The wind threw up huge clouds of dust from the sun-bleached ground and howled eerily as it rattled the branched of the dead and dying trees and whipped through the rusted carcasses of hundreds of cars which saturated the old roads in wasteland that had once been a population hub in Old Russia. In amongst the desolation and carnage was another sound which was completely out of place, the Ghost hummed tunelessly as it weaved in and out of the rusty shells stopping occasionally to scan the remains of the deceased that lay within.
"Ouch…" it said aloud to the emptiness as it scanned another skeleton, whoever it had been had not gone out pleasantly the ragged bullet hole in the top skull told the Ghost that much but little else. It could be they had been shot by a Fallen sniper during the Collapse or, and possibly more likely they had lost hope and taken the easy way out.
The Ghost briefly wondered what their name had been and what their story was but moved on quickly, the Fallen crawled all over this area making it a bad idea to stay in one place for too long, it also had the uneasy feeling it was being watched…
The Ghost's instincts were good; it had been spotted a few minutes earlier by a Fallen patrol and currently sat in the cross-hairs of the captain's sniper rifle. The alien creature's four long arms stretched out slightly as it rose from its crouched firing stance. A roaring battle cry sent its troops scampering off in pursuit of the Ghost.
Flying over a small stream the Ghost found another skeleton lying in the dirt beside an ancient SUV, as it scanned the remains holding little hope that a positive reading would turn up. While its programming searched for the one thing that would make this corpse unique the Ghost examined the skeleton visually as it became wreathed in the blue light from the scanner. It had belonged to a human, which was always a good start, male around six foot tall, not that size mattered of course the Ghosts would fit in the palm of a human's hand, that didn't make their job any less important.
The Ghost was bought back to the job at hand by a pinging sound that signaled a positive reading "Is it possible?"
The eight triangular shaped segments that surrounded the Ghost's central core spread out activating the most important sequence of programming that the Ghost could run the resurrection of a Guardian. "There you are…" it muttered as a blindingly bright blue flash erupted from its core.
"Guardian… Guardian?" Jaune's eyes flickered restlessly beneath his eyelids; the robotic sounding voice that addressed him sounded muted and distant. "Eyes up Guardian." the voice insisted; as he opened his eyes he found himself face down in the dirt his body aching all over, why had he fallen asleep here?
Stretching out his sore muscles he pushed himself to a seated position, "It worked… You're alive!" Jaune flinched backwards away from the voice bashing his head against the frame of the car. Stifling a few choice curses as his eyes began to focus and he came face to face with the source of the voice.
Directly in front of him floating at eye level was a small cube only a little bigger than a tennis ball with a single blue eye in its centre. "You don't know how long I have been looking for you." the voice continued as the cube bobbed around in front of him. Where was he? And how had he got here? Jaune's mind was hazy he could barely remember his own name.
"I'm a Ghost. Actually, now I'm your Ghost." the small floating cube explained, what the hell is a Ghost? The newly created Guardian asked himself as he stood working all the cricks out of his joints.
"And you… Well, you've been dead a long time. So, you're going to see a lot of things you won't understand."
"That seems reasonable…" Jaune replied hoarsely before alarm bells began to ring in his head, "Wait did you just say I was dead?" he exclaimed his voice cracking from centuries of neglect.
The Ghost examined the new Guardian the blonde boy was younger than it had expected him to be, he was probably in his early twenties, strong and lithe but his most prominent feature were his deep blue eyes which were clouded with confusion and fear. "Umm… Well yes I did but that isn't really important right now… I took the liberty of equipping you with some body armour; you're going to need it." Jaune looked down at the old dented armour he was wearing, what was he going to need this for?
A roar echoed from across the other side of the freeway startling both Jaune and the Ghost, "I'm sorry this is Fallen territory. Explanations will have to wait we aren't safe here." the apprehensive edge had crept into the Ghost's voice told him that this was not a time to argue, "I have to get you to the City, hold still." and with that the Ghost vanished.
As his only guide to this strange new world vanished right in front of his eyes Jaune panicked, how was he going to find his way anywhere? He had absolutely no memory of this place in fact he could recall no memories of his life before waking up here except one, a woman about his age, her face framed by her wild fiery red hair. It was only a shattered fragment but it was suddenly the most important thing in the world to the blonde.
"Don't worry I'm still with you." The Ghost's voice came through over the radio in his helmet, "We won't survive out in the open like this lets get inside the wall."
Jaune stared at the imposing structure that stood imposingly before him, the giant structure was only a shell of its former glory the metal paneling that covered the internal structure was in a dilapidated state, pieces of rusted metal hung precariously in place or were missing completely revealing the skeleton beneath and green paint that had covered the wall was faded and flaking.
The sound of gunfire spurred him into action, the Guardian ran, his head down to avoid the incoming fire that threw up sparks from the car bodies he was weaving between. Ahead of him a flock of carrion birds scattered from the skeletons they had been picking at in the hope that maybe there was still flesh on those bones.
Shuddering as he sprinted past the empty eye sockets that stared accusingly at him, why had he got the second chance, what was so special about him? Spotting a door as he forged on he changed direction slightly, without thinking through his plan entirely Jaune lowered his right shoulder. Flakes of rust showered around him as the ancient door was ripped from its frame, the old metal biting at his armour.
"That hurt…"he complained as he bounced off the far wall after taking a corner too quickly.
"I didn't bring you back just for you to die again…" the Ghost chastised as he sprinted through the winding corridors, "You need to find a weapon before the Fallen find us."
The walkway creaked and groaned loudly as his feet pounded against the metal surface and the last of the external light faded leaving only the pitch black shadows, "Quiet. They're right above us." the Ghost whispered.
Though he couldn't see it Jaune felt the tight oppressive corridors give way to a large open space, skidding to a stop Jaune tried to discern any movement that was out there. A small ball of light flickered into light flickered into life beside him as the Ghost reappeared, "Hang tight. Fallen thrive in the dark, we won't… I'll see what I can do…" As it flew away the Ghost cast a brilliant light which illuminated a small patch of the vast hall and threw disturbing shadows across the walls before vanishing completely leaving the unarmed Guardian alone in the swirling shadows.
The heavy silence that followed was disturbing, all Jaune wanted to do was to scream and shout just to break it, even if only for a second. But he didn't the darkness bore down keeping him silent…
"Another one of these hardened military systems… And a few centuries of entropy working against me." the Ghost's nonchalant ramblings were music his ears as several floodlights were forced into life.
However Jaune's elation at the return of the light was short lived as now before him stood the denizens of this darkness. Momentarily blinded by the sudden brightness they allowed the Ghost to slip through them and back to him, "They're coming for us!" it yelled but Jaune was already moving, he had spotted what he needed. Behind a partially lowered lattice gate a rifle leaned up against a crate, throwing himself forward he slid underneath the gate. Snatching up the rifle, he got to his feet and kept running.
Some form of instinct took over his body now that he had weapon's reassuring weight in his hands, for some reason it felt right, maybe even natural. Releasing the safety he pushed forward, luckily the clip was full he only hoped that his luck held out and that the firing mechanism wasn't rusted to hell like everything else in this God forsaken place, "I hope you know how to use that thing…"
The Guardian continued forward not wanting to look back at the hornet's nest he had inadvertently kicked; he could hear them in the pipes above him…
A piece of the ceiling fell through directly in front of and one of those… things his Ghost kept referring to as the 'Fallen' dropped down through the hole.
No time to aim. Jaune swung the butt of the gun forward, the metal making a satisfying cracking sound as it connected with the head of the alien. Not stopping to see what became of his adversary after it had fallen roughly to the ground he kept running his lungs beginning to burn, "The Fallen have a tighter hold on this place than I had thought. Let's hope there's still a ship that's flight worthy left out there…" Jaune grunted a grim agreement as another Fallen stepped into his path.
Lining up the red dot of the cracked sight of his rifle with the centre of the alien's chest he pulled the trigger. The shot flew wide, this sight is useless! Compensating for the damaged sight he fired again, this time a large dark hole opened up in the centre of the alien's head.
Stepping over the prone body the Guardian pushed forward into another empty room, the only other exit was through a hole in the side of the far wall. Jaune made a B-line for his exit which bought him out into the cold night air.
Before him stood several wrecked buildings but what drew his eye were the three giant towers that stood out stark against the night sky, "What, is this place?" he asked in awe of his surroundings.
"This was an old Cosmodrone…" the Ghost replied, "There's got to be a ship or something we can use to get out of here."
A blinding red light appeared in the sky as Jaune moved forward across the courtyard, shielding his eyes with his free hand he watched in horror as a huge cruiser warped into existence, the shock-wave created by its entry demolishing the two farthest towers and shaking the ground violently.
"What are Fallen ships doing so close to the surface?" his Ghost exclaimed.
"How the hell am I supposed to know?" Jaune yelled back taking cover behind a chest high wall as a Fallen patrol dropped into the courtyard.
"That was a rhetorical question."
Popping out from cover Jaune picked his shots knowing too well that the next one could be his last he counted his shots, "One… Two… Three… Four…Five" each word was punctuated by a single shot all of which hit their mark.
"I'm picking up signs of an old jumpship." his Ghost informed him, "It could be our ticket out of here."
"Where is it?"
"In the hangar up ahead, Dock 13."
The Guardian could hear movement within the hangar so he approached with caution; he poked his head through the doorway before quickly snapping back into cover.
"What is it what do you see?" the Ghost asked curious about the boy's reaction.
"S-see for yourself…"
In the hangar looming over the jumpship suspended from the ceiling was the biggest Fallen either of them had ever seen, "That's a Devil Archon…"
"I don't care what it is!" Jaune snapped, "Look at it it's huge! How the hell am I supposed to take it out?"
"You could try shooting it." the Ghost suggested, "It's seemed to work well for you so far…"
"Thanks for the advice." he replied his voice dripping with sarcasm.
The Archon had obviously heard them as it had stopped whatever it had been doing to the old jumpship and was approaching them slowly.
"Aww… Hell." he muttered as he stepped out of cover and raised his gun.
Gunshots rang out filling the air with empty bullet casings and the smell of cordite as he let the automatic weapon chew through the last reserves of his ammo, fortunately the Archon had neglected to leave its shield up, its body was now paying the price for that mistake as the hail of lead raked across its chest and blew a chuck out of its head.
The gun clicked empty several times before he slowly released his hold on the trigger his breathing heavy, with the Devil Archon dead Jaune advanced his body still shaking from the surge of adrenaline that had been dumped into his system towards the jumpship, it was a mess, the casings on the two large barrel shaped engines installed in the wing structures jutting out from either side of the pointed hull were cracked and broken and in some places missing entirely and the whole thing was covered in rust like everything else in this place.
"It's been here awhile." the Ghost informed him as it appeared at his side before floating up towards the ship, "Hasn't made a jump in centuries, although the time thing doesn't seem to really mean much at the moment, you haven't been up and walking for centuries but look at you now." it had meant for that to be a joke but the words obviously hit a nerve.
Jaune steeled himself knowing the answer to his question would not be a nice one but he asked anyway, "You've said that several times now, you know about how I was dead… What do you mean by that?"
"This really isn't a good time." the Ghost replied indignantly as it flew around the ship scanning the inevitably failing systems.
"I think straight after you did the whole Lazarus thing on me was a good time for an explanation." Jaune retorted angrily as the Ghost disappeared around the side of the ship.
"Would you believe me if I told you this was all a dream and if you do what I tell you'll wake?" the Ghost queried as it peeped out from behind one of the engines.
"Are you mocking me?"
"No…" the Ghost replied unconvincingly, a brief silence extended between the two. The Guardian folded his arms across his chest and looked directly at his floating companion, raising a single eyebrow like an unhappy parent.
"Fine let's make a deal," the Ghost said giving up. "I'll answer all your questions if you get in the ship. Sound fair to you?"
Jaune nodded his agreement, "Sounds fair. So will it fly?"
The Ghost focused his attention back on the ship before turning back to the Guardian, "I can make it work." In a sparkle of light the Ghost disappeared into the jumpship.
The cords that held the ship above the ground began to shake violently as the ancient engines were forced back into life, the turbines inside the engine screeched in complaint as they started turning, the wreck released plumes of rust and dust as the engines spluttered into life and then roared with flames as they took up the weight of the rest of the ship. The whole thing dipped as the docking cords released and it looked like the whole machine might destroy itself my smearing itself across the ground but its engines kept it in the air.
"I sense movement… We should get moving." Jaune's body tingled as his body broken down as the Ghost activated a transmat and pulled him into the ship.
As jumpship pulled its old broken body from its tomb its engines howling as the Ghost struggled to hold them together, a Fallen Captain leveled its weapon at the rising ship; the Shrapnel Launcher would easily tear through the rusted hull of the Guardian's newly acquired transport. It didn't get to pull the trigger as a blade was drawn across its throat.
As the body of the Fallen leader crumpled in the dirt a foot stepped over it, clad in crimson and bronze the lone figure watched as the ancient jumpship's engine dialed up to its maximum output. With a strained howl the ship threw itself forward into the sky vanishing into the horizon, "Jaune…"
Author's Note: So guys how's it going? Hope you guys enjoyed the Destiny AU, along with The Ninja, the Faunus and the Spartan this story is going to have a really weird release schedule. The story is going to follow Destiny's main story line with Jaune taking the role of the player's Guardian, side missions will be referenced but Jaune won't take them on. I'm still working on a few things but there is one thing I want to ask should I use RWBY characters for the Vanguard leaders eg. Ozpin=The Speaker, Glynda Goodwitch=Ikora Rey, Oobleck=Cayde-6, Professor Port=Commander Zavala or just keep them as normal...