since I'm guessing we're going on a first name basis."

Ryo smiled.

"Akiyama's my last name. Sorry."

"Akihabara. I imagine you and Henry had a long ago relationship."

"Yeah, Kila. Ryo and I were best friends but we lost contact when he moved to America to be with his mom. He's a good guy."

Ryo felt uncomfortable right then. What kind of a friend was he when he had left because Henry had been with Rika. He should've just accepted the truth.

"I might as well do the rest of the introductions. Kila and I have been friends since before you left. We've been steady for about 6 months."

"Well, Henry, I've got to split. I told my mom I'd do some grocery shopping for her. And the stores only open for another 20 minutes. Was nice meeting you, wonder boy. Hope to see you again."

Kila winked in Ryo's general direction and kissed Henry's cheek causing him to blush.

"See you all."

Kila closed the door and Ryo let out a whistle.

"Looks like you Lady Fate has the hots for Henry."

Ryo snickered at Henry's red face and he then nudged Henry in the ribs.

"How much do you like her, Henry? C'mon, don't lie."

"Shut up. So, why did you exactly leave good ol' Japan?"

It was Ryo's turn to blush.

"T-That's a long story...and it's confidential!"


Henry rolled his eyes.

"Look, you want the real reason?"

"That be nice."

"Well, it's like this. 5 years ago, when I was going to talk to Rika at her school, I saw her hug and kiss you. So, what was going on there?"

Henry chuckled.

"Ryo, that's not really any of your business but I'll tell you this, I had just given Rika some advice on-"

Henry paused.

"A tough subject. She was just happy. Besides, number 1, I had already liked Kila at the time already, and number 2, I knew how much you liked her. Why would I step between that relationship?"

Ryo thought about it.

"You're right. Guess I kinda jumped the gun."

"Well, it's okay. You're welcome to stay over if you want."

"Nah, I've gotta get home and sleep. Thanks for the offer."

Ryo headed outside.

"Say hi to Susie for me."

Ryo threw Henry a casual grin and he headed out of the apartment. He jogged down the lonesome streets, only pools of light came from the crescent moon and the streetlights. He passed Rika's home once more before going towards his own house. He just shouldn't stop.

~*Here I go again, I promised myself I wouldn't think of you today

But I'm standing at your doorway

I'm calling out your name because I can't move on*~

Ryo hurried past the gate and went to his father's dark house, only one light was on in his father's bedroom. He went to the door and reached for the piece of wood level with the door. He moved it out of the way and retrieved the key from it's secret hiding place. He unlocked the front door and replaced it with care, so the key was hidden once again. Ryo put his jacket on the hook near the door and relocked the door after slipping out of his shoes at the door. Ryo walked up the stairs to his room. He entered into his room and searched blindly for the switch in the dark.

"Damn switch......"

He felt it and flicked the light on. He changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and fell onto his bed. He yanked the covers down and pulled up the blankets, including the comforter. He closed his eyes and sighed as he drifted off to sleep.

~*Ever since you've been gone

The lights go out the same

The only difference is

You call another name

To your love

To your lover now

To your love

The lover after me*~

A/N Well that's the end for chapter 1. I gave it my all....There will prob be 2 more chapters. This will probably be Ryuki. Well here come the thanks yous: NiEli, Madi, The Biggest Dreamer, KaYuTa, SinCeRe_AnGeL, Yukoma, Silex, Casey, Kioki, Ruki Kamiya, deltagreydramon, Andy, Ayumi Kishato, Saiyan Warrior Princess, WarGreymon, cherrybubbles, Fiery-chan, Little Birdie, Hoobastanker, Kuroi, Gogglehead17, PaJamas, bluebird161221, mai, !*~kAZU'S_pRINcESS~*!, Blade, Pichu, lexy, *#!@cRAZy_kAZU_fAn@!#*, Celise, Kokuei, Jade, angelic dreams, LaZy WrItEr, Ori, Zero, sailoryesl, jill0713, Ryo Crimson, digi-girl, DarkShadow9247, Axel Sregor, Digi Girl, Akino Ame, Howling Silver Wolf, J-lynn, Mystical Elf, Lady Espelle, Wolfmon,

Josee, Hyper Gurl, DigiFreak103, Rick, Harsh Ice Queen, crystal-digiqueen, Sam, and all the others I've forgotten or reviewed anonymously. I hope you enjoy and read some more when and if I write another chapter.

Kazu: Review!