It has been a long time since I have written anything. I know I have two unfinished stories, which I intend on finishing. However I need to go and re-read those stories in order to get intuned with them and this one was just itching to be written down. So this is "Scarlett's Tomorrow -Chapter One" I hope to not go years between chapters. I am hoping within a couple weeks I will have chapter two up. I would love to hear reviews, although I am not begging for them. This is my story the characters maybe MM's but this is my version of what happens after GWTW. By the way I am not completely familiar with all the abbreviations that are used on here anymore, it has been years since I have been to this site. I have really enjoyed some of the stories I have read on here recently and wanted to share my own versions. So without further ado here is "Scarlett's Tomorrow"-
Rhett had left that morning saying nothing more to her than he would be back, "often enough to keep gossip down". The cold indifferent look on his face kept her from making a scene as he walked out the door. But her heart cried out in moral anguish. Everyone she loved was gone from her now. She pushed the thoughts from her mind for now, remembering the duties that lay before her. Scarlett had a funeral to plan, Melanie's funeral; she was the only friend Scarlett had ever had. Until yesterday Scarlett had not realized just how much Melanie had meant to her. Yesterday a lot of things Scarlett did not know came to light, in one moment she had gained everything she had ever wanted only to lose them all once she realized too late these things had been hers along.
"Stop it!" she yelled at herself. "I said I won't think of it all now, I have too much to do. I will have to think of it all later, when I can stand it."
"Miz Scarlett is you talking to me?" Pork asked.
Ever faithful Pork, Scarlett managed a weak smile for the old butler, once her father's right hand at Tara, Gerald had won him in a poker game along with his pride, Tara. She took Pork's hand and squeezed it. "Ever faithful Servant." She breathed her eyes misting over. "I was just talking to myself Pork. I have so much to do today."
"Yesum Miz Scarlett, the carriage is right outside ready for you Miz." Pork didn't like that Rhett had just left Scarlett this morning of all mornings. Miss Scarlett just lost Miss Melanie and he figured Cap'n Butler would have stayed and lent a hand to her. But, he also knew that a lot had happened between the two, a husband and wife shouldn't be hurting each other so, in times like this they should support one another. Pork knew that if Dilcey and he had lost their son or Prissy they would come together in comfort. Already Dilcey and he had leaned on one another because of the passing of Mrs. Wilkes. Dilcey had been wet nurse to Beau and his mammy since the day he was born; he was like one of their own.
"Thank you Pork! What would I do without you?" Scarlett smiled again weakly allowing Pork to open the door for her she headed out into the brisk fall morning befitting her sorrow the day held a gloom to it. Scarlett allowed Pork to assist her into the carriage leaning her head back against the wall closing her eyes she felt empty and unreal. Nothing felt real; it felt like she was in a dream a horrible nightmare that she would never awaken from. When she arrived at Ashley's she was met with searching eyes everyone was waiting for Scarlett hanging on her words like she held the answers to all. It was just like after the burning of Atlanta when she returned to Tara, finding her world crumbled.
Scarlett went into Melanie's room the bed where just last night Melanie had lain was now empty freshly made as though Melanie had never been there. Scarlett went to her closet and opening the door she found Melanie's best dress laying it down on the bed. It was a bluish gray the color always gave Melly a good pallor not washing her out so as some of her darker dresses. Scarlett went to Melly's dresser and opened the little jewelry box there she picked out a lovely cameo to go along with the dress. Taking these things she dropped them by the undertakers, also ordering the casket, and tombstone while she was there. When all of her tasks were done she went back to tell Ashley of the arrangements and set him about the task of picking out the words he wants read over Melanie.
"I am going home for the night, I sent out telegrams to those that needed to know." Scarlett said wanting to be far, far from him. Just looking at him sent hot flares of hatred through her, if only he had shown his true self to her years ago things would have been different. But just as she blamed Ashley, she blamed herself more. Her hatred of herself was reverberating over and over in her mind. Reminding her of how stupid she had been.
Out of the corner of her eye she spotted little Beau sitting lost on the stairs. How could she have forgotten about Beau? "Beau," Scarlett put a smile on her face which required more effort than she could believe. She went to sit beside him on the stairs and she put her arm around the child. "Have you eaten son?"
The boy fell against Scarlett wrapping his arms about her waist and began to sob. "Auntie Scarlett I miss my Momma."
Scarlett could take a lot of things but this was her breaking point she hugged Beau to her and with a sob said, "So do I Beau, so do I!"
They sat there on the stairs for what seemed like forever. Then Scarlett pulled back and cupped Beau's chin turning his face toward hers. "Your Momma loved you Beau, she wouldn't want you to be sad. She is in heaven now with your Grandparents and Uncle Charlie. And she is going to be watching over you the rest of your life because she loved you more than anything in this world. "
Dilcey came to the stair case having heard Scarlett's words she smiled broadly. "Your Auntie is right Beau, your Momma loved you and she would want you to not be sad." "Cookie has just made some molasses cookies and I set a plate for you with a glass of milk."
Beau smiled slightly, "Well, Momma would want me to eat, and molasses cookies are my favorite."
"Doan you worry about lil' Beau, Miss Scarlett, I will take care of him. You go home, get some rest." Dilcey told Scarlett seeing how wore out she was. Scarlett thanked Dilcey and left.
Alone in her bedroom Scarlett felt overwhelmingly lonely. The children should be home tomorrow, she had sent a telegram to Marietta for Prissy to bring them home. If only Mammy had not returned to Tara. If only Scarlett was free to go to Tara. But she had to stay in Atlanta for at least the next three days. She could leave right after the funeral which was the day after tomorrow.
