She couldn't stand his appearance.
She disliked the casual way he walked.
She detested the mask that hid every inch of his face.
She despised the dominating feel that he gave off when he passed you.
She loathed the way he hid his true identity
Overall? She hated him and everything connected to him.
Or, in other words, she hated the fact, that once every year, she wasn't the person everyone admired. She hated that feeling.
She hated feeling weak and out of control.
Because, if it weren't for him, Astrid would never know what it was like to feel pathetic.
But she does know. She felt helpless and she hated it.
But it was that time of the year again. The night of the famous Berk's Masquerade Ball.
She was in her usual attire; dress, boots, jacket. But a blue and orange butterfly mask covered her eyes, masking her identity, and her dominance over most students.
She, like everyone at the ball, was waiting for the 'Night Fury', but for a different reason. Astrid was hoping to somehow corner the mysterious guy, ask for his identity, and if he refuses to answer, well, threats would come in handy. If even that won't work, and it will, she'll just rip his mask off. Easy as that, really.
It was her last year in school, and she wanted to at least see this guy's face.
So, there she was, standing in the dark hall, waiting for the familiar screech of a car that signals 'Night Fury' and the start of the ball.
Short chappie. Sorry guys. Might update a longer one tomorrow.
I'll definitely need some new ideas though. I don't really plan, and what's here is basically what my crazy brain has conjured up. I was thinking of _ _ _ and then Astrid gets a clue, and yeah.
I have no idea what I'm saying. Please point out any grammatical errors, I'm so tired, there's probably gonna be a lot.
Next chapter will be longer. Promise. Maybe.
And, I'm updating Glances tomorrow, so compare and vote and stuff (though it seems everyone wants this one).