Disclaimer: Spider-Man and Marvel related content belongs to Marvel Entertainment

Chapter 9: End of the Universe

Thunder clapped across the sky many people of New York looked up wondering if it was going to rain though the strange thing was that it was partly cloudy not even a nimbostratus cloud in the sky so why was there thunder?

It was over the news of a strange occurrence in the weather pattern unfortunately for meteorologists the cause of the thunderclap was due to two very powerful forces colliding with each other, so I ask this what happens when an immovable object meets an unstoppable force?

They collide…that's exactly what was happening above the skyline 30,000 ft. in the air. Carol or Ms. Marvel flew to where the fighting was taking place she alerted the Avengers that Silver Surfer attacked the Daily Bugle for reasons unknown, as well as alerting them to a strange phenomenon was taking place.

She arrived to where the supposed fighting will be, she looked frantically around the area, "Where are you?"

A boom was heard so when she turned around, Spider-Man was coming in hot; she dodged him by swerving out of the way to the left as she watched him recovered.

Spidey flipped over to regain his composure; he wobbled a bit but he recovered he remembered that he could be for a limited amount of time in the air max 15 minutes; it's already been 5. So he knew that he would have to end this quickly or ground the Surfer until he could get used to being in the air as his powers developed.

"Okay here I go, round 2 buddy getting ready for FIST OF FURY! YEAH!" He took off breaking the sound barrier, which Ms. Marvel deducted that he flying at Mach 2. She flew after him wanting to see for herself what new powers that the annoying pest had.

Spidey flew at Surfer with a fist reared back when he was close enough he let it loose however Surfer saw right through his plan catching it with his palm causing a shockwave to disperse, right now it was hand-to-hand struggle for dominance.

Surfer looked at the man he was fighting keenly, then palmed him in his chest as he nodded, 'Yes this could be the one…now I have to wait for the time reversal affect to apply to see if this is the champion Infinity had said.'

Spidey staggered back a few spaces yet regained composure, 8 minutes he was in the air. Spidey charged up a beam then let it fly to Surfer, the man on the board stuck both palms out absorbing the energy as it came.

The flow of energy stopped Peter flew at him hoping to tackling to the ground but first he needed his trusting webbing to help him out here. Silver Surfer eyed him carefully, whoever this was clearly wanted to end the fight, as did he, there was no time to waste when the all of creation was in jeopardy. Surfer let a beam fly, Spidey twisted his body out the way counter with webbing to the face.

The former herald of Galactus didn't expect for something sticky to hit his eyes, he struggled momentarily to get the webbing off in doing so he was tackled off his board, falling straight down. Both men went through a building and they landed on the floor of the basement.

They were only a few feet apart but our beloved arachnid themed hero quickly got up moving upon the Surfer. Spidey ripped the webbing off his eyes grabbing the man by the neck, "Okay wise guy! I heard of sanity of one's home but destroying a building just to get my attention is way pushing it! Who sent you?"

"Believe me when I say I regret doing such a tactic but there was no time for me to search and explain what is going to happen to you and this world if we don't act quickly enough!" He said

"What are you saying?"

"Tell me has a recent event gotten strange? For example everything moving backwards?" Surfer said as a matter of fact

The wall crawling hero didn't know what to say to that yet his grip was firm on the neck of the former herald of Galactus, "How did you know?"

"If you would release me I will tell you of what has been happening not just here but what has been happening to all of creation."

"I don't trust you enough to make me want to let go…"

"Please for the sake of the universe hear of what I have to say…"

Hesitant as he was Peter let him go so far his Spider-Sense wasn't tingling so obviously this was not a trap. A few tense moments went by Spider-Man let him go, "Any funny business and you'll be seeing Mr. angry face."

"Much obliged…" The silver man called for his board, it came to him as he floated on top, "Now this is what I have been told…"

Ms. Marvel cleared wrecked rooftop debris of a building Silver Surfer and Spider-Man crashed into. She could see the dust arising filling the air. She called in the Avengers to rendezvous here at the Seagram building to make sure civilian lives were safe. She heard the sirens of the Fire Truck, police cars and Ambulance down below the first responders were always on site for everything which was good the more the merrier.

As she cleared more debris she pondered what was going through the head of that idiotic wall crawler, silence was never a good sign. Iron Man had told her to wait at her location to make none were hurt however she couldn't wait any longer whatever was happening to those two could mean disastrous for the civilians inside.

So she flew down to where the supposed fighting was occurring.

As she flew down she noticed that they crashed into walk spaces that the Seagram building employees had; it was a miracle that the knucklehead hadn't crashed into anyone.