What was she going to do? Aunt Pitty wanted her to move into her house again, India had informed Pitty that she would be moving in with Ashley now that Melanie was gone. Even though the thought of moving back to Aunt Pitty's was a pleasant thought, more pleasant than being all alone in this large dark house, that seemed to emit bad vibes, she just couldn't. If Rhett did come back to her he would not want to live in Aunt Pitty's house like Frank had, Rhett had told her so himself when they first got married. Aunt Pitty could just move into the Peachtree house, but Pitty was adverse to that, well she may just have to unless Scarlett could find someone to move in with Aunt Pitty. But who could she get to do that? Why Careen? If only Scarlett could persuade Careen to leave the convent and move in as a companion to Aunt Pitty. As soon as things settled down and she had a little relaxation at Tara to unwind maybe she would have to take a trip to Savannah to visit her little sister. The thought brought her a small measure of anticipation. Scarlett tossed from one side to another; her mind too filled with what if's to allow her to rest. So she threw back the covers, felt for her slippers, and donned her wrap. She knew of one thing that would assure her some sleep tonight and she headed downstairs to the dining room. When she descended the stairs she noticed a light burning under the door and for a moment her heart leapt up into her throat, she practically sprinted to the door, but when she flung it open she heaved a sigh of anguish. Had she really expected to find Rhett in the dining room? Evidentially one of the servants had forgotten to turn out the light. Scarlett walked over to the sideboard and sloshed herself a glass of brandy. In one swift motion she downed the contents of the glass. It left a familiar trail of warmth that was spreading through her chest and she sighed at the comforting feeling. Taking the glass and the bottle headed back to her room.
The dream had started like it always had, like the nightmare she had lived only yesterday. And this time she knew what she was seeking. Scarlett could see just ahead of her in the fog a man, it must be Rhett for she could hear his laughter, but, no, he was not alone? There was a woman with him? As Scarlett caught up to them she could see that the woman had her arm linked through Rhett's. As they heard her catching up to them they turned around to face her and Scarlett could see it was Belle Watling. Belle's face was twisted up in a sneer and she was laughing. Scarlett put her hand on Rhett and he pulled it away. Scarlett cried, "Rhett, I love you, please believe me, I am your wife." Which caused Belle to laugh louder then she said, "What are you talking about?" "I am his wife." "No, you haven't been his wife for years Scarlett. I am the only wife he knows" Belle laughed Rhett joining in her laughter kissed Belle's cheek and the two of them turned and walked away from her. But Scarlett grabbed at Rhett again, falling to his feet she held on to his knees crying over and over, "But, I love you."
Scarlett woke to Lou shaking her shoulders, "Mis Scarlett, Mis Scarlett, youz iz havn' ah nighmare!"
Scarlett sat up clutching at the bed her eyes red with tears. "What time is it Lou?"
"Tis 9 o'clock, Miz Scarlett, I dun brought your breakfast." Lou motioned to the tray she had sat at the breakfast table. Scarlett looked around her accessing her surroundings on her bed side table she saw the decanter of brandy half full where it had been full when she brought it upstairs. Scarlett felt an unbelievable amount of sadness about her, clinging to her, she wanted to crawl back under the covers and never come out. "Has Prissy arrived yet Lou?" "Yez, Mis Scarlett she is just settling the children back in the nursery." "Good, tell them I will be into see them when I have gotten ready for the day. You can go now Lou." "Yesm, ma'am" Lou replied.
When Scarlett went into the nursery to see the children, upon entering the room she was met by the grievous look of her boy. Wade came forth and placed his arms around his mothers' waist hugging her tighter than he had in ages. "Mother, is Auntie alright?" When Scarlett had received Rhett's telegram in Marietta she had told the children that Aunt Melly was sick and she needed to go to her, but now she had wished she had made up a lie or not said anything to them of why she was leaving. Because now Scarlett was faced with having to tell her son, that his Aunt, his favorite Aunt, his father's only sibling and immediate family member was dead. Just the thought of this was enough to make Scarlett have to choke back the rise of bile in her throat and she coughed tears forming in her eyes. Scarlett had been strong in front of Doctor Meade, Aunt Pitty, India, and Ashley. But now in front of her child she could not keep back the barrage of tears that spilled down her cheeks. "Aunt Melly, "Scarlett could not say the words, if she said them then they would be real. Scarlett did not want them to be real; she did not want her son to know the feeling of losing another person so close to him. Melly was like a second mother to Wade, she knew too well the feeling of losing a parent. "Aunt Melly…" Scarlett pulled out a chair from the table and sat bringing Wade close to her. "Aunt Melly went to heaven yesterday."
Large crocodile tears rolled down the rosy cheeks of Wade Hampton Hamilton. "With my father and" Wade paused swallowed hard, "And Bonnie?" "Yes…Wade." Scarlett whispered and hugged her son to her bosom. Mother and son cried, sobbing, holding each other as they had never before. Wade that day made a startling realization that his mother was not as hard as she lead people to believe. That underneath that hard exterior she was just as scared as he was, that day also resolved Wade to be brave as his Mother had been want to tell him because he realized that his Mother was not as strong as she pretended to be and from now on Wade intended to protect his Mother as best he could. After both of them let out their pent up tears Scarlett held Wade at arm's length she even gave him as best of a smile as she could muster which he knew was hard. "Wade, we need to be strong for each other. And we must help Ella to understand." Wade nodded his head in agreement and reaching in his pocket he handed Scarlett his handkerchief with a crooked smile. Scarlett kissed Wade on the forehead, he may have been borne to Charles Hamilton but he was his fathers' son.
Please feel free to leave any comments! I hope that you enjoy my story!