The Chamber of Secrets, Indeed

III: In Which Harry Knows What's Up

It was the very day Tom decided to confront Harry Potter that Harry Potter decided to run away from #4 Privet Drive—and, more to the point, the wards protecting #4 Privet Drive.

It was so perfect Tom literally couldn't have planned it better himself.

Tom, had he been the superstitious sort, would have felt like the universe was trying to tell him something.

Tom wasn't superstitious, however, and he knew that the catalyst pushing him towards confrontation was the same catalyst pushing Harry to flee: the incident with the fat muggle woman.

When Harry's refuge of choice turned out to be the bloody Leaky Cauldron, of all places, Tom could have laughed.

It was such an unguarded place—perfect for what Tom had planned. He began to consider that maybe fate had a role to play, after all.

Glamour warping his features—though few, there were a few wizards from his time still alive to recognize him today; he didn't want to risk it— Tom strolled confidently up to the room granted to his quarry.

Before he could let himself in, or maybe knock and have Harry unwittingly grant entry to his parents' murderer—he hadn't actually thought over how he should reveal himself, but the more dramatic the better, Tom figured—Harry opened the door without prompting and ushered him in as though he were one of his Gryffindor buddies.

Once the door closed behind them, however, Harry turned around and gave Tom a very flat look.

"So, my stalker finally makes his grand reveal," Harry drawled out. Tom couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

His disillusionment charm, much like any feat of magic performed by him, was superb. Harry shouldn't have been able to so much as guess he was being watched.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Tom denied coolly. He maintained, with some difficulty, an outwardly nonchalant appearance, as if everything was going as planned— never mind that they both knew Harry had outplayed him, somehow.

Harry seemed to have a knack for surprising him. Tom didn't like it—at least, that's what he told himself. His obsession with the boy seemed to indicate otherwise.

Harry gave a noncommittal hum in reply, strolling over to sit on the plain bed provided by the inn.

"You know," Harry began, "I'm beginning to notice that your attempts at murder are rather lackluster. You haven't tried at all, in fact. If this is the sort of effort you put in when I was a baby, it's no wonder you failed."

Harry paused, before adding, "Doesn't explain the whole wraith thing, though."

Oh, yes, another thing he had been meaning to ask the boy. It seemed the list just kept getting longer.

"I'm curious. Intrigued. You're a lot more interesting than people give you credit for, Harry Potter," Tom said, instead.

Harry raised an eyebrow.

"I'm the boy-who-lived," he reminded Tom, needlessly.

"Yes," Tom replied, gazing intensely at the younger boy. "You are the boy-who-lived. You are the Wizarding World's savior… and yet, I can't help but notice, you don't have a savior's disposition. Rather, you do, but it is all pretense. A scam."

There was silence, as Tom let that sink in. Harry returned his fervent stare with an almost bored one, and, while annoying, it just intrigued Tom more. He continued.

"A reluctant hero, a resentful hero… now that would be one thing. Certainly not too unusual, given your circumstances. But a scam? That's peculiar. Suspicious, even. Why pretend?"

Harry shrugged.

Tom scowled, annoyed.

"Is that all you're going to say on the matter? I should warn you, I can be very… persuasive."

"Listen, Tom, you're the monologuer here, not me. I told you it was stupid before, didn't I?" Harry responded, looking largely unconcerned by the not-very-subtle threat.

"Yes," Tom grated, "as I recall, you said something to the effect of it being unwise of me to reveal my "evil plans.""

"Well, wasn't it?" Harry cut in, "What if I had been trying to stop you? You gave up the whole gig."

"Which would imply that you have an evil plan, if you're referencing it now," Tom decided, smug satisfaction overriding his previous annoyance.

Only to have it come rushing back when Harry merely shrugged once more.

Tom couldn't help but wonder why, exactly, it was that he still didn't want to kill the young Gryffindor.

A/N: Honestly, I keep expecting this fic to drop off the face of the Earth, and then it keeps coming back. Seriously. Anyone still with this, may lord have mercy on your soul, because it's really all but abandoned. Next update will probably be a year from now, if at all.

On a related note, shout-out to Lunaliceazreal, 'cause that reader is dedicated. Reviewed my other story asking about this one lol.

This update is for you, Lunaliceazreal. I'm sorry you like this trash of a story so much.