Nearing the bottom to the parking lot she heard…conversation? What in the world? She thought, 'You've got to be kidding me right now. Silver Surfer and the knucklehead duke it out for who knows how long and here they are talking?'

"…You can't be serious! You expect me to believe that two deities named Eternity and Infinity sent you to find a champion? On Earth?"

She paused mid flight, 'Champion on Earth?'

"That is correct, when I arrived I had no idea in what I was looking for so I headed to my old friends the Fantastic Four to help in my search. The one know as Reed Richards had told me about you Spider-Man and no not about your secret identity either you exploited yourself to me."

Peter was relieved at first then he mentally smacked himself for doing so.

"He had said to me that you had new developing powers and required that I would test you to find out your feats, I also was giving the task by Eternity to test the champion of Earth to see if they could past this test. When passed by the I sensed an overwhelming power coming from you." Surfer bowed his head in shame, "I regret using such a low tactic but I assure you that I meant no harm to the civilians life but to draw you out."

"That is one funky way of drawing a guy out next time send a post card and I'll be happy to hitch a ride with the Hitchhikers of the galaxies."

Carol palmed her face, again with the damn corny jokes. Doesn't this guy know when to take anything seriously? But a test for what was the question…wait...did he say champion of earth? HIM!?

"I don't know the meaning of your jest, time is of the essence and it's time for you withstand the final test!"

"What exactly is this finally test?" Carol said landing before them

"To withstand the affects of Time Reversal." Surfer said gravely

Carol was about to respond and protest that Spider-man was no earth Champion when she suddenly she began speaking backwards; their mess was cleaned up as if it never happened.

Peter watched in complete awe as everything was put back the way it was instead of being destroyed. He looked at Surfer he nodded his head, "Now do you see the severances of the situation."

"Okay, say I do buy your story what does this have to do with me?" He asked

"As I've explained before the Universe as we know is completely vanishing thanks to a sinister plan; by whom I don't know. I have told you that there two champions; I'm the first and the second one is standing right in front of me…"

Spidey looked right then left, then pointing at himself, "Who me?"

Surfer nodded, "You were able to withstand the Time Reversal now when must part Earth to find this madman who plans to destroy all of creation!"

As he floated to the air he stopped mid flight looked back at the grounded wall crawler, "Well will you not move?"

"Yeah I don't know if I mentioned this I can't fly…"

"You flew when you were fighting me. Why can't you fly now?"

"I don't know if you realize but I can only fly for at least 20 minutes max I have to touch ground in order to regain footing and if you haven't noticed I tried to end the fight pretty darn quick!"

"This indeed is most unfortunate, very well I will give you a 'ride' as you humans put it on my board." He stuck out his hands, "Come time is of the essence!"


Carol decided it would be best to wait it out because anything movement that she did it would just cause to move in reverse. She looked at the once damaged building that was now fixed. Whatever the bum was doing he better get it over it quick.

"Come on Steve where are the rest of you Avengers?" she muttered under her breath, it was frustrating to know that any action she took will be undone by this strange phenomenon occurring.

Carol heard a sonic boom as two figures sped by her on the board of the Silver Surfer; she quickly glanced to see Spidey riding with surfer out of the earth.

"I hate to say web-head but you better figure out what is going on here. You're our last hope."

Exosphere of earth

"So where are we headed if you don't mind me asking?"

"To visit the very source of my powers!"

"So we're visiting the great wizard of Oz?" Peter, "Oh I always wanted a pair of red heels to defeat the evil witch I can't wait."

The silver man looked back at him, "We are going to see Galactus!"

"Wait! Hold on! Time out! We talking about the Galactus…the devourer of worlds Galactus? That Galactus?"


"I should have brought my casket…"

Of course when he said that they were traveling hyper speed breaking the light barrier.

Coming out of light speed, Peter felt like he was going to puke, "Oh I knew I shouldn't eaten that burrito…"

"A temporary motion sickness it will pass…"

"Says you, you better hope that food doesn't come up the same way it came down..." His stomach started to rumble, "Too late…"

Putting his hand to his mouth, he let go of Surfers shoulders shifting his weight behind and barfed. Surfer was disgusted as he grimaced as the content of his stomach came up.


He turned to face the newest herald of his former master, "Nova, what are you doing here with the mighty one? Instead of searching for his next energy source?"

The golden fire girl replied, "Truth to tell I can't seem to get away…"

"Ugh…I knew eating that burrito was going to be a bad idea…huh?" He looked to see a golden female floating in front of him, "Oh hey it's you…Frankie how you doing?"

"Do I know you?" She asked suddenly a purple energy surrounded her, "Uh oh here I go again!"

'Nova out of control like this?" Both heroes followed her around Galactus space ship to witness the reversal of the ship in other words; they saw the ship cables restoring life to the planet down.

"I've seen this before done to Harmony…"

"So I'm guessing this the time reversal affect you were talking about?"


They flew up to greet the devour of worlds to be greeted once again by Nova, "Galactus I and the Champion of Earth come with a purpose must urgent!"

The giant looked down upon his former herald, "Former herald why are you free when I the unconquerable Galactus creed uncontrollably through time? Are you the cause of which I've become ensnared?!"

"Now just hold on a minute Grizzly Adams!" Spider-Man spoke, "Silver boy wanted to seek your help for some strange reason and you are coming at him like it's his fault your out of control?"

"Who are you mortal that dares speak to Galactus that way? Are you also with my former herald!?" He boomed

"The names Spider-Man! Surfer over here came to my planet seeking for help because of something that is happening to the universe and he wanted to know he knew anything about what the blazes is going on here!"

"LIES!" He reached for his control, "You both are free from the effects of time and will suffer my wrath for this burning hunger that is a upon me!"

A beam shot out from his helmet knocking both heroes onto his ship, spider-sense tingled as he flipped out of the way of the oncoming beam. Surfer was the unlucky one as he was hit multiple times.

"Hey pick on someone your own size you big palooka!" Peter charged his fist sending a massive energy beam towards the devourer.

"You dare puny mortal!" Galactus shot two massive beams from his eyes towards the wall crawler. In his defense Spidey shielded himself from the beams unknowing to him his body was absorbing the beams.

When it was over Galactus was in shock, "Impossible none shall who seem me use my power cosmic has ever lived to tell the tale!"

"Well then there is a first time for everything!"

Somewhere else in the deep space

"Do you remember on how your perfidy brought me?" The hulking figure said to the stone image of death, "Abandon I sough to abort my mission to the far reaches of space and in so doing found myself fascinated by this destructive force! That I had to study it."

He saw from the window of his space ship, a sphere of pure energy, "My experiments confirmed that this was inter-dimensional Nexus." He punched buttons that fired a beam into the nexus, as he continued to say, "The source of all energy everywhere…because of the primal nature of the energy here…it's woven with time making it possible for me to manipulate the one by controlling the other."

"No applause Lady Death?" the man turned to look at the stone, "No praise for my achievement? What do I have to do to win you?!"

He turned briefly as if the stone talked to him, "What did you say my lady? Your right…"

He walked towards the control, "I cannot continue my scatter shot approach. I must contain the entire fountainet by destroying the entire universe at once!"

The shield covered the ship as it went into the nexus.


Silver Surfer and Spider-Man were dodging or blocking Galactus beams of death while returning fire on the devourer of worlds. Enraged was the world eaters as he was hungry.

Nova was biting her nails watching as the Silver Surfer dodged and weaved out of the beams. She had enough when Surfer was hit "Galactus stop!"

She fired her own fire projectiles in order for him to take a hint, unfortunately this displeased he master.

"Nova my herald you dare take the prodigal one's treacherous side?!" He boomed firing his laser vision upon the girl

Spidey spun his web pulling the said girl to safety while Surfer took the blunt force of impact.

"Surfer!" She cried

Kneeling next to him she checks him out to make sure that he was okay, the silver man groaned in pain notifying her that he was still breathing. Angrily she stared at her master, "Treachery! The only treachery here is yours! The last time you saw the Surfer he saved your life! He's not your enemy!"

Galactus stood towering over them as the giant his was, "When the great hunger is upon me all creatures are enemies! And no one else knows better than you my dear Nova and my daughter Galacta."

The trio froze when he declared that statement, Spider-Man was thrown in for a loop, Nova shook her head as if she didn't hear that right, and Surfer was in puzzlement.

"The mighty one has a daughter?" He paused letting that sink in, "Most illogical turn of events."

"A guy your size has daughter!" Spider-Man said pointing an accusing finger at the giant, "I can only imagine the mother she must big as whale in order for you to fit and have a child."

"You dare mock me mortal!"

Right when the giant was about to unleash his fury he began to talk in reverse and the actions that took place were now reversed. Surfer and Spidey were at distance watching this event unfold with new events. Surfer and Spidey deducted that Galactus and Nova were not going to be able to help. Not to mention poor Nova was scared out of her mind for she knew that if Galactus hunger was not sated the crazier and anger he gets.

"I think it's about we left don't you?"

"I must agree with you Spider-Man we must continue forward only I don't know where else to go in order to stop this madness that fall upon all creation." Surfer said solemnly

"I came to seek my former masters help only to find that he too is trap by the time reversal." He gazed upon a disappearing, "Look the Kirby-Lee Quadrant! Once home to millions of planets is now a victim of time reversal!"

He sensed it too, "I know all those lives taken for what reason! I feel everything disappearing all at once."

Suddenly a field of energy appeared in front of him, "You must hurry Silver Surfer and Spider-Man! Eternity is almost out of time!"

"Whoa…I thought there was only one God not…" Peter stated

"There is one God who is supreme above all the others who has created all of creation. We are known as cosmic entities but enough of that you two must hurry!" Infinity said

"Eternity, Infinity I know you dare not use your power directly but guide us to where this madmen is while you still can before it's too late!"

"Who is this maniac who is reversing all of time?" Spider-man requested, "I see images but I can't figure out who this person is!"

"You will find out who the figure is, now go!" Eternity lifted his hand then stuck both Spider-Man and Silver Surfer through his chest. They saw it all of time and creation reversing back to their original state as they flew through.

The more they saw, the angrier they got it got to the point where both their worlds were lifeless and void.

"My world…Zenn-La, Shalla-Bal my love…this cannot go on!" Surfer clenched his fist in anger, "For the first time in my life since I became the Silver Surfer do I understand why…the Universe needs me."

"Hey pal don't forget your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, you dragged me into this mess Surfer and get out of it." Surfer nodded his head in appreciation, "You know my uncle always been telling me; 'With Great power, Comes great responsibility' I always took those words to heart but now I understand that I have been given Ultimate power and Ultimate responsibility not just for myself but for all the universe. We will not fail them…"

"Your uncle will be proud at what you are doing but now it is time to put an end to this madness."

"Though I do have a question what will we do when we face this guy I mean I barely have control over my powers."

Surfer was thinking long and hard, "When we do finish this fight I make sure that you know the secrets of power cosmic but it will require you to join me in the far reaches of the galaxy." They flew towards the spikey bubble.

"Never have I seen so much energy!" He placed a hand on it but it shocked them to back away, "This must be the force that stopped all creation."

"Well let's start bursting this thing until it burst like a piñata!"

Surfer looked at Spidey, "A what?"

"You know a piñata…the thing that you hang above the floor…" he made a motion with hands describing the object he was trying to make Surfer picture in his mind, "Spin a person around and they try to take a whack at it…"

Surfer blinked at him, only starting him down with a blank expression on his face as he tilts his head to the side.

"You know what forget I said anything, let's just pop this thing."

Surfer proceed to blast the enormous ball of energy and so did Spider-Man, they struck it a few more times before a ship came out of it.

"Well then I guess we now know what the cause of the destruction of the universe. Do you think we should knock to see if they would want Girl Scout cookies? They are very deliciousness."

A floating head appeared in front of the skull ship, "You wish to stop me man of Zenn-La?"

"Thanos!" Surfer said enraged, "You are the cause for this destruction!"


"Oh I knew it we were visiting the Great Wizard of Oz! Now where is Glinda the Good Witch of the North to hand me the pair of magic ruby slippers?"

Both men looked at the wall crawler in confusion as if to say 'what in the blazes are you talking about?' Ignoring the man in the rear of the Surfers board Thanos turned his attention to Silver Surfer.

"Are so you ignorant that you do not know? You haven't chance…HAHAHAHAHAHA…"

"Wow that evil laugh will even put Norman Osborn to shame." Spidey said as Silver powered up his fist with cosmic energy. When both beams collided there was a massive explosion and everything went black as the last thing they heard was Thanos sinister laugh echoing into the emptiness of the void.

Unknown to the trio there was a source of light beyond intense that illuminated the universe watched from afar as majestically He said, "Your pride Thanos will be your downfall. Pride was the downfall of Lucifer from the beginning when I created the heavens and the earth and all those who live in the universe. Fear not Norrin Radd and Peter Parker for this day I will deliver you Thanos into your hands."

LXD: And I'm back with another chapter and to tell you the truth this one was a bit hard to write and not just because what I had to write but also because I needed to get everything ready for college, create a portfolio and I apologize for the lateness but hopefully this chapter will be worth it. If you are waiting for me to upload other chapters for the spider-verse fanfiction, all I ask is to have a bit of patients with me I'm doing online work for college and it's not easy to balance work, college and this. In other words we have a winner for DC Spider-Man story so you voted for your favorite DC girl so without further delay the results are in. The winner for the pairing for DC Spider-Man is Zatanna with 38% of the votes. Comment, rate, subscribe